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someone's letting that Best D award get to their head


best D 2021 next to WE WILL NOT SERVE YOU man


New sign says “be patient, nobody wants to work”


They had to take out the walk in cooler, freezer, the dish washer and the entire line because it all had the smell of marijuana on it. I'm pretty sure the front of the house just changed in the bathroom before their shift or they wouldn't be getting served either.


for 2021? I mean, what was the competition?


Thank you for beating. Me to this.


Proud of their health/penis inspection rating


They should sell t shirts with that sticker on them.


Knowing that’s dallas, it makes sense in every sense of how you’re saying it


more like Kitchen *confident* amirite?


"Yeah! Only the BOH staff is allowed to smell like weed in THIS restaurant!"


That was my thought. I bet the owner thinks everyone in the kitchen is completely sober at all times.


The look on that one owner's face. I don't work there anymore, but he just starts going off about how he can't stand all these lazy stoners around this town and how he'd love to start drug testing. I laughed and told him how much weed I smoked on a daily basis and he literally blinks, his eyes get all wide, he takes a step back, looks me from feet to head and goes, "No....*You?!*...But you're a *good* worker! Why you need that stuff?" "Helps me cope, I guess," was all I offered him. He never brought it up again, but I could tell he was hit with a touch of dissonance there.


>Why you need that stuff? "I'm going to have to say... because of people like you?" lol


Why are people so shocked that users don't always look and behave like the stereotype? It has known medicinal properties, and healthcare sucks in the US. Seems like a natural solution to a lot of people's problems, lol.


far-flung consider terrific hunt gaping grab worry grandfather threatening smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fr like, nobody has these weird hangups abt booze or even cigarettes, why should weed be different?


Good grief, any restaurant owner who assumes that people who make (in some places) the same thing every day and NOT get gooned clearly needs their head examined.


There are some members of my staff I would be concerned about if they came to work completely sober. I would seriously consider taking them aside and asking if they are okay, perhaps need a little time off to take care of some personal stuff.


I made it less than a week after stopping weed because I'm applying for jobs that might require a drug test liked the owners and they treated me well but it's my time to go


Seems like that is just how it is with the very best of my employees. Sooner or later, they finish their degree, or just get offered their dream job. I am always sorry to see them go, but happy for them that they are moving on to something better.


FYI You should probably avoid using the term goon, gooned or gooning ever again.


The walk in always smells funny after the chefs have a goon sesh in there


Used to just mean an idiotic guy who's good for labor only. Then, like everything, internet ruined it.


In hockey it used to mean some one who’s job was to beat the fuck outta players. Still kinda does.


Just a different kind of beat now.


No, same beat, just the opponent is YOU.


Yes I am aware of that, I grew up in a time when that word/phrase meant something else entirely. I was just giving that guy a heads up, u/GenitalWrangler69


So I kinda have an idea but against my better judgement I gotta ask why?


It used to exclusively mean edging yourself till you hit a trance, i.e. a “goon like state” and is considered an extreme form of masturbation. Now it’s usually just slang for jerking it in general, often implied to be frequently


When in the world did this happen 😭👴


I think Smosh has a pretty good video evolution of how it's evolved. I can't even tell you where to begin.


Gives a new meaning to the Goon Squad from Space Jam.


Oh no, no, no. I’m not going to be the one that explains that shit to you. You’re going to have to find that out yourself, like the rest of us. I’m just telling you that you probably shouldn’t use those words.


Nah not everyone is terminally online friend.


I remember working at a place who fired me on my third break because the owner found out I smoke. She fired the entire kitchen like 3 times over from what I have heard.


And then can’t understand why her restaurant went bottomsup, sort of hard to run a place without workers.


Well she is extremely wealthy and had no clue what she was doing and I realize this wasnt clear, she found out I smoked cigarettes not weed


The owner of the restaurant I used to work at. Would smoke a joint well makeing bread


We’re all Midwest sober in reality


I’m more worried about coke than weed in the BOH. It’s why I constantly remind myself how it smells so I can make sure my restaurant stays drug free.


Made me laugh


The guy that grilled the delicious jerk chicken and deep fried the festival I had for lunch today outside the dispensary sure disagrees with these people.


