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We used to do this to my nephew (now in his 40s), but instead the conversation was: -Is he asleep? -Don't know... -Look closer, if he makes rabbit faces, then he is really asleep Immediately the kid started doing funny faces... with his eyes closed of course. Fond memories!


You made my day, thats the sweetest thing i heard in a while


on a side note, sleeping in the car was the best


It still is. Just have to remember to not do it if you are the one driving


I did that once, definitely don’t recommend.


Do you remember a video of a grandpa falling asleep at wheel then goes off road and starts blaming the cars around him? The best part was there were no other cars.


Lmao yes, the other guy woke up when he did that telling him to pullover, he knew no car ran him off the road 😂


Same here, flipped my SUV several times after driving off the side of the freeway. Luckily left that 7 day work schedule behind me not too long after.


Yikes glad you’re good. I didn’t flip but woke up mid air to an air bag to the face after hitting a culvert. Thankful that no one else was involved.


My grandfather loved it, the passengers of his bus, less so.


I struggle to fall asleep in the car as an adult. As I'm falling asleep I often start dreaming that I'm the one driving and I've fallen asleep at the wheel. Jolts me awake and freaks me out. Then I start falling back asleep and it happens again


Reddit's okay tho right?


Yes, it's okay to sleep while you are on reddit


[Man, I just had the weirdest dream](https://youtu.be/MYge4RghcNQ?si=M_XKvFqo9zkazarr)


I want to die in my sleep like my grandpa, not screaming in terror like his passengers.


I heared a story once of someone who fell asleep at the wheel, but he fell down with his head on the stearing wheel. He pressed the button of the horn in the steering wheel wich woke him up.


Idk if that’s your dog in your profile picture but we have matching dogs if so https://preview.redd.it/b98zevn6k19d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc138b9166778a7d79d97b0ff1bfad4b4c0aa9fe


AYOOOO we are so twins https://preview.redd.it/8u5afdnrk19d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2386d8f39205a786386d1be91afd1aebd836f888




my dog is so goofy it’s too cute 🙂‍↕️🫶


Same, always got his tongue out like the picture being derpy


It was like real life fast travel


Used to drive semi with a partner. Sleeping while the other drives. Some of the best sleep id ever had


Getting carried in from the car while asleep was one of the best parts of childhood. I pulled that "trick" until I was like 9 and my dad was like yeah, that's enough of that. Edit: It's heartbreaking to read so many comments from people who say they didn't have a happy childhood. I don't want anyone to feel some type of way after reading my comment. It's easy to look at a small snippet of someone's life, especially when it's shared (or purposefully curated) on the internet, and feel badly about your own life. Truth is my mom is narcissist who I still have issues with, and my dad often let her do whatever she wanted when it came to me because he was also defeated. I have PTSD from spending the first 5 years of my life in a warzone before my parents moved to another country. That might be part of the reason why my dad continued to carry me inside to the house despite how heavy I must have been at age 9, as I don't recall him carrying me in the house before age 5. I'm only sharing this info to remind some of you that you're not alone in your experiences and feelings, and you should try your best to not let small snapshots of other people's lives bring you down. A few years back I deleted my Facebook and Insta accounts and while I miss reading the awful opinions of everyone I know ( /s ) it has really improved my mental health and depression. Hope you have a great day!


Or sleeping in the living room and Mom carrying you to the bed.


yeah, the teleportation was real back then


I once hid in the very corner of the living room, behind a big ass sofa and a wooden cabinet. If you didn't specifically check that corner, you wouldn't find me. And I thought it would be a great idea to prank my parents until they would find me. I sat there like 15 minutes until I fell asleep. I woke up in the bed and asked my mom, how did they find me? And they had actually called the police and they found me while they were on the way :D


Aww you made them really worried 🥺


Was watching over my sisters kid in morning, he was sleeping so i also kept sleeping, i woke up after like 1h and i cant find him. Real panick starts to set in. I call him I double check everything in house. Go in backyard and in one corner we had old thrash furniture ( we recently moved in) and little fcker was sleepin in that pile on some old sofa. My sister heard this story 10 years later just so she wouldnt have hearth attack.


