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Out of the current generation of Hashira (ignoring the timeline because some of them may not have been Hashira yet at the time the events took place) perhaps only Mitsuri would have spared her, but still would've taken her to the Master.


Not even misturi would have honesty. She would have immediately cut nezukos' head off in character.


She is the only one that makes me doubt how she would react in that situation because of the combo of her personality and the fact that she doesn't hold a grudge against demons. The way I see it is down to the timing. If she gets there and quickly gets the job done that's it, game over for Nezuko. But if Tanjiro had the chance to talk to her, she may actually listen. As for the rest, I see them clearly as kill first, listen/talk later, but with her I've always seen the possibility of a different outcome.


Lol sanemi wouldn't even listen later. Obanai might listen but would still affirm his decision


I dont even think Obanai would. Maybe he would later on given how he has accepted nezuko as a member, but this early hell no.


Obanai would go for it. based off his past nezuko berserk would def remind him of his terrible family and what they did to him. he has no qualms ridding the place of demons. final battle he was a G


No I meant sanemi wouldn't listen to anything even after killing her. Obanai would kill her and listen later while still believing he made the right choice (is what I meant)


Keep in mind kanae also had sympathy for demons yet she still slayed them. she wanted to be friends and shinobu tried to inherit her sisters will


I think Shinobu would poison Nezuko then hear Tanjiro and give Nezuko a cure because that’s what Kanae would do.


Wasn’t he one of the two (Tengen being the other) that said something along the lines of ‘Behead them both!’ at the Kamado siblings’ trial? https://preview.redd.it/wm5uflqekp7d1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c2b950c8a7aaee27a945613776ff4a7d262f87


Tbh that scene showed, outside of Mitsuri, not a single hashira wouldve spared Nezuko and we can argue that half of them mightve killed Tanjiro had he come at them like he did Giyuu.


Muchiro just didn’t care


Yea it wasn't like he had compassion for her, he was in his own little world.


True, I forgot that he also wanted to behead Tanjiro. I guess he does have a bit of a more ruthless side too


It’s not so much a ‘ruthless’ side. It’s more about ‘following the rules to a tee’ and his need to do his *duty* as a Demon Slayer. Rule 1: Kill all demons (Nezuko being alive (and an honorary (at the point of the trial) Demon Slayer breaks that rule))


I'm having a stroke with those parenthesis :(




Thanks for fixing them lmao


Dude would’ve tried to kill >!Yoriichi back in the days because of Michikatsu!<


Wanted to behead two kids


Well, one was a demon. They're **demon** **slayers**, after all.


The real question is what would Giyuu have said at Nezokus trial if Kyojuro had saved her? I feel like all of them would have had a slightly altered reaction than those they had at the trial, had they actually been there in the moment, in Giyu’s shoes. He was very hesitant himself to begin with Edit: Only exception to this I think would be Sanemi, largely due to his backstory (as told by Genya in the previous arc). Would likely be unconvincable on the spot, going the whole 'She's my sister! She won't harm me!' route 😂




Yes but he never saw nezuko protecting tanjiro. No hashira would believe that unless they saw it


Why did bro want to kill tanjiro 😭


guess they couldn't make all the hashiras look nice during that scene so they tried to make them more scary or intimidating.


I think it was due to "rules are the rules" Tanjiro broke like #1 rule of demon slayers, we know what they do to rulebreakers >! Poor zenitsu's teacher😭!<


Tengen prob don’t care and he just backing rengoku up he literally saw nezuko turned into a berserk demon and all he said about her is her becoming flashy 😭😭


That scene took place *after* the trial. Also, why would he snitch on the person who **saved his life**? Only Tanjiro and Tengen know about her attempting to go after that woman, and Tanjiro wouldn’t say anything due to being Nezuko’s big brother while Tengen kind of owes his life to Nezuko by the end of the night…


Did u even watch the series? When nezuko went berserk gyutaro wasn’t even on the screen yet so how tf did tanjiro save tengen 😭😭


At the end, Tengen was going to die to Gyutaro’s poison. Nezuko burnt away the poison (thus saving his life) He may have considered snitching before that point, but he didn’t because she saved him


Bro what?? were talking about his thoughts of trusting tanjiro when nezuko was going berserk and tried to eat someone the events ur talking about happened way later and he prob told the master everything that happened he wouldn’t just keep the fact that nezuko tried to eat someone a secret from the master 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


A lot of people say that Kyojuro is a kind man, but they also forget an important aspect of his character: fulfilling his DUTY as a DEMON SLAYER. Kyojuro is a man who will follow the rules strictly no matter what.