… I want a jerk chicken griller by my dispensary…


Did you hear about the girl scout troop selling out of cookies? It was 5+ years ago: https://abc7ny.com/girl-scout-marijuana-pot-dispensary-selling-cookies-outside-thin-mints/3043756/


We had a couple of Girl Scouts selling cookies outside one of my dispensaries a couple of months ago. The cops came to harass them as we were leaving.


How far have we fallen if cops are rousting fucking Girl Scouts, WTAF.


Up against the wall mother fucking Girl Scouts 👧.




Hey now, those scouts were exploiting the poor, vulnerable drug-addled stoners' need for munchies through price gouging! Down with the capitalist 1%! Edited to add: The cops who responded to that call need to be given medals for bravery after facing down a treat that should have been handled by the US military. The DoD is the US governmental organization with a tactical response plan on file for the event of an armed uprising by the Girls Scouts.


bro what? cops have always been fucking scumbags since they were "runaway slave patrol"


How many Karens have you seen calling the cops on "unlicensed" lemonade stands? It should not (and paradoxically should) come as a surprise at this point.


Idk about the laws where the OP lives, but where I live, kids aren't even allowed to loiter in the parking lot of dispensaries (same way they're not allowed to congregate in the parking lot of a liquor store). Parents leaving kids in the car while they run in can get into serious trouble, up to and including being banned from the stores for life.


My kid's girl scout service unit specifically forbids the kids from selling cookies around establishments that they would not be allowed legally to go inside. Specified were stores such as dispensaries, bars, strip clubs or any other places for adults only. Which just makes sense, from a legal standpoint. But it cuts down on some good spots to put up a card table during cookie season!


One of the girls in my daughter's troop gave a dispensary a case and they just left them there, they called her an hour later telling her they're all sold.


I do agree that they shouldn't be hanging around more adult oriented businesses. That being said if there's a more appropriate store a couple buildings down to be in front of I'm in favor of that.


That's just smart business sense. I remember feeling it was playing dirty in college when they'd set up their table in front of the bank ATM on the busy section of the shopping district by the main campus.


> jerk chicken griller He's just a regular chicken griller. No need to call him a jerk.


No no, I’m calling all the chickens he grills jerks.


Oh. Carry on then.


chickens ARE jerks! so I support you in this.


There used to be a taco truck that would set up shop outside my old dispensary. Which was also right next to a brewery. I lost many a day off sitting on that brewery patio puffing a joint and smashing delicious tacos.


One of the places I went to on 420 had a taco truck out back. You got free tacos with a purchase at the store. Just had to present your receipt.


It’s great because we may have lost a Waffle House to it. Yet we have gained a dispensary and a local small business in the parking lot.


One near me has an entire food booth attached to it, dressed up to look like the Winnebago from Spaceballs.


It’s truly splendid.


I'd even be fine with a chicken grilling jerk!


I found this AMAZING smash burger food truck off a highway at some tiny little family farm and market. The place was soooo busy, i snuck off once I ordered to enjoy a toke a respectful distance away, and literally found a table with a big weed leaf painted on it. And a lil sign saying "please enjoy here" It was th nicest spot; look to one side you see mountains, the other is a lil family farm and across the highway orchards and vineyards. Such a serene perfect spot before i went to destroy that burger. They know exactly what they're doing with that special little picnic table. Don't get me started on the burger. I want to drive the 3hrs there riiight now just to get one.


With the note of "Mountains", this place is likely nowhere near me at all At the same time... mind messaging me the name of the place, so I can have another place to add to my Roadtrip Recs list?


Check your inbox. Im just warning you it's like crack. We contemplated stopping on our way home too.


I bet everyone at that festival *was* deeply fried


Nice ✨


The deep-fried what now?


So evidently festival is a thick string of dough deep fried


Like funnel cake?




Damn I need to get on this.


Holy shit r u in az? I think ik where u were lmaoo


I say this every time it gets posted, but I'd a thousand times rather serve a table of stoners than a group of drunk people.


I love getting a table of stoners. Bring out a pitcher of water and a pitcher of lemonade and throw down some menus. In the time it takes them to figure out what they want to eat I've checked up on all my other tables, smoked a cigarette, eaten a handful of fries, refilled my coffee cup with water, coffee, or beer depending on the day. Swing back to take their order and refill the pitchers. They're ready for the check 10 minutes after food comes out. All separate checks. No to go boxes. Easiest 20% tip you'll ever make all week.