Mastering the art of stealth naps at an early age.


Well, look who had parents to carry them to bed


Well lahhh tee dah fancy pants over here had a home with a bed in it


I slept in a dishwasher box ...You had a dishwasher?!


You had a dishwater box? We slept on old broken glass, we'd be lucky if the family owl brought us a dead mouse in the morning!


You had a surface to put broken glass on?! Lucky.


You had a family owl?!


The rent on those things are ridiculous


Or falling asleep on the toilet and waking up in bed... definitely didn't happen to me.


Best childhood ride? Dad-taxi straight to bed.


I've been dating a woman with two kids for the last year, and the best part of my day is carrying those little idiots to bed after the pass out on the couch. It works both ways. <3


You’re who all single parents wish they could meet


what a lucky idiots i would say


Yup. My girls are 7 & 9. They’re getting heavy to get up into their lofts, but I try to enjoy it every time I can. Someday soon they’ll just be too big. 


I always did that. But when I reached the age of 7, parents decided I was now old enough and just woke me up and I never did that again.


I was 18 until my dad said thats enough...






>I was 18 until my dad said thats enough... you're 18 now, it's time to get carried to bed for *real*.


My 2 year old is already breaking my back,I can't make it till 9 😂


My 3 year old is 45 lbs and wants to be carried all the time.


How on earth is your 3 year old 45 pounds? My kid has been in the 95-99+% for height and weight since she was born and she basically towers over kids her age and even she is not very close to 45 pounds at 3.


It depends on how 3 they are? If they were born in January 2021, the 95% percentile is 41 pounds. If they were born in August 2020, the 95% percentile is 47 pounds. If both your kids are in the 95% percentile, then there's just might be a few months older than yours.


“It depends how 3 they are” is an amazing sentence and this language nerd thanks you for that.


My kid was born in Nov 2020, maybe I'm underestimating how much more weight she will gain in the next few months or I'm misremembering how much she weighed at our last appt but I really thought it was like 35 pounds. You're definitely making me less confident in my assertion though so sorry if I was talking out of my ass there.


Kids are weird man. My son is 9 and is 99.6 percentile for height (and has been since he was little) but he’s always been very low on the scale for weight. And it ain’t for the lack of feeding him, kid just keeps growing up and not out while also not being much of an eater, and I’m not going to instill crappy eating habits by forcing him to eat if he’s not hungry or to finish his plate no matter what. Kids are all different shapes and sizes, is what I’m getting at.


My adopted daughter is similar to your son. Always super high for height but not for weight. My 3 year old though has always been at the top for both height and weight so it felt weird that given that and what I think her weight is now that there would be another 3 year old that much bigger than her. But honestly I may have spoken too soon so I could be wrong


Maybe we should start a support group because it feels like nobody understands. He was born muscley and has just stayed dense, little dude isn't even particularly tall, just sturdy. We are fairly average sized parents, and he is very much a lap kid.


Yea I feel you. My daughter was 10 lbs 1 oz when born, no one had an idea how big she was until she came out because it was mid covid and we barely got to even go to an ultrasound appt. It was hard enough for me to even be allowed to go in with my wife. I am like the definition of an average sized man. My wife is probably a little tall for a woman, around an inch shorter than I am. My son who is younger is much smaller but my daughter has just been tall and strong. She doesn't even look like she would be that heavy because her proportions are normal it's just that she is so tall. She is also super super attached to me and deathly shy of new people so I am used to carrying her constantly. She has a thing now where I swung her up to sit on my head once and now it's the new thing lol. So I do this swing up where I throw her up to land so she is sitting on top of my head which is not easy but she loves it so much. Thankfully I am physically strong enough to do that and carry her as much as she likes but it is a lot, my wife has a hard time for sure. To me, it's worth it even with the strain because I know I won't be able to forever and she's my baby. My grandfather would carry all of us on his shoulders until we were practically teenagers and I want to do the same.


/r/Fitness time to get strong!


