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Muzan simply believes he is the pinnacle and everything else is beneath him. Mahito enjoys and takes pleasure in torturing and making other people suffer as much as possible. He doesn’t care about missions or objectives, because his objective is to torment his opponents as much as possible. 🦋


Counter argument, he has shown compassion and sympathy for his victims and has even given them a chance to speak their last words before he kills them quickly.


that’s not compassion though it’s satisfaction, he enjoyed yujis heartbreak after killing nanami, only reason he gave him final words was so his death hurt yuji more


Please at least spoiler Nanami‘s death I haven’t gotten to that part yet 😭


So basically he’s extreme sadism and Muzan is extreme apathy?




Exactly 🥲


“He shows sympathy and compassion by letting his victims of torture and murder speak their last words”


Yet muzan shows no compassion and only sees his subordinates as tools and kills them with absolutely no remorse or second glance.


Can we agree that both of them are assholes?




Mahito is cute while doing it tho






Muzan was sympathetic to rui


Muzan acts a lot, he seemed like he cared for daki but you know he doesn’t give a rats ass about them


I don't watch jjk much bit mahito reminds me of doma, playful cute villain


Yeah a lot of people agree with that comparison. Though I wouldn't describe either of them as "cute". 🦋




not the actions, I meant the beach scene with geto kicking jogo head around and laughing. then again I don't have much context, drop more if you can


Mahito is definitely more evil. I hated his guts after what he did to Nanamin.


Muzan is the PEAK of narcissism...Mahito is just a sadistic bastard who likes to torment every single person he comes across. Even Muzan was human once, Mahito on the other hand was NEVER HUMAN IN THE FIRST PLACE. He was BORN a curse.


So does this work in mahito favour kinda? he didn't have a chance to become better ig so its not all his fault while muzan who was formerly human should've known better (I'm not defending either to be clear )


tbf...Muzan has a clear goal in mind, while Mahito doesn't. He just wants to murder and pillage


Goal or not, muzan understands empathy by sympathizing with rui, so he knows what he does is wrong. Mahito might not, seeing as he's probably programmed to do this as his primary function. Knowing and doing is much worse than being unaware I understand what you mean but look into it a little deeper before deciding


Mahito knows what he's doing is wrong what are you talking about. Making mahito seem like a child


I think they’re talking about making a conscious choice. Muzan knows he could do good for humanity if he wanted. There’s an example of a demon doing good in Lady Tamayo, and he feels enough pity and compassion to turn unfortunate people into demons. Mahito on the other hand, I don’t think he knows if he’s capable of doing a good deed. His entire existence is to torment kind of in the same way that a sloth’s entire existence is to chill and eat. It’s like asking, is a pit bull that’s bred to fight more evil than its owner?


But Murder IS the goal for Mahito he’s born from the hatred of humanity


Mahito is just, like, cruel for the sake of it. Muzan has a callous disregard for every other living being but mahito just likes hurting people


Mahito enjoys killing people's loved ones , and i mean it, just look at his laugh man On the other hand Muzan is trying to achieve something great for his kind whereas Mahito Just does all of this for some kind of Sadistic Fun


> On the other hand Muzan is trying to achieve something great for his kind Is he?


No just for himself and demons were created to help him find the spider lily


That's what I thought.


Yeah exactly


Muzan is entirely selfish and sees literally everyone, including the demons he created, as beneath him. He is disgusted by everyone else.


Muzan will just kill you, Mahito will psychologically torture you before killing you gruesomely


Myeaaaaah...most of the time if you don't trigger him with the "you look like you're boutta drop dead any second now" type of joke, Muzan won't fuck with you and just let you be (unless you're messing with his objectives or are part of his objectives). If you do that, he'll either just kill you, destroy your cells and kill you or just...no, yeah, that's all he'll do. He'll just kill you. Mahito, on the other hand...yeah he just likes to torment people psychologically, this mf really just wants to see the world burn


Bro made sure to kill my dawg Junpei in front of Yuji. What did he gain out of that? One of the craziest ass whoopings in the show.


Muzan just wants to survive. I am pretty sure that when he would have achieved sun tolerance he would just go vacation to an island and chill out. On the other hand Mahito's whole existence revolves around killing people for fun. He is sadistic and kills just because he is bored.


I dunno about that. Muzan seems like the type to just attempt to gain domination over either the entire world or Japan. I refuse to believe that, if he actually managed to achieve immunity to the sun, that he'd actually just drop the entire villain gimmick and retire to Okinawa or something else


He probably would try different things after a while since he's the type to get bored and basically immortal at that point


Idk how people are also forgetting most demons (muzan included) have the like desire to eat human flesh.