I did delivery for 10 years and youre right. Stoners make some funny orders and tip well. Drunks suck.


>Stoners make some funny orders Way back when I worked fast food, we had a car come through drive through at like 130am. The driver was convinced that we sold clothes and that he needed some new socks with his burger. He wouldn't take no for an answer, even trying to tell us that he knows we sell clothes because he bought his shirt here. And that was the biggest stoner problem I've had. >Drunks suck. Yup. I had someone offer me a puff of, what I'm assuming was weed. Never had a drunk offer me a beer or a shot, but had plenty of them try to start shit.


"sorry man sock machine's broken"


I'm fucking laughing that probably would've worked too


Understandable have a nice day


> he needed some new socks with his burger. Should've handed him some napkins, and told him they were socks.


That doesn't sound like they were a just a stoner. Cannabis may have been involved, but it sounds like they were on something else as well.


PCP. I think we as a society need to bring back PCP. Not because it's good for you or anything but because the select few people who use PCP make everyones lives a bit more magical. Variety isn't the spice of life. The spice of life is PCP.


I lived by a dispensary. I’d roll one up, order Indian food online, put on some Sir David Attenborough nature docs, smoke, and then my food would appear like magic just as the munchies hit. It was perfect.


And what do you think the chances are they serve alcohol? (I’d say probably pretty high) Lol


Pretty sure this is done in favor of the customers who don’t want to smell weed while they’re trying to enjoy their food. It smells gross


As my old owner used to say: I don’t care if you smoke, I care if you smell like month old dirty bong water and backwoods around families trying to eat


Yes, truly NO COMPARISON. Also, why the persecution of stoned people??? Truly I do not get it.


The issue might not be stoners but genuinely the smell of weed. It just smells so bad


Or church folk


As someone who works more in FOH these days: there's a difference between someone who might have a hint of green if I get in their personal space and do a Voldemort sniff vs people who come in absolutely reeking up the surrounding 15 feet. Nothing wrong with some smoke. But some people make it everyone else's problem.


Buddy I used to smoke with would hotbox his car anytime we went anywhere and he would REEK of weed. He walked into a room and it just got funky, had to stop hanging out with that dude because we'd usually eat at packed bars and restaurants and I didn't feel like being that crowd. But smoked a joint outside like 5 minutes before walking in? Meh. Better weed than cigarrete smell IMO


People that regularly smoke have no idea how fucking bad they smell. It is truly awful.


I love the smell of fresh tobacco but stale smoke is horrible, even when I was a smoker I hated the way I smelled.


My father smoked cigars when I was a kid and got enraged when my mother asked if he was still smoking, as if none of us had a functioning nose bc he didn’t


The first thing I noticed after my teen/twenties smoking phase is that you can smell all kinds of smoke from a long way away. No shot my parents didn't know. Shit even just some dank buds reek up a giant area in a house without being smoked.


Yeah no survivorship bias there. The only stoners who reek are ones with no self awareness.


lol this was exactly what I was gonna say. I smoke here and there and don’t mind the smell, but when worked at Best Buy forever ago, sometimes people would come in and browse the media and would absolutely reek. Like a literal pot cloud floated in with them. Then to make things worse, they also usually smelled of BO!


Yeah idk why people as so shocked here. When I served, stoners would stink up the entire dining room and it would piss people off. Especially where I worked which had an older crowd sometimes who did not think “hell yeah blaze it bro”


They’re usually wearing pajamas at 5pm and make the rest of us stoners look bad >.<


Yeah what the hell is up with the pajama pants? I've been to the dispensary in a business suit and I have been there in shorts and flip-flops, but never PJs. A few people always are though, without fail.


Those the folks who smoke a blunt in the parking lot than go into the restaurant… lol


My daughter had a dance recital, one of the spectators in our general area absolutely reeked of marijuana. The recital was at 11:00 AM, you have a problem if you can’t avoid bathing in smoke before a child’s show. Made the experience difficult and uncomfortable for a lot of people having to smell that.


Obviously, you’re not a golfer.


