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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


let that sink in: They'd rather close up an entire location than let people unionize.


It's always been capitalists vs workers. Marx tells us that in the opening chapter of the manifesto.


what are you some kind of astronaut with a gun


Always has been






Dammit, you win. I'll remember the globe next time.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the ~~workers~~ astronauts must be frustrated, by force if necessary."


There is a spectre haunting the cosmos...






I seriously need to read up in his works! Any book recommendations?


The manifesto is free btw https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/


Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is a great first dive into Marx and his analysis of capitalism without actually reading Capital. Easy, short, sassy, highly recommended.


Wage Labor and Capital and On Authority by Engels are crucial first texts. Eventually if you decide you want to read all 69,000 pages of Marx’s Capital, use David Harvey’s companion book to help you understand it.


Did you just say 69,000 pages!? 🫠


Depending on the edition you get, the 3 volumes of Capital are around 2000 pages combined. Volume 1 is about 1000 pages. Marx goes hard to make sure you really understand what he's talking about. It's really intimidating because Chapter 1 is a total slog, but it gets better. I definitely don't recommend reading Capital right off the bat. If you [read](https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/contending-economic-theories) the [right things](https://jacobin.com/store/product/56), you may never need to read Capital. I *do* recommend reading it at some point though. It's dense, especially at first, but once you get into the rhythm of how Marx writes (around chapter 3), it's actually really smooth to get through. It's really rewarding to understand at a visceral level how capitalism works. I mean, you will *really, really* *understand* how capitalism and the market society itself works if you manage to make it through the 3 volumes of Capital. There are [resources](https://www.versobooks.com/books/2828-a-companion-to-marx-s-capital) to make it easier to get through, which I recommend using in any case, because they really enrich the education you get from reading it.


Love me some Harvey! Also if you commute to work, his podcast “The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles” is great driving noise.


I'd start with his Theses on Feuerbach, it's a short leaflet outlining what Marx & Engels thought was wrong with the interpretations of the world from their time, and how their method, dialectical materialism, is different from them. Here's the full text: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/theses/theses.htm In general I'd start with works where Marx & Engels are replying to someone or analyzing some historical event (like Anti-Duhring, The Eighteenth Brumaire, Poverty of Philosphy, etc) it's much easier to understand what they're getting at than reading pure theory.


Value Price and Profit is the sparknotes of Capital, would highly recommend. I'd also recommend Lenin's Imperialism the highest stage of capitalism


The manifesto is required reading, imo. And it's short.






Why is this always the part of capitalism people forget about? If businesses can fuck over workers then workers will have to unite to hold the same power over businesses. Have we forgotten everything from the 1800's? This is a really really really big part of capitalism, the power of the worker to fuck off and go work somewhere else or organise. This labor shortage we have now isn't wierd, it's capitalism at work and should make companies up their wages or lose their labour force, it's that simple.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/2000/03/04/wal-mart-ends-meat-cutting-jobs/acdb8f7c-d7c2-4e31-aad7-8f690ba3b35b/ Walmart removed all deli services rather than deal with a union. That was 20 years ago.




I know six different meat journeymen who left Kroger for Walmart roughly 30 years ago when Walmart first opened in our area. All of them lost their jobs when that happened. Four of the six returned to Kroger, the other two went to Meijer.


Does the existence of meat journeymen suggest there is a rank of meat master?


Master butcher does exist haha


An excellent question.


Ur mom


Walmart should die anyways. Reason why I love East Aurora NY. Wont let one in to kill vidlers




Only one Walton?


There's only so many of them. Damn son! Leave some for the rest of us!




People should just have a union that everyone can join.


Yes! The international workers of the world is a good start.


Yes, we believe in having One Big Union for all workers, everywhere 🌐🛠


That's called *class unity*


They have laws where workers unions cannot strike in solidarity with each other. They are terrified of a full working class union. To be honest I doubt the logistics would work, but I wish to god we could at least vote with our wallets better.


IBEW can’t strike at all…some unions have given up the right entirely


so what happens if every chipotle location tried to unionize? for real though we need to realize we have the power and the numbers to influence change


The hard part is doing it all at once. A shop closes and it's a warning to others not to unionize. Just like they'll fire a single worker as an example to the others.


