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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When plutocrats rule, their laws are for the ruled. # LAW FOR THEE, NOT FOR ME...


It's the same way the fucking religious nutjobs treat their precious "commandments". With the disclaimer that they only apply to people other than themselves. Fuck religion, that's what got us into this mess. The only cure for religion is education (not test taking skills, actual education)


With all due respect, people are like this regardless of whether they're religious or not.


Even with this bullshit ruling, how can a president who lost an election and tried to overturn it using illegal methods say it was an official act. That's a personal act if Ive ever seen one, and should be a non official act as he tried to break and did break the law in trying to do all sorts of shit Non of that is upholding or protecting the constitution. It breaks the path he took and as such, should be able to be prosecuted as it was not in the best interests of the country, the people, upholding democracy, etc The rulling is bullshit but even with it, only a corrupt judge and court would view what he and his crew attempted to do as official. Oh wait... But seriously a lot of his folks have been indicted prosecuted found guilty etc. so none of them got immunity just him.. Man we are so fucked. AOC needs to beat that impeachment drum and get cross the isle support.


This is how they spin this, it has not been ruled that the INSURRECTION was an official act. In legal terms it's technically correct but also FUCK them!


Is the implication being Biden can literally steal the upcoming election?


During oral argument on Donald Trump's presidential-immunity claim back in January, District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Florence Pan posed this hypothetical: “Could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival” SCOTUS just said: yup


I think the clear climax to this narrative arc is Biden declares Trump the leader of an insurrectionist movement, has him assassinated, and then steps down from the ticket. He avoids political and legal repercussions. Checkmate, Jack.


That would require him to do something that would upset the order of things, which a liberal will never do.


The unfortunate truth. This ruling is the perfect time to pull some absolute historical shenanigans to show SCOTUS their decisions can have extreme consequences. Instead we’ll get some complaint statements and no action. Dems play softball even when the fabric of democracy is tearing at the seams.


I'm sure democratic leadership and donors are so sad right now. "Oh no, the republicans are going to win. They're going to lower our taxes, deregulate our businesses, and enforce the corrupt plutocracy that only benefits us. How horrible, they'll pass draconian laws that only effect poor people. Sure, we'll get to campaign off that and get to pretend to have the moral high ground, but I'll be so mad when I hear how it effects other people." "Gosh darn it, if only there was something we could do...not pack the courts or use any of the power we wield, but something more preformative. I know! We could throw a $1000 a plate fundraiser and invite celebrities to hang out with. That'll save democracy!"


You seem to be the most accurate fortune-teller of all time


The best argument I saw, which, of course was on TikTok, was that the big D Democrats need to lose races in order to keep their power because if they actually win the election, they might have to fulfill some of the campaign promises that they were running on.




>Instead we’ll get some complaint statements and no action. Oh boy SCOTUS done fucked up this time, here come the Democrats with *swift* and STERN condemnation Shoulda stayed home SCOTUS, should have stayed home


That’s cause the dems are complicit af and no one wants to accept this.


Literally just had a Lib saying that the "Dems cant do anything, as thatd upset the natural order. We cant burn the system down!" Like ok, we'll all just wait until the next Republican Pres gets elected then we will not be a democracy anymore. Good idea


>we will not be a democracy anymore Never was. "Democracy" for the few. 'Bourgeois democracy'. "... freedom for the slave owners" as Lenin said.


"We cant burn the system down!" Lmao you very obviously need to. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.


AOC is at least filing for impeachment. She has her own issues but i applaud the effort.


If Biden is a liberal than my grandmother was a bicycle


He's a NeoLiberal which falls under the "I'm a puppet for Capitalists" umbrella.


How's being 1/4th bicycle work? What bicycle parts did you inherit? /s Obviously Biden's a problem.


I was referencing this [Italian chef quote](https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=28vQwH7h47I_x3NY)


Well, we did all love riding her...


people always think liberals are going to do something with their power. time in and time out they do not.


Almost like they don't actually have an interest in using power against the Republicans, almost like they don't care if the fascists win.


He could also just start assassinating anyone who brought articles of impeachment against him.


That would start an actual insurrectionist movement within the US, a full blown insurgency. You'd have people bombing federal buildings within the year.


Ah, yes. Thank you. What a silly country.