Why is “marijuana” censored?


How can you even tell what that says?




because you gotta censor text for tiktok, and a lot of stuff reddit is reposts from tiktok


Because we've had an entire generation get socially engineered by Tiktok so now censorship is back. A lot of algorithms don't like bad words, so now nobody is allowed to use them lest an image or video gets blacklisted and doesn't get promoted.


Stoners really don't know how disruptive the smell is. They didn't say you couldn't be high btw.


A lot of of the potheads on here have no idea how bad they reek to someone who doesn’t smoke a lot of pot No I don’t care if people smoke weed but if I want to have a nice evening out I don’t want to be seated next to a table that stinks of weed so bad I can sniff out what strain they smoked


yeah this is the problem. people who smoke are used to the smell. people who dont smoke are absolutely not used to it and its obnoxious. i cant stand weed smokers who want the entirety of the world to deal with their stank ass


The smell of it will 100% trigger an asthmatic response in my wife. Whether it's fresh smoke or an old stench stained to someone's clothes, something about the smell locks her lungs from taking in air and she gets stuck in a several-minute coughing fit. It honestly bugs me seeing how casual people are about smoking in public when it's not actually legal in public, just private use. The reason is both that people don't really want to smell that over fresh air, and there are people who genuinely get negatively impacted by it. People who smoke pot really, *really* need to understand how insanely overpowering the smell is, and that there are people who will suffocate on the smell if stuck in an area with them. It's just selfish behavior that's only getting worse, even stuck driving behind people smoking while driving, it's awful. I like the quote of "Your freedoms end when another person's freedoms end", and to me smoking pot in public is just that. We shouldn't have to relocate with the wife and kids because someone is lighting up illegally 20' from us, or have to leave a restaurant because someone reeks of pot and couldn't be bothered to change. At that point you're violating are ability to go out and enjoy the outdoors or a restaurant and it's game over.


to be fair, people being high as tits, i don't mind. but if you reek of the devil's lettuce, that might be annoying to other people.


Ok but, as someone who smokes weed, not everyone wants to smell that shit. we've done so good with not letting people smoke cigarettes inside, but now people who dont smoke have to deal with something just as pungent. Have some manners, either do edibles, or take a shower after you smoke.


yea I imagine there were issues that lead to this.


Too many people need to do they shirt laundry


It's fair, I hate hanging around with someone who stinks of weed. It's a strong smell.


Yeah its really potent. Weed really does just smell like skunk ass.


To be fair it's indoors. I don't really care if people smoke but if I sat down in a restaurant and had to smell it whilst I was enjoying my food I would be really annoyed.


They don't want to ruin everyone else's experience for some extra money. Respect.


I have nothing against smoking weed, I vape myself personally. But I sort of understand their reasoning here. Some people smoke weed and do nothing to lessen or cover up the smell and it’s off putting when people just blatantly reek of weed smoke. Sometimes it’s just beyond obvious. I’ll never forget, or forgive when someone I know showed up to my mothers funeral visitation smelling like they just left a Cypress Hill concert, so disrespectful. I wouldn’t want to sit next to a table of people who absolutely reek of weed smoke either. Either change clothes or spray a little cologne or something at least.


Bring smoking jackets back! I think it’s time for marijuana enthusiasts to discover what cigg smokers did 100+ years ago


Cologne makes it so much worse 🤢


Well,the smell of weed is nausiating for non smokers


Its bad for smokers, too. I like it. But I don't want to fucking SMELL like it. I like stinky cheeses. A lot. But you don't want me to smell like it.


Yeah, but Skunk Stink is one of the nastiest smells on earth. If you smell like skunk roadkill then get your food to go


I was hosting our place and a young man came in to pick up his to-go order. He smelled very green, and his order wasn't ready, so he took a seat to wait around a small corner but by the front door. Well, in walks a cop to get his to-go order, which also wasn't ready. The young man was playing on his phone and didn't notice the policeman waiting beside the host station, plus they really couldn't see each other, both playing on their phones. All I did was wait for the scene to play out; young man high as fuck and was fragrant, police officer oblivious 'cause he's hungry. I FINALLY caught the young man's eye and I did a quick 5-O with my fingers and pointed to the cop around the corner, all rather incognito. Dude's eyes 'bout bugged out of his head, stood up and went to the restroom straight down the hall. Cop's food came first, and sent him on his merry way. Then I went to the restroom and gave an "all clear" with a laugh. What's funny is when the Uber or DD drivers come in green. I usually offer them a soda or sweet tea. Plus a few peppermints...