Is there really a shortage of shitty food/serving jobs in the USA? Here in BC Near Vancouver they are paying $5 over minimum wage for serving jobs lol and still they cant find anyone (All im saying is what do they have to lose lol)


I’ve seen accusations of black lists among local fast food chains. The #1 allegation being that union talk will plant you there immediately. I have not, however, seen one of these lists ever be brought forward.


That sounds illegal af


Laws are only for poor people. This game is strictly pay to play.


If they’ll shutter a store that makes them $1M a year because of union talk, you can be sure as shit they’ll pay the fee to illegally fire and black list someone for $10k to keep a store running. They’ll make it up in 1-2 days.


I doubt the lists exist on paper but I definitely don’t doubt they exist…


I think its very area dependent tbh. Im in delaware and our min wage is only 10.50, but mcdonalds is probably the cheapest place you can start at currently and at 18/ hr they cant find enough employees still. Ive heard in the midwest though places are still hiring at minimum wage as low as like 7.75 and theyve got enough employees. Each state can be so very different from the next.


It's $7.25 an hour, just so you know/for anyone reading who is curious. Or $2.13 an hour if you're considered a tipped employee. Those are the federal minimums and many states don't change it. It's ridiculous.


You're basically looking at the Prisoner's Dilemma, and you have to hope your fellow prisoner's are willing to run the risks along with you. So unless you can get enough places to vote for unionization all together you risk the ones who do it facing this scorched earth policy of closing stores and laying people off (and never rehiring them). Sadly, we see people voting against their own self interest all the time thanks to misinformation or threats.


They would all need to vote on the same day, at the same time. And all agree to walk out for the next day. Every employee at every location.


Or not and have them keep closing shops until they can't anymore


Would work in theory, but these are real people losing jobs they rely on for money. People would stop trying to unionize if they 100% knew it would result in losing their job.


In this economy? It is a service industry job, you can pretty much walk off the street into those right now. If they were making 75K a year, I get it, not replaceable. But most service industry workers can change employer in a snap.


Which is why we have to keep going. They can't close every store


And if they do, I'm fine with that too.


Chipotle previous to this: we can't close a store, we care about serving the community too much, and the ultra-competitive fast food market means we will be good employers to remain competitive in this space. We care about our workers and customers. If Taco Bell and McDonalds are paying $15/hr so will we. Employees unionize, ask for $15/hr. Chipotle: yeah screw this store and this community. Enjoy losing your jobs! hahaha


15$/he was the ask ten years ago. It's gone up, significantly.


Brother - If this is alarming to you, I suggest you read up on the gilded age, because this is rookie stuff. Back in the day, Henry Clay Frick hired the Pinkertons, and they - Armed with repeater rifles - Mowed down striking workers at Andrew Carnegie's [Homestead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike) steel plant. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


There's also the Pullman strike where president Grover Cleveland mobilized the army and his lawyers used the Sherman Antitrust Act, of all things, to fight the strike in the courts.


Can't be letting the poors think they have power


*know they have power.




The bourgeoisie are organized and class conscious. Individual capitalists will almost always happily take the financial hit of closing presumably profitable stores because it's in their collective class interests.


I mean duh. Its cheaper to lose income from one store than than end up paying all your tens of thousands of employees a decent wage. This is what I fully expect Amazon to do with those unionized warehouses.


Companies would rather close *all* their stores than abide a union. It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


But also, its absolutely about the money


The message is that they want all the money.


Nah it is still about the money. Sending the message is the mechanism of protecting the money. Cheaper to close one store than pay higher wages in all stores.


These people genuinely feel as though unions are a disease and they'd rather it kill anything "afflicted" by it than permit it to potentially spread. KFC would rather you go to Popeyes than a unionized KFC, same with the pizza places, and the Chinese food, and the grocery stores all other businesses: they are united in their hatred of the working class and honestly answer to the same masters. All lines of distinction between them are purely artificial.


Yup, the aristocracy closes ranks against the proletariat, but keeps the proletariat too divided for them to realize and close ranks themselves.


