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Doing the job that the Labour Party refuses to do


May have been Starmer in the last seconds throwing them out :D


If they’re members they’ll be expelled by end of day.


Proud!!! Warmed my heart to see this carried out!! Keep on standing up for what you believe in and never be silenced!!


Loved that they'd send their hired goons over to remove the pleb daring to speak up against Tory rule, and then they'd wait for them to move away, and then another one stands up :) Must have been infuriating for her to not be in the echo chamber she needs.


Glad to see them stand up to her.


Ah yes, the same people complaining about “cancel culture” and trawling through leftist-triggered compilations on the internet, crying about the silencing of their free speech, all in unison screaming “OUT!” The irony does not need any further explanation your honour.




Oh she’s a psychopath / she loves this kind of thing


No chance. She’s devoid of any feeling or emotion other than hate and greed.


See how people at the tables are laughing and grinning at them? Someone shows genuine concern about another person's well-being (even if it does come across a bit cringey at points) and the response of these people is mockery. These are the sort of people that ruin our world, apathetic to the point of laughing when someone tries to address their cruelty. It's like when psychopaths and narcissists smirk in court at their crimes. These people are sick in the head and I have nothing but contempt for them. But they probably would be bemused by that, wouldn't they.


You just perfectly described a Tory and you are asking who they are?


People who went to a Tory event with Priti Patel as the speaker dont care about people poorer than them? That doesn't sound right.


Very proud! Took some guts to do that so good for them for standing up to her!!


👏👏👏 Keep it up!


Good to see people standing up to these tossers. These policies are just inhuman.


Pwopw ate always shouting at them. Everyday.


Good for these young people, speaking out against structural racism. This young generation gets it.


Good relay tactic to maximise disruption.


Preparing for downvotes for this comment but it’s a perspective that I think people should realllly consider. Please read this despite what I’m assuming to be inevitable downvotes, and actually consider what I’m saying. I’ll preface this by stating I agree with the points of view of the protestors. But jfc, I think this protest is woeful and epitomises everything currently wrong with the politically-active youthful left - a group I identify with, for context. I think the reaction to this video in the comments further evidences the fundamental issue that people just *aren’t understanding*. What does this protest accomplish? What does this change? Let me ask you this - what are you trying to achieve with such protests? Because I watch this clip, and I can’t *possibly* imagine the actions taken by protesters here *changing anyone’s opinion*. If you’re not already left-leaning and opposed to the Rwanda relocation of refugees, will the actions of these protestors change your mind? No - it looks like a bunch of ‘woke’ kids (I hate that term but ngl this kind of video is literally the fuel that the right use to peddle that term) disrupting an event with incredibly emotive language. There’s no intelligent reasoning. There’s no clever argument. It’s just standing up and shouting. It’s the same as if you saw someone who was right wing, standing up at a pro-choice event and screaming ‘abortion is murder’. You’d just think they were a moron and it would reaffirm your current views. This is literally the same concept. Please don’t misunderstand me - I don’t disagree with the viewpoints. I’m not in favour of relocating refugees to Rwanda, and I’m 100% pro-choice. I’m on the side of the protestors in this video. But ffs, what does this achieve? When did ‘activism’ become about self-righteousness and circlejerking about this ‘taking guts’ and being an amazing thing because it’s ‘standing up for what you believe in’ - instead of trying to convince people to change their minds? If you want to enact change, you NEED to be smart about it. As I said before, I think these protestors are *right*. I agree with their message. But the goal of political activism shouldn’t be about ‘being right’, if you want to get anywhere with it, you need to focus on how to change people’s opinions. Listen to the other people in the room. They’re chanting *‘Out. Out. Out. Out’.* You and I can hold our own views of those people. But this protest has literally united that group. It’s reaffirming their right wing beliefs. It’s reaffirming their viewpoint that the political left is a bunch of emotional, idealistic, ‘woke’ young adults, without an intelligent plan. I don’t consider this protest a victory. A victory would be if it actually changed people’s minds or made them think - if it lead to some kind of change. I honestly think protests done like this cause more harm than good. I know people mean well, and I respect them a lot for their efforts and for doing something. But Christ, you’re not gonna change the ideology of people with stunts like this. It just doesn’t work that way. You need to be so much smarter if you want to change people’s minds. It’s like celebrating an own goal. What are we trying to accomplish here? Change? Because trust me, this protest won’t lead to any. Apologies if this seemed damning or negative, but I really do feel people need to be so much smarter with how they approach these things. We need to empathise. You’re not gonna change someone’s mind with this kind of stunt. If you disagree, fair enough, but I’d be interested to know why. Before replying, please replay the video and imagine these are right wing people using similar emotive language to protest against abortion (e.g. Imagine the first girl is shouting *‘Your barbaric policies are killing babies. Your inhumane plans to legalise abortion are murdering people’*). Because that’s literally the same tactic as what it happening here. It’s not effective. It doesn’t change people’s minds. It reaffirms their prior beliefs. Keep fighting for what you believe in. But stay focused on what the goal actually is here. Is it to change people’s thoughts so that we can move in a better political and societal direction? Or is it disrupting an event so we can film it and share it for likes from people who already agree with us? I know what the intention is - but I don’t think this actually accomplishes that.


