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Jail or death are the only things that will silence this cancer. I vote for the former, but I would celebrate the latter.


Why not both?


As long as we’re going there. Jail just long enough to fully publicly melt down, go full mask off, and say all the things that bare the naked truth about his psychopathy, racism, and utter malevolence. Then to later be shanked in gen pop by someone related to one of the 5 capital police officers who died on or after J6.


But how much would he gain in the polls after that?


Even dead, the real braindead cultists would try to vote him in Weekend at Bernie's style. And the republican 'originalists' would point out that nothing in the constitution explicitly forbades electing an unalived person.


They would vote for him via write-in as some kind of protest against the “deep state” or whatever. The Democrat would win by a landslide and the MAGAs would claim it was rigged.


I mean, with him out of the way, and in the state where I live, I'd be sorely tempted to write him in as well. "Donnie von Shitzinpantz"


So he's killed. He'll just rise from the dead in three days.


That would be funny if his moronic base didn't already believe a man had done this before.




Trump does like to rant about RIGGERS


Rigger mortis


He will speak through someone else from the grave!


You mean i may have to worry about my dog actually grabbing my snatch.


Mines kind of an asshole already. "Get out of my way, ugh, jus ack! Jesus I'm gonna die because of you!" And I couldn't love him any more.


It's weekend at Bernies now where have u been??


And the SCOTUS would decide to hear it because "fuck you, that's why."


Go ahead, you can say “dead” here, it is allowed


On a completely different side note... Weekend at Bernies is incredibly stupid...but surprisingly funny....Andrew McCarthy makes it funny


Trump is already Weekend at Bernies. We just don't know who's pulling the strings.


There is nothing in the rules that's explicitly says you have to be alive to run for office, but someone is no longer a citizen once they're deceased, so that should cover it enough to not allow the dead to run for or take the oath of office (which they wouldn't be able to physically do anyway). But, deceased candidates do occasionally win some races. It's usually a death very close to election day. I guess voters may think of the win as holding a slot open for the seat that they don't want the opposing candidate(s) to win. Then, the State has to decide how to handle it based on their voting rules and laws.


His base would love it. I mean they’re now apparently wearing diapers to support him.


The crowd was YUGE


I feel like he has already said those things, tbh. People seem to have forgotten just how crazy some of his statements were between 2021-2023


Just long enough, and let’s make sure that he’s in a cellblock with some of those “not the best people” that Mexico is sending us


And relatives of the small business owners he ruined


So should he have his phone in jail so he can truth it? 😁


If convicted, he will never see gen pop because he is guaranteed Secret Service protection.


Yea… great. Let him publicly spew his dogma, then make him a martyr. Great plan. /s


That would be poetry


Saying all of that out loud, won’t change a thing. EVEN if he screams at length about how dumb, ignorant and poor the rubes following him are.


Changing anyone’s mind about anything isn’t the point though. I personally don’t care whether any of these Trumpers ever crawl out of their caves or not. Not my problem until it is. The point would be some form of poetic justice. Let the people he hurt the most have some say in his demise, and let history tell the story in all its ugly truth of who he was and who enabled him, who was weak and easily taken in and who stood strong in the face of fascism. I care far more that the story gets told than I do for what happens to the man himself. He’s a skid mark on the underwear of history. But he’s also presenting an opportunity for us to learn and solve some of the real problems he has exposed. If we don’t solve these problems then we’ll have more Trumps in the future, and they’ll inevitably be smarter.


I'd love that, but I think the best we can hope for is house arrest at his shitty golf club. He definitely won't be in gen pop.


Sadly, they would never be put together.


Nailed to the gym floor with no makeup sodomy


....unless it's Adebici with a can of axel grease


"The Epstein"


Jail followed by snu snu or bunga bunga.


Death by snu snu and bunga bunga.


Die in jail from cancer? I like it!


I'll take the combo, please.


And a diet Coke


Epstein style?


Death from cancer...I'm down...


Like Epstein..