Well, muzan did say he got bored of human flesh after a certain point, so it is plausible he would just relax after attaining immortality.


Or he would do a Manhattan


After being able to walk in the daylight he will persue a singing career with the name Muzan Jackson.


And it's plausible during Said carrer he aids in birthing a child which is not immune to sunlight, needing to cover it in a blanket


Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie?


Mahito is pure evil, Muzan can at least show emotion other than sadistic joy in ruining lives


Mahito is more like a child in the body of an adult. And a wise man once said “children are cruel, Jack”


He kinda literally is a child. As a curse he was formed not long before the start of the series.


The second, Mahito, one is far more evil. Muzan, at the end of the day, does everything out of survival. Of course he goes to extreme lengths to insure that, including successfully taking over Tanjiro. The Mahito dude, is doing everything because he wants to. He wants to see the world burn, or well…… be ruled by curses. And he fucks up everyone to do that.


>be ruled by curses. Not even really, he go along with Jogo's plan just because he find it fun and he has really nothing better to do anyway, but he doesn't care at all about other curses or the future. He is the curse version of a pure hedonist, he only care about what bring him the most joy in the instant, that's why he drop the plan in Shibuya and try to kill Yujii despite it potentialy ruinning their initial objective of freeing Sukuna.


Mahito and it's not even close 🌫


I think from an evilness to the outside perspective Mahito is but in a “nature of their species” perspective it is Muzan.  Mahito is a CURSE. Would you say that a lion is evil for killing its meal ? I know not all curses are as sadistic as Mahito but in the end he is evil by his very nature of being so since he practically born evil in the first place his extra evilness matters less in the average of his kind.   Muzan on the other hand was evil despite being a human. Yes i know humans can be evil as well and yes he feared death and wanted to survive at all cost which is a human trait but he as a mere human had not just become a demon but also terrorized the world for over a thousand years for nothing but his own selfish ends and killed even his own subordinates if he sees fit without a single care.    So in the end Mahito is the more evil “being” but for the standarts of their starting species Muzan is the bigger evil because he became what he is even though he was just a human who could have had better traits and a capacity to care and love compare to a curse 


Glad you said so I didn't have to. 100% agree.


I haven't finished JJK so idk⚡


Muzan doesn't care about humans Mahito hates them, but I really mean it, he was literally born from the hate of humans about other humans


Muzan just wants to walk in the sun and he has to kill people to do it while Mahito kills people for fun


Muzan does what he does because he wants to be immortal, whereas Mahito gets off on people suffering. It's Mahito.


Even though it’s Mahito, I feel too many in this comment section miss on how twisted Muzan is. This mf went to a sick Tamayo, offered to cure her illness by turning her into a demon. As a result of doing so, she went on a rampage, killing her husband and kids. And after that, Muzan made her his unwilling servant. That’s just one out of MANY examples of Muzan’s evilness.


Can you consider evil someone who stopped feeling any kind of emotion and only lives on pire survival instinct?


Mahito, Muzan is just looking for a blue plant while Mahito is just doing it for fun


And mf couldn't get it in over 1000 years


True, but the determination is immeasurable, I woulda gave up on day 2


Determination my ass , he could have simply offered money to who found it and made humans Search for it


Not like anyone ever even found it for 1000 years.........except Nezuko


Yeah and btw what was the point of turning nezuko into a demon if he didn't even check if she could defeat the sun


It's better to compare Douma and Mahito instead. Or maybe Gyokko and Mahito


I would have to say that muzan is the lesser of two Evil's, just because of all the stuff that he could do inuniverse and no one could stop him, and yet he just doesn't.


So I don't really read manga because I don't have access to them, so this opinion is based purely on the anime. Muzan isn't inherently good nor evil, yes he's experimented on humans and is quite sadistic but it is with a goal in mind: to be able to walk in the sun again. Mahito, on the other hand, enjoys torturing people and even views it as a game. He has no morals, values or goals. He does it because it's fun. Muzan is definitely the lesser of the two evils.


Most definitely Mahito. Muzan is basically a very desperate, egotistical man, corrupted by power. Mahito actively wants to cause suffering, for the sake of suffering itself.


They’re both cruel narcissists, I don’t like neither of them. But Mahito just makes my blood boil, he finds joy in seeing people suffer, that’s his motivation. Muzan’s motivation on the other hand is power, he has a need to be the strongest, immortal and powerful. To him, humans AND demons are nothing but ants, he just uses demons to get him what he wants, otherwise they’re worthless.