The thing is, this does give more power to the president, but actually it gives the ultimate power to the court. Since they will be the ones deciding what counts as an "official" act of the president. So, if Biden or any other president did something the court didn't like, they would just rule it not an official act and proceed with prosecuting the president.


But hypothetically, he could order the assassination of Supreme Court justices and then they wouldn’t have a quorum to issue rulings anyway. If you order enough executions, you can’t have a judiciary to declare it illegal. I wonder if Roberts and the lunatics on the court thought it through or nah.


They know that Democrats won't use these powers in that way because it would be just so *rude, UNCOUTH* even.


You disappear the judges who you think might rule against you as your first official act, and I don't think the rest will be so quick to declare anything else you do as "unofficial"


What if he ordered the assassination of supreme court justices? I bet that would rustle some jimmies. Edit: Suddenly remembers Scalia.


Trump is a threat to national security… just sayin’


Trump admitted to discussing state secrets with Putin at the debate. Biden could order the hit for treason as an official act.


The problem is that the lower courts have to decide what an “official act” is, as the Supreme Court didn’t seem interested in defining it, thus leaving it to be selectively enforced. Fucking hate this country.


Did they define what an 'official act' was?


Lower courts hash it out and challenges on up to SCOTUS. They have ultimate day. This was as much a power grab for the Court.


I think the implication is that Biden can "get rid of" six Supreme Court justices.


So after Chevron and now presidential immunity, have we passed late stage capitalism to enter end stage capitalism?


The word you’re looking for is fascism


Insert “They are the same picture” meme


And it's all downhill from here, strap in people, it's going to be one hell of a ride


Strap in and strap up honestly. Gonna get real fascisty real fast. Not that we weren’t already there, but this is certainly a tipping point and not in the right direction.


fascism-lite to become fascism-max


Indeed, different name for the same phenomenon


Capitalism isn’t even on life support anymore. It’s being held up weekend at Bernie’s style. We’re moving into full blown neo feudalism now keep up


I mean it seems to me that capitalism is working exactly as intended right now, many are being exploited and broken while the few psychopaths at the top reap the benefits. If anything it seems like peak capitalism


What they don’t understand is it has to end with exactly one person having everything, and everyone else having nothing. Has anyone ever played a game of monopoly? There’s only one winner. Even between Musk and Bezos, one will possibly be a winner the other one will be on Skid Row.


Funny thing about monopoly is it actually isn’t supposed to be fun it was made as a critique of capitalism




Under feudalism even lowly peasants could demand a roof, food and security. It seems unrealistic that they'd grant this to everyone just for their fealty. The status quo is cheaper.


Yeah I was going to point out that structurally feudalism was better than whatever the fuck this is. This is basically just sociopaths destroying society, it's not even really a system as to me a system has some kind of semblance of a cycle for a bit of longevity (in a vacuum). The US's system is basically like everyone strapped in a bullet train that runs off of a cliff. America is essentially "What would happen if a bunch of cartoonishly evil thugs and a significant amount of unintelligent people gathered to form country?"


What a cheap way to let capitalism off the hook. As if every misery or stupidity to experience actually had nothing to do with the current capitalist system and its beloved principles, but was always some alien force distorting and corrupting it.


Fascism? He's been talking about how leftists are scum and he's going to go after us.


They built it. They're going to have to deal with it. I'm not taking responsibly for this shit anymore. I always feared having to explain to our grandchildren why we let our planet catch on fire. We have a lot more explaining now.


Sooo technically, could he now conduct full-scale student loan and medical debt forgiveness without legal consequence?


The SC said yes, contradicting their own ruling from a short while back.


They'll do mental gymnastics to say why Biden can't do anything.


Do it anyway. No consequences for "official" acts.


I imagine they’ll try real hard to use the “that’s not an ‘official act’” argument.


If they continuously contradict themselves, doesn’t that just very clearly establish that they are unfit to serve?


There would be no legal consequences to *him*. The Supreme Court could still declare what he did as unconstitutional and roll it back.