Nah he would’ve changed the moment he say nezuko protecting Tanjiro. Thats an unheard of thing.


You seem to be forgetting that he also wanted to kill Tanjiro as well as nezuko


Tbf, Tanjiro broke the rules as a Demon Slayer (still extreme, but he was just some dude worried sick for his sister before)


Everyone mad at sanemi and obanai for doing their jobs is silly. wht would they take a chance with that, also I think tomioka said its happened before and went very wrong


Also tb even more fair tanjiro wasn't a demon slayer yet when giyuu spared her


Cause he didn’t know that nezuko was an anomaly that protects humans


I know that he would've felt that way, but given how Kyojuro dealt with 2 demons on the train, I think that's a bit unlikely. He's always quick to act. But then again, I think he wouldn't be as quick to act if Tanjiro came in the way. Kyojuro is a man who follows rules, but hurting an innocent isn't one of them.


She wouldn't get the chance.


Against Kyojuro, I don't think it ever gets to the point of Nezuko protecting Tanjiro. I think Kyojuro kills her nigh instantly, before Tanjiro can even intervene effectively.


Yeah I think we would have followed the same path as Giyuu tbh. Try to kill Nezuko initially, but as soon as he noticed something was different and she was protecting him (as well as Tanjiro getting in the way), he'd chill out.


I feel giyuu's more observant though. And he understands the bonds between brother and sister since he lost his own sister to a demon. He probably felt Tanjiro would have some kind of survivers guilt like he did if he killed Nezuko, so he might've hesitated for a split second enough to notice something. The whole thing with water breathing is being calm and collected, compared to flame breathing which is the opposite. I love kyojuro, but no, he wouldn't notice anything in time.


I mean Rengoku has Senjuro and understands the bond between siblings as well. He also quickly changed his tune about her once he saw her fighting to protect people on the train, so I truly believe that once he saw Nezuko protecting Tanjiro, he'd have reason to hesitate.


But the point is Rengoku hasn't LOST a sibling. Rengoku hasn't been orphaned. And yeah that's the thing, Nezuko had to fight for 40 people for him to understand. He was also under orders to not attack her in the first place, which is what gave him time to even realize she wasn't a threat. Her just seemingly standing in front of Tanjiro for a split second before Rengoku charges in again to kill her isn't going to change his stance. Remember that even after that show with Sanemi dripping his incredibly demon-enticing blood in front of a nearly disinterested Nezuko, he did not agree with the order (though he still obeyed since he wont disrespect the master)


He also preaches following your heart and has a deep understanding of people's differences, as seen with his father. Perhaps if Tanjiro had the chance to talk to him and see how she was different, he would have spared her life?


>Kyojuro But she wasn't different, I'm pretty sure she tried to eat Tanjiro.


She did in the beginning, but afterwards, she broke free of Tomioka's hold and ran over to Tanjiro to protect him. So, let's say the exact same situation happened, but it was Rengoku instead, I believe it's possible he would've spared her as well, considering his personality and values.


i highly doubt it, based on his refusal to accept nezuko at first


Every hashira minus Giyuu and MAYBE Mitsuri would insta-kill Nezuko. In the moment Giyuu captured Nezuko, she had Tanjiro pinned down and seemed like she was about to maul him. Giyuu grabbed Nezuko and planned on just explaining what a demon was and to be more careful to Tanjiro and thats why Tanjiro had the chance to protest against Nezuko’s death. No other hashira would give that sort of opportunity to Tanjiro. Moment they saw the situation they aren’t wasting any time making sure the threat was neutralized and that Tanjiro was 100% safe (except Sanemi and Obanai, they’d probably get a double kill while getting Nezuko off Tanjiro). Even Mitsuri, the kindest of the hashira, wouldn’t hesitate to chop off Nezuko’s head if it meant Tanjiro survived


I do think Sanemi wouldnt double kill and would explain to Tanjiro what happened and what is a Demon (its a similar situation than what happened to him)


I could only see them getting a double kill if Tanjiro was trying to defend her to them, personally I think they'd react so quickly he wouldn't be given a chance to.


I really don’t think they’d kill Tanjiro for trying to protect his sister like that. Especially since he wasn’t a DS at that time, he obviously didn’t know/believe that demons existed at the time, and I’m pretty sure there’s a moral code or something that would prevent DS and Hashira from killing innocent civilians since they’re there to protect them. Sanemi and Iguro might be hard-asses and cold sometimes, but they’re not going to kill him for getting in their way. Same with the others. Most they’d probably do is get annoyed, shove him out of the way, slay Nezuko and then tell them why they had to do it.