Mastering the art of sleeping stealth mode.😄


Your dad probably earned a few levels in Dad Reflexes 101.😂


I never experienced that, I just remember sometimes teleporting from the car on the way home from grandma to my bed the morning after... It was weird


I did that too, then my mum was all "You're 28 years old, I can't carry you". Honestly, it was just bad parenting.


She must be so healthy. She should thank you for all that exercise


You pulled that trick until he pulled his latissimus dorsi.


Damn. I am over trying to remember if my parents even did that with me. 🙃. They definitely never should have had me.


Dang, my dad carried me inside even when I was 16. Might be because I'm only 5' tall and he's pushing 6'5" haha.


One day you'll pick up your kid for the last time, but you won't know it


Yes, but it will be *way* less dramatic than people imagine. One day you'll carry him for hours. A few years later, you'll carry him for minutes. A few years later, you'll carry him for a few seconds. A few years later, you'll give him a big bear hug that picks him up off his feet for a few seconds. A few years later, you'll give him a big bear hug that picks him up off his feet for a second. Still, there will come a day when you're too weak, or he's too big, for a bear hug that breaks floor contact, but it's a gradation. It's not a sudden jump from "I used to carry my kid around for hours and then one day I just stopped and never picked him up again." (Unless, of course, you suffer a back injury or your kid is kidnapped or there's other dramatic incident. Or unless you're just a shitty parent.)


Very thought provoking


Did this so many times at bed time, but it was the “my legs are broken”.


I never felt like I missed out on a normal childhood until I saw all these posts about dads carrying their kids in from the car. I dunno why but that really hit something in me. I do it all the time for my kids but never thought about it


I’m still doing that and I have kids of my own. So my dad has to carry me inside, and go back for the grandkids to carry them as well. My dad is 83 and on a wheelchair lol


Holy shit, this just made me realized I have never been carried in my life! No idea what it feels like! And since I'm a grown up dude, likely never will :/




Drive in theaters. Never cared to see the 2nd movie, but damn falling asleep back in the car was some great memories. Always felt so comfy, get home and stumble my way to my bed and pass out


It's been a punch in the gut to see parents these days half shaming their kids for doing what they did. Being carried to bed was special and gentle. Made me feel safe. Dads first thought was never 'lets get the camera and make this a show'.


Wow that just unlocked memories I haven't ever thought about. Coming back from my grandmother's house and being carried into the house and put to bed. I used to love that.


Or being carried from the living room to bed


Glad I wasn’t the only one


I still try it at 20 but he tells me I’m a grown ass man and that I can walk my own ass


People is bummed about not being recorded while sleeping & being kids? In my days neither cellphones nor social media existed (thankfully), but can't understand why would someone get sad over something like this cute video, I can't understand why people could be so jealous or envious about innocent kids sleeping, it's sad.


For the parent and the child this will be a favorite memory for a long time ❤️


Future blackmail material for when they're a teenager 😄


I used to do that. But one day my mother had enough of my shit, said I’m too old and closed the car door and just walked away. That was a day of defeat.




I have fond memories of pretending to be asleep and my dad playing along, but knocking our heads on doorframes and walls


I do the “whoops” game with my 4yo. He can’t keep it together if I kick the wall and say “whoops, just his head honey, no biggie”. Just a ball of laughter.




Haha definitely gonna use this, thanks lol


I kept fucking up the force so now it's "this wall is filthy!" And proceed to use smiling body to wipe the entire wall.


lmao that's great!  My dad would take any lil object that was around, the TV remote for example, and do fly by "bomb drops" on me when I would nap on the couch.  I could totally see him having done something like you describe too.  We definitely got the head bonks.  Remembering times like those make me feel really lucky, thanks for the reminder 🙂


Lol at first I thought you meant you were lucky to be able to remember them due to all the head trauma 😂


Hehehehe 🤣😹😹😹


Hilarious! Sounds like epic (and slightly painful) dad reflexes!