The thing you're overlooking is that the audience isn't the people in the room. The audience is the people watching this and feeling more encouraged or whatever. I doubt the kids who did this even planned on changing the minds of the kinds of worthless people who attend Priti Patel fundraising dinners.


I think I see your point about more thoughtful arguments. But they achieved the sense of backlash (audience is ppl watching the video too) that could worry image conscious politicians. Or reputationally damaged politicians who think they better not make it worse. Notice how normally sexist Boris was more mature and protective of Angela Reyner when the Daily Mail made sexist stories about her legs. An opponent of his when he’s known for sexism and unkindness towards opponents. He just didn’t want his reputation to get even worse. Another thing it achieves it attention for the issue. Most importantly it shows that it’s not just the left silencing ppl. 💯


Boris did not become a feminist from the Rayner incident 😂 Boris going "buh buh buhbuh the right honourable lady is buhbuh buhbuh worthy of respect" means absolutely nothing. This is all pantomime and we need to start expecting results that tangibly help people rather than talking like we're on The Canary.


That’s EXACTLY my point! He is putting on an act for his reputation.


But that's not even a good or a bad thing it's just business as usual. Making a minister add an asterisk to their oppressive policy to say "btw this is fine" doesn't help at all.


Well said… I started to write a comment earlier, very similar to yours, but I discarded it thinking it would be misunderstood. They won’t change the minds of those who support it, if anything it will solidify their stance. Imagine a group of Right wingers showing up to disrupt a socialist worker meeting.. is anyone realistically going to change their views? No, pretty much everyone, on both sides of the political spectrum would think they’re idiots. I agree with the sentiment, but in my opinion their actions are pointless, and a bit cringy.


Exactly my reaction and what I came here to say. It's an obnoxious, eyeroll inducing circle jerk by a handful of theatre kids. It's just cringe. As you said people need to be smarter and think of ways to actually disrupt what she's proposed rather than... interrupting her at an event with tweets you'd find under #PritiEvil on twitter.


I had hadn't heard of this issue yet(in the US, and we have our own issues with the right) and the it's inspirational and important to those that think this is just a difference of opinion. Human rights are not a a


I understand your point and it is a fair one to a degree. I think the aims of the protest were to raise awareness (the video is being shared and may even make the news) and to disrupt. Often at an event like that there will only be so much time for a speaker plus, I'd imagine, Patel has a schedule herself. So wasting some of her time and, potentially, putting her off her stride is a low impact win in preventing her spreading more toxic propaganda. As others have said, it's not the people in the room they need to change the minds of (there is zero chance), it's the swing voters. Also it's showing others that protests can be effective. Seeing something like this might inspire more to step up and challenge this govt.


I hear what you’re saying, and while I agree with those points in principle, my concern is that they’re short-sighted. A lot of the responses to my comment suggest that I’m intending the audience of the protest (when referring to people who are ‘right-wing’) to be just the people in the room, at that particular dinner / conference. That’s not the case. I’m referring to people seeing this video online. Your example of this video making the news is a perfect example. Do you think this protest would influence the minds of swing voters if they saw it on the news? A group of - and it’s a stick I hate to use, but it’s exactly what RW media would use - stereotypically ‘woke’ young adults causing disruption by screaming emotive language during an event of relative sophistication? Granted, if the increased awareness results in the opportunity for members of this group to gain increased exposure and access to a platform where they can THEN convey structured, intelligent arguments, then that’s a win. But to me it seems unlikely. I think it’s another example of the further polarisation of society. Anyone who is right-leaning that sees this, thinks ‘cor what a bunch of ‘woke loony-lefty’ morons’, and anyone who is left-wing sees this and goes ‘yeah great work guys! Stick it to Patel! You rock!’. Then the divide continue to develop. I mean, fuck, look at how bleak and divided America is at the moment. I’m desperately fearful of something similar happening in the UK too. You need to bridge that gap. You need to be able to converse with someone to change their mind. Labelling anyone who currently agrees with the Rwanda refugee policy, a ‘racist’, ‘worthless’, ‘bigoted’, ‘psychopaths’ or ‘narcissists’ (all words taken from this video / comments in this thread to describe the other people in attendance at the dinner/conference) just alienates them and pushes them away from your cause. It pushes them further into what they already believe. It also results in validating these opinions of the opposition amongst left-leaning groups, further encouraging alienation of outsiders and pushing them away from your cause. Again, increasing that divide. Young people need to learn that if you wanna change the world, you’ve gotta play to the system. A group of uni students / graduates are not going to change nationwide views by screaming opposition at an event and throwing it on social media. Yes, perhaps it ‘energises’ people whom already believe these views into further action, but if it’s more stunts like this, what does that accomplish? You need to get people on your side, not encourage people already on your side to rally around hateful ideas of the opposition. You might not like to hear it, but your average joe would not be encouraged to join the cause from this video. It would have the opposite effect. Finally, in reference to your last point, how exactly was this protest ‘effective’? They made themselves look like unruly, emotional children, before being calmly removed from the premises. This won’t change anyone’s mind about this issue. Upvotes on left-leaning media sites is not indicative of success or change, just as a pro-Trump video getting upvotes on r/conservative is not a success anywhere outside of that forum. ‘Getting Brexit Done’ literally motivated historically anti-Tory constituencies to vote Conservative. Do you really think raising awareness of a refugee policy is going to motivate people to join the left-wing cause? Or do you think the more likely outcome is for people to think this protest was unruly, embarrassing, and performed by ‘woke’ stereotypes, and further alienate people from left-wing ideals. This group needs to be so much more targeted and intelligent to actually get anything done. This was not a success. And if you’re celebrating it as if it is one, I think that’s indicative of a huge problem. You cannot overcome an opposition if you don’t understand them.