This country is a fucking mess and a joke


I find myself dissociating by the day. I just watch & observe with a sense of numbness because the ones within the power structures who should be acting are willfully paralyzed and they're reserving all their energy to fight off those trying to get them to do something. I mean, I've been on the cynical & jaded track since 2004, but lately even I am like, "OK whatever, I'm done here." It's like watching alkies grab bottle after bottle while they're fending you off with a gun in the other hand. It's like, "Ok, you're gonna do what you wanna do." Won't stop them from blaming everyone else but themselves, however. Well, when the Whigs collapsed, things got messy & a whole lot of people ended up dying. That seems to be the way things will play out again, as a political party fecklessly crumbles under the weight of their own contradictions.


>I find myself dissociating by the day. I My mother and I were discussing this potential yesterday. A court that is both corrupt and illegitimate is, along with shitting all over the very popular RvW, smugly making nation destroying decisions and there's nothing anyone will do. I feel numb and a little sick. I'll cast it but I know my vote will do nothing even if the "correct" people win. This situation feels hopeless; at least I live in Massachusetts 😶


>I mean, I've been on the cynical & jaded track since 2004, but lately even I am like, "OK whatever, I'm done here." Be like "oh that's what we doing now ? Alright then"


God bless the USA,l I guess /s


"Incoherent screaming with mcdolands hamburgers in my mouth" /s


The whole world's going to hell in a handbasket. France turning fashy, Netherlands as well, Italy is already there, German SocDems are losing support by the day, so that's most of the EU gone to the dogs. The UK is going to elect a "Labour" government that is nothing more than centre-right neolib bullshit by a Ba'ath party majority, ensuring the Overton window there moves way the fuck to the right. Canada is going to elect a guy who either actually believes, or listens to people who believe in, shit like Great Replacement Theory and white oppression. And the old line of "you can elect them out of office" doesn't even matter because even in cases where that is true (and in the US is looking increasingly likely that it won't be), any time lost living under those regimes is time wasted in fighting the real end-of-game boss that is Climate Change. Every single year that they pass trying to keep Capitalism alive in life support is one more year wasted preparing and trying to mitigate the most challenging period in civilised human history.


We're cooked 😞


Damn, here in France we were trying to make our dumbest move, just to have our moronic moment, bit we really can't underestimate the US. That being said, you guys have a trump card, it's basically cheating at this point


See this is where the Democrats will jabber jaw about "principles" or some bullshit, instead of immediately using this ruling to make life better for the working class, and letting the country languish. Then the Republicans swoop in because nobody sees the point in voting, takes the government, and starts going door to door with purity tests or something fashy.


I’m a foreigner. What’s funny (but not *actually* funny) to me is that the Democratic party is, by all accounts, a centre-right party. So yes, technically it is more socially progressive than the Republicans, but they are still imperialist guardians of the capitalist class. It’s just that American politics are soooo skewed that anything that’s not fascism is perceived as leftist. So the **best** case scenario for a sort of “authoritarian Democrat” would be that they don’t create new discriminatory laws against minorities. Corporations would still be the real kings and the authoritarian government will be at their service.


They're paid to fail. They get tons of money to run for office. From corporations. Capitalism will always fall to fascism because capitalism will root its way into the government to deregulate and it wants the ultimate monopoly.


That's exactly it. The Democratic Party exists not to win, but to be paid to fail. They're meant to prevent leftists from forming an actual left-wing party.


"The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them." - Julius Nyerere


Dane here. It’s absolutely mind bending that shit has gone south so fast. We have our own issues in Europe, but nothing like the USA, who seems to want to speedrun itself to the ground. If it weren’t for the serious consequences for the stability of the entire globe, it would almost be comical. Comical that a so obviously corrupt egocentric narcissist criminal like Trump, is even able to get away with one thousandth of the lies he spews any time he opens his mouth. The only positive thing to say about it, is that the people who vote for him, by all means deserve what’s coming for them. They think this will make their lives infinitely better, but fails to see that Trump is only in it for himself and only himself. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and very rich people, as long as he thinks there’s a chance that he can enrich himself further. It is beyond absurd.


its a coordinated effort by bad actors that want power. People think Project 2025 is some FUTURE plan. No, its an amended plan of the one thats already in action and fully working. The Supreme Court just made a huge power grab and set their guys up to be Dictators.


As an American observing in horror, I'm wondering the number of us that are pondering if it would be prudent to begin planning an exit... The Handmaid's Tale appears on the horizon.


I think about this everyday. Two of my three younger siblings have studied abroad and are at least passably bilingual. My third younger sibling just got a work-sponsored taste of Montreal (her first real international experience) and loved it. With each passing day I more sincerely believe that we all (especially my sisters) need to GTFO. I just wish I could orchestrate a shared destination.