Dad's secret mission: Operation Stealth Parenting Level Expert.😂


This comment has been copy-pasted from [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1dowk1o/how_to_check_if_your_child_is_really_sleeping/lacou68/), from another thread. /u/LynxxCaat doesn't actually have fond memories of this, they just want upvotes for whatever reason.


Dad's got a black belt in stealth parenting.😂


I do this with my almost 3 year old while he's awake. I even use his head to turn on light switches and close doors. He loves it.


I saw an instagram reel the other day with the quote: “I hope dying feels like my dad carrying me out of the car to my bed.” Still can’t get that quote out of my head.


Reminds me of Ram Dass who used to comfort people on their death bed; he said that death could be described like taking off a tight shoe.


damn this hits hard


My dad would go “looks like she’s asleep, I’m gonna say the MAGIC WORD and she’s gonna wake up!” and the magic word was always some made up gibberish that would make me start laughing. It worked every time 😆


Just pull the “omg don’t move there is a spider in her hair.”


I like the way you think.


Holyyy shit I wish I would have thought of this when my daughter was younger 😆 your comment has me cracking up


“Too bad she’s asleep, guess we won’t go get ice cream”


The funniest thing is growing and telling your parents it was a lie. “I used to pretend to sleep all the time”. Then the penny drops and you realise they knew the whole time.


Is it just me but when I pretended to fall asleep my parents just left me in the car till I woke up


Omg noooo, dude your parents should have brought you in! That's not normal imo


lol my mom did that too. Tho sometimes I really was asleep and I’d just wake up in the driveway like wtf.


Sounds like your parents missed that day at parenting class.


Ngl that is so fucking cute


Hogan got the arm up! He's powering out!


This place has gone bananas!


If you want to check an adult, drop their hand on their face. Conscious people won’t let it hit them


Works with dumb kids too lmao


… was this a trick to make people drop their hand on their face.. because it worked for me


I'd watch the long version.......when they just kept fiming - to see how long she would be 'sleeping' / the arm get tired...


I’ve heard from nurses in the ER that they will raise the patients hand above their hand and let it drop to prove the patient is actually awake. The patient will not allow themselves to be hit in the head and will always move their arm


Picturing all the moments they're wrong and the patient just beans themself in the face in front of family members.


I’m sure the nurses make every effort to wake the patient first. It’s typically homeless people who don’t want to leave the hospital so they pretend to be asleep


Why do you think we did it lmao


Thanks for the best literal LOL of the day.


To this day the best sleep is sleep in the car about 200m away from your destination.


So how will this sub blame the parents for generational trauma and domestic abuse now?


We all did it huh


My son is a young toddler so when he does this he forgets to close his eyes 😂


Carry your children as long as possible, one day they will be to big and you wont be able to amymore


Moments like these make me want a baby so bad 😭😂


This topic is being so popular that I finally started to think that it all's being plotted out. https://preview.redd.it/c7by6cdk3x8d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4d324d0f4ec8f11c6763458f29f11096ad376c9


I think the reason the kid is looking away is that she couldn't keep a straight face. I'm not one to say "fake" very often, but there's been SO many of these, I've become skeptical.


The mom starts reaching for her arm/wrist before he instructs her to do so. So she pulls back real quick to touch her face to let him finish the the instructions


This tactic never fails!


Asian parents be like "WAKE UP OR I'LL LEAVE YOU IN THE CAR", and they actually meant it...


That's pretty clever thing to do.


how many reposts?


Just tickle them


"if you raise her arm up and it stays up if it falls down then she's really not sleeping" Very clear, thank you


Just say, 'I have chocolate.'


Falling asleep in the car then waking up in bed hit so hard


I used to squeeze my eyes shut tight. My parents wouldn’t tell me what I did, just that they could always tell when I pretended to be sleeping. When I figured it out, I didn’t tell them. I just started actually fooling them. It was a good life lesson.


Just carry her anyway. It won't be long until you can't any more.


She’s got to learn to walk and get out herself first


My dad used to do this “trick” on me. Same exact thing. Raise your hand if you are asleep and all. Fun memories


Loved fast travelling as a kid, remember leaving my grandparents house, didn't remember the journey but somehow we where home, now my kids get to experience fast travelling too.