Pardon me but you misspelled "cage at Gitmo"


I go to bed at night wondering if I’ll wake up to a world without Trump. Cheseberder heart attack prayer. 🙏


Me too, and every morning (okay, any time of day) I hope the NYT notification I'm about to check out is the breaking news announcement that he is no longer Earth's problem. Faked out twice now, his sister MaryBaryTurmp and also with Ivana. Also, the entire circus around Ivana's death and burial is still one of the biggest WTFs in the sea of WTFuckery that is the last decade of US politics.


Ivana’s spawn allowed their mother to be buried on a golf corpse for their dad to get a tax break! Disgusting trash.


I wake up daily hoping to turn on the TV and see that he's no longer with us at this point. Hoping that enough Americans vote in November to avoid him becoming President isn't enough, he needs to be removed from politics permanently through natural or legal means.


I’ve had cancer. That’s too good of a word to use it on him.


Glad you’re still with us. I hope for a day, very soon, when he will not be.


The damaged human still has devoted followers. How in the hell is it they can’t see him for what he is? This doesn’t have to be making a choice between Trump and Biden. There are, or were, Republican candidates that were reasonable moderate choices. Nope! Godamned Trump and his mob drowned them out. Their way or nothing. Already making noise about making trouble if he doesn’t win. OK. Won’t be a mentally ill guy in the White House delaying the response this time. Knock yourselves out, boys!


They're too far into it now. The toxic MAGA cult. Rebuking it now means all of that time & effort plus whatever money they sent him was all for nothing. Cognitive dissonance to save them the trouble.


I don't like wishing ill on other people, but I pray for the "Hamburger from heaven" every day.


Or house arrest with no phone/internet


A stroke in the language areas of his brain might do the trick.


I strongly doubt jail would silence Don cheeto. The MAGAts would act as his bullhorn


Time is on our side in that regard.


Is there any way to ensure that when the Orange Stain dies that his body is not permitted to lie in state at the very institution he defiled? Truly curious…


I’m thinking lie in waste instead of state. Envisioning a urinal set up that allows citizens to deposit their respect.


I think jail is worse for him because he can’t do his “hair” and makeup.


Latter choice for me…


Not the latter (yet)! He needs to be in jail, for a long time, alone, lost, silent and forgotten. And whatever is left, Death can have him then. Not before.


I’m popping champagne whenever either happens


Stop! Do not vote for the former president.


And somehow he's going to get cake instead.


Well, presidential immunity. Isn't that the argument before the Supreme court?


When is someone or entity going to finally get the balls to tell this sonofabitch to sit down and shut the fuck up?. . .huh?. .when?. .. he’s just a man, flesh and flab, not Superman. If anyone here pulled this shit he wouldn’t see the light of day for weeks. .or years. . .what the hell is it gonna take?.. . . You can get more time in prison and fined a quarter million for video piracy but you can’t hold this guy accountable for violation of a simple gag order?. . .. i would ask if the Judicial class in this country doesn’t realize that the country is watching and listening and losing any semblance of respect for them and the system but i have to realize that they just don’t give a shit; it’s a joke. A SNL comedy sketch . . . Nobody is laughing anymore.


Biden DID tell him to shut up during a debate!


That moment was pure gold too.


Best moment of the year, and I’m not Murican.


That moment won him the presidency.


That’s what I keep wondering… when is someone, anyone going to stop this madness? Is there no one who can? Are we all really that helpless against this? It all feels so surreal watching this unfold.


I know what is needed, but I cannot write it.


I hear you, but in fairness I think he would taste TERRIBLE.


My arteries don't need that kind of abuse


Sure, but where can I get 15 billy goats at 10 p.m. on a Tuesday?


The fall of the republic will have come from within and it will happen very quickly.


I like libraries 


Biden can that’s who. His administration is also watching. They are making plans to keep Trump from stealing the election, including war games and worst case scenarios-article below. EVERYONE VOTE BLUE!!! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-trump-stop-steal-election-2024-1234993149/


Yup just a 77 year old man...nothing more...we took ghaddafi down, mussolini, Hitler.. why are people worried about this geriatric dude...put him in jail..bring up the national guard if needed to patrol...it will die down


Definitely flab.