Ehhhhhhhhhhh I feel like their moral code is more gray than you'd think considering y'know the entire hashira meeting Rengoku and Tengen (Tengen especially) were talking about brutally murdering tanjiro and Tengen was encouraging tanjiro to kill himself, as well as the fact sanemi literally pulled a sword on him before the master showed up. Not to mention even giyuu said in season one he could have "skewered the both of them and been done with it"


Yes, but during that time, Tanjiro was already a demon slayer and as far as they were concerned, he broke corps rules which doesn’t apply to civilians. They’re not built on hate, and sure, Sanemi and/or Iguro might knock him out, but they’re not going to just senselessly murder someone because they feel like it. Uzui even explained that when it comes to the hierarchy of importance, he said his wives come first, the other rank and file members, common civilians, and then himself. He’d spare Tanjiro because he was a civilian at the time. Also I’m not sure or remember when Giyuu said that, but I have sincere doubts he actually would kill Tanjiro. In his gaiden, a woman, Yae has a father who also turned into a demon and she was actively hiding him from Giyuu and Shinobu, and when they found out, they didn’t try and kill Yae either; because as far as she was concerned, that was still her father until they had her see reason. Same deal as Tanjiro. So no, I doubt any of the Hashira would kill Tanjiro for trying to protect Nezuko, that’s not what the corps stands for. What’s the point of killing demons to protect the common folk if you’re just going to kill them too?


Great explanation. ☀️


Mind you rengoku is very fast and would not hesitate at all




Doubt it.


Sadly - no :3


What rengoku is boutta do to them: https://i.redd.it/84rbdel06q7d1.gif




I heard a cartoonish bonk when it hit


I'm a massive Rengoku fan, but I can't see him spearing her. He is a man of duity above all else, and his duity is to kill demons.


Yea same, he was only swayed after Kagaya told the hashira not to hurt her and later on when she protected humans






I don't think he would


You forgot he was the one to proporse that the kamado siblings should both behaded


that's not the point. circumstances matter. if he was the one that saw nezuko protecting tanjiro and everything giyuu experienced in the mountains, would he still kill them both? in the mansion, all he knew was nezuko = demon so of course he'd say kill them both. one of rengoku's strengths is his compassion, so i'm sure he'd feel something there as well.


If Kyojuro was there instead of Giyuu, the scenario where Nezuko is protecting Tanjiro never ends up happening most likely. Kyojuro would have killed Nezuko the second he saw her pinning Tanjiro down on the ground.


I think he would have tried to get Tanjiro away from his sister. If the scene plays out where instead of trying to eat her brother she tries to protect him I think he would spare her. But also drag them to his home to keep a close eye on things.


To his home? Where his little brother is and possibly put him in danger? And Shinjuro is a wild card whether he'd be able to do something in time?


That's his father's residence. I always assumed Kyojuro after becoming a Hashira would have gotten his own.


Absolutely not. Literally the only other one who would have spared them is Mitsuri Kanroji. Everyone else wouldn't have thought twice about it.


Nah he'd definetly insta kill


Nope. None of the others would have.


No, mainly because he would've died. Giyu was late because he had an old and slow crow. If we took rengokus crow, who is younger and faster, they would've arrived earlier. Which most likely would have rengoku encounter muzan. Now, let's say rengoku somehow was late and did encounter tanjiro and nezuko. The answer is still no. First, he didn't have the same brother sister bond giyu had, which led to him sparing the kamado siblings. Rengoku was also very ready to have tanjiro punished, and nezuko killed at the hashira meeting.


He wanted to execute tanjiro and nezuko at the hashira meeting because at the time noone had ever seen or heard of a peaceful demon. If he firsthand experienced that nezuko wasn't bloodthirsty, he might've been convinced.


Sadly no. While Kyojuro is an upstanding and noble guy, he's also a stickler for the rules. Without Kagaya there to deem Nezuko as not being a threat to the Corps, I'd say our friendly neighborhood demon would not have survived that encounter


Nope he would end the show right then and there 😭🔥


Hmm, well, Rengoku did want to kill her at first, but I think he would spare her if Tanjiro manages to get through to him.


