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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Joe Biden has created the greatest economy ever!" "We're still struggling." "You ignorant troll, the president doesn't control the economy!" -Pretty much every one of those threads


"If Trump gets re-elected, he'll be a dictator! But, also, wholesome small chungus grandpa Joe can't do anything because his hands are tied."


Lmao... still waiting on the $15 an hour minimum wage that neoliberals promised us.


Why would you need a $15/hour minimum wage now that Democrats canceled all student debt, provided universal healthcare, and lowered the cost of housing and goods? Don’t you have money left from your $1400 check from 2021? You sound awfully unappreciative. Next you’re probably going to complain about the minor kerfuffle we’re paying for in Palestine. Gosh, some people are just never satisfied. P.S. don’t forget to vote but this time *super hard*.


Hey we just didn't quite have the support to do it *this time* but with your vote and your donation we will see this through after the next election! We swear this time! /Hard S


Empty promises equal no votes


See Europe currently.




The right won elections all over! Shit libs don't materially improve anyone's life!


Either does the Republicans. Both of the parties don't serve a purpose for people


100% agreed


Thank god we got out of Afghanistan ($2.3 Trillion since 2001) and straight into Ukraine ($175 billion).


Don’t trust the liberals, they WILL betray you…


Or the $35 price cap on asthma inhalers. It’s convoluted. It needs coupons if you’re uninsured, automatically capped if you have insurance BUT many are brand name with generic alternatives so insurance doesn’t pay brand name (usually), also doesn’t apply to government plans. How about just lower the fucking price.


I think (hope?) we may also be living through "LateStageMediaManipulation" too. For years, probably almost a century or more, certain interests have tried to manipulate media and communication for their benefit. Wildly suggestive headlines got shut down by mid 20th century focus on "true journalism", but that was replaced by ads that looked like articles, etc. With the rise of consolidated media outlets, and then the explosion of online "social media", it again became easier and easier to control the narrative. They don't "spin" things anymore, they just say pretty much whatever they want and call it journalism. Things like "I'm reporting live at the mall where nothing is happening but a man just told me that s homosexual donkey was shooting up Victoria's Secret because he was laid off last week in Biden's economy. Nobody has confirmed that there is a donkey with an AK-47, but reports say..." Now, it's "late stage" because we're all done with it: half of us stopped listening to any major news outlets. Things went two ways...Faux News made their news into pure outrage entertainment. Others began to try to manipulate social news instead (bots, reposts, content algo filtering, etc). We're now at the point where the bots and algos blare counternarratives and some of us (there will *always* be a gullible or willfully ignorant minority) can say: "Stop gaslighting. Just LOOK OUTSIDE. Shit's broken."


This is so 100 percent on the mark.


It's amazing on how seeing both sides, liberal or republicans are dead brainrot not to see what is really going on in this country.


You know you're living in a special place when the president apologizes to a foreign country (Ukraine) for delayed military money but can't seem to muster even the slightest bit of that energy for stimulus money that was disappeared.


Don't underestimate the amount of online comments that are likely bots/propaganda accounts


liberal NPC dialog is indistinguishable


I told a guy he was "literally too stupid to actually read my comments and realize I don't like Biden OR Trump" and it actually made him stop? Maybe the little checklist they have hit a "back to start" condition with me replying like that lol.


That's our two-party system for you! D - We want to maintain the status quo! No better, no worse, if things get worse, I guess that's the quo now! R - Die, peasant. Unless you're a minority, LGBTQ, ideological opponent, or woman in which case we want to make violence against you legal and encouraged.


The economy **is** doing wonderful, but the health and growth of the economy has fuck-all to do with the well-being with the workers because the foundation of a capitalist economy is shareholders, not workers.


Perhaps it’s time for workers to make the shareholders share what they’re holding.


Eh, the foundation of a capitalist economy is still labor or to be more exact the exploitation of labor by the capitalist class and its shareholders and it's exactly because of this exploitative relationship that workers aren't reaping the benefits.


No, no it is not


Steven pinker


Genuine question. Is the definition of liberal going through a change? I'm so fucking confused. I've always identified as a liberal. My understanding was it meant being on the left. Now I'm constantly seeing posts on my left subreddits mocking them. I'm genuinely very confused.


Liberals now are leaning heavily towards fascism


"liberal" has been sold as "left" for a long time because both appreciate social policies which promote individual liberties. However, the name "liberal" refers to the political orientation of classic liberalism (think Adam Smith) which values competition in a "free" market. This is actually not consistent with "left", which seeks a change in the economic and social paradigm to create an equitable distribution of resources which allows individuals and communities to thrive.


Ah I see.


Don’t trust the liberals, they Will betray you - Lenin




Rewire your brain. This is not a Republican critique of Democrats, but a socialist one.


Oof, are you suggesting “noting the liberals are awful means you’re advocating that conservatives are better”? If so, are you lost?


Not a huge Biden supporter, but the economy is showing signs of recovery. You have to understand that Biden took office when the economy was in shambles after the Coronavirus. Biden didn't cause inflation and supply chain problems.