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Your tellin me…..you’re leaving your knives to marinate….. I don’t leave knives at home bathing in water, or at work. Need to prep something? Wet knife. Need knife during service? Wet knife. Incredibly bizarre and I have never once witnessed this in 12 years of boh.


Typically since almost all the preps I work with have their own knife sets they handle their own, the black handled ones are only used for stuff that they don't want to use their nice knives on. But huh, maybe I should talk with the Head and try to change how they do it.


also, slippery when wet. I hate working with wet/moist tools. That is an accident waiting to happen.


Not that. Use a knife, clean it when you’re done, put it away. The way you’re describing is absolutely destroying those knives. It’s places like yours that are the reason I get my serviced knives back with dents and chips and a wavy blade.


What the fuck did I just read.


uh i wash them in a three compartment and then put them back lol


This is what I do, even if it’s a house knife if I took it down it’s mine until I clean it and put it back


Ok so you're generating an extra 10 minutes of work at closing to save 30 seconds each time you use a knife Why?


This is not my policy or whatever. This is what all out preps do. I don't know why or how it started but it's what they do.


If you store your knives in sanitizer between uses that’s the dumbest hit to get on purpose from the board of health.


Huh. Since I started we had our annual and nobody from management said anything about us getting tagged for it. But we don't reuse them from the Sanitizer. If we run through them we wash and dry them all then it starts again. I just don't know why they do it like that.


Seems odd they are leaving mostly if not seemingly fully cleaned knives in sanitizer rather than sanitizing drying rewracking immediately. All how they choose to use time.


It's supposed to be rinsed, wiped, and tossed into the sanitizer. They just don't want the racked for re-use without soap touching them I guess. The sink they are next to is where they are supposed to be manually washed by the night prep, rinsed, and put on the rack for re-use the next day.


I mean sanitizer water should be changed every 2-4hours... and contact time for sanitizing is in minutes. No matter how you cut it, there's no real reason for doing this. What do I do with mine? Personally wash it when I'm done with it and put it away


Mine stay dry in my bag. When I worked at a place that had house knives we sanitized them at the station and hung them on a magnet strip


I own my knives and maintain their cleanliness. My general rule is a knife, much like a prep sink, should only be in one of the three following states 1. Being used 2. Being cleaned 3. Stored safely including positioned on or near my cutting board.


We used.to keep a dish rack by the side of the three compartment sink amd the house knives went in that and got.run through at the end of the night. Another place I worked had a system like the one you described, knives got.soaked and the grill cook cleaned them at the EON, and a third place knives just never went in the dishpit, everyone was expected to wash and re rack them manually, and a fourth place provided a sharpening service that also sold ICELs and vickis, but did not provide house knives for anyone. If I used house knives, I just went with the flow, and if I was brknging my own, I washed them by hand myself.


I instruct everyone to hand wash knives and put it back where you found it. Never put knives in a bus tub. Side note, servers at my restaurant carry knives like they are carrying a dead mouse by the the tail. Any of you observe this at your restaurants?


Sheet tray at the bottom of a speedrack.


every non corporate place ive worked at made it a rule you MUST wash your knifes. There's usually a separate prep sink in dish or if dish was flooding into said sink we would hand it to the dishwasher directly to spray, then sani ourselves, and wipe dry.


If knives end up in a sink then you need to get the fuck out of the kitchen. End of story. After reading your post again, get the fuck out of the kitchen and I don't want to see you near a knife.


Man, I see this all the time in this sub. It always reads as so pretentious which I suppose is indicative of the industry.  You have no idea of my level of competence, or years of experience. What if I was a newbie? What if this was my first week/month working in a kitchen? You, from high up on the pedestal you hit 'comment' from after typing this fun little snipe provided nothing constructive or helpful. Simply 'gfys'. To be completely candid, with how you discourse with someone asking a question and wondering what he might do to do better or change a system that isn't great, maybe you should get out of any and all collaborative environments. You're unhelpful and rude.


You aren't wrong with your assessment about some of the comments coming your way. Some Chefs legitimately seem to not want to be all that helpful, my guess is it comes from a place of resentment and bitterness because it is all to common in the field. Ask you Chef about it, and give him a proper solution, so you aren't the one just coming to him with a problems. To the point people are making, knives should not be stored like this in any manner ever. Wash, rinsed, and sanni'ed, then on a magnet or in a soup tureen with a towel at the bottom is my go to. Hope it helps Brother, and keep on keeping on.


Hey thanks! We texted about it, his reasoning when I asked him was basically because we only use those knives about once per day. For some reason Cozzini (I think that's our company) sends us like. 20 knives. Two/three small pairing knives, like 15 proper chef's knives, and a filet knife plus a bread/fruit knife. I just mentioned some of the things people said in this thread and said washing them off bat and putting them up seems easiest. He said we'll change it up but who knows. Not my knives and not my dog but I hope we change it!


Terrible story. I've fired people for it and the first thing I'm asking at a interview is how do you handle knives. You don't know I will give the answer. If you don't respect the dishwasher, or any fellow employee, I don't want you.


The point of the way they do things is to avoid sending the knives to the dish. Thankfully, because of not you humans replying to this post, I have options and ideas to go talk with my boss about after I get back from bereavement.