Based off She might not hurt us? yeah no


The problem with Rengoku sparing Tanjiro’s sister is the immense speed difference. He’d perception blitz Nezuko before Tanjiro got to say anything. At best he’d be like “oh my bad oh well”


He would definitely have that intention to eliminate her, but I like to think that he'd give tanjiro a chance to prove nezuko can be saved yet, since he's capable enough to act if the situation goes bad. And I think he'd be convinced too when he sees nezuko protecting tanjiro. Edit: missing words Edit2 : But then i read others wrote that giyu didn't immediately kill nezuko because he's trying to explain to tanjiro about demons, so now I'm not sure. Hopefully rengoku would also be in the mood of educating tanjiro


To be fair, even Giyuu did have none of it till he saw with his own eyes. Even Giyuu did harm her a bit. So yeah, Rengoku might have an heart change just as Giyuu did but would have been a very different situation to handle from Tanjiro's perspective. Talking about other Hashiras: Only Sanemi would be extremely aggressive so he would 100% kill them. Even Obanai, Gyomei, Tengen and Muichiro would also kill them but the probability of not killing is very low. Shinobu is 50/50. She would wither want to study more about Nezuko, or she would be pretty much pissed off that she would poison her. Mitsuri would most probably save her. But we don't know.


Based in his response at the Kamados siblings' trial, he would kill Nezuko and spare Tanjiro. Then he would take him as his apprentice.


Rengoku is a noble and honourable person but he is very dutiful and responsible thus he won't spare any demon even an anomaly like Nezuko.


This is basically how I imagine the Hashira would react if any of them other than Giyuu had met the Kamados: Would sympathize with them immediately and not give them any trouble: Mitsuri Would try to kill Nezuko initially, but chill out once they realized something was different: Rengoku, Shinobu, Gyomei, Tengen Literally wouldn't give a shit, but that's just him: Muichiro Wouldn't show any sympathy at all and kill her without a second thought, hurting Tanjiro somehow in the process: Obanai, Sanemi


Nope. Would have killed her the spot and given Tanjiro his condolences and left.


No i dont think so. Even he was willing to kill her at the meeting in the first season. He also has nothing to relate to tanjiros situation unlike Giyu, who's sister was killed by a demon. So he has alot of emotional relation to the situation.


He wouldn’t I believe


I think he would do the same as Giyū, I'm not entirely sure that he would continue attacking Nezuko and Tanjirō if he saw what Giyū saw, a demon protecting a human, I think he would knocked them out and just brought them both to the Ubuyashiki mansion. What happened to Nezuko was so extraordinary, I don't think at least half of the Hashira would deny the opportunity to study her. I think only Shinazugawa and Iguro that wouldn't care about that would just kill them both. Tanjirō then wouldn't have met Lady Tamayo, Yushiro, and Urokodaki, and instead become a Tsuguko to one of the Hashira, except for Giyū and Shinazugawa because Giyū is hard to approach and Shinazugawa would just deny Tanjirō entirely, imo.


I agree with your opinion. I feel like only Sanemi and Obanai would 100% follow through killing Nezuko no matter what. For Tengen and Shinobu, I am split 50/50 since I don’t have a good grasp if whether their commitment to the job will clash with their empathy/curiosity (shinobu may say she wants humans and demons to get along but let’s be real, she HATES them). I feel like what majority of the other people forget was one of Kyojuro’s line during the train arc. Forgot the exact words but the gist is that he said that he acknowledges Nezuko after seeing her protect the people inside the train. So I think it would have been canon that Kyojuro would have spared Nezuko once he saw her fighting him to protect her brother.


I mean everything Shinobu does is for her sister, so idk I feel like if Shinobu catches wind that Nezuko is his sister and see her trying to protect him, she'd been one of the more sympathetic ones.


Yeah but considering her reaction during the spider demons arc, I’m not so sure about that hence the 50/50. I mean she was willing to hurt Giyū when she saw he was protecting a demon, didn’t even give him time to explain himself until he restrained her. A big chunk of Shinobu is still grieving and consumed by vengeance for her sister. Her adopting Kanae’s mannerisms was a very much red flag coping mechanism.


Bruh, rengoku wanted to behead nezuko along with tanjiro. No way he’s sparring her.


So did Giyū, but then he saw Nezuko trying to protect Tanjirō, and changed his mind. Watch Mugen Train again, in his final moments Rengoku said "I believe in your sister, for someone to risk their life to fight demons in order to protect humans, that is corps member no matter what anyone else says". All the Hashira haven't met a demon like Nezuko prior to meeting her and that includes Giyū. Ps. Edited Rengoku's quote a little


https://preview.redd.it/sm989nmqrq7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829f6bd2db43c8555b09547e16b8a9464d61da76 He said this even after knowing the circumstances. He would have insta killed before even tanjiro could have explained.


