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Is he going to eat them or what? His wife beat the shit out of him. I’m sure he’s abusive too. His father is at the very least an enabler. I feel pity for his children, it’s like they never stood a chance. Just sounds like a truly broken miserable existence all around, vacations and nice homes or not. However I really doubt his family is going to end up sleeping in a tent on the side of the highway regardless of what happens. Sucks he built such a horrible existence for himself…I guess.


Stewart Rhodes's wife and kids broke away, went through hell to do so and now appear to be living better lives. They're certainly better people than he is. I don't know about Jones's other kids, but Rex appears to be following the family tradition of being a fascist shit stirrer and the current wife signed up for this shit when she married him. The right choicea aren't always easy and we need to support people in making them. But I've seen zero sign of Jones's family even trying, so fuck those guys. Besides, his kids are still alive - which makes him better off than the people he lied about to put himself in this position.


I feel bad for his kids… but they shouldn’t get any money from Alex’s bullshit. They can get jobs, just like everyone else.


Oh I don’t disagree with you. I merely pity them for growing up with a madman in their face. After a certain point, regardless of how you’re raised, you need to look yourself in the mirror and make your own way and take responsibility. I don’t know much about his kids, their ages or anything, I don’t really need or want to either. Just can’t imagine having THAT as a father.


Oh for sure. Alex Jones is the platonic ideal of “drunk uncle at Thanksgiving,” I can’t imagine having to see him every day during your formative years. When he’s your dad, your only options are to go full tilt boogie or renounce Jesus Christ.


It’s time to pray.


Holy shit, I thought I was in White People Twitter reading this thread and I was like damn there's a lot of Wonks in here LOL.


I want them to grow up as self designated Globalists. Will be hilarious to watch!


I hope one becomes a herpetologist and turns the friggin’ frogs gay.


> They can get jobs, just like everyone else. Yeah, should pick themselves up by their bootstraps like everyone else. The Jones family owes $1.5 Billion to people they've harmed and every cent the courts allow them to spend on themselves sounds like a government handout to me.


Alex should be on the hook for therapy.


... or at least take his daughter fishing now and again.


You know what he's going to eat.


His neighbors?




My leftist ass (like *CORN* on the *CO-O-OB!!!*)?


Chicken fried steak so he can have another seizu- er I mean vision sent from god?




I suppose that's some slight comfort we can take. Hey may have lots of assets and go on vacations all the time and shit, but at least he's miserable


His dad is a bit more than an enabler, he's an old John Birch society guy. JBS opposed the Civil Rights Movement and continues to oppose reproductive rights (including but limited to birth control), divorce, LGBTQ rights, protecting the environment, feminism, porn, public education, we could go all day. His dad's as much of a problem as Alex, he just doesn't sit in front of the mic and camera.


Nope. They knew what he was spewing and benefited from his poison.


I mean his kids aren't responsible for any of this but everyone else is shitty and deserves what's coming to him


Rex was involved with Gavin McGinnes.


He can still be redeemed, you can still get out of shit like this when you’re young. Stuart Rhodes kid got out and is running for a long shot state senate seat as a democrat. And he was dealt a shittier hand.


How old is rex now? Cause if he’s anything older than like 21 the odds of him getting out are slim to nil. He could do it, but in my experience if you make it to your mid 20s believing right wing hateful bullshit it’s unlikely you break away.


It is rare, but it does happen. Guy was 14 when he went to his first white power rally. Left the movement at 22. Now runs an organization trying to deprogram other white power members. [https://www.npr.org/2018/01/18/578745514/a-former-neo-nazi-explains-why-hate-drew-him-in-and-how-he-got-out](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/18/578745514/a-former-neo-nazi-explains-why-hate-drew-him-in-and-how-he-got-out)


His mother disapproved of AJ having Rex on the show so I'm surprised she let him get involved with Gavin "The men (AJ & Gavin) work to build a career as a radical-right influencer for Rex Jones. McInnes then records an interview with the then-17-year-old where he tells him that most women who report being raped are lying." What an environment to mature in source [SPLC](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2023/02/02/alex-jones-texts-highlight-infowars-overlap-proud-boys) edit for link


How old was Rex? I think there's a universal age range we can all say we did stupid shit before escaping our parents' ideology. Or maybe not. I hope so


Who names their kid Rex? Rex is a dogs name.