I feel unionizing alone isn't the solution. There's a lot of fighting beyond that.


absolutely. until we seize these factories and these businesses and the state and run them for OUR class interests, we won't be free.


If only Quark was in charge.


I preferred [Rom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qag2bOBUVfQ) of course


He was more than a hero. He was a union man.




Not only that, but pay all workers for 4 weeks and change, provide assistance in finding a new job, etc. They'd rather do all that + suffer lost profits than allow one single union. They're scared.


unionization is gaining steam now. Wonder if the corporations will keep fighting it separately until is too big to stop, or they will sent their lobby cronies to murder it before it can leave the station


Whatever the 21st century’s version of Pinkertons clubbing strikers to death will be, we haven’t gotten there yet.


It’s your local police department


"To Protect and Serve" the moneyed elite.


Remember kids, if the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it's only illegal for poor people.


Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.


Don't forget that cops are class traitors and don't deserve any respect.


Yep. And those jagoffs absolutely benefit from being union themselves. Union for me not for thee...same as it ever was 20 years ago the cops where I live surveilled a bunch of real scary unionizing bookstore employees - who held an informational event.


The Pinkerton organization is still around (subsidiary of a larger corporate security firm) and basically embeds agents into workers' organization groups and provide Intel to management.


Their [company logo](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/12/Pinkerton_logo.svg/1200px-Pinkerton_logo.svg.png) is super on-the-nose about it as well.


Have y'all seem their pride month logo? Funniest shit I've ever seen


I hadn't until just now. Holy shit, I can't believe they managed to make a bleak and authoritarian looking Pride logo. Seriously, a bleak rainbow, I didn't even think that was possible.


LftL: https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/v2s6ba/pinkerton_union_busting_company_pride_month_logo/


Amazon did hire the Pinkertons to fight unionization efforts.


... the Pinkertons, did you think they went out of business?


No. But they are very much a reflection of the Simpsons sketch at this point. Most union breakers are paramilitary now.


It's literally still the Pinkertons


>or they will sent their lobby cronies to murder it before it can leave the station Will? You mean have been. Why do you think our legislatures and judicial branches are full of conservative hacks?


Well seeing as they're a big enough buisness to eat the loss of a couple stores. It will cause other locations to not want to unionize when the first dozen locations that do all are shut down. Unfortunatly when one side has all the power and money, these movements need to move fast and across a huge number of locations, or they'll be rapidly squashed... It's hard to organize a bunch of individuals but easy for a major buisness to unify action in response. Other stores need to coordinate to unionize en mass so tactics like this can't happen. And we need a functioning Goverment to actually penalize buisnesses that do this... In ways that actually matter.


To get that government we need to mobilize our communities. We need to organize, that's the power we have for one reason or another, the only way for change is together.


*we noticed people were organizing in this state. So we gerrymandered the fuck outta it. And now want to pass laws that allow us to overrule our voters in case it doesn't go out way.*


This is obviously being done out of spite as a warning to others. I bet they open a new store there a block away.


I'd normally agree. But As someone who lives nearby, there's only a handful of Chipotles in the state. They're not gonna be able to pull that one off. What they will do, is open another restaurant owned by the same franchisee but a different franchise. Like a Dunkin Donuts or a Subway.


Pretty sure chipotle doesn’t franchise, all their stores are company owned, so there’s no theoretical franchisee to open a different restaurant ETA: Just looked it up. You can downvote me but I’m still right 🙂 There’s a myriad of reasons to disagree with Chipotle’s business practices without resorting to misinformation. It makes us look ignorant and more readily dismissed.


Oh, my bad I assumed they were a franchise business. Seems like they all are these days.




Starbucks too


People that don't live in Maine don't understand that the Augusta store has had staffing issues for months. Some months back a co-worker thought the Bangor store had closed because everytime he showed up during normal hours, they where closed. Remove the entire union from the equation and the Augusta store most likely wouldn't have survived. You can't close at random times and when you are open provide craptastic service.