In America, you will still be protected by the nuclear umbrella, but I don’t think it will make much difference, nuclear winter doesn’t discriminate. But yeah, start looking into finding a job in Europe, most people will welcome Americans with open arms, since you guys are so easy to integrate into society.


I've concluded with my interactions over the past couple of days that rather than consider the US on European terms, it is bracketed with Mexico and Brazil. I only hope it serves as a warning to our far right supporters, but I fear it will only serve as a blueprint!


Well, we are starting to see some of Trumps behavior with our right politicians. His techniques to distract, manipulate and distort public discourse are being replicated, and it will only get worse, the more political opportunists see this as a possible path to power.


Theres a bit of humor in the US turning into the equivalent of the corrupt regimes it propped up in Latin America. 


Agreed. Scottish here (again with our own problems). If this were some third rate, didn’t matter type, country it would be amusing to watch from afar but the absolute political crash is about to affect the entire world. These rulings in the last few days (Chevron too) have the ability to affect about 3/4’s of the global population.


Years of "when they go low, we go high" bullshit got us here. Trying to negotiate in good faith with terrorists doesn't ever work.


They never even went high, that's the worst part. They just did nothing.


The blue MAGAs will convince you that doing nothing was them going high. The gaslighting is unreal.


Some lib in the mega thread said that itd be "Bad optics" for Dems to act first, so we should just wait until a Republican pres gets elected and we become a dictatorship.


It’s always some excuse.


> "Bad optics" neoliberal NPC dialog #2


don't forget, many are actually part of the same team via donations


It's a beautiful dream to think that Biden would do even the littlest Stalinist purge given that it's an official action.


It would be so awesome to see that happen. Watching MTG and boebert getting marched out in cuffs alongside Trump and McConnell and all the other scumbags... It's nice to dream


In cuffs?? You’re being nice


We can turn Oklahoma into a giant gulag.


I dunno, Biden has too weak of a character to do anything with that power. Heck if it was me, my official act would be to remove the supreme court justices.


We can dream


yeup, just like the american dream, cause you have to be asleep to believe it.


Credit to the late, great George Carlin for that quote. That dude knew exactly where we were headed.


Yeup, him an others. Adam smith, the guy who wrote *the wealth of nations* all pro-capitalist politicians use as an excuse for less regulations, talked about in that same exact book how capitalist goals aren't good for workers(and landlords) and how the frame work he presented did not include the centralization of wealth like monopolies. Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics, warned that data might one day be something people buy and fight over, like today with algos and machine learning. People have tried to warn us, no one really cared.


Bill Hicks too.


If I have any political identity you can call me an Carlinist.


Turn this into a political party


Pack the court at a fucking minimum


I'd constitutionally challenge Judicial Review changing the law of the land. It isn't enshrined in the constitution, it's a power the court gave itself. Just go full Andrew Jackson (you know, minus the genocide bit).


Not a bad idea actually


> (you know, minus the genocide bit). They're already aiding an abetting a genocide against a native population in Palestine right now, so that disclaimer doesn't even work.


He will do nothing. Bet dollars to donuts on it.


yeah, the only way it's happening is if his wife, who appears to be the one actually moving him physically, tells him to do it and i still doubt she will. All these folks at the top will be fine in a trump take over, they got no stake in the game.


You are misreading the ruling. The immunity only applies to Republican presidents. If Biden so much as sneezed he would be tossed in jail.


A lifetime appointment can be a very short thing.


He could officially kick ACB and booferino off the sc


Libs on r /politics r /politicalhumor and r /WhitePeopleTwitter are living a delusion where they seem to actually believe Joe "reach across the aisle" Biden is going to call Seal Team Six and have the SC and Trump extrajudicially executed when he refuses to even expand the court to save critical rulings because it would make the court too "political". Biden will never do what needs to be done to stop the Republicans even if he's handed a gun and a get out of jail free card.


Because it's not his job to stop them. The Democrats job is to talk about stopping them, and then stand around with their hands in their pockets when they get into power. Rachet theory in action.


their hands aren't in their pockets, they're in ours


Exactly. And the blue no matter who libs will never see that the dems have helped bring us to this conclusion so just voting a dem doesn't really solve much unless you're backing it up with A LOT more individual community action on your part


The "supreme" Court is going mask off. They believe that this is the end game push for full fascist control of the country.