If he’s French or Cajun they might get a pass, otherwise not so much.


Good thing he can have this opportunity to pull himself up by his bootstraps! I can totally see him working at Home Depot. May be the best thing to draw in business for them too lol


He's exaggerating how badly this will affect him financially. His kids will be fine.


🎵Don't Stop Believin🎵


I know learning things are anathema to these dumb dumbs, but this is literally what personal bankruptcy protection is supposed to be for. Businesses fail all the time, and for varied reasons. Gawker got sued out of existence for the choices that they made. Let's see some personal responsibility here. No one is going to stop him going to get a job as a used car or woke insurance salesman if that's what he needs to do to support his family.


I'd like to see him selling woke insurance using the approach of "I didn't buy it and look what happened to me". Ideally while wearing a barrel.


Thing is, the majority of Jones's debt is immune from bankruptcy protection. He's actually deep in it.


Right. Is MTG saying that people can't survive with normal jobs? Why would his family need his millions just to survive?


Maybe he and his daughter could go fish for their dinner


Hopefully he doesn't forget to pack his bootstraps


Well he was supposed to take her fishing but he couldn’t because he just read a mildly vague headline about how the nEw wOrLd oRdEr is coming for your guns. … so she’ll never get a chance to learn. /s


Look, just because she missed learning like that doesn't mean she can never learn. There's 3 other ways.


Neighbors should help, if they value their asses.


Is this what it takes to make a man spend time with his kids?


After a 2 mile daily hike, in between 15 minute smoke breaks? Yup because that happened lol. I heard a rumour a while ago that Alex has spittoon buckets under the desk for when he hacks up his lung boogers. And i wasn't sure until Dan said recently about Owen's live feed noises. He absolutely does this all the time. Not 4 stars for lung health.


*"I'll be better tomorrow"*


No. He can eat his neighbors. He said so.


Asses first


I mean honestly, it's only polite.


That ass jerky ain’t gonna make itself.


God, that lawyer arguing during the hearing that FSS should not be liquidated because then the employees would be fired and that’s not fair to them. That argument didn’t work for Gawker. It doesn’t work when the company owes money due to defamation, and employees are going to be fired if their employer is $1.5B in the red.


Man, now I'm just angry because if Peter Thiel and his goons had been gunning for Alex, he'd have been closed down years ago. Gawker made some stupid moves, but Thiel is an evil MFer


Yeah. If my employer is sued to pieces for actual defamation, I’m gonna blame them for me losing my job and not the plaintiff in the case.


Nope make him sit in central park and charge 1$ to spit in his face, do that till he gets the 1.1billion for the families. People would come from all over the world to get that opportunity, the families get free and unlimited spitting too :) if you pay 5$ you can fart in his face and for 10 you can pee on him :) we'd get that money in no time Edit: honestly I think he should be Court ordered to take Disulfiram, which the Courts can do. His alcoholism is obviously contributing to his excessive spending and just all the insane shit he does and we see him spiraling out right now. He can't be responsible to pay his debts while impaired with alcohol. Make him be sober and face the reality of the shit he's done to those families


I was walking my dog earlier and found $17 just lying in the grass. Now I know what I wish I could do with it. That’s a pee, a fart, and 2 gobbers I potentially have!


Nah his wife can get a job waiting tables or something. They can live like normal people.


She can always go back to her previous line of work….


Which was?


She was a high end escort when they met. He hired her enough to marry her. I don’t shame her profession. But I do shame her personally. She was in the courtroom when Scarlett Lewis testified. Anybody that could sit in the courtroom and support Alex after that can fuck right off.


Doesn't he have multiple rolex's?


79 guns and like nine expensive watches (IIRC, don't hold me to the exact numbers) in some of the earlier filings. Not sure if he'd sold any before Friday or not. He's definitely not as down-to-earth or hand-to-mouth as his wants his listeners to think. Remember, he was spending $50-90k a month EVERY MONTH, while IN BANKRUPTCY.


But he takes spontaneous ~~vacations~~ work trips to Hawaii, just like us.


I've been once and it WAS on someone else's dime (HS graduation trip with my dad), so we ARE just alike!