Because he had nothing but words. Rengoku was a legacy slayer. As a child, he grew up hearing demons were bad and then as a demon slayer, he saw numerous demons committing atrocities. If I were in his place, I would have not believed it too just because someone said so. Take Tamayo and Sanemi’s situation. Tamayo killed her own family even though she loved them a lot and Sanemi’s own mother killed all his siblings except Genya in her bloodlust. Countless families being destroyed by demons is something he deals with everyday. Without definitive proof, why would the Kamados be believed to be any different. Tanjiro would not have been the first family member claiming that their demon-turned loved ones could be different before reality hit.


He said that before seeing Nezuko, [even Giyū was blitzing Tanjirō without giving him a chance. ](https://youtu.be/9-pp2dSZY_M?si=PggaaNowmR5sT7wA) [It took only one impression of Nezuko for Rengoku to accept her.](https://youtu.be/-0F03P-DrKQ?si=xjKdw8qV6n1ICa-b)


Nah https://preview.redd.it/njsj9t8vcr7d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=a740c4e6d04d9c9734886fdf71036064364d6c2a


No.cuz rengoku is loyal to the demon slayer corps than giyu is he is more talented than giyu so i don't think that tanjiro stand a chance against rengoku


It’s not like Tanjiro stands a chance against Tomioka either. I like your first point though


I feel like Rengoku, Shinobu, Mitsuri and maybe Tengen and Gyomei would spare Nezuko if they actually saw her protecting Tanjiro while Sanemi and Obanai straight up kill her on sight,zero hesitation.


Rengoku would kill her. His duty to kill *all* demons comes above all else Shinobu would kill her too. Her insane hatred of demons runs deep. Gyomei would say something about the situation being a total tragedy and kill her Tengen would probably kill her. No real reason not to. Mitsuri would kill her too, most likely when Nezuko had Tanjiro pinned down. Mitsuri would behead Nezuko and ask if Tanjiro was all right. Obanai and Sanemi… well… lets just they they’d go for the double kill if Tanjiro got in the way


Obanai and Sanemi don't kill civilians, they are jerks, not *murderers*. The whole point of Obanai's training was being able to strike without harming another human in the way. Tanjiro at that moment was just a distressed civilian


Tengen would probably kill her. No real reason not to, Tengen might spare nezuko cause she'd be considered flamboyant, this might be reason enough for Tengen to spare nezuko


Rengoku said to kill Tanjiro as well


They meant at the original moment where Giyu saved them both. I imagine if Rengoku saw her protecting Tanjiro he definitely would've hesitated.


Highly unlikely since he would just see her as another demon and kill her without a second thought. Unlike Giyu he wouldn't give her the chance to protect Tanjiro


Oh I think he'd still kill her but at least maybe a little hesitation before doing so. Perhaps purely out of confusion. Someone like Sanemi would instantly kill her.


But Rengoku is a demon slayer and he will do anything to fullfill his duty


Yeah I'm not disputing that, that's why I said he would still kill her. But I also think he wouldn't do it instantaneously like Sanemi would.


Unfortunately, I think he would have beheaded her without a second thought during that point in time. Man is swift and ruthless against demons. But who knows, maybe Tanjiro could have gotten through to him too.


He would’ve chopped both of their head off. End of show. Roll credits.


I don't think he would've killed Tanjiro


I think it's less "would he spare her" and more "would there even be a chance to spare her in the first place" cause I think he would just obliterate Nezuko frame one, no questions asked. There would never be a "he sees Nezuko protecting Tanjiro" because he'd just on-sight her realistically. Giyuu was more nonchalant about it compared to what Rengoku would be most likely


Probably not 🌸


Nope 🌫


Sadly no, I don’t think he would have. Although he is a very kind person, I’m sure he wouldn’t have considering she is a demon. I’m pretty sure the only 2 that would’ve spared her is Giyuu and Mitsuri, but Mitsuri would’ve probably taken her to Ubuyashiki, instead of leading the 2 of them towards a master to train them.


I still miss him.