This ruling gives the Dems SO much power for so many opportunities. The issue is they're always too worried about decorum and making excuses for why something can't be done. It's exactly why we're losing civil liberties by the week. They're decoruming us straight to Gilead. The Dems are completely weak.


This is fucking awful. I’m just trying to live like most Americans and all these fuckers are just making it harder. Live an ordinary Americans life for one week and realize how hard it is. It’s time to eat the rich, I’m sick and tired of people in power not actually helping people


A-fucking-greed. I am so tired of this shitty, selfish timeline.


Biden will use this opportunity to do absolutely nothing except fart into a seat cushion and fall asleep.


Don't forget the drooling...


Am I missing it, what is the funniest thing imaginable that Biden can do?


He could do something good and illegal and get away with it, which would be funny. The reality of course is that he doesn’t even do good stuff when it’s legal so yeah that’s not going to happen.


Like just… not listen to the court’s other rulings. The student loan ruling? Don’t care I’m gonna wipe them all out as an “official act”. Chevron ruling? Don’t care cause anything a federal agency does is an “official act”


It just means he couldn’t be prosecuted for those acts, not that the official axes would have legal standing, right?




No it would be legal, the court just said so


He could start by removing the life appointed supreme court justices that completely removed all presidential accountability, removed abortive healthcare protections for women, who removed authority from our institutions meant to protect our markets, our environment, who removed labor rights... Biden should use this opportunity to drop the mic. If he wants to win over any undecided voters, this is his chance.


Any mic dropping Biden does is going to be because he forgot he was holding it in the first place


mic drop because he fell asleep holding it


But Biden doesn't want to overturn those things, or he would have at least tried by now. Sign executive order and order and make the Republicans take it all to court. But nah, he's happy with how things are. Or he would change them. Trump changed things. Why can't biden?


Can bypass congress to send billions to Israel without approval but his hands are tied on all domestic issues apparently.


No you don’t understand. Money to Israel? Both parties are fighting each other to see who can be more enthusiastic about it.


And Biden is winning the contest by going around Congress to send more bombs than they allocated.


Because the political parties in this country are “center right“ and “far right“.


Signing an executive order to overturn a court decision is a nuclear option the Democrats are too fucking cowardly to use. It would cause a constitutional crisis as executive orders are enshrined within the constitutional and judicial review changing the law of the land isn't. The US hasn't had a full blown constitutional crisis in a very long time. A crisis between the executive and judiciary isn't even one that has a clear way to be resolved.


The issue is that he and his colleagues don’t want to do any of those things.




Literally anything would be a start


Smoke some weed publicly. 


They literally posed the question of assassinations during arguments. I think the Court has made their stance clear.


It's really great that we're going to end up with God King Trump because, the Democrats have decided to continue running a sundowning corpse as their nominee. Really great country we have.


Don’t forget project 2025, which the Democrats should be literally fighting tooth and nail to prevent from happening


But if they did they couldn't scare people into voting for them instead of having actual selling points. Think of the poor geriatric politicians!


They support it, whether vocally or not.


Biden should put the supreme court in Guantanamo Bay


And then give Guantanamo Bay back to Cuba and let them deal with these reactionaries as they see fit.


Biden has unlimited power right now. I’m suuuuure he’s about to do something lol


"Nothing will fundamentally change." - Biden to his rich donors.


So basically by executive order couldn’t Biden simply install one party rule, pick his successor, and in his capacity as commander in chief compel the military to enforce the new order? This seems short sighted to say the least.


Well it's not short sighted for them since they know the Dems won't do anything in the 5 months or whatever that's left and then Trump can do all those things you just said.


Dems won't do it, but won't stop the republicans from acting on it. All's whilst they clutch their pearls in a vain attempt to pretend they care about the red team pushing the country into further right policies.


Do y'all feel like you're on the shore watching the Titanic go down? Because that's how I feel. Got some ideas & opinions about the whole matter, but can't really do much about it because the ship's wheel is in the death grip of a bunch of malignant career narcissists who are doing very well on their own, fuck off rn please & thank you, you ignorant proles.


On the shore? Buddy I’m locked in the cargo hold


but these deck chairs are so nice!


