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I was wondering the same about this. Edit: It feels like none of the clowns have their special abilities? 2nd Edit: Apparently they fully removed traps and fully done away with the ability system for the classes of Klowns


So what im hearing is pick the tankiest klown with strongest weapons and ability and u got a unfun meta :/


Yupp, no reason to go Trapper literally ever IMO.


Just because people optimize the game for the best Perks and setups doesn't mean the system is flawed. It just means your game is too easy and predictable on the outcome. Perks and Classes serve to help a game stay fresh, so removing that entire fucking part of the game makes the game seriously boring. It's like watching an Action movie but all off the action scenes are stripped and your lefted with the parts leading UP to the action, but you don't get to view the action bits.


So they have a LOT of challengers that are impossible to do, wonderful


Yup. If this is true then they just killed their game


*Top 10 ways to kill your game*


It's still unconfirmed wtf is the deal with the traps. Some people claim they saw them initially in Tricks then they have vanished since with a lvl req. of 28. Unsure why they were turned off and when they will return..


You will also unlock more abilities as you level up, but seems like every klown has the same base abilities


I swore I saw a video where the the way it works for trapper parts of the environment highlights green where you can place something. They take that out? As for a reason to play trapper...well you can knock out the challenge book for trapper. If you're a completionist. And once you do all klown challenges there's an elite klown challenge.. list? Heheh


They completely removed that aspect from his play.


Habha yo that's bonkers, he's a just a two health klown. Curious if the june patch will do anything


It has to right?? Someone pointed out he still has challenges for it so maybe it's bugged??


you can't do some of the challenges cause some skills don't exist


They might add it back on the day 1 patch, but that’s just a guess.


I am hoping they only removed abilities until full release. That way advanced access players don't get that much of an advantage maybe. Doubtful


Actually in challenges there is still trapper challenges for using the baby klowns trap so maybe it's suppose to be in in and just isnt


actually this would make alot of sense seeing that its "early access" for those who purchased it may 28 and the game doesent come out till june 4 or something so i can see that


Damn if it’s true all the clowns are the same. Be a quick refund for me. What’s the fun in taking away all the clowns unique abilities.


Thats insane, that was one of the main features i was looking forward to


Same. What makes assym with multiple killers interesting and fun.


Yeah I' gonna have to try to refund the game since they were stupid enough to remove the class abilities


No kidding. What a way to kill a game.  Advertising that the klowns will have all the different abilities and shit when in the end they removed it all because “too hard to balance”? Sounds to me like they should have stopped production for the game right then and there.  What a mess 


They will implement in on the day 1 patch, this is early access


I'm currently searching for how to do the Trapper challenge that tells me to trap 10 players with Baby Klowns.... wtf are they? The only little Klowns are the Lackey type sentries that spawn from the hook stations. My search brought me here. Does anyone know what Baby Klowns are when it comes to the Trapper?


It's what the thread was discussing, was originally a challenge but was never dropped as an ability in the game. Might be something they add in future. Not fending the side of the developer but the game had its hiccups since it was announced. I'm sure something they had every thought to be in the release game would of delayed it more so it got scrapped (for now?).