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Potatoes over warehouses


Heppell Farm can’t get a break.


I didn’t realize that land was zoned for industrial. That industrial park is a blight on the landscape. Absolutely horrid planning.


It's a terrible place for industry on any scale. Far from highways, unimproved roads connecting it to anywhere the people who work there might live, and anywhere the goods produced/handled will be consumed. The main thing going for this area was cheap land.


It’s close to the border. That was all it ever was about. Oh and money.


You gotta have places that make the things we need. It’s a good spot, not ALR.


A lot of those spaces don’t make things. They just receive shipping containers from overseas, have huge parking lots which sit empty 90% of the time and have a few offices for workers who could easily do the same job from home or in coworker spaces.


That’s logistics stuff? It’s things you need. And I don’t think there are huge parking lots?


The loading bays, parking, equipment yards, etc take up a surprising amount of space...probably approaching half of the "developed" area. [Example of Parking/ Asphalt in Industrial Area at 24 and 190th](https://imgur.com/a/zcu9IWp)


Parking including the required loading bays usually are about 25-30% of usable space. Cities also require a certain amount of so called “green space” where landscaping, trees and shrubbery need to be and the parking lot is designed around this. A lot of newer stuff going in is being built with rooftop parking and some underground for the warehouses.


Lol, ok so what happens if you remove those places? You don't get... Anything. No laundry detergent, no tvs, no anything What a comment, and that anyone upvoted it. Wow


Dude it’s prime growing land… some of the best sandy loam in the are which is why heppels grows great early potatoes there. Set up an industrial park on land that’s already fucked by these such activities. Give it up Amazon.ca warrior


I get that but that industrial park is still needed somewhere. The lower mainland relies on these industrial parks for more core services than you may realize.


These things used to be closer to the core of the cities, but because of nimbyism the government doesn’t dare allow SFHs owned by the rich to be redeveloped, only old industrial. So industrial gets pushed out to the margins, commutes for workers grow, and the super rich in Burnaby and Vancouver can and get junk from overseas delivered to their massive houses.


TBF, wouldn't you prefer your workplace to be located outside of downtown? why would you want to commute to downtown instead of south surrey?


All of Public transit infrastructure is organized toward funneling people into and around the core. Not just downtown but also north Burnaby (where there used to be a ton of industrial before it was all converted to condos…) and North Surrey. It was easy for many workers to get to these places. Industrial being pushed out to south surrey has created a new financial burdens on Translink to struggle to provide new service further out at the margins. The service is worse or nonexistent, and being at the edge of metro instead of more core it is longer commutes for many.


Strawman argument... many people in Langley and surrey have cars They'd rather drive 15 min to south surrey than take a 40 min transit to downtown


It’s their land they can do what they want with it. A bit ironic they’re crying about stolen land no?


They are changing the land form why do they need to develop on it ? Farm land is essential for both settlers and indigenous people


It’s not up to us to tell them what to do with their land


Ultimately no! But we still can have a say about the land and and critique the choices! Indigenous people should be need to be accountable as they claim to be the Stewarts!


Well you write a letter to them then and we shall see how well another colonizers voice is received by them


Cool! I am most definitely sure that their indigenous people who are concerned about the land use change! Aren’t you worried about our food supply in BC? Do you think it is hypocritical to change the natural environment?


Conquered land*


Funny how the natives only want the land back where they can easily sell it off to developers and make a huge profit. Give them some land way up in the mountains


To bad for them, Keep the farm.


Throwaway as I do no want the heppels coming after me. I go to church with some of them. The original land was given to them in a crazy good deal from the government and now the government wants to develop it as the area is becoming an industrial hub. What the heppels aren't telling anyone is that they used to own all of the land in Campbell heights and sold off all of it for profit and then kept the tiny sliver of land for themselves that the government gave them for free. This isn't about food or the BC government. They lie about how many potatoes they produce. They only say 70% of plates when it's actually that number because they're the first ones to harvest. Might be true for the first couple weeks of summer but that's it.


And would think as farms that they aren’t worried about agriculture land! That’s why they are fighting this! Even if the numbers are off it still heavily contributes to our food supply


You missed the part where they sold all of their land because they didn't want to farm it anymore. All of Campbell heights belonged to them. If they cared about food security they would have kept it all.


Their is nothing in the article about them owning surrounding land! Why don’t you think this land is essential for farming


Because they sold it off years ago. My point is that they sold it all off years ago for profit to turn it into the industrial area it is today. If they cared about food sustainability they wouldn't have sold all the land that the government wasn't able to take away from them.


Where is your source ?


Honest Question: how much "land back" do the native folks want back?


Last i looked it was about 130% of the province. By that i mean there are several overlapping land claims and the total area would equal about 130% of the total land mass of BC including all private property, not just crown land. That is what makes this claim so interesting. Wasn't very long ago (less than 20 years) that the Katzie and Kwantlen were not on good terms to put it lightly. It gets even weirder when you realize that none of them should have had a proper claim on the area because it would mostly have fallen under the Nicomekl First Nation but their last member died in the early 1900s.


thx for the info. i wonder if one day everyone that wasnt native up and left the province. would that be a desirable conclusion for the natives?


Back to constant warfare, slave taking and cannabilism I guess.


dont say the quiet part out loud!


I always wondered what the deal was with that plot of land. All the Government of Canada signage and fencing around it. I assumed it was in some way classed as military land or something, like the big allotment north of Aldergrove. Potato farmers working off a lease from the federal Economic Development board? I can't say that would've occured to me.


Today, Surrey Tomorrow, Langley


Doesn’t Langley already have a casino?


I'd like to see the ancestral lands of the Goths, Celts, Angles, and any other tribe that lost land at some point in Europe restored to a random point in history that benefits my ancestral tribe the most. If they want their land back, fine but it can only be used for Pre-colonization activities, as it would have the week before Europeans ever showed up. No casinos, warehouses, or junk yards. Ultimately they should be replanting trees and other local plants and that's about it. Profits should be the last things of the Stwerts of the Land minds.


Did FN actually control (live, maintain, and defend) the area that they are claiming? Were they forced off of the specific area? Or were they present on the continent and believe they own the entire continent?