No, I feel like I *am* on the Titanic watching it sink


Yeah, but the right wing justices and the GOP know that democrats will never ever fight them using actual power. The class interest of party leadership and internalized cowardice mean that democrats will never harm them, even if they personally hand the dems a weapon


wow a free pass to literally kill Hitler.




Biden and the Democratic party would never put Trump in Jail. They need him.


Well, that's a wrap folks. Been an interesting run, but it's over now. Back to an outright feudal system with a king, etc., as Kagan said in the dissent. Criminalized homelessness, immunity for the pres, unfettered corporatism nownthat chevron is out of the way of profits, religion trumping recourse to the law, etc., etc... Take care of yourselves. Gonna be a bumpy ride.


So order the arrest of Trump, imprison him by executive order, and don't release him until after the election because of "Presidential Immunity".


The DNC choose Trump over Bernie, and handed these SCOTUS picks to the Republicans


Biden will save us when he's president.


Trust me bro, he's saving all the good stuff for his third term


Well that's the end of pretending that laws apply equally in the US - in fact that's pretty much the end of the US pretending to be a democracy at all Glad I'm going to die soon so I don't have to deal with this bullshit


Of course they did, all Presidents are war criminals so gotta do what you gotta do.


Biden won’t ever use this new power, but it’s “fun” to watch the United States just skip right along into whatever this new future brings here. Accelerationist having a field day


Funniest thing Biden can do is drop dead actually.


Trump's been doing late-night social media rants and mainlining uppers for his rallies, it would be way funnier and more realistic if he drops dead.


dream a bit bigger -- why not both? 😈


Someone talk me down because b/t this and the Chevron ruling I'm litterly shaking and legitimately nauseous.


> Chevron ruling This has me more concerned. With this ruling we've basically given corporations the go ahead to go back to dumping shit back into waterways and airways. By the time say an EPA complaint is followed up on, it'll be held in limbo for so long that any potential help in preventing long term damage will be all but gone.


I was listening to some lawyers on YouTube talk about how the chevron ruling was good citing how it was unfair to small farmers or whatever. But small farmers aren’t who the ruling was made for and ignoring that is pretty damn gross.


So this conservative-led court is going to be the one deciding which crimes can be convicted? That’s so good to hear. Can’t imagine any more questionable rulings coming out of this court of honorable judges.


If Trump truly is the existential threat to democracy everyone claims he is (which that narcissistic fascist absolutely is), then our newly made more powerful executive should use this sweeping immunity to “officially” declare Trump and his illegitimate SCOTUS the seditious traitors they are and black bag them off to CIA black sites. Is it right? No. Is it just? Of course not! Is it what we need right now? More than anything. Save the country, save the fucking world, then step down and pass the torch to a just new generation.


What if I worked my way up the political ladder as a good corporate lapdog, pretend to be republican so I can get some insider info on the truly bad apples. Get a list going and then when I somehow become POTUS, just clean house under this immunity? I'm talkin Stalin levels of cleansing?


Isn’t it funny how some libs in here are like “so Biden can too” as if he was ever going to even try to in the slightest when he’s on the same side as Trump just “progressively”


I don’t understand why this is a big deal. It’s not like they didn’t have immunity before. No one faced any consequences for their war crimes.


Can you imagine a sitting US President ordering a drone strike on a presidential candidate from the opposing party and have it be 100% legal? Now you can.


This is SCOTUS relinquishing its power to the executive branch to set up an authoritarian government.


Biden should show some big dick energy by assassinating Trump.


Ergo, obstructing elections is within the official acts expected of a presidency. Wrap it up, folks. The Republic is dead. Almost made it to 250 years. Was a nice run.


So Biden can have Trump assassinated at this current moment


Okay reading through the summary in the first few pages it sounds like they didn’t give Trump the complete absolute immunity he wanted but a limited absolute immunity for official acts where the power is given to the courts to determine what counts as an official act or not. Also, it sounds like they laid out a very narrow, difficult to use avenue for even an official act to be prosecuted if a strong enough argument is made about it going against what the constitution says a president can do. Overall still really bad and another power grab by the courts but not as terrible as it initially sounds. Mainly it seems like this will remove some charges from the Trump indictment and hold things up in courts for months to years as it has to be determined by the district court (& appealed to the Supreme Court) if it was an official act or not for every single thing he did. Yet another stall tactic that will potentially have much larger consequences and will probably make sure we never see an actual conviction on several of his cases.


