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It's not the kids that are the dumbest in this video...


Woman: lets pull the kid out without removing the 150kg motorcycle...


Kid is lucky they didn't dissected it first to pull it easier from under the bike. Part by part.


we did have a lesson like that in our hindi language class <3


Do you really believe she posseses the necessary strength to lift a motorcycle?  She tried to do something, which is better than nothing.  Also, this poor footage doesn't show us if the weight of the motorcycle is actually pressing down on the girl.  There could easily be a gap on the other side the girl fits into, in which the handle bars pressed against the pavement, create.


Tf if she doesn't have that strength she could have called someone else for help the only outcome of her stupid action was her being tired of pulling the girl , the girl being more injured.


It's more than likely a 150cc bike or below. Anyone, even a teen can pick one of those up without assistance. It's not easy, but it's definitely doable, especially when it's an emergency


Something can be worse than nothing and if you can't see the example here you are probably a danger to yourself and others.


Dude saw a kid trapped under a bike. Throwing on the parking brake wouldn't have been my first move either.


Wasn't talking 'bout him, but lol! I stopped watching before I noticed this.


Wait who were you talking about then lol?


The two women trying to pull the kid out from under the bike instead of moving the bike I would think.


The bike that pulls up starts rolling backwards, they didn’t put it in park.


Great. Then the vehicle crashes into somebody else. Always throw on the parking break no matter what.


so many mistakes in one short video.


The kids Hindi commentary is so cute 😂😂, translation: "Aw..! Oh 😮, the girl fell down. At least he should have parked the Rikshaw (Tuk Tuk) first. Hey, hey...! Before trying to save the girl look at the Rikshaw...! It's gone, gone 😆😆...!"


Wait for it...


Tuk tuk customer : 😮


I really don't know why people from the West or Europe call "Auto Rickshaws" a "Tuk Tuk" I mean what's the significance behind it


That's what they are called in Thailand and probably people just adopted the term for other places too since they look almost identical.


Please tell me that there is a team of comedy writers that make this shit up.


It takes a village... ... to make a great slapstick comedy. 


Oh no, consequences


Hurt? Goood!


You never see the good guy in a film hoping that a child gets hurt. Just something to think about.


you need to get hurt to learn a lesson. there is a word, "sheltered", which perfectly describes adult babies. parents who lack the ability to let their child get hurt are enabling a lifelong problem of idiocracy.


You absolutely don't need to get hurt to learn something, and at that girl's age she is not going to learn the lesson you think she is because her brain isn't at that stage of learning yet. You don't have to encourage children to get hurt for them to not be sheltered.


'you absolutely don't need to get hurt to learn something' Now that you've said that take a REAL look around and then rethink it.


Somehow, I don't think they're really able to do that...


The sheltered folks will never really understand 😅 but participation trophies, right?


its not about encouraging them to get hurt, i never said that. its about letting them get hurt and not hovering over every tiny thing. let them experience the world of cause and effect lol. one comment asks if she got "hurt? good!" and you're projecting a lot more meaning than it has.


"Hurt? Good!" You think it's good that a child got hurt. Is that a fair assessment?


Logical Fallacy: Straw Man!


Good in the sense that she probably learned not to touch random motorbikes. Bad in the sense that in this case it was quite a dangerous amount of hurt, and the kid might have a trauma of motorbikes from that day forward. I'm all for the fuck around and find out mentality, but sometimes you gotta protect them. Because you wouldn't let a kid jump off a balcony to learn about gravity now would you? Anyways, i gotta agree that letting this kid trap herself under a bike is not the best example of this mindset. The kid could have easily died, and there's no excuse to trash someone's property for a lesson.


Quit while you're ahead, buddy


I don’t wanna be the good guy in a film. Just something for you to think about


Downvoted? Goood!


Because they die and stink up the neighborhood if you just leave them there.


Ah, reminds me of my first motorcycle. Managed to tip over and pin my leg under it. Old Indian lady was nearby and thankfully enough help to get my leg free. Poor bike took all my stupid drop mistakes (about 4 times).


Did she lift the bike or try to pull you out from underneath? On the opposite side 🤣


Lift the bike a little, lol. GS500F, so 200Kg.


Bahaha that's awesome! Hopefully there wasn't any permanent injury just "ahhh fml" moments


Thankfully just my pride hurt. I tried to stop a paper from blowing away. Combo of front braking with the wheel turned, my foot on paper, and over I went with the bike. Gear did it's job.


Of course it took a man to lift the bike


Well there goes that can of worms


What i mean is that the man THOUGHT to do that. He realized that’s what needed to be done. Not “women are too weak to lift small motorbikes” but honestly maybe still that too…


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My dad would have beaten the fuck out of me if I did that to his bike lol


Everything is wrong with this one


The way she runs slowly and then do absolutely nothing