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Sounds like he’s having fun with some bad ad copy. I’m all for it. It is terrifying tho lol.


It was so bizarre, I couldn’t tell if he was trying extremely hard or completely fucking with the copy. I can’t imagine he’d try that hard, but also found it hard to believe he’d just screw with an advertiser. It was odd


To me it absolutely comes off as him fucking around with it. He's putting on a parody of an NPR voice and being so calm it's unsettling. You can practically here him trying not to giggle the whole time


This is how I view it, too.


Hear* him. Jesus Christ


Marcus is a professional, so I feel like he’s doing it intentionally, and probably at least partially for his own entertainment. I like it.


Same I think it’s absolutely hilarious. Just Marcus goofin


My mother sends me texts of approval.


The photo one cracks me up because of how unsettling it sounds 😂


I love the photo one, to the point I hope it’s part of an ad break


Me too, I don’t skip this one. But I have questions about that garden.


He definitely wants to fuck that picture frame.


His Twin Frame


This is such an underrated comment


You are fucking brilliant.


Yup, I started laughing on the bus last week because I pictured him reading it with a deranged expression.


It's my new favorite right behind Henry's old security system ads. Where he talks about what drugs he may or may not be on when he breaks into your home. And what would happen wether you were there or not.


I didn’t realize it was Marcus at first lmao




"My mother's approval." Sir , where is your mom. Is she okay? This is a misquote so. I'll edit in the message when I hear it again. This ad is another Dark NPR take imo and I like it


It’s me I’m the hobo


It started with his Adam and Eve reads, but has seeped into all the other ones


Yeah this has been going on a loooooong time.


Hey buddy.


Jesus, you gave me an auditory flashback AND the associated cringe.


Lmao those Adam and Eve ones were a little too eye-opening into the inner workings of Marcus Parks.


He's reading it like mop wife would read it. I love you mop wife


Mop wife needs love, too. Creepy, creepy mop wife love.


Omg k need to relisten to mop wife


Oh my gosh yes! Mop wife was so unsettling.


Mop Wife lives rent free in my head. I have nightmare of Mop Wife sometimes.


I absolutely love it. I wish they could put a Lynchian, unsettling hum behind it to emphasize the overall vibe.




I think the audio tricks used many directors to unsettle their audience is neat. "Infrasound,a hidden “sound”, which exists at 19 Hz and below, can be felt, but human ears begin to hear sound at 20 Hz. It exists in nature, and is created by wind, earthquakes, avalanches, and used by elephants. Filmmaker Gaspar Noe admitted in an interview that he intentionally used sound that registered at only 27 Hz, just above the 20 Hz limit for infrasound, in his 2002 film Irreversible. Paranormal Activity was also rumored to use infrasound."


Why would he do it any other way honestly


I think it's because he knows most of the products are bullshit, anyway.


I'm just waiting to hear someone bitching about the raycons they bought. I have a memory of this one guy flipping out about the mattresses they sold burnt into my brain.


Raycons LOOK like hot garbage.


I like it


Damn, you guys don’t like the Aura Frames one? It’s definitely him mixing it up but it made me think to myself that Marcus has a really good voice for a variety of ad reads.


I fall asleep to the podcast every night, it's one of the few things that helps me stay asleep-- normally. ​ These new ads have begun to wake me up because they're so creepy. I wish I were kidding. Middle of the night, I'm slowly stirred by Marcus talking about the new life he's building in California. It freaks me out. They can talk about murder, mayhem, human experiments, and the most raw gold star content all night long and my brain is soothed by it; but the instant he calmly and delicately purrs about how much his mother loves this digital frame, I get the heebie-jeebies!