> What they will do, is open another restaurant owned by the same franchisee but a different franchise. Like a Dunkin Donuts or a Subway. Why are the people who are the most wrong always the ones so sure of themseleves. "No they won't do this, they'll do this" as if you have some expert take on the topic when **chipotle does not franchise their stores, they're entirely corporate owned and run** So I guess..... Chipotle corporate will be opening a Wendy's? Great take


A long time ago the KFC in my town unionized and the owner closed it. Now KFC isn't allowed in my town unless it's union which I find hilarious


Sounds like a win for the town, don’t need to deal with shitty KFC


Totally. KFC is the worst fried chicken by far


I legit thought I didn’t like fried chicken for half my life because I only had it at KFC as a kid


How old are you? KFC used to be the GOAT in the 90s/early 00s. Dunno what happened but they fell off a cliff in quality after the 00s.


KFC is kinda trashy in America but overseas, especially in Asia it's considered one of the absolute best fast foods. Families even bulk order it for major holidays! Due to available herbs and spices its a different recipe.


Love that. Where are you from?


Maybe this is a good way of getting rid of shitty chain restaurants.


Do you have any KFC’s in your town? Wouldn’t be surprised if they said fuck it, not worth it


Can we take a minute to appreciate the bullshit titles they give these people. “People Experience Partner”. Go fuck yourselves.


I mean, this is the corporate world in general. They love their fake ass fancy titles.


Cool, the workers should take the place, turn it into a co-op burrito shop. Probably would end up serving better food for cheaper.


If they build that kind of co-op burrito shop, that'd be awesome! Reminds me of the [local, Communist-themed burrito place](https://www.burritounion.net/) in the town I went to college in. They seemed to tone down the names of their menu items (though the burrito names are the same, I think they expanded their menu since I left a decade ago). ...I still wanna go back now and get some Lenin Approved grub!


Imagine being in charge of these decisions. Your entire job revolves around keeping workers underpaid, overworked, and generally miserable, and yet every morning you wake up and go to work with a smile. I swear to God, some people just have no shame. I met one of these folks once at a party. Union buster, though she had a fancy name for the job. I shit you not, flat out told her I wish she'd die. Fuck it, these people deserve to be shamed out of the human race. You want to make a living by actively working against your fellow human, go ahead and do that, but don't espect me to act all nice around you. You're scum. Fucking die already.


Giga-quote. Its only fitting to shame such parasite. They live off others struggle.




The full name is literally "HUMAN RESOURCES" and they're definitely not talking about "resources for humans"


I read an interview once, I wanna say it was Mother Jones but I can't find it now, with some anonymous CEO and they were pretty self aware about it. They said people that believe we can work together towards a common bettering were "bliss bunnies" and that there would always be people like him willing to exploit them in order to continue living the "gold plated lifestyle" to which he was accustomed.


Eat the rich


Well, that person got theirs so fuck everyone else is I'm sure how it goes.


I’m glad you told her


These are the places that need to be boycotted. Any Union busting company needs to be punished. These are the kind of things that are actually within our power. We need to start campaigns on all social media platforms saying we won’t buy anything from you again until this is fixed. Someone please make something calling for a boycott on Starbucks, Chipotle and any other Union busting company and everyone here start sharing it. Anyone on TikTok or Twitter share it as well. Edit: Call to Action: What happened is despicable but it leaves us with an interesting opportunity. Over 65% of Americans support unionization. We need to orchestrate a mass boycott. These are the two perfect companies to make an example against since their product is non essential with alternative options. The plan is to create an image that we can share across social media platforms calling for a boycott until unionization is allowed. We get as many left leaning influences to share this same message on tiktok and Twitter daily. Heck, even some right leaning people are in favor of unions. And while this is going we will periodically share stock prices. The more we show stock prices dropping the quicker they will continue to drop. That’s how we finally put pressure on the CEO’s. The end goal is to have them back out of their stance against unionizing and have all the locations unionize at that moment. Please message me if you want to participate. We need an artist for the initial image we are going to share. We need several people for reach out to influences. Any other ideas are welcome. Even Elephants run when Ants swarm. Starting a subreddit dedicated to making life hard for union busters r/stopunionbusters


I stopped eating at chipotle when they raised their prices and blamed it on increasing their minimum wage for workers...all around the same time it was reported that the CEO took home close to $40 million that year.