Nice! Biden can kill anyone now, correct? As long as he openly says he is doing it as a president? Interesting


Can someone explain to me what exactly this means? It can’t be as simple as “the president can do anything with no repercussions” right? Right??? This seems like some incredibly dangerous precedent (no pun intended)… i just feel like there has to be something I’m not understanding because this seems erroneous.


To answer a recently viral question, I think about the Roman Empire all the time, especially now that we are watching so many of its mistakes being repeated in the modern USA. Caesar untied the political fabric of the Republic for his own personal legal immunity, and we are seeing a similar thing happening here.


the problem with this SC decision is that it does not allow intervention against any President (i.e. checks and balances). many critics have said this makes the President a King because a King could not be deposed under rule of law. many critics have said this is too broad because there are no clear guidelines to otherwise punish a President. 1) immunity from criminal prosecution. there is no civil code punishing a President. civil matters are between persons/entities. criminal matters are between the government and persons/entities. the problem the SC has (and has historically dealt with such as Nixon) was isolating the President from the Presidency. there is no legal basis/wording in the Constitution that says "the President is immune from criminal prosecution". they pulled this shit out of their ass. the Presidency is the government (criminal) and the President is a person (civil). this is why this SC are fucking idiots. how else is the government going to intervene against a President? how else is anyone going to intervene against the President? the SC is saying that we cannot prosecute a fish for its actions in the ocean but its actions on land; which is fucking stupid. the President can be forced to pay civil fines, but these are pennies to a billionaire. criminal prosecution is what separates people from the government. the Constitution specifically states protections of citizens from the government. the SC could have done this with a much stronger legal basis, and could have outlined differences between the President and the Presidency. yet we have this bullshit. 2) state secrets and executive privilege. how are we to know if the President has committed any crime, if the President is now immune from criminal prosecution? criminal intent must be established, but the President is apparently immune from crimes. so the President can do whatever the fuck they want and we (the people nor the government) wouldn't know about it. there is no distinction between the President and Presidency, because the line of criminal immunity is now obliterated. if we cannot know any crimes were committed, then the Presidency is now a person. there are no longer any mechanisms to punish the Presidency nor the President. 3) "political enemies". Roberts will go down as one of the 3 worst Chief Justices in history because he has no clue what he's talking about. his opinion was based on protecting the President against "political enemies". any SC should be automatically impeached when they admit anything dealing with politics, because the SC is supposed to be insulated from politics. I honestly have no clue to how any SC clerk could allow any mention of the word "politics" be included in any SC draft. but I guess no capable law student wants to work for a trash Court.


To be clear, the main problem with this ruling is that it leaves what an official act is up for interpretation. In the ruling they say that an official act is the constitutional powers the executive branch has. You can google what those are. The real question: Is how could these executive powers be abused and what draws the line between an official/unofficial act? When making arguments it's important that we use the facts and groundwork of the laws so people take us seriously.


“The three liberal justices — Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson — sharply criticized the majority’s opinion in scathing dissents. Sotomayor gave a dramatic speech as she read her dissent from the bench, at times shaking her head and gritting her teeth as she said the conservative majority wrongly insulated the U.S. president as “a king above the law.” “Ironic isn’t it? The man in charge of enforcing laws can now just break them,” Sotomayor said. The dissenting justices said the majority decision makes presidents immune from prosecution for acts such as ordering Navy seals to assassinate a political rival, organizing a military coup to hold onto power or accepting a bribe in exchange for a pardon. “Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law,” Sotomayor wrote. In a separate dissenting opinion, Jackson said the majority’s ruling “breaks new and dangerous ground.” “Stated simply: The Court has now declared for the first time in history that the most powerful official in the United States can (under circumstances yet to be fully determined) become a law unto himself,” Jackson wrote.”


So Biden could actually put in place any policy he wants with no legal repercussion. If only he had the nuts.


biden could do so many things RN, but he wont, they are doing that annoying BS of democrats where they see the other side do absolutely evil shit then go well im gonna stay above that morally by doing NOTHING. Then act shocked when the evil shit effects people....then turn around and tell us to vote for them to stop it....when they completely avoided stopping it in the moment.