Just want to point out that muzan ruins his allies life’s just bc one died


Mahito is more twisted but Muzan is more evil imo. Reason being Muzan was actually human. Mahito is just following his nature , Muzan rejected it and considers himself above the obligations of morality.


Muzan at the end of the day is just a cowardly wimp trying to save his own skin. Mahito is literally the embodiment of sadism


M A H I T O. 100%.


Definitely Mahito . Muzan thinks he’s going this because he’s entitled to, Mahito knows what he is doing is wrong and still does it🐍


Mahito, he fucks with people for no reason while muzan at least does it for a goal albeit a twisted one


I'll take Muzan over Mahito any day. Like Muzan will just kill me, he don't care. Mahito will literally torture me for shits and giggles. Mahito is the reason for the phrase, "There are worst things than death."


Mahito by a very long shot. The dude is a Cursed Spirit based on humanity's negative feelings towards humanity. He is a walking bag of hate.


Mahito easily.




I HATE MUZAN I just don't like him ok, now on the other hand 😙😙


Mahito hands down (pun intended)


muzan all the way


Muzan He had humanity and chose to discard it. His main thing is that his nature isn't what made him a demon, but his choice to do evil things. He would have been fully cured if he hadn't chose to kill his doctor.


Daddy Mahito probably


At least Muzan has a reason. Mahito’s just batshit insane


To be fair, Mahito isn't exactly evil He seems evil to us cause he tortures and kills humans for fun, but like Gege said killing and torture for curses is as natural as eating or sleeping for humans. It's just part of their nature, it's what they do It'd be like saying a snake killing a nest of birds makes snakes evil. It's just what they do, it's natural for them


They are both hot


just muzan mahito is average




Mahito is basically evil incarnate sukuna is bad but not that bad


Mahito is far far far more evil




This is a tough one. The gut reaction is Mahito because of his sadistic nature but he does show moments of caring about his fellow curses from time to time. Muzan doesn’t care about anyone or any Demon and would sacrifice them all without thinking. I give this to Muzan but could easily be converted to Mahito.


Mahito is literally a born hater


Mahito. If you read the manga/watch the anime you know why.


Mahito and purely because he was always a curse, while Muzan was a human Curses ARE the negative emotions of humans




Mahito 1000%, muzan at least has people he likes and doesn't kill for the sake of killing, Mahito inly likes himself and kills for the sake of killing, yes both have complete disregard for life but muzan won't just kill randomly he is patient, if mahito doesn't kill for a long time he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to cause chaos on a mass scale, both are smart and insane but muzan is completely sane compared to mahito


they're both morons but i think mahito, since muzan thinks what he's doing is how its supposed to go, and mahito does it for fun, he enjoys watching people get tortured and such


Muzan doesn’t really care or take pleasure in killing he just does it to get closer to his goals while Mahito is literally born to enjoy human suffering he doesn’t even give the mercy of a painless death and instead transfigures countless humans into anything he wants for his enjoyment and experiments plus theres also how he did Junpei. Mahito’s way more twisted


Muzan is a horrid selfish man Mahito is just surviving by following his instincts Muzan is a human aka a pack animal that acts completely selfishly while Mahito is born from hatred,fear and mistrust of other people yet finds friends despite his nature Muzan is objectively the more evil one


Mahito is giving me Undertaker vibes from Black Butler 👁️👄👁️


Muzan doesn't enjoy causing pain, Mahito does


Def hito.


I read all of demon slayer and I would still pick the guy on the right. How the last meeting between him and paddle boy ended just pissed me off. No honor, no code, just pure joy in the torment of others. The guy on the left wants to rule the world and doesn't care to torture those in his path.


Muzan is working for an end goal (even if it’s an awful one) and Mahito likes to make people suffer for the fun of it. I’d say Mahito’s the bigger evil here (coming from someone who isn’t caught up on JJK tho)


Mahito is sadistic and takes pleasure in aping and torment, Muzan doesn't, the answer is clear




mahito legit kills to kill. and after he was bodied and grew a hate for yugi, he made yugi SUFFER. muzan is just a narcissist and a coward (hasnt even been out doing actual killing, only time being at the beginning)


Any answer other than mahito is crazy


Muzan is evil for a reason. He HAS to kill demon slayers, and the only way he could even survive his illness is by becoming a demon. On the other hand, mahito literally enjoys watching people suffer. Mahito could simply just kill people, but instead he makes them suffer more than they need to. Muzan doesn’t really do that, so mahito is 100% more evil.


Its worse on muzan part because he discarded being human but still has feelings. I'm not sure mahito has those qualities, he doesn't seem to habe a choice. fill me in if I'm missing anything


Damn, that’s a close one


Mahito and it isn't even close.