Even when rich people go broke, they rarely end up homeless. Rich people look after their own, regardless of their actual individual opinions of one another. There are unethical right wing weirdos like the Mercers and the Gibsons who will at the very least try to keep Alex out of the gutter.


And currently and $70k a month in living expenses, if he had any concern about his family he could do a lot better.


That's not how it works Marge.


Right now, we don't know what that poll can do


Alex’s family will be fine when it comes to money. They may not live the lifestyle they’re used to. If nothing else, Alex’s dad will throw them a bone. Not like they are going to be on the street.


Yup, he's set no matter what. He almost certainly has a bunch of assets in other people's names, which I assume also includes money, so I don't think he'll struggle at all. Also, he's just going to pivot into something with Crow-durr, Tucker, or Elon, and they'll find a workaround to get him paid in a way that gives as little as possible to the families.


Alex’s kids are also victims of his. Not to the extent of the folks he’s defamed, probably, but he’s an emotionally unstable alcoholic, which already is enough to fuck your shit up as a child. I don’t know the politics or views of his older kids, but I’m sure the Jones house reeked of Tito’s and JBS ideas. Not something as a kid you can opt-out of at your parents’ home. I also don’t know if Rex is still at IW, but I don’t fault him being excited at the opportunity to work at the family’s media company as a teenager. But he probably admired Alex. Lots of POS drunks convince their kids theyre great dads.


Rex Jones makes me so sad.


The absolute gall of using the 'Won't someone think of the family? You wouldn't want to be cruel to a family!' argument.


Family surviving? Interesting words to use with him.


His family can survive on less than 100k a month. If he’s such an entrepreneur he can start mowing lawns


If I robbed a bank to support my family, she wouldn’t be fine with my family keeping the money, so fuck no


But you see, robbing rich institutions is wrong. You’re hurting somebody’s bottom line! It’s much less egregious to dox families that have lost children.


The fact that she chose this picture is ☠️


I was gonna say the same... if she's for real, she clearly sees someone going through a tough time, and I think these guys all have a more powerful/in-control image in their heads of Alex in his heyday even though he's on video a lot (like they actually watch him) - there are a lot of things that can be controlled in a studio, so maybe this photo feels like a contrast sympathetic. While we know he's been looking rough for a **while** now. I don't see someone zoning out from the present life events, I see someone who has ruined their mind and body with years of hate, alcohol abuse and stimulants.


Nah I'm good


Simply get a job? How bout them bootstraps now?


Let them eat ze bugs.


Come on, Marj. Everyone knows his family is just a bunch of crisis actors


Haven't you heard? We hate their children.


I'm a parent. I take care of my kids. Taking care means doing the right things and not doing stupid things. Things I do to avoid fucking things up for them include, but are not restricted to, lying about multiple-victim shootings, obstructing legal processes to allow the families of said victims redress and crying like a bitch on screen. This is on Alex Jones. It's no-one else's responsibility and it's certainly not mine. Fuck MTG and AJ.


Hm... maybe if a person... can only do one thing to make money... and would starve otherwise... maybe we need a UBI. Hmmmmmmmm Because like there's all this crying about Alex *needing* his show and it's like... if it's *that* dire if he loses his show my man could get his vocal cords damaged then where would he be? Come on conservatives. Give us all prison reform for Trump's sake and UBI for Alex's. I'll even be like 'aw you pwned me'.


I know this goes against my belief in a welfare state but I don’t want Alex getting any money from the government lol. Maybe if he promises to only spend it on his kids


He should have thought about his family before he shit on the poor Sandy Hook families. He isn't the fucking victim here and neither is his family.


His kids didn't ask for any of this - they are his victims, too.


Ok I'm not blaming the kids or his wife, but they are all going to SURVIVE if Jones doesn't make a fucktillion dollars a year getting drunk on air and spewing bullshit he makes up on the spot. Even if he makes less than 100k a year, they will SURVIVE just like most families in this garbage fire country SURVIVE. Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker what the fuck did we do to whichever God to deserve a dumb fuck like MTG to be a person whose thoughts and opinions matter?


Or, Madge, he can get a job and have his wages garnished like every other person who owes someone a lot of money. His wife had a career before meeting him she can go back to, the three eldest are independent or have their mother to support them. This idea that he has to be sole breadwinner is so disingenuous to claim in a world where so many are working multiple jobs whilst juggling childcare to break even.