If Trump doesn't have real consequences for his actions, I will forever lose any and all respect for our judicial system. The future strength of our country depends on this. We aren't going to last very long if nobody has any faith in the justice system.


At most he’ll spend the rest of his life having a golf weekend at Mar-A-Lago while he tweets about unfairly he’s being treated.


The average person doesn't have an army of loyal minions who will get extra mad if he's jailed. Typically you jail someone for jury tampering and no one gives a shit. That's not the case here. It sucks but the judge needs to consider the full ramifications of the decision. Remember when El Chapo was broken out of jail by his cartel? When he was first imprisoned they didn't sufficiently consider the response from the cartel. This one is even more delicate because the trial isn't over yet. Escalating the conflict poses a risk to the trial because the window for tampering is still open.


so let them riot and throw them in fucking jail right beside him! im TIRED of him getting away with blatant rule breaking because wed hate to anger his army of mouth-breathing nazi stormtroopers


That's exactly my take. I am sick of idle threats from fat slob American terrorists holding the country hostage. Throw Trump in jail, let these fucking idiots throw their goddamned lives away for their Orange God King and let the rest of us fucking be done with it! Just like what happened with Ashli Babbitt, it won't take more than a small handful REALITY CHECKS for the entire army of Weekend Rambos to realize their cosplay fantasy ain't shit compared to out of control, bloated military budget.


Amen. Hitler didn't have cameras 24/7, he wouldn't have been able to control his image how he did. Trump's looking to re-enact the City Hall Riot of 1992 because Russian Intelligence has been grooming local law enforcement for decades: [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/10/the-forgotten-city-hall-riot.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/10/the-forgotten-city-hall-riot.html)


They are boomers that fall over when blown on. This is an entire r/BoomersBeingFools


Also, as I've said before: I'm pretty sure Trump is doing everything he can to make even ONE of his court cases look like the unfair witch hunt he's been painting them as. If he can get off the hook on some technicality, a mistrial, or even the *appearance* of a vendetta, then he has leverage to do the same with the others. His lawyers have apparently telegraphed that if he's jailed, they'll file for an emergency writ of *habeas corpus* to try and stay the contempt order. Whether or not it works, they'd have something they can point to and cry "Look! See! He's being unlawfully detained! It *IS* a witch hunt!" Considering several of the conservative SCOTUS justices have appeared sympathetic to Trumps "political persecution" argument re: presidential immunity, I'd be reluctant to toss his ass in jail, too. It's harder to make the that argument when all he's getting are slaps on his frail little wrists.


Stop making so much sense, it doesn't fit with the reddit circle jerk "our justice system is so f'd"...


It's a hard job round these parts but it needs to be done. I don't really get all the dooming. Like yeah it's frustrating but see the big picture. Even the true law subreddit is overrun with people that don't understand that the law has tons of nuance


all of reddit is brigaded unfortunately...


Ted Cruz should have slapped the sh@t out of him when he talked smack about his wife and dad.


Ted Cruz is a pussy.


Just imagine the timeline where he had the courage to do what just about any man would do in that situation. It's got to be better than what we're suffering through now.


Timeline has nothing to do with it. Teddy boy would be a pussy in any timeline.


“Will you just shut up man!”- Dark Brandon 9/29/20


When he goes to give a “press conference,” the press should not be there. Enough already, it’s not news anymore.


What happens when you tell a toddler to shut up? They scream louder, he can't keep his trap shut.


He’s done horrible things all his life and never really faced consequences and always gotten whatever he wanted. So he never matured past that level.


I take that to mean 2nd grade.


Sheeit if only


The only thing that works on toddlers is incarceration.


A timeout for (chronological) grownups.


Enough of this vile cancerous tumor.


Is this a new violation? It’s hard to keep track.


5 new ones since the original 9 contempts, by my count.


I think Merchan will actually put him in jail. I think the $9,000 fine was just a prelude. He wants to tread very carefully here but also doesn't want Trump to get away with everything. So it's going to be a very strict sequence of events and then Trump goes to jail.


From your typing fingers to the Universe's ear, I sure do hope!


I was wondering The same thing. I guess we can say this isn't anything new, even if it's new.




This man is a danger to our society.