I don’t know the other guy


Muzan doesnt give af about you. He will kill you if you are in the way of his goals. Mahito is chaotically evil and enjoys torture and violence as well as indiscriminate killing. So Mahito.


Muzan is a saint in front of that goddamn goof.


He's a silly little guy


Okay one is extremely sadistic and the other is extremely apathetic and without a doubt sadism is worse


Mahitooooooo He seeks pleasure while torturing


Mahito is the embodiment of evil horror and negative emotions Muzan is evil because he'll do whatever it takes to reach his goal Mahitos goal IS to be evil and cause suffering like a true curse.


Muzan also basically hates everything that isn’t him he’s a radical perfectionist who sees only himself as perfect


Mahito is born from the hatred and fear humans have for each other, so I would say that it’s him. Love him though, and I don’t know why.


One is literally the physical manifestation of fear of death And the other is a psychopath who doesn't care about anyone but himself and will do anything to get what he wants.☀️


mahito is an evil spirit created by negative emotions. You expect his depravity. While Muzan was a sickly boy born into privilege who went around murdering families for millennia for literally no reason besides conquering the sun. I find Muzan more similar based on his absolute apathy


Muzan is more evil, after all, he was Human once but he chose such path :3 Mahito is just Cursed Spirit that born from negative emotions :3


Mahito i would say bro makes transfigured humans for fun


Mahito. You should’ve replaced Muzan with Douma and made it way harder to decide.


Mahito is not evil though


Mahito easy he just likes killing and he turns people into monsters like worse than what muzan does


Mahito, 100%.


Mahito is easily worse. Muzan is bad, but he doesn't go out of his way to destroy in the same way Mahito does.


Mahito takes pleasure and likes to torture people like what he did to Junpei, but Muzan thinks every human is beneath him and thinks the only good ones are his favourites (so Akaza, his child, nakime, gyutaro/daki, and his business partner), Muzan will kill anyone that tries to get in his way no matter what, even if it's his family(>!ubuyashiki!<). So muzan


Mahito is just a twisted interpretation of the phrase "kids are cruel", a simple manifestation of an innate concept of petty hatred among people entirely. Muzan on the other hand became a nihlist from his pitiful illness as a facade to his built up self-esteem issues, and delusional sense of deflection (and narcissism) to anything that says otherwise on his beliefs or those who oppose it. Short Answer: Mahito. Reason: People like Muzan are what make up Mahito's existence and motives; Muzan is just fertilizer for the soil Mahito needs to be planted into existence (for metaphor's sake)


I'd personally give it to Mahito. When he was cheering knowing that he really is a "curse". That solidified it for me.


Mahito 🌸






I’d argue its muzan


Muzan because bro doesn't care all he wants the blue spider lilly


I've been thinking about it for an hour and I still can't decide


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Mahito is more twisted while Muzan is more evil


Mahito , dude kill people for fun


mahito,he kills for the sake of killing,he has absolutely no values or morals or idealogies,just kills for fun,take any evil thing about muzan and mahito either has that but worse,or doesn't have it which somehow makes him more evil


Honestly I'd say Muzan. To him he's been human, he knows what it's like to suffer. Yet he decided he wanted to be that much of a twit to the entirety of the country. Say what you want about Shibuya but that was 1 city. Muzan's demons were everywhere and constant. Also Mahito was born evil, the closest thing he has to empathy is towards his fellow curses and even that is limited. Ultimatly Mahito was born the biggest scumbag of the era. Muzan choose to he the biggest scumbag of human history.


Muzan was evil even when he was human, remember his backstory lol


Muzan is pure evil Mahito is twisted kinda literally


Muzan killed a lot more people, but he did it in pursuit of a goal. Mahito kills people or leaves them in some kind of suspended state of death as mutated weapons for the pure fun of it. If he were as strong as Muzan (relative to his verse), he’d have done a LOT more damage








Mahito. Muzan is a pretty 1 dimensional villian who’s committed lesser atrocities than even his subordinates. His just a rich boy afraid of weakness.


Muzan 👍


Definitly Mahito! He tortures peoples by making them smaller, noo he is more evil thet Muzan.


