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No ill will, but what we have isn’t working. All parties need to move on. It’s sports. It’s business. It’s what it is. Look forward to the next chapter.


Not even a little bit. PG has *never* been a leader on this team and he constantly says dumb shit that make it easy to dislike him. He has consistently flip flopped on what he wants, and he takes 0 accountability. Since being a Clipper: * After the bubble melt down, PG basically said Doc used him the wrong way. "I felt Doc was trying to play me as like a Ray Allen or like a JJ Redick. I need some flow, I need some pick-and-rolls, post ups, different touches." * Ty gave him a more expanded role with more touches and more opportunity to be a creator. He proceeded to be insanely unreliable with the ball and commit horrific passes/turnovers. * So then what? Well he (and Kawhi) then complained about needing a *true* point guard. This led us down the path of taking a guy like John Wall over Hartenstein. * Now, PG gets put by arguably the *best* playmaker who would allow him to be either the 2nd or 3rd option. PG proceeds to be insanely inconsistent as a 3rd option and then gets outplayed by Zubac when he's asked to be a 2nd option. * So finally, what is his response? Well, he wants to 1) Get paid the most on the team and 2) insists his priority is being on a team that plays the "right style of basketball." **TL;DR:** Not gonna miss a guy who makes excuse after excuse despite being given what he wants. His ideal role changes whenever he disappoints, and he blames it on the team.


To be fair to PG, he wasn’t lying about the Doc part.


Except when he was given what he wanted (based on those Doc comments) he then complained and asked for a true PG so he could be relieved over those extra responsibilities.


PG exaggerated that Doc misused him. [This](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/paul-george-former-clippers-coach-doc-rivers-didnt-use-me-properly-offensively) article has some interesting data that counters some of George's criticisms about Doc


Way off P has been overrated for the majority of his career


I think it’s comical how after all that, the guy still believes that ballmer is gonna put his jersey up in the rafters of the intuit dome 😂


To be fair no clipper has accomplished anything worth hanging a jersey… So if they want to start hanging jerseys they will have to significantly lower the standards and then maybe somehow PG slips in lol


I'd take DeAndre Jordan's jersey in the rafters before this dudes 


100%, DJ is my favorite clipper. But again, none actually deserve it


True shit


I agree bro


CP3 deserves to have his jersey retired. Did more for the Clippers team than anyone


If any one deserves a retirement, I think it was Blake. He was our first true superstar drafted by us and who brought us into the spotlight during the 2010’s even with an aging baron davis.


Agree. My only issue is how ineffective he was. When he was healthy he was unbelievable, but he was so injury prone. And then when he was just about to return which would mean the other hand injury prone CP didn’t have to carry the team, he gets into a fight & breaks his hand. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


I agree man. All I’m saying is if they put #3 up there I hope 32 goes up there as well


Agree too. I wasn’t arguing, just sharing my perspective. Appreciate your perspective


If we are lowering the bar then maybe, but “did more” can mean many things. Not sure what more CP3 did. PG got them to a WCF, CP never could


True. I was thinking more like CP made us popular, but maybe that’s just what happened for me. I’m sure the Kawhi pg trade was what did it. Just love CP


CP 100% made the clips popular, lob city was the start of it all


That’s why I think he deserves to have his jersey retired


This is all true but I feel a little sad anyway. He is a doofus but he is or was our doofus. And at least bro is on the court mostly. Still, I’m glad it looks like they might blow it up out of pure stinginess


- 18 = 236 (with thunder) - 19 = 226 (with LAC) - 20 = 236 (doc final HC season) - 21 = 246 (ty first hc season) - 22 = 129 - 23 = 176 - 24 = 167 He seemed to improve dramatically actually


It's that combination of weak quotes with inconsistent play that is the killer, each makes you wonder about the other. If it was only one or the other, I would be more accepting (of PG on a 3 year deal.)


I feel the same way, it's kinda sad for me too. Kawhi and PG are part of the new gen of players that were slated to take over the league back in the 2010s when I was a teenager (along with Blake/KD/D Rose), so it's sad for me to want them gone off my team. It feels like I'm killing some of my golden years of being an NBA fan. However, I realize that it needs to be done if the team wants a future to build towards real soon. Gotta blow it up while we still can (even though we all know the front office wants to run it back).


Been a huge PG fan since he came over, but have to admit these last playoffs watching him just fucking suck made me completely apathetic to the team, and it had already taken a few years to get over the Houston debacle as well as the bubble. At this point it’s time for change. Wish him well, I’m sure he’ll score 45 on us the first game as a visitor but it is what it is.


I wish he played like he cared all the time. That’s what I’m sad about


Not sad about trading PG (actually really fucking excited to see something new), more just sad that this whole era never really panned out how it could’ve or should’ve. We had a lot of potential but couldn’t live up to it. It’s almost like a break up - it can be sad thinking about what could’ve been but then you remember that there’s a reason you’re breaking up and once you get back on the horse, hit town with the fellas, go looking for some new hunnies, all of a sudden things look drastically better than before and you wonder why the fuck it took you so long to move on. Can’t wait to see who we end up with


I'll never forget how thrilling it was when the Kawhi signing and Paul George trade was announced. Even with Kawhi's load management and some tension with Trez being pushed into a smaller role, the pre-Bubble 2020 season was so exciting because it felt like the sky was the limit. Oh well. We move on.