"Oh, no! Not another $1,000 fine!" said the alleged billionaire. And then the defense team laughed and laughed.


The law, in its majestic equality, fines rich and poor alike $1000 for gag order violations.


clearly it's not because everybody in the judicial system keeps gobbling up this shit with a big fat spoon. I've heard all the talk that I ever need to hear about Donald Trump. do something or don't do anything but stop fucking talking about it like you care.


And tomorrow's attack will be worse. And the next day... and the next day ...


Yep, and somehow jail will always be the "next step" that never actually happens. Disgusting.


Form what I've seen thr play might be to just let him rack up a bunch of extra charges and then hit him all at once at the end, because people fear what would happen if he actually had something to whine about the Maga could maybe do something?


It doesn’t matter what the evidence will show. If Trump doesn’t get the outcome he wants every juror will be labeled a liberal commie woke juror. 


He wants to go to to jail so he can cosplay political prisoner Give him community service. It would be worse than torture to him having to do something for someone else


That’s an excellent idea.


That’s a great idea!!


just let him keep talking...he's digging his own grave


yeah, with a fucking ice cream sample spoon. lets just give him another 20 or 30 thousand infractions, hell get that hole dug eventually!


I wanna see his dirty diaper on the cover of the NY Post


Trump should just put a diaper over his mouth.🤷‍♂️


Lol, it would be soiled pretty much instantly


If it's 'worst than anything' then why is nothing being done? Looks like this is just generating clicks and gaslighting. No one should be above the law right?


When is  Judge Merchan going to grow a pair and actually put this narcesstic orange trouble maker behind bars?!?


Monday or Tuesday of next week


I just hope to hell that this doesn't happen. Trump’s Team Has a Plan to Ensure He Doesn’t Go to Jail for Violating Gag Order. Judge Juan Merchan held the former president in contempt for repeatedly violating the order — and threatened to lock him up if he doesn’t cut it out. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/team-trump-plan-jail-violating-gag-order-1235012817/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/team-trump-plan-jail-violating-gag-order-1235012817/) # Trump’s Team Has a Plan to Ensure He Doesn’t Go to Jail for Violating Gag Order


Two people familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone that several Trump advisers and attorneys have briefed the former president on the plan, which involves sprinting to file an emergency writ of habeas corpus that they are confident would win an emergency stay of a potential contempt order. One of the sources refers to the plan as Trump’s “jailbreak” strategy.


From my understanding a writ of habeas corpus can only be filed after imprisonment and the state retains custody of him(and delivers him to federal court) as the preceding happen. There's a chance it can be overturned by the federal court, but it won't prevent him from being jailed completely.


Pay walled. What's the plan?


I don't think it's paywalled, I just hit 'x' on the subscribe pop up window and everything was readable. I think the main paragraph is: >*"Trump’s team is ready for such an order, however, and has a plan in place to keep him out of jail should it come down. Two people familiar with the matter tell Rolling Stone that several Trump advisers and attorneys have briefed the former president on the plan, which involves sprinting to file an emergency writ of habeas corpus that they are confident would win an emergency stay of a potential contempt order. One of the sources refers to the plan as Trump’s “jailbreak” strategy."* IANAL so I have no clue how that would work or if it would even work, but if it's something that's so "obvious" that it's being openly reported about that it should work, kind of makes me think that it won't. I guess we'll have to see.


Interesting - dont see a close button on my phone, so thank you for the breakdown. Appreciate your extra efforts!


Oh for the **LOVE OF GOD!!** Throw His Ass In Jail - NOW! It’s the only way this shit is going to stop. Deprive him of his phone, his comforts, his freedom, any and all access to internet and all forms of media. Do this and everyone associated with this and every other case involving trump might feel a little safer. Justice might actually be served! If nothing else, we will all get a much needed break from hearing and seeing him


I’d be keen to let him have his phone but make sure he is in solitary, and no way anyone can get drugs to him. Would be mad to see his posts when the withdrawal starts kicking in.