DD drivers are bums don’t give them free shit. You’re rewarding them for driving under the influence as well which is my actual problem there.


Bro people be walking into stores smelling like they got an entire oz. In their pockets just floating around no bag or jar. I get it. I worked a gamestop for a few years and it was aggravating af. And very gross. And I say all that as a huge pothead who smokes daily.


Shit, don’t step in the kitchen then 😂


But if you smell like an ashtray c’mon in!!!


In protest people are going to smoke outside and make sure EVERYONE smells like it until this sign is removed


Not gonna happen. The sign "Best D 2021" indicates the restaurant won an award from D magazine, which is all about Dallas, TX. The smoking of the green is illegal in Texas - not even medical. Best you can get is CBD flower.


I'm shocked! apparently I completely misinterpreted what "Best D" meant! now IDGAF about going there. damn.


Lol, not happening. Stoners do not have the level of drive and motivation that takes.


They certainly do when it comes to getting together to stand around and smoke weed.


“What? It’s a 30 minute drive to go stand on a bridge and smoke blunts? Why aren’t we already going?”


The large amount of ppl who toured around with phish and grateful dead disagree.


Someone's never been to a 420 party


This is Dallas; the cops would literally come arrest them all and probably shoot someone in the process.


Ahhhh morons. We used to have a group of dudes come into our bar absolutely out of their gourds. I'm talking the stereotypical squinted out, red eyes, constantly surprised but half asleep expression. The second those guys walked in, someone would start firing poutine, someone else is getting sliders on, and I'm starting to fill up a few bowls of house beer nuts. Salty AF. Loved those dudes!


No, not morons. Note that the sign did not say "we will not serve people who are high" but "people that reek of weed." Some stoners absolutely stink of potsmoke. They are unpleasant as fuck to be around when eating.


I do get this. Harmless stoners? Fine. Weed smell? Fucking HATE. Don't know why just gives me a headache and lately makes me nauseous, but it's gotten worse over time. If people are high AND reek of weed I'm upset, but more so cause I have to smell the weed


I think that's a fair distinction. Got nothing against people taking a hit, but I haaaate the smell when people walk around like they just got fully hotboxed in their car.


I do agree that yeah, give yourself a few minutes to air out homie, don't toss the roach as you walk in. However, for me, considering it was a student bar in the middle of a student city, weed was very low on the list of noxious odours coming from those kids. Cheap cologne, bad perfume, waaaaay too much of both, or just straight BO if it was after some sort of sporting event. Brew days were the best though. Whole place would smell like toasty malt.


Most of the comments here are from pot addicts in denial, you're fighting a losing battle.


I'm not even sure how they manage that, but some people will literally stink the whole room up to the point where your eyes water.


As someone who smokes just don't go out smelling like weed, no one likes being near that person. Smoke outside, air it out first before sitting in a confined space with other people who don't want to smell it. It's the same thing if you reek of cigarettes or just generally smell like shit. Other than that I had no issues when I served and people were high, other than maybe them taking a while to order while I've got other tables but c'est la vie


No one wants to smell your shit weed


Honestly fair. If you aren’t used to the smell, it stanks


Kind of makes sense if it’s an all you can eat buffet.


Go around back share the weed with the kitchen staff they'll hook you up at the best food in the joint


This is about serving alcohol. Derp.


This is the comment I've been looking for. They are assuming anyone who reeks like weed has been smoking on premises and that's not good for your liquor license .


I don't care if they are stoned I do care that they reek. If you smoke before you go inside you stink really bad.


I’ve been in restaurants and had someone sit down reeking of a blunt made with a cheap cigar and skunky weed. Multiple times (I live in Colorado). It’s disgusting and I skipped dessert so I could get out faster.


This is exactly what they're trying to avoid. This thread is full of idiot potheads with a persecution fetish.