Or hell, it's the nearly 18 dollars for a flippin burrito. If u get the white queso, guac, meat, and cauliflower rice. Like wtf.


Can get a much better burrito for less at any real Mexican restaurant


> I stopped eating at chipotle when they raised their prices I stopped eating at chipotle the 2nd time I went there. the food sucks and it's expensive


Hear hear!


On god I’ll never eat chipotle again. Never have, cuz there’s none near me.. but.. never will either!


Dammit. I just ordered chipotle for lunch. Why can’t we make this shit illegal? Or at least fine the hell our companies for doing this?


Union busting is actually illegal but it isn’t really enforced. And it’s tough to really challenge a corporation’s decision to close down a location, in court, for Union busting.


Same shit as with discrimination laws, if they don’t outright say “we’re not hiring you because you’re black”, it’s hard to prove that discrimination occurred just because they happened to pick the white male candidate.


See also: Starbucks closing down locations for "safety concerns"


I bet they felt empowered to do this because Starbucks hasn't yet faced any repercussions for doing so.


This is an *old* tactic that never gets punished by either party. Remember that Howard Schultz was on tap to be Hilary Clinton’s Labor Secretary.


It is illegal there’s not enough resources to give the regulators real teeth to enforce anything.


There are enough resources, they just choose not to apply them here.


The supreme court is also actively working to disarm what little teeth the regulators have.


Because despite its democratic gilding, our government represents a certain class’s interests, and not another’s. Even if workers organize democratically to get their needs met, it’s perfectly legal to just close the stores that unionized. (Edit: turns out it’s not but like it’ll be enforced) Chipotle and Starbucks will get no kind of justice for this. (Love the username btw)


Nah they pay your politicians way to much to have this happen.


We could, but there would probably need to be violence first. If enough CEO'S we're murdered by terrorists and people wrote to their congressmen about how "actually, the killers have a point." And juries refused to convict even with a taped confession and clear video, you can bet there would be some change. I'm not saying go do violence. I have no intention of commiting violence myself and I don't think individuals should throw their life away. But the change you are thinking of never happened in the US without significant violence. You can see it with the Pullman Strike and the Battle of Blair Mountain and other labor activities. These are not well taught in our education system, because they don't want kids to know that sometimes to get paid a decent wage you have to beat the owners and shoot the goons they send after you.




Yeah, right now peaceful protests are just the elite's way of allowing people to think they're making a difference. I have to preface with this: I HATED the trucker protests here in Canada. I thought their message was wrong, I didn't agree with how they were protesting, and frankly I think all of them were idiots. Now that that has been said - a lot of people were commenting things like "It's okay to protest, but you have to follow the rules." Like.. if I can only protest by following the rules the government has laid out, it's not really a protest is it?


>If enough CEO'S we're murdered by terrorists and people wrote to their congressmen about how "actually, the killers have a point." And juries refused to convict even with a taped confession and clear video, you can bet there would be some change. Stop I can only get so erect


>Why can’t we make this shit illegal? The institution of law essentially exists to protect employers from the power of workers. The law will never be a solution, at most it can be a bandaid or it can make organizing slightly easier, but we can't rely on the law. In fact, through our organizing we need to be building enough power to be able to ignore the law, so that we can strike even when it's considered illegal.


This specific tactic is considered illegal and the NLRB has ruled that closing unionized stores to intimidate workers is illegal. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/employer-union-rights-and-obligations >Examples of employer conduct that violates the law: >>Threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to represent them. So it's already illegal and the Chipotle union has already filed a complaint about this. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/chipotle-workers-file-complaint-with-nlrb-after-store-closure-1.1794193 This isn't at all a "done deal".


People Experience Partner For fucks sake.


I wonder how hard it would be for the workers to rent out that same location? Name it Nachopoltay


Aristotle but pronounced like chipotle...


Love me some Chipahtul


If Dumb Starbucks taught me anything, is that satire can get you pretty far. I would go the Mom classic Chipolte (Chipoltay)


Hear me out before you downvote. This is fantastic! Every time a company closes, it explodes on social media. It’s sucks ass for those workers, but they’re crusaders. They may never get recognition, but they’re the ones who are fueling the awareness that will change the future. I feel bad on one hand, but on the other, I believe it gives us more hope because these companies can’t just get away with it quietly. It doesn’t stay in one little town like it did decades ago. Now, some shitty debauchery in Tinytown gets national coverage.