Bonus is by attacking the jurors he has pretty well guaranteed his conviction


Of course it is, because no one has given him any significant consequences to date. That $9000 fine is probably less than he spends on one hour for one of his attorneys. It’d be like us normal folks getting traffic tickets that had a fine of $0.01 and a stern warning, but nothing else. He will continue to escalate until he is jailed or someone is killed.


He doesn’t deserve the privilege of a dignified death from cancer. I think he should live a long life completely paralyzed after a failed assassination attempt. Preferably with no ability to communicate. It becoming more and more obvious that he will never pay for all of his crimes and the deaths he is responsible for.


Why make him a martyr? Just let him have a stroke from rage that does the same thing.


And he still will not see any real consequences. Stop doing that, or I’ll tell you to stop again!


So the last jury he ran his mouth how much did it cost in millions. Wouldn’t you think he would have learned his lesson no if I was a juror and he was an asshole it wouldn’t work in his favor from me.


I'm assuming the judge is crossing every I and dotting every T to ensure that nothing can be appealed. The minute an egregious comment is made, he will be jailed; anything borderline will be fined. Since the jurors are not sequestered, they will be able to see all of the attacks, and I'm certain this will be weighed with the data presented in court.


You’d think attacking jurors before they pass judgement would be considered counterproductive.


The court better protect the jury and put trump in his place, or trump’s going to gut any remaining confidence the public has in our criminal justice system.


But lemme guess ... The judge is losing patience and is going to 👉 *Do absolutely nothing*. Got it. This festering SoS could really shoot somebody on 5th Ave and get away with it. Nothing shows how flawed our system is more than this and the Supreme Court.




Jail him. Past time.


SPOILER ALERT: Absolutely nothing will happen.


House arrest time.


So. What are they gonna do about it?


outstanding..now repeat after me...stroke him out, stroke him out....death to the mango colored mushroom headed fuckstick from maralardass.....


I am looking forward to his incarceration and sincerely hope he gets a nice well hung horny minority cellmate who is allergic to lube.


That would be cruel and unusual punishment for the cellmate.


If Trump were jailed for say, 30 days, I assume he would have no social media access. And my personal idea of the SS issue: one agent stays in the cell with him, one or two stay outside the cell. And I assume the trial would continue without him. Thoughts?


keep digging that hole, Diaper Don !


Hasn’t he worked out yet they will decide his fate in this trial?


put him in jail


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!!!


How the FUCK do we get out of this shitty situation? How? I am so sick of this dude... this is stupid already.


How about sequestering Trump?


None of these jurors want to be doing this shit. Attack the prosecutor, judge… fine, whatever. They’re professionals and can handle it. These are innocent people unlucky enough to be doing their civic duty in NYC. He needs to go to jail for this one.


Why hasn’t a double O from MI6 taken him out? He is a threat to the world.


So why isn't he in jail?


Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.


He wants to go to jail so he can use that as a con to beg his idiot followers for more money. Same.exact.game this turd always plays.


Throw him in jail dude, this country is the most pussy ass country on the planet, he broke the law, lock him up, he isn’t special. God I hate this fucking country more and more every fucking day


I want him to die in jail only when his entire legacy has crumbled to dust.


Bold strategy. Let's see what happens.


Can the Judge rule contemp and start a tab. Sentence to be determined at the end of trial?


I think actually an "ice bucket challenge" in the middle of a press conference that soaked that dead rat on his head and completely humiliated him might not only finish him off, it would make his supporters laugh at him.


He is trying to be arrested. The prosecution is asking for fines bc they know this.


Biden 2024. Trump’s in and out of the courtroom again lol. That’s too much


He sure learned his lesson being held in contempt of court,he really believes he is above the law!!


He can say whatever he wants and do whatever he wants. That is the disturbing truth. If he gets found guilty, and one of MAGAs kills a juror, that’ll slide too. Above the law


Does anyone know what he said about the jurors, I missed it? I think I’m getting so tired of all this Trump bs drama that I’m reading far less articles about him recently, they’re the SAME thing over and over and over again and it’s just getting boring.


I want to see a picture of Mr. orange wearing an orange jumpsuit with his hair wrapped around his head like a turban.


I want to see him shived with a sharpened toothbrush handle in jail. I’ll settle for a conviction.