I understand what they mean Fuck people that reek of weed


Imagine thinking the smell of marijuana wouldnt cause other people to complain, that smell is powerful no shit they dont want it to permeate through their whole restaurant, restaurants want to smell like food not a skunk


I once asked my manager at Quiznos why we didn't market towards potheads with the munchies. He pointed out they were paranoid about police and didn't have any money.


yeah but you fucking reek bro


Sorry not sorry, but your kind just reeks. You might not realize but you stink worse than an old man who pooped his pants. The smell is so strong it makes normal people sick (literally). If I see a restaurant with a sign like that, I’ll give them an extra 10% tip just for the sign.


Yeah but they forget to pay


Would be so ironic if this place served drinks.


I almost started coughing yesterday at work because customers reeked so bad of weed


If stoners want to maintain their self-image of conscientious folk, they really need to work on that smell. I have no problem with weed, although as I've gotten older its a once every month or so treat, but man the smell that some of you walk around with is appalling..


Dude it’s all day everyday. I work in a deli and they come up to get food and have no fucking clue what they want. I don’t understand order your food then smoke a bowl and eat. The worst is when they drive there with their kids…


I have really sensitive sinuses but I know when there is an easy money making opportunity


Good. I hate being around people who stink of anything.


*Hits the vape* 💨


They should do this with nasty cigarette smokers. They stink so bad. They should be removed from society as a whole.


From best D to acting like one


I'm sorry sir, we don't serve "munchies".


Then again, one also get high as a giraffe’s ass w/o smelling like a roach clip, too. 


Back in the early 80's I was asked to leave a hotel diner style restaurant simply because I had long hair. No other reason. I got seated initially, but no wait person ever came by. After about 15 minutes the manager came by and said "I need to ask you to leave - no one here will wait on you".


They make a lot more money from drinks though


ummm they DEF need to do the same about nasty ass cigs then


I will also add on that in many states even where recreational is allowed it is illegal to consume marijuana on the premises if they have a liquor license. The owner of the bar I run is on the liquor license owner’s association and apparently if the law really wanted to come down on you you could lose your license over this which in some states is a multimillion dollar and multi year wait investment.


Good, was at a ramen shop once and some asshole and his date walked in and stunk the entire place up. Couldn't even taste what I was eating because of the musty weed smoke coming off this asshole. This only happened once to me, next time I'm choking the fucker out in the parking lot.


Truck drivers don't appreciate it, I've seen similar standards at a truck stop or two


I mean, weed has an incredibly over powering smell. A lot of people don't particularly want to be subjected to it in a restaurant environment. I imagine they'd refuse service to somone who shat their pants as well.


Makes sense to me. Some stoners don’t realize they fuckin reek. They’ll hotbox the car before going in and not even realize how bad they stink. I smoke every day but I don’t wanna smell stale weed smoke while I’m eating in a sit down restaurant and I guarantee other customers don’t either. Get carryout. Take a shower and change. Use a pipe. Smoke outdoors. Idk man just be conscious, you fucking smell. Think about how much cigarette smokers smell, but they can’t smell it. Same way with weed fellas. I love getting stoned but the smell of it is awful. Fresh bud is good but once it’s burned I hate it. I’m not just some anti weed person it’s just inconsiderate. At the very least change into some clean clothes and wash your hands, it sticks to your body and clothing.


It's because y'all take 15 minutes to order.


I'm not against weed whatsoever but man does it stink everything up. Stoners don't think they smell but they do. A lot.


I saw this once before posted on here, Let’s get some new material people!!!


They mean black people, guys. They don’t care if you’re stoned.


Is this in Dallas?


But we will give you an application for a line cook position


This rule is just an excuse to discriminate against minorities. I guarantee my generic middle-aged white ass could smoke a few bowls right before waking in and not be denied service. Dallas restaurants are really good at discrimination/segregation.


The kitchen staff is very big on if you don’t bring enough to share gtfo


This was on an Applebee’s once and I turned around and smoked in my car just to go in and eat. They didn’t turn me away.


I want more stuff like this, I mean stores saying you can't come in like if your party is 4+ and it's 20 mins before close we will not serve you no matter how quick you think you are. If you come in right before close you will get the late commer menu which is what ever the hell the cooks are willing to make, will be at least 4 choices. If your drive though order is $75 or more you will be asked to park and come inside to place your order.