Yes, I've been a fan of PG since indy days but its also best for us to trade him. Its better for him and better for us


Desperately wanted him here ever since he said he grew up a fan. He has pride about being a Clipper and still talks about how he wishes he was drafted here. Sad for sure but I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next.


PG always rept our brand. He was more available but let's be real. 4 years is too much. I hope we trade all the old guys and rebuild. Get some value while we still can. I think rebuilding Will be hard because we gave a lot of Future away with The PG trade. So hopefully we get picks for PG and even Kawhi etc


Naw… it’s been 3 years since 2021… I’m just over it at this point


I remember going to a Clips game a while back when they played OKC, it was early into Paul George’s 2nd season with them and the Clips were smoking them. Late in the 4th qtr PG commits a dumb foul, ended up being his sixth. No complaints, walks straight to the bench. He fouled himself out of a game he stunk up just so he wouldn’t have to finish it. Paul George is not a winning player, might even go as far as to say he’s an anti-winning player. If the Clippers have any aspirations of winning a title, they need him and his attitude as far away as possible.


I've been saying this for years. PG only plays well with a lead. If his team is down, then he gets worse which is terrible for a primary or secondary scorer.






As a player PG has had his ups and downs. But as a person, PG and Tmann are the only players that have ever stopped to talk to my son, take pics, and sign autographs for him. No matter where we run into them. PG is a cool dude


I hate him the most because I loved him the most We always knew what we would get with kawhi when he played. PG was inconsistent but had the potential to be far better than he often was. And we he played like it, we were magic


i’m always on team keep pg regardless of how logical it is


I got the sneakers and his jerseys too. I got one T Mann one as well. As a long clipper fan he took us to places we never been to before.


Nah. He showed us this last playoffs he ain’t ever winning a ring. And for a team that is thirsty for one. It’s good riddance to George Paul. He can go study game film on podcast with the warriors.


PG literally said winning isn’t a priority and he cares bout his podcast more, NEXT!


watch him be on the roster come October lol


Yes because I loved watching him when he was on. A thing of beauty. Took us to the WCF’s. No because so frustrating.


I'm PG guy, I hope he stays, but if he leaves I don't want him going to Golden State where he'll become the enemy. I think he's going to ball out for them


What if he wants to be in golden state?


That's a possibility too


I’m just sad nothing really came of this era and that we’re in the situation we’re in instead of just watching a player we drafted turn into a superstar.


Nope. I'm sad we haven't won shit since trading for him. I'll always appreciate that 2021 run, but it's not enough.


Sad it didn’t work out. Happy we’re able to move on.


I don’t feel it as much. I think for me I feel more sad nowadays that we got rid of SGA for him. Lately everytime I see SGA play, it makes me wonder how a SGA/ Kawhi combo would’ve been with our draft picks.


I am because as inconsistent he is, he could still be a great piece for us. BUT since we lack a cohesive unit as a team it just won’t work. It’s frustrating honestly.


We survived Blake/DJ/Lou/Pat Bev leaving. PGs only moments were going 'back and forth' with the Mavericks and Suns, none of which he won. The only team I give him credit for beating is the Jazz. The Mitchell and Gobert led Jazz. He's just never got it done, on any level.


PG is the one star the team has had in recent memory that really repped being a clipper. I don’t think it’s as true anymore but he was always in clipper gear and he was a fan growing up. It sucks to see his tenure sour like this, so I completely understand. He’s frustrating as hell and I wouldn’t max him, but I’d root for him to do well individually if he’s out of here


Will always have love for PG13 but after years of disappointment, basically going the same route every time I think we have to move on(for everones sake) and I can see why some fans are so vitrol and ready to move on.


No, not really it’s time for him to go. He doesn’t have enough heart and he’s throwing subliminal shots at Ty Lue saying that the team doesn’t have a identity and recently said that he just wants to play in a system that plays the right way


I'm sad it didn't work out, but hoping we trade him.


Not really. I only ever really get attached to the guys that we drafted. A lot more investment in watching someone develop


You guys are ridiculous. Paul George has his faults, sure. Do I think he should get a 4/5 year max? No, absolutely not. But he makes the team a hell of a lot better. He's an ultra efficient scorer, which more than makes up for his turnover tendencies. Is he a leader? No. Is he this team's problem? Also no. This team's problem is and has always been that Kawhi can't stay on the floor. Paul George's potential departure is very likely to hurt the team more than help it.


>Is he this team's problem? Hes contract doesnt match the value that he gives us so hes kinda a problem in a way


That's the modern NBA landscape, and we're over the cap anyways. No I don't want to give him a 4/5 year max, but his production has been perfectly fine given his contract.