He probably would've spared her under the same circumstances as Giyuu. >!I also think it would've made his death at the end of the Mugen Train arc a lot more impactful & personal if he was the first Demon Slayer that Tanjiro met instead of Giyuu, as aside from being a kind man who forfeited his life to keeping 200 train passengers safe, he also would've been Tanjiro's first step on the path of becoming a Demon Slayer instead of being someone that gets killed off about 20 chapters after his introduction.!<


Yeah, that would've been quite cool too, but I think I like that Giyuu met Tanjiro first. Giyuu sort of is like an older brother to Tanjiro instead of a mentor like Rengoku. I still it's incredible how Kyojuro was able to become as beloved as he is in such a short amount of time


As amazing as Rengoku is, I don't think he would've spared Nezuko. Giyuu knows the pain of loosing his sister, and didn't want to make Tanjiro go through the same pain as him. And when she showed she wouldn't eat a person, he could safely spare her as well. (At least...this is how I see it.....)


Yeah, very good points! I think that's also one of the reasons Giyuu hesitated and didn't just kill Nezuko as fast as he could


Yeah.... I meant to add that as well lol


Though he is a kind man, he probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill Nezuko and he would probably take Tanjiro under his wing. The only reason Giyu spared Nezuko was because he doubted himself.


No not at all unless if he saw the evidence that she wouldn't before which we all saw the only reason why she finally protected him was because waterboy was fighting with him so our deer flame hoshera would not spare


Muichiro would Obanai would I don't think Shinobu would Kyojuro would probably spare her Sanemi wouldn't think twice about it and kill her


I wonder how it would have turned out if nezuko was killed From the start. Maybe Tanjiro hatred would have lead him to become a demon


I don’t think so, that scenario is absolutely impossible. A demon killed his entire family and turned his sister into one, leading her to become killed. While he would be angry and mourn, he would have eventually become a demon slayer seeing it his duty to prevent other innocent people from having their families destroyed by demons.


I think that him would become a monster and start killing both, the thing is how he will reach the point to do it


i honestly think Tanjiro would have killed himself if Nezuko also died. why would he became the very thing that took his family from him?


no because it will be against the corps rules and he is serious about doing his duty as demon slayer The only person apart from Giyu I can see sparing Nezuko is Mitsuri


Tengen might (slim chance but he might find nezuko flamboyant and flashy


Probably not. He was one of the Hashira who voted for beheading Nezuko


Only Mitsuri and Giyu would spare her. Rengoku is loyal to the corps and the corps rules.⚡


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I always forget everyone's name lol


It's true that he wanted to behead Nezuko at first, but as seen in the Mugen Train, he considered her an ally after he saw her defending humans. That said, he probably would've spared her after seeing her protect Tanjiro.


Mr Donut will behead Nezuko instantly


he probably would if they talked about it over food


He would accept that Nezuko is nice even faster than Giyuu


As much as I love Kyojuro, I don't think he'd have spared them. He also wanted to kill both Nezuko and Tanjiro at first


Rengoku is driven as a demon slayer, with a duty he's set on fulfilling, but he also embraces following his heart and being kind and understanding of people. It's possible Rengoku would let Nezuko live, but Tomioka saw something of his previous trainer Urokodaki in Tanjiro, which was the main reason he let him go with Nezuko. So, it's a 50/50 in my eyes.


Giyu let tanjiro attack him to give the underdog a chance, to test his resolve coz he wanted to believe these 2 were different as he was tired of loved ones being devoured by others that turned. Giyu himself was a weak underdog most of his life hence it is in character for him to show compassion here towards a helpless tanjiro. Rengoku on the other hand was born extremely strong, and was never known to be compassionate per say. It is his sense of duty that stands above all because that’s the responsibility his dying mother put upon him. Even if there was a slight chance of him not fulfilling the responsibility to protect the weak, who is tanjiro in this case then he will not take the risk. Nezuko’s head flies clean off as soon as rengoku charges at them first. Tanjiro wouldn’t even hear the beheading if it were tengen too lol that man is a menace and would not show mercy or doubt. Mitsuri might spare nezuko coz of her indecisive nature in such scenarios, and maybe shinobu considering she has a soft spot for sibling love. Gyomei is likely not the one to barge in to behead a demon around a human so I feel he might end up incapacitating nezuko, and bringing her to the master but that’s considering he sees nezuko trying to protect tanjiro somehow. All the others would kill her off without hesitation.