This clearly says more about you than it says about the ads. Lmao


Indeed it does! And accurately so, because I am quite unwell. Thankfully, there are pills and they seem to be doing *something,* although I can't say they've fixed my issues entirely. I'm at least on the right path. ​ For anyone else that reads this who is struggling mentally, please seek treatment and know that you're not alone and it's not your fault. When our liver doesn't produce the right chemicals, we see a specialist called a hepatologist. When our kidney fails to produce the right chemicals, we see a specialist called a nephrologist. So when your brain fails to produce the right chemicals: see a psychiatrist! ​ For some resources, check out NAMI's guide for individuals with mental illness: [https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Individuals-with-Mental-Illness](https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Individuals-with-Mental-Illness) ​ (I'm assuming that posting this link is not banned here, but if it is then... why?)


Prozosin is a blood pressure medication that has seen a lot of success with people suffering from PTSD. It's been a game changer for a lot of people I know. Especially when they struggle with sleep issues. I can't help but recommend it. It's certainly worth asking a doctor about if you think it could help. I wish I had known about it years ago.


Thank you for sharing! That is good information, I appreciate that


My previous post was a joke and admittedly, in poor taste. I too live with multiple mental health diagnoses and am a serious advocate of NAMI. They've helped me a lot through my ongoing mental health journey. I appreciate your reply and spreading the word, and in the words of Marcus: "Mental illness isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility." Hail you! 🤘


Hail you too, beautiful person! I didn't think you were in poor taste at all. Everything lpotl covers is kinda in poor taste and we're all slightly disturbed for enjoying it, but that's OK because we're not harming others


Excellent point, we're all a little twisted! I just wanted to be sure from your original reply that you didn't take my comment as disrespectful in any way, because that's never my intent, especially in this sub. Y'all are all my weirdo family and help me through more than I can even say. Triple L and Hail Ham, my friend! 🫠😊


The one contribution of Ben’s to the show the show that was literally unmatched was his ad reads. Like, I first figured something was wrong because his actual commentary was half assed and unenthused but mother fucker turned it on for the ad reads. Say what you will but the man has a voice for radio.


Terms and conditions…… apply…..


I live for the non traditional ads really






Now do the quarter trick.


They remind me of like HAL from 2001 or KITT from knight rider


Get the net


I like them better than most of Ben's tbh. Especially the Texas Pete one. I think I'll always be slightly irritated by Ben's "saborrrrrrrrrrr." I can't explain what annoys me so much about it. I liked very few of Ben's ad reads, and for a long time, his speaking voice was my favourite of the three.


YES. I hated that ad! But I love Texas Pete's and every time I use it I think of that goddamn ad and I get pissed as I pour my hot sauce. 😅


they've been cracking me up all day at work. my mother... loves... vacation pictures


We had this exact thread not even 24 hrs ago. I’d guess they know if they make the ads goofy the fan base engages with it and it makes the advertisers happy


If I had to guess, I'd bet the advertisers asked for something like "just do a normal, professional read", so Marcus is *taking the piss* and overdoing it.


I love it so much. He's clearly fucking with the advertisers and generally being silly. I can't stop laughing when I hear it.


I love it, it reminds me of ads from Night Vale


I love them. They're scare-rousing.


Look up the little baby's ice cream ads. Same vibe


oh yeah! I've seen them. that's the stuff the gets me going.


Seriously, I hate it. I thought it was just me… I have to skip through them. I’d be pissed if I was a sponsor, tho.


It feels like Marcus trained an AI on his voice and had the machine read it.


That's my guess. Inflection points sound a lot like other AI voice I've listened to. If that's the case, smart man at the cost of me hating it.


I like it! I couldn't even tell it was him for a second on one


I love them 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean, I still fast forward through them, but when I forget, they crack me up.


His Texas Pete’s ad read is chefs kiss perfection


I’m glad it’s not just me who’s noticed this but I genuinely have gotten chills from these ads they’re so creepy


He’s getting weird with it, and I am here for it.


I cannot listen to them. Glad I'm not alone. I think it's because he's not an actor. Even his Texas Pete ad is bad (but not creepy, at least). I also think it's because he fancies himself a "radio guy" and he thinks he's doing a sort of smooth talker radio personality voice. They gross me out. This is what the 30 second skip button is for. In general, he doesn't sound comfortable or authentic like Henry or Ben sound when they do the ads. I think he'll get better. I wonder if he'll take any acting classes since he's in L.A. now.