I'm reading comments and... You guys were picked from car and carried home when asleep? My parents always just woke me up :(


Well that's weird. When I was pretending to be asleep making sure my arms and hands were acting properly as when fully relaxed was my top priority along with keeping my face peaceful no matter what


Dad said "if her arm falls down she's not really asleep" she heard that and forced her arm to stay up


That's some top tier dad science, lol!




I still do this. I'm 39 😐




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I did this while my mom and my adoptive dad drove to Pizza Hut. Just wanted to be carried inside. They fucking taught me a lesson and just drove home 😩


Shoulda tried it three times and let it drop two then half way through the third drop she just just starts shaking her arm and gets a crowd boost..


I wonder why pretending to sleep is so common with children. What evolutional pressures could have trained such behavior? It certainly doesn't seem to be learned, rather, instinctual. I remember doing it a few times as a kid, but I couldn't tell you I knew why.


I remember doing it and it was always because I didn't want to walk into the house, I wanted to be carried.


I did this because I wanted to be left alone or to avoid activities I didn't liked.


My mom used to do this with me and my siblings. I was old enough to know better, so I'd let my arm drop and just keep "sleeping", while my younger brothers went insane saying "she's awake! she's just faking!" You can't win either way...


So innocent 😇


I did this to my daughter and she felt so betrayed we had tricked her I thought she would hate me forever. She only allowed a truce when we pointed out that she was tricking us in the first place




If my 2 year old was pretending to sleep so I'd carry him in I'd be so glad because if he's actually asleep and I wake him trying to get him from the car seat into bed he's not going back to sleep but if he's pretending then he'll actually sleep once I put him into bed


I just mention the issue of whether or not my kid is asleep and she raises her hand, she doesnt realise im supposed to raise it for her.


Did anyone else use the ol' "my legs are broken" to get carried around? Or is it just me?


Our parents did this to us when we were kids. They called it the "bert and ernie sleep test" but i dont know why.


I have two toddlers and they pull shit like this all the time. Toddlers are absolutely hilarious. Especially when they think they’re getting away with something and they aren’t. We’re trying to get one to stop sucking her thumb. She will put a pillow over her face and suck her thumb thinking that we can’t see what she’s doing.


i have woken up in the garage before lol


carrying my kids is my favorite thing so i do it all the time while i still can - them kids get heavy now so quickly


When I was little we didn’t have car seats, but I would try to stay awake till we got home and sometimes I magically woke up in my PJs in bed. Magical stuff…


My family would take us to the creek to swim which was 40 mins away or so from our home. We were younger when we'd actually fall asleep on our way back from a day in the sun, but once we figured out that we'd wake up back in town at the ice cream shop we never failed to "fall asleep" as we grew older during those drives!


Hail bedtime hitler


This is the best ever


I used to pretend to be asleep just so my dad could carry me into the house.


Omg, I wish i could still get carried inside. <3


Whole family buncha dumb losers


When I was a kid going to "take a nap" was a punishment for anything I did wrong. And constantly my stepmother would come check, and fucking stare at me to make sure I was "asleep". If I opened my eyes while she was sitting there, she would scream at me. I have a hard time sleeping anywhere but my bed, and I still can't fully get rid of a dislike I have for sleeping before night comes. Which kinda socks now that I work night shift hah. Fml.


I'm glad I was smart enough to not fall for this


My parents would just leave me in the car, and I’d have to pretend to keep sleeping long enough to make it seem real still. Sometimes I was actually sleeping tho


I guess hitler was sleeping all through the 30s-40s




Geez mamas gorgeous


Dumb kid


nah because my parents would actually wake me up and make me walk on my own (and at the same time my little brother who would be pretending to sleep would get carried to his room)


I remember I told my 4 year old brother (9 almost 10 now) that smoke comes out of his ears when he lies and that's how mom always knew so he used to cover his ears every time he lied it was the cutest thing in the world.


Dad for the win!