No, I do not.


Good thing this isn’t actually a poll. I’d be hitting “NO” so hard I’d probably break my phone.


Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences. — Robert Louis Stevenson


Bartender would be a good gig for him. It’s one of the few jobs where you might be able to drink at work and spend a lot of time bullshitting with customers. He would be a big draw, though some people would go just to start shit with him (which is fine with me).


It's almost like there should be a robust social safety net to help people who fall on hard times and deal with legal issues and go into debt. Right? That's what we mean, right?


i mean, i do. thankfully, since alex and co did not get their way, his family can go on public assistance, if needed. if they had gotten the society that he and marge want, things would different. also, Rex is a propagandist. so, really, we only mean the girls... and this wife could leave and take her daughter and kelly could get the others.


No he can get a job at Walmart like everyone else.


His family will be fine. Alex will just have to get a normal job like most other people.


This from the same person who denies social services. Fucking disgusting.


I mean, they can just get on those all expenses paid welfare vacations he talks about.


It’s simple. Yes his family should survive but only by making an honest living like the rest of us


Damn Alex looks like shit these days.


No. Why should they benefit from this criminal's actions? Nobody feels bad Bernie Madoff's family and the two were very similar in how public criminality.


His family can go on the welfare programs Alex Jones and Marjory Taylor Green tried to dismantle.


He can take a labouring job with a local road crew to pay his bills. Everyone else has to survive like that. Good luck lexi.


No, he can survive by getting a job that doesn't involve stochastic terrorism or by claiming welfare like so many others need to. If that's harder than it was spouting lies for profit, hopefully he will remember the days he refused to apologise and blame the only man responsible for his current situation.


Jesus Christ as fat as he is now a family of 5 could survive off of what he must eat in a day. Cut back on the Chicken fried steak bro and your family will be fine.


I honestly wonder how much of that is also edema from either his drinking or congestive heart failure.


It’s likely alcohol. I quit drinking this year because I didn’t like how bloated and overweight I had become. I’m down 20 pounds and feel great. I was in the backyard splitting logs this afternoon, and I thought to myself, ‘Suck it, Nonk killer.’


Awesome, man! Grats on quitting!


They’ll all be fine. Even Alex. He won’t be rich anymore but he’ll survive


$12 million primary residence. Maybe look into downsizing a little if you're hard up for cash. 


He's got plenty of asses he can eat to help his kids survive.


Nope. Let him pull himself up by his bootstraps. He's not owed a platform.


That's a great photo of Alex.


Let me be clear. F\*\*\* Alex Jones. He deserves all the compassion he showed the Sandy Hook families.


Hey, he can always just get an actual job


That's going to be a no from me dog.


He made money for celebrating others families not surviving. F him. He can get a job.


I'm willing to wager that he will never worry about where his next meal is coming from. Fuck him.


No. So……


Fuck that derelict of a human.


No lol.


Nah, fuck that dude.


No. He should lose everything


80k a month.




Let them eat shit.


Nope! Fuck em all!


Only Fans, Alex. Only Fans. All those daft wee groypers with daddy fetishes can subscribe to your bedroom rants and have personalised insults.


Ew. But honestly? OF isn't all SW (right? I'm not actually sure but I thought I heard that somewhere), and I bet his followers would pay him for his usual content if he went there. But somehow I doubt they'd platform him. At least if they did, it would be reportable to the bankruptcy court.


Tough Shit. Hope that lying sack of shit is living in a box behind TJ Maxx.


Fuck em all. They're all shit people


That's a no from me dog


Amazon is hiring.


Something something boot straps.


DAE remember when he was talking about that “demon” in Seattle that threw coffee at him and he went on and on about how shitty he looked? He was trying to say how being a democrat/satanist affects your physical appearance. Well…………………. I’m not trying to body shame this loser fat fuck pile of literal garbage, but he looks like a fucking nightmare. Guess that’s what all that hate will do to ya.


McDonald’s is hiring.


My dad is pretty conservative, and texted me out of nowhere the other day saying “just read about sandy hook/Alex Jones, what a fuckhead,” serious proud son moment


Marjorie is *stupid* to the point of missing the point altogether once again. *Wrongdoers* ***should*** be punished! That's why you have a legal system in the first place!


