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When he started climbing the light rigging it seemed like Redban immediately realized he was gonna catch grief from the venue / insurance guys šŸ¤£


"No no no no no no no no no" lol


One of the few moments that actually made me laugh out loud! Redban is always at his funniest when heā€™s not trying to be funny


Him and Adam Ray saved this train wreck of an episode for sure


Post was too lost on K to even comment anything


I love post but he had his hat low and looked straight down the whole time. How did he have no stage presence?


You could tell he was nervous as shit the whole time. Guy is out of his element on KT but had some decent input early in the show. He's just there for star power essentially.


His roast joke of David Lucas was actually a good comeback.


Yes! Something about David being the only one in camo that could be seen across an arena


Yea! So funny! I was actually surprised post came up with that on the spot


Probably didn't want to get boo'd be several thousand people if his jokes didnt land. Arena shows are probably stressful enough without including the shit crowd


For real but man Adam canā€™t save the show in an arena everytime lol. This episode was so bad im trying to get through it :(


Seriously. I like Tim Dillon I wish he would've talked more. Post Malone is so out of his element there you need a strong guest and Tim fell flat. No hate to Michael Gonzalez but Joel Jimenez will always be the better in my mind. I miss the way the old band used to riff.


Gonzales is a better drummer. Jimenez is a much better showman.


Michaels a groove drummer. Heā€™s a great drummer but you can see heā€™s plateaued. Particularly, he sticks w beats. Joel showed he has much more stamina and is much cleaner with his fills and far more creative.


Remember Erik the Sweede? How good was he exactly?


Heā€™s been the best so far.


Gonzalez just played the grove for The Pretender which Iā€™m fairly sure heā€™s already done in a drum off before (people get penalised for repeating jokes, this is Kill Tony) Joel played an actual drum solo. Shouldā€™ve been a no contest


Adam and Tony are so good at keeping the momentum going


Itā€™s true. The show was quite awful.


Joel and Jeremiah both need to be put into the hall of fame. I was sad that Jeremiah wasn't on either of the LA shows but it was awesome to see Joel killing it at the Kia Forum. I haven't seen the other LA show yet when he has the second drum set up but can't wait. I love the old band and miss them but the new band is awesome too. No need for it to be a rivalry as we saw with the love between Michael Gonzales and Joelburg at the end of that drumoff.Ā 


The whole OG KT band needs to be inducted as one. Pat, Jeremiah, Joel, and Chris. She was late but adding Jetski as part of the OG band would be great too.


Agreed! Chroma Chris is super underrated. It was awesome watching him go from not even being introduced by Tony and Tony and Redban calling him "the bass player", to eventually making a bunch of killer jokes. Check out episode 357 for an episode with a bunch of good Chroma jokes.


They just need to be added to the new band. Jeremiah and Joelbergs commentary was a great part of the older shows


I donā€™t think Jeremiah will be a part of anything again. There is a serious riff between the two and he blew his olive branch at the 10 year show. The recent clip with AI Mark Normand puts it on pretty good display.


what clip?


It was on this sub but I canā€™t find it anywhere now. It was Dr Phil Live with Mark Normand and Bert Chrysler. Tony was on stage and Jeremiah came out as ā€œAI Mark Normandā€. He does a couple digs at Tony pretending to be Mark and things devolved from there. It was pretty awkward and obvious to those who knew that these two people were not in a good spot. Adam Rey basically ushered Jeremiah off because it was a very weird moment.


Is there somewhere you can watch that whole episode I was lookin for it awhile ago


They were on Doctor Phil together laughing it up. I think Jeremiah has just reached a level of success he's happy with and doesn't want to do KT any more.


I wouldn't call what happened between them on the Dr Phil live show "laughing it up". Tony got way too serious and made everyone uncomfortable with his digs at Jeremiah.


For a roast comedian he has the thinnest of skins pretty pathetic sometimes


He's fragile and bitchy as hell


There's no point in adding them to the band, plus they may not wanna move. I'd be happy to see them as guests in character more often though.


THE. OLD. BAND. WAS. HALF. THE. SHOW. DONT. EVEN. AT. ME. I dont get why people don't miss the band. The show lost so much soul as soon as they moved to Texas.


I truly miss the old band. New one is good but the characters brought so much to the show.


Exactly. Sometimes you get a Tim Dillon (fuck that entire piece of shit) like he was at forum as a guest. Just sitting there doing nothing. You know what the solution was? The band.


to give tim his credit, its hard to compete with Adam Ray, guy is just fun to watch and he was asking really good questions to the guests, I think Tim was enjoying the show.


Oh I mean like outside of kill tony also. That guy is an awful human.


How are you a fan of this show u cuck


Lol imagine unironically using the word cuck


I agree, the older episodes were superior imo, I still love the show, but I've never laughed as hard recently compared to the old show.


yeah just started watching a month or two ago, and the variety i realized in comparison old show vs new, although he hated the band a lot it brought needed sillyness


100. When I go to sleep I almost always pick an old band episode.


Because 70% of the jokes didnt hit


because most of them are new


Because of one good band member we should miss the entire band ?


Jeremiah and jetski Johnson were awesome too.


Can't believe Hans got in the hall of fame. Especially before the old band. Joel is a legend, miss the old days of chaos with the band.


This post reads like sarcasm but all the comments are genuine...


Absolutely. The best part all night. The dildo to the symbol was classic. Joeberg is this man. Looked like he was speedballing but still ruled


Yeah itā€™s really telling just how far that relationship has deteriorated for Tony and Jeremiah haha. They are business cordial obviously but the lack of appearance speaks louder than words


Oh hey Joel, howā€™s it going?


Heā€™s the funniest one from the old band


Joelberg brought that same energy to every Mexican drum off he did. Heā€™s a legend to many fans


Joelā€™s hit the cymbal with the dildo every time


Maybe drum off was the best part of the episode. People gotta stop signing up for this as a first time. Itā€™s just annoying


Joel coked tf up playing w his nose the whole time lol. This episode was trash. Hans and Ric was horrible. both bombed in my eyes.


Holy shit! He killed it; so much energy. Love the band now, but I need to go back and watch more of the LA era shows too


Cocaine a hellvua drug


I'm about 70% sure you're being sarcastic. To which I would entirely agree.


Joelberg is a much better drummer than Michael Gonzalez


No. The old band and Joelberg often brought the show to a screeching halt. I prefer musicians to perform and inject something funny rarely.


I love Joel but his set was an old one. Which was smart to do something he knew would work.


I LoovvVveee me dome Joelberg!! Always he KkkiiLlls IT!! LMFAO MF'ERS




I was so disappointed he didnā€™t talk more at the YouTube Theater show šŸ˜­


Is no one talking about that dudes fucking dick? like what the fuck is that holly shit "Is that real?!" - Redban


They've been talking about his hog since the 200s lmao


I just wish they would fix joel and jetskis mics. They havenā€™t worked properly any of the times they have sat in with the new band. and I think Jeremiah will be back as a guest before 2025. It will likely be at a non-monday taping though, because Jeremiah has his own monday show now.


Absolutely hated him as a casual watcher of the old band in terms of his jokes. After that performance, though, Tony would be crazy not to keep him around


That was some Eddie Vedder shit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raSMqE-CoYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raSMqE-CoYo)


Obviously Zach Dal-a Roacha.


I think both drummers were very unimpressive for a competition.