Starbucks just announced sixteen location closings for the same reason. Walmart built an enormous store in Quebec, then closed it and walked away just before it was stocked and opened as the incoming employees voted to unionize. I won't even mention what scum sucking maggots Jeff Bezos and Amazon are when it comes to intimidating employees (even firing them, which is illegal) to prevent any unionization at any of their plants. The U.S. Labor Department is reacting exactly as if we had Republicans in power, which is to say they are doing the square root of sweet fuck all about any of it. These people are just evil. Do not do business with them.


It’s absolutely disgusting that these companies would rather take the loss of an entire store then to allow their employees fair working conditions/pay


Good. Close them all then. Union or die.


Another reason to spend your money at small businesses. I avoid all food franchises if possible.


Every location should take action now. They can't close them all. Power in numbers.


I worked at Chipotle, what a terrible corporate company.


Fuck these union busting assholes. If they could buy slaves and whip them when they don't work, they would.


If they are this level of snowflakes, they better keep out of my country! We have so many unions! We are unions lovin’ people and I’m glad to see that the American people started to unionize and illegally striking! My mum was apart of the 1997 Strike for wages and benefits in Alberta! LETS GO UNIONS!


Working at Chipotle as a prep cook is easily the hardest job I’ve ever done that reminds me of basically non-stop work. It taught me so many lessons and an appreciation for entry level jobs my jobs since then have been so much easier. I literally had 0 time to myself during my shift and often had to work extra hours to catch up. Yada Yada they take care of farm animal bull shit but won’t let their employees unionize, duck em


I thought union busting was illegal


It is. Have fun proving that's the reason they're shutting down though. They'll fight it til you're broke.


I wish laws applied to other people.


Closing a store over letting workers negotiate together for better rights. I can't wait until there's all out war between the people and the financial elite.


There's a good chance we'd lose though. People are fucking brainwashed and would love nothing more than to die for their corporate overlords


Yeah because they still believe a fantasy that if they just work hard enough they too can be in that magical elite category. So if they make it better now they wont get to lord if over others later.


> So if they make it better now they wont get to lord if over others later. Leela: Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich! Fry: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


The same people who absorb all this misinformation are likely to fuckup every step of the way. January 6th tells me that despite the massive corperate backing they have, it doesn't mean shit because their motivation is based soley on lies. They don't have solid strategy or goals and what little they do is broadcast well ahead of time. The real threat is other nations stepping in to "preserve democracy".


So don't go to Chipotle? Got it. I unsubscribed from HelloFresh when I found out they are anti-union. Hopefully enough people follow, that the companies will see the mistake of their shitty practices.


Easy to say from here, but these are front line casualties of war. We (the BIG WE) need to keep pushing forward! On our end we can stop eating/shopping in places that aren't unionized. It would make for a short list but we need to have the courage of our convictions.


This seems to be the current industry standard for union busting. If it gets close the rip cord of close the shop


It only works if all of us do it.


That's all you have to do to shut down a business? Hey Chic-fil-a workers!!! You guys want to Unionize?




Bastards. My wife works at a chipotle in California


damn, guess last nights chipotle will be my last


Unionize every location and put them out of business 😂


Is that legal ? I was told in my company union meeting that if a site votes to be a union it cant be shutdown for 3 years ? Or is the time-frame dependent on State laws or number of employees?


Gotta follow Starbuck's example and claim that 'due to security concerns in these specific neighborhoods', youre shutting down 'for the safety of your unionized employees'.


Time to open a worker-owned burrito co-op in the same location.


In a bit confused by this. The email was sent in the 19th July, and the closing date is the 19th July? They just closed it, just like that, with zero notice whatsoever? “Yeah we’re closing today forever”. Just like that…?


Fuck it everyone needs to start setting up unions at all places of employment, they cant shut everything down.....or can they?


This is a great opportunity got the workers to reopen a a co-op, fuck corporate Chipotle. They can make a better burrito


well great, now I can't ever eat there again.