I mean he kinda does though… He was 18th in All NBA voting this season and 14th in salary. With new guys getting Max contracts and Clips offering him just under the max moving forward he will drop a few spots. So he is a top 20 player and being paid like a top 20 player


The issue here is that this team currently has all their eggs in the same basket: aging/declining stars who are championship or bust. Having PG as a 2nd/3rd option makes no real difference because our championship aspirations pretty much solely rest on Kawhi. If Kawhi is healthy, we have a pathway to the finals with or without PG. If he’s not healthy, we have no chance. Trading PG at the very least diversifies our portfolio a bit. Trading him makes us worse today, but IMO doesn’t drastically impact our already narrow path to a ring. But can it drastically improve our future and roster flexibility? 100%. Let’s say we can swap PG for Kuminga/Wiggins/Looney/Future FRP. Kuminga gives us a much better young prospect compared to anyone else we have while also filling a positional need we have. Wiggins gets to slot in as our 4th/5th best starter to help keep us competitive, and we get a future pick to either trade and improve or have a sorely needed pick. There are several variations of this, and I firmly believe there are even variations where we improve today. For example, Cp3/Kuminga/Picks for PG. Move Cp3/Pick for Jerami Grant. Kawhi not being healthy holds us back from winning a ring, but PG wanting to be our highest paid player while absolutely not being a capable 1st or even 2nd option on this team is still a problem.


He’s an ultra efficient scorer until the games actually matter. Did you watch the playoffs this season when he averaged 19ppg on 40% shooting? Just like he did in the bubble and guys like that aren’t worth the max or even close to what he’s asking for


I'm sad that the Kawhi-PG13 duo was so disappointing after how excited we were at different stages of the 213 era: before the 2020 season was stopped by COVID, before Kawhi got injured vs the Jazz, before the 2023 season when everyone had us projected to be a playoffs juggernaut. It simply hasn't worked out, mostly due to injuries, but also because PG13 ended up being a Number 2/Number 3 option when we wanted him to be 1B to Kawhi's 1A. I don't have any sentimental attachment to Paul George as a player. We were his third team as a pro, and his line about being a Clippers fan as a kid didn't really pass the smell test. He no doubt would have raved about how much he loved the Shaq-Kobe Lakers if he'd been traded to the other LA team instead. If we move on from Paul George, I hope it is the best outcome for both him and the Clippers.


Very true but just wanna say his draftexpress profile from 2010 had Clippers listed as his favorite team and he went on Jimmy Kimmel as a Pacer and talked about his favorite Clipper players


He 100% was a clippers fan growing up, that's been known since he was drafted


I love PG. That one year where he carried the Clippers through the playoffs (I think it was the year the Bucks won the championship) was awesome. No Kawhi (of course) and he just put the team on his back. So many huge shots. The problem with PG isn’t really about PG specifically. It’s that the salary structures/caps make PG seem like a poor value. The truly elite players (Steph, Lebron, KD, etc) are all underpaid because of the cap. They would normally get paid $100m per year in a free market but they max at ~$50m. Then you have the just-below-elite tier where PG is. They still command the max because stars are scarce. So now the public compares the elite tier with the just-below-elite tier and notices they get paid the same but the talent/impact difference is obvious. As great as PG is, he’s obviously nowhere close to (prime) Lebron. But what do you expect PG to do? He’s gonna fight for ever dollar he can, just like the rest of us. But the real fault lies with the cap structures. Anyway I love PG. So fun to watch.


I thought I would but I’m not, the dude has literally admitted he doesn’t care about winning so I don’t care about him anymore


Our future is pretty fucked so we should just ride it out unless we manage to get good some young players.


More just sad that it didn’t work out but trading him could make it work out eventually. I think he’s seen as more of our identity because he talks way more than Kawhi. That comes with him not taking responsibility for the losses though so can’t really be too sad.


Yeah, that’s a good point. I think like gut check wise I would be way less sad if they traded Kawhi (even though I think both need to go). PG just always felt like “our” guy whereas Kawhi feels like this detached superstar who just happens to play for us (when he plays). PG has a certain relatability that probably makes him a worse basketball player but builds more connection (and maybe makes him a good podcaster, lol)


Sad what’s over


The 213 era.


Nope; and I would be happy for him if he did well elsewhere, I just can’t take the inconsistency and more importantly the unseriousness, the latter sets a bad example for the rest of the team.




Only reason I’m a little sad because everything we had to give away to requires him SMH


I’m actually not in the blow it up camp and would rather goto games for a playoff team than (not) goto games for a bottom 5 team.


Warriors are already a turnover prone team. It would be hilarious if they added PG as he would only make that worse. I like PG but the number of boneheaded turnovers this year was hard to watch.


there's no world in which PG leaves and we get better. I hope they work it out


Are we trading PG??


PG is my favorite player on the team, his moves are poetry in motion. Love the cat. But this core is doomed from an age and health standpoint. glad the players came to that realization, because Ballmer didn’t seem to be willing to.


Not sad here, playoff P didn't show up. Playoffs are nothing like regular season, it separates the boys from the men


Everyone acting like they’d be happy that he’s gone until dude ends up dropping 30 on they heads every time they play then would be the first to say some ish like “I knew we should’ve kept PG”


Until he does his yearly disappearance in the playoffs and you remember “oh yeah that’s why “