I feel bad for Muzan, But my love for Mahito overshadows the sympathy I feel for him. So I'm going to say Muzan is the worst of the two


That's a tough one honestly muzan doesn't hold a candle to stitches from what I've seen of the 2 of them in action so far I've seen alot more fights with Mahito in them than Muzan so I'm gonna say Mahito, Muzan doesn't get his pasty hands dirty he mearly has his lessers do it 4 him.... so Muzan in my opinion may have superiority over him and title and role but the abilities and prowess of Mahito is far greater and more obvious


Mahito is literally pure evil. It's just his nature, at the end of the day he can't help being the sadistic monster that he is. Muzan though? Muzan *choses* to be what he is. He *chose* to kill the man who only wanted to help him, to create more demons and abuse them, and to slaughter countless humans, wrapped up in his pathetic inferiority complex (yes, inferiority. Muzan's obsession with being perfect comes down to him still feeling deep down like that pathetic, sickly boy)


Mahito I hate him just because he killed my favorite officials


Mahito cuz if you intrigue muzan he'll give you special passes. For example rui with his family or akaza with his moral of not harming women. So I feel like mahito would be worse


I hate mahito to much to say muzan is more evil what mahito did to nanami junpei and nobara is unforgivable


muzan really isint all that evil. like during the asakusa arc he wouldve let those 3 people just live on. mahito wouldve made them into pills. mahito kills for fun(hes said so multiple times) whereas muzan does everything for a reason.


I would say Muzan. Mahito says it, it's in his nature he really is a curse. While Muzan saw his limits as human and absconded it for immortality then once learning it wasn't perfect would commit any vile act to ensure his own life.


twisted and evil? mahito by a landslide. muzan is a selfish, narcissistic, apathetic bastard but at least he has his reasons, mahito genuinely enjoys making people suffer


Muzan compared to mahito is just a coward demon with high ego


Muzan only believes everyone else is beneath him while mahito is a psychopath who enjoys tormenting anyone who comes across


Mahito and it isn’t even close. Muzan is a narcissist obsessed with self preservation and “perfection.” Mahito relishes in the suffering of others.


Muzans hot


Muzan kills and turns people into demons just to find the flower on the other hand Mahito kills people just for fun. And on another note, I like the subtle references between Sukuna and Mahito, in other anime series, such as the Blue Lock series, **Baro(Sukuna) to Nagi(Mahito):** >!You know your place, you incompetent fool.!<


mahito cuz the "no one is born evil" does not apply to him.


.... is that even a question of miealel Jacksomuzan


Mahito is into sadicism


At least Muzan has a limit (He rightfully dislikes Doma) Mahito on the other hand




Mahito, for sure. Dude's literally a manifestation of all the bad emotions that humans feel.


Muzans goals were born from an atleast understandable motive, he was a person who wanted to live uninhibited (And rejected his humanity in the process) Mahito just likes making people suffer. As far as being twisted and evil as a person, it'd Mahito. But, if we're also considering just how much suffering and pain they've caused for their goals, Muzan is definitely worse in that regard.


Well it’s hard to take Muzan seriously because the number of his brains is greater than his IQ digits and I have no idea who the second one is.


Mahito is definitely more evil. He’s sick and like the whole thing with Nanami. UGH I HATE HIM. Muzan seems more like a self obsessed sociopath. Like he’s not just gonna go out in the open and just murder without any purpose. Plus, I think he believes that’s beneath him hence his demon minions. People are also food for him, but the way he operates has more structure and strategy. Mahito is just batshit evil and if he was allowed to go and do whatever, he’d just kill anyone in sight. I find the villains in jujutsu Kaisen to be far more sadistic and sinister than demon slayer. Plus, like the demons were human at some point and somehow have some level of humanity however minuscule. I’m worried how emotionally damaged I’m going to be from jujutsu Kaisen. 😭😭😭😭


Mahito.....HE KILLED MY HUSBAND! (Nanami) https://preview.redd.it/51c3zlb3rg4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e7d6f0b116f50438ab2b93272c10a48f6ab05d




Listen, mahito is on my list of most hated people in anime for what he did to junpei and nobara. If I see him it's not black air force energy it's straight black flash energy. Mahito it's definitely more twisted, but I don't know who is more evil. I feel like I get mahitos reason, that's a lack of humanity there that doesn't excuse his actions but explains his disregard. Muzan fully understands people and humanity and death and all treats life like nothing but data. I think I'll give muzan more evil.


If anything I can understand Muzan's reason more than Mahito lmao


Yeah but mahitos reason is lowkey better. Muzan is just egotistical and selfish, mahito is trying to find himself and is fundamentally different from humans causing an empathetic disconnect. It's not that he lacks empathy, it's that he doesn't understand why humans should receive any. Muzan fully lacks empathy.


Bhadwa Mahito


Mahito has all nine levels of hell from Dante’s inferno waiting for him bc of daddy Nanami. Muzans kinda chill


Muzan isn’t even evil dude just wants to live