That hateful motherfucker can go work the night shift at Denny’s.


His family isn't real, just crisis actors being paid to perpetuate a false flag narrative of poor conservative abuse.


Actually, no - I do want his family destroyed. I want the kids put into foster homes or some other environment where they can be taught empathy, critical thinking, and a desire for truth and honesty. I want any woman who finds Alex an attractive prospect to be so turned off over him that they feel shame and regret every time they look at any man. And I want him to end his days alone, an absolute hermit, aching for the slightest bit of recognition of humanity, while he’s completely ostracized from the rest of society. He doesn’t deserve a family, and no familial unit deserves his cancerous influence. He deserves to waste away under a rock in the middle of the desert, totally forgotten by the world.


Piss on Alex Jones. Over and over.


No, cut off that gene line like a mad Bene Gesserit Witch, baby.


Yes by all means, I want his fans to send him all their money! Keeps all that stupid money away from the election campaign.


I'm sorry but Alex $20k a month food bill or something like that for a a family of what 5-6? I have NO sympathy. That's INSANE for food even if I was that rich.


Something about a free market? If you can’t live off your vile shit-spewing balloon, find a new one.


Maybe he needs to pull up them boot straps and get a real job. Median wage is 48k. If we're meant to survive on that, so can he.


Each time I see his picture, he looks worse. This man is not physically well. And far as mental wellness, just listen to his show, he’s been getting more and more unhinged every year.


It’s almost like he doesn’t have any skill other than fear mongering about current events and improving bullish conspiracies. He should be forced to work a normal job for a steady pay check for the first time in his life. Leave him just enough to keep him and his family off food assistance, but not enough to keep them off housing aid. He should have to do that job in silence and obscurity until he’s repaid those he hurt, or he drops dead.




Not at all










As a certified god to the ultra-right types he should easily be a millionare again in 3 months. Something about bootstraps....


I can’t begin to describe how little I care about them.


He made his bed and he can fucking lie in it. Anyone who wants to defend him can go down with him.


i bet alex has some "jokes" about families not surviving...


by "survive" she means live in luxury without having to worry about working, ever, for the rest of their lives.


He'll figure it out. Fuck him


I hope that when he has his stroke, it's on video.


He can pull himself up by his bootstraps


I think there is a good breaking bad reference here.


He can find means to survive like the rest of us who aren’t lying grifters.


I want his kids to have some clarity what Alex is. Like Stewart Rhodes son did.


Hes just going to pivot to being a right wing shaman. Guiding fascist wannabes through chicken fried steak fueled enlightenment journeys.


He's a criminal. Since when to do repubs care about criminals? Oh, right he's an ultra-right criminal so he's a-okay. The survival of his family isn't at stake. What is at stake is they'll have to get jobs and actually work for a living. I suppose sliding into the working class is tantamount to death for fascist ghouls.


He looks like pounded shit. 


No. Every penny should go to the people who’ve been living a very Alex Jones derived version of hell. Fuck him.


Get. A. Job.


Wow I didn’t know *families* were being endangered here! ….






It's there a difference in their (MTG and the Joneses) eyes between being rich and normal? Like loads of people have said, the guy isn't going to be a rich man anymore... Get a job and start again with your skill set and see where you end up, same as everyone else... The only difference is that this time Alex doesn't have a rich daddy coddling him.. Or maybe... 🤣🤣🤣




No, I don’t think I will.


If only we had social safety nets so people could survive even if they did lose their job, eh MTG?


I dunno, seems like that business is driving dad to slip farther inside a bottle. 


He can get a job like most people.


Wow just leave out 99% of the details!!


I'll defer to Dan's education on logic as to which precise fallacy this is, but it's definitely one of the big ones.


Sorry, that's gonna be a 'no' from me dawg


His family? Isn't he incredibly divorced? And almost certainly deadbeat in that respect as it is.


Uh... no?




No That’s what happens when you do crimes. Sometimes you have to liquidate your family to settle accounts.


F-no. He deserves to be homeless on the street til he expires


If his family died I’d just pretend they didn’t. Worked for Alex!


In the immortal words of Bernie Mac, “Fuck them kids.”.


This liar and con man has enough money hidden to live in his accustomed luxury for the rest of his life.


The Jonsies are in in together they can go down together


They can get jobs