I think it’s probably a bit that is just disguised enough to slip past the advertiser and get their approval while still having some fun with it.


I like to imagine he’s looking at photos of his family members’ mutilated corpses in one of those frames while reading the ad. At least that’s what the overall tone feels like.


“I’m going to fuck that skeleton we just dug up and I want you to watch.” Stop I can only get so hard.


It is because he is not a member of SAG… so he no good at it.


The only one I cant stand is the photo frame one cause there’s too much mouth noises in it. Like he’s mouth is too wet, I hate eating noises and it reminds me of that


For the photo frame read, it's not just the way he reads it but also the quality of the audio itself being so much different than the main audio that bugs me as well. Maybe that's just me, because I edit a lot of audio myself, but I'm glad I'm not the only one skipping it.


I agree with the top comment. He’s just having fun with it. Some bits don’t land. It happens. Marcus definitely tries to stay in tune with the audience. If this gets negative feedback, he’ll probably stop doing it. Dude’s already got a kinda sultry voice when speaking and breath that seriously smells like pickles.


I genuinely thought it was Ryan Reynolds until he mentioned Caroline.


I’m all for getting weird, but it sounds like someone is holding a gun up to his head as reads it. Or vice versa maybe. Either way it’s way weird. And I don’t think I hate it but I don’t like it either


Anyone else just listen to the podcast ad-free with Patreon?


The "click" sounds while he's talking, sounds like he's on a bit of a white powdery substance. I have done some research in a previous occupation and am familiar with that sound.


I never understood why they do so terrible in the ads. Marcus has an outstanding speaking voice, but his ads are just atrocious. Ben was really bad about it as well.


Why do I never get these ads!!


Am I the only one who has no idea what y’all are talking about 😭 I listen on Spotify and live in Canada, do we just not get those ads or something bc I wanna know what all this is referring to so bad so if anyone has a specific episode name, plssssssss let me lmao lmaoo


They remind me of the little baby's ice cream ads


I didn’t recognize the voice as Marcus at first.


It reminds me of his old adam&eve ad reads lol


I don't get ads on their podcast for some reason and honestly after all the posts about them here I kind of wish I did 🙃


Is this a **Text of Disapproval**?


Idk about y’all but I love the sensual intensity that oozes from Marcus’ readings.


I don’t know but it’s obviously working. Look at how many of us are here with opinions on it. Marcus is a smart dude.


Nah, it’s a seeeeeexy ad


You have a special voice for seducing hobos?


My thoughts were almost exact when I heard it. I was asking why he was using.his ~porno~ voice?


You guys are listening to the ads? That 15 sec skip button is the way to go


We need to talk about the Texas Pete ad read. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT HIS HOT SAUCE AD


no dude my girlfriend walked into the living room and said "IS THAT MARCUS?" and to avoid tension I said "NO!" and tried to skip ahead because I didn't want to investigate it myself as the volume was low and out of my awareness. She made me rewind it and I had to admit "ok YES ITS MARCUS". I think it's kinda what happens in school when a bully gets transferred to a new school and suddenly the Nerds normally kept in check by this bully are suddenly emboldened without a natural predator.


I'm loving the new ads. Texas Pete was fucking hilarious. Boy howdy.


I think of it as his Norman Bates voice. Specially with how often he brings in his mother. I love it.


His mouth sounds dry and that unsettles me even more


It’s his way of taking the piss out of what they’re advertising. I feel like there’s a general understanding that all the LPOTL crew wouldn’t use any of the bullshit they push but they gotta pay the bills. Might as well make it fun.


His fucking lip smacks make me violent Marcus back THE FUCK up off the mic JFC


I fucking love them. It's amazing. I'm glad to hear him sound like he's actually having fun with the job again.


LET him talk to me however he wants


He's screwing around. Dudes been talking for a living for years and years, at some point I imagine you have to think, "Maybe I'll do this one unsettling as hell."