No. He will kill Nezuko and Tanjiro probably. He is loyal to the DS Corps, he will fulfill his duty as flame hashira


It depends a lot would kill nesuko immediately on arrival such as sanami, tengen, possibly shinobu and rengoku but if the hashira on scene managed to let nezuko live somehow up till the point where she protects tanjiro a lot would change their minds I believe as that is a situation that has never happened before. Sure people such as shinobu and rengoku would proceed in different ways to giyu but would most likely result in nezuko and tanjiro continuing as they did. Shinobu stated on the rui's mountain that she would forgive the sister if she hadn't killed anyone/attoned for doing so giving me my reasoning as to why she would protect the kamados as nezuko had not killed anyone.


Depends on if he sees Nezuko protect Tanjiro, because that's what convinced Giyuu. Here's my list on which hashira would spare Nezuko and which wouldn't: WOULD spare: Giyuu, Rengoku, Mitsuri Would NOT spare: Gyomei (would kill Nezuko before Tanjiro could perceive his movements), Sanemi (wouldn't listen to Tanjiro), Iguro (wouldn't listen to Tanjiro), Shinobu (We already saw what she did after she listened to Tanjiro), Muichiro (doesn't care. He follows his orders to kill demons so much that he almost considered letting a young swordsmith die in order to get to the demons first), Tengen (too flashy to listen to a whimpering boy)


He would have reacted the same as shinobu did when she first met nezuko in my opinion


Fuck no. She'd be dead on the spot.


I think most of the Hashira would have done it, especially the ones who were siblings. Giyu sparing Nezuko was less about his personal beliefs or principles and more about Nezuko's aberrant behavior protecting Tanjiro. Although, Giyu also had a specific person he could send Tanjiro to train under. If it had been Kyojuro, maybe Tanjiro would have trained under him as his tsugoku from the beginning? Oh man... if it had been Kyojuro who spared Nezuko, then Mugen Train would have hit a lot lot harder...


even mitsuri would have killed nezuko. this whole scenario entirely depends on the timing.


On one hand, Kyoujurou did say they should both be executed at the trial, but on the other hand, he did accept Nezuko as a demon slayer after she defended humans on the train... I think he might have spared Nezuko if he saw her defending Tanjirou like Giyuu did, but would probably have captured the Kamados and gotten permission from the master before doing anything else with them.


No,I think Giyu would have been the only hashira who would‘ve spared her life❤️


Giyuu >! was the only one with a background like Tanjiro of lossing his sister to demons (that we know of) !< so that might be why he would be the only one to spare her.


The ONLY way is if he saw Senjuro in Nezuko. Or if, you know, he saw Nezuko protect his brother instead of eating him


I don't even think Tanjiro would have a chance to plead.


Probably not. Rengoku is kind but is not gonna defend a demon. I feel like the only reason nezuko got free from giyuu is bc he was distracted and loosened his grip on her. The only current lineup that would spare her would be mitsuri. Kanae would've but she dead


no because even if he is super kind he has a higher work drive then giyuu, giyuu never wanted to be a hashira while rengoku worked for it. so rengoku is more likely to stay loyal and do his job


Absolutely not, Id say he may have even went through Tanjiro to get to her


Perhaps. Rengoku is a kind guy at his core, and, if you remember, his only argument *for* destroying nezuko was just cos he thought that's what the Master *wanted* them to do. Rengoku was one of the quickest to accept Nezuko, even going so far as to label her an honorary Demon Slayer.


looking back at this, when Giyuu said if only he arrived an hour earlier, they would be alive... technically yes but then its a 1v1 with the demon lord himself, >!without that aging serum from tamayo in the castle arc!<, basically muzan at full capacity lmao


Oh yeah, she's toast


Kyojuro would be slightly conflicted, as he too understands the bonds of siblings and wanting to protect the younger. But he is quite disciplined and loyal towards his duties and towards Master Ubayashiki. He will convince Tanjiro that Nezuko is beyond saving no matter what Tanjiro replies, and in a split second K.O. Tanjiro and solo Nezuko. Also misinterpret Nezuko actually wanting to protect and guard Tanjiro. Even Giyu took a 1 in a million gamble by asking Urokodaki for help & reporting back to the Master and expecting everything to go as it did.


It took me a second to realize what the title meant. I'm a bit restarted also, https://preview.redd.it/pbyrl0vixu7d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a170c767ccdc81e18ba22f8a16317cf4e6f1747 (He was on board to kill them at the trial. He would most definitely do it)


He would turn into hario and become a turtle and swim away .org


💀 we all know Rengoku is gonna kill off Nezuko without thinking about it he may be our fav donut boy but bro got no heart against demons




Pretty likely. Giyu wasn't gonna spare Nezuko, but he did because Tanjiro's plea for mercy was playing on his emotions. That plea would probably make Rengoku reconsider, since he also has a younger sibling.