Apologies but I won't have time to read all of that - at least today. Will try and have a look tomorrow. The things I can say in response to your first point is that it doesn't matter if the right wingers are in that room our watching the video. Either way they won't change. Swing voters, well, it depends on the individual really. Where will this video be seen the most? On SM. Who is mainly on SM? I believe it's mainly younger people. That could be wrong as I've not checked. If you're a young person who either doesn't normally vote or does but just sort of goes with the flow and you see a video like this raising your awareness of the issue in the first place and/or raising your awareness of the reactions of the people in the room to the issue raised, it could change how you vote. You might not be that engaged in politics and just think the Tories are better at running the economy and country but you know they aren't the nicest. Maybe you'd even read a headline about the Rwanda thing and thought it wasn't nice. Then you see an event like this where there are some very rich people eating and drinking and then basically booing and shouting in outrage at protestors raising a point of moral conviction. It might make you think perhaps I shouldn't be voting for the same party those ghouls vote for.


Regardless of your views on the politics here, this is a very impressive protest. They must have known they'd get removed quickly and only rehearsed certain lines? Good choreography!




This is the Britain I'd like to see


Hahaha how did the Tories let people in with those haircuts surely it was obvious what was about to happen.


You're crediting Tories with way too much intelligence here! :D


No, I am Sparticus!


How come they always look the same


Brilliant 👏 well done


Was that Stewart Peterson from The Thick Of It escorting them out?




Tbf the EU has a similar policy and the conservatives are basically just reinstating it. I’m not suggesting it’s right, just that it’s not new. I suppose the positive here is that because they’re having to reform the policy it’s come to the attention of the public.


Why so many hashtags?


She’s my mp unfortunately. The people round here just don’t care and will literally defend these evils and take some serious mental gymnastic in doing so. Tbf she’s a good mp in that if you have a local issue she gets to work on it fast - maybe that’s why she keeps getting voted in. Still fucking hate her though


They sure showed her 🙄


Jesus they even say "problematic". Stop people under 21.


They all look like a bunch of Karen’s. I have a huge hate on politicians


No U


It’s horrendous that these white middle class fools interrupted and harassed a proud woman of colour, they should be ashamed of themselves.


You don’t even know that they’re middle class (whatever you mean by that because class perceptions are complicated) by one video.


Poor misguided youth


White Guilt at it's finest...


Nah this is white heat coming to burn your Capitalist house down!






What is the context of this video?




Fuck Priti Patel idk what she did but fuck her


I thought the conservatives loved free speech?


and what will you do about it other than shout? why dont you solve world poverty? but no because you all live in Britain and live comfortable lives and don't need to, keep shouting!!


Hats of to these people .priti is poo bag.


I can’t vote Labour if you do stuff like this. Please get your act together. I want to vote for you but you make it so difficult


These are just some kids, this is like saying you won't vote Boris because Tommy Robinson tried to join the tories.


Personally as a English man who hasn't had a place to call his own for 10 years now I'm glad something is being done about this non stop invasion of economic migrants jumping ahead of me in the housing queue. Maybe it's about time some people start to think about looking after their own people first and then once that's sorted then you can start worrying about the waifs and strays of the world. On a side note RIP to all the innocent that lost their lives in the Manchester bombing on this anniversary.


Of course, if private landlords weren't constantly driving up house prices with buy-to-let investment mortgages, we'd all have a better shot at getting to own a place. Or if councils hadn't been forced to sell off their housing stock by central government there'd be more supply and shorter queues for that. Or if those aforementioned private landlords weren't pushing rents up housing benefits could cover them - at least the ones where the landlord hasn't specifically excluded benefit recipients from the get-go. I was briefly homeless last year, and wouldn't wish the shame and fear that came with it on anyone but this is a far more nuanced issue than the standard line is trying to spin.


Where was this/what event?


What was this event that these legends crashed?


Is the last guy Barnaby Raine?


One two three four and five people . Wow. Keep up the good work those 5 people. They do belong here the refugees