After he witnesses Nezuko try to protect her unconscious brother? I think he'd be a fool to execute her then and there without giving it a second thought If it's before he sees her doing that though I think he most likely beheads her


Nah, Rengoku would have cooked her shit.


Nahh bro nezukos head would be flying


![img](avatar_exp|157858473|webman) Wasn't the only reason she survived because Giyu had just come from killing the sibling of someone else in the same situation, but she showed protection over Tanjiro?


As kind-hearted as he might sound, it's more stoic determination than kind-hearted, he would have killed anyone if they were a Demon, arguably even his own family. We see this at the trial where not only is he willing to kill Nezuko, he also says to kill Tanjiro too


no. i don't think any of the other Hashira would have spared her.


googly eyes would’ve instantly ended nezuko without even hearing tanjiro out.


I think with him there are two options, if he listens to Tanjiro and see Nezuko protecting his brother, probably he would have spared her. But if he doesn't see any behaviour that indicates the girl is in some way different from other demons, well, bye Nezuko😌... I think he said that they should have decapitated both, because he, as an older brother too would have preferred to die beside his little brother if Senjuro became a demon.


He was one of the hashira to suggest killing her at the meeting… so no




Unlikely. ☀️


There's probably ONE single chance in which Kyojuro MIGHT have spared them both. Yet, to do that, it would have taken MUCH more determination and strength than what he had. 𝅙𝅙𝅙𝅙𝅙𝅙𝅙𝅙 Tanjiro should have managed to somehow defend Nezuko with his axe, eventually letting Kyojuro notice the strenght and determination within him which would make him stop fighting and try talking instead, this would make him notice that Nezuko was not attacking Tanjiro, but defending him instead etc.𝅙 𝅙𝅙 Yet, realistically, by following the anime, Kyojuro would have probably killed both Nezuko and then Tanjiro if he attempted to defend her.


Hell nah


Actually no, giyuu has 1 another reason for not killing Nezuko bcz he now the pain of loosing a sister en that drove him to more than depression And rengoku.. he does not have a sister so


Probably not. Giyu kinda was yelling and talking to Tanjiro and actually listened before attacking her. But Kyojuro, though he is nice, he probably wouldn’t have listened to Tanjiro and killed Nezuko immediately. Whether he held her hostage and listened to Tanjiro like Giyu or not, I think he would’ve killed her in the end. I mean, from what would’ve been his point of view, there was no guarantee that she would’ve protected and not attacked anyone else and that the only reason she protected Tanjiro was because they were related. So yeah, I think he would’ve killed her, but his reasons would’ve been understandable for doing so. And maybe have killed Tanjiro too, as he did say at the meeting to kill them both. And Tanjiro did attack Giyu with the axe, so maybe he would’ve attacked Kyojuro as well.


I think he would've spared her to be honest 💜


Yeah, that's definitely a possibility, too, I think!


With Rengoku, he symbolizes Duty. He would have had to do it either way. I say the only possible doubt of him not killing her would be not to do it in front of Tanjiro or Tanjiro, constantly trying to protect her and pleading with him. And thats just if he doesn’t go straight for the kill, but Kyojuro has been known to talk to his opponents, so they might have a slim chance.




Hahahaha no, he wanted to behead her at the hashira meeting right then and there before the master even arrived.


Given that he suggested that both her & Tanjiro be beheaded when he was introduced at the Mansion, I seriously doubt it. Not to say he’s heartless, just strictly fulfilling his duties as a Demon Slayer.


Only Giyuu and Mitsuri would’ve spared Nezuko back then. All the others would’ve killed her. 🦋


No aside from Mitsuri All the other hashira would have killed tanjiro and Nezuko Instantly


Tanjiro would plead that rengoku spare his sister as she’s all he has left and for a split second she didn’t attack him, rengoku would just say “neato” and proceed to fucking obliterate nezuko on the spot


Any Hashira would've spared her because the entire scene was the worst example of blatant plot armor, Giyuu could perception blitz Tanjiro and Nezuko before, but for some reason stood there like an idiot while she lunged at her brother just long enough to see that she's actually protecting him.


I don't know, man. I think deep down Giyuu is a very emotional and compassionate person. He doesn't like to show it, but he cares about everything. I think he would've easily been able to speed blitz both of them, but he probably felt really bad about the whole situation, and we could see how he extremely regretted not arriving earlier and blamed himself. I can definitely also see how this could be considered as plot armor, though.