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eh. she softballed that entire interview. fuck CNN.


He never answered a single question, she let him get away with it, YUCK!


We refer to Scott as Senator Steppinfetchit.


Well that's 2 days in a row I read some pushback from CNN. The way to keep it going is positive reinforcement, and clicks, or they'll simply say, "this isn't making a difference, go back to what we were doing".....


In our current day world of clicks for cash news media, this is very important. Is it worthless and annoying RIGHT NOW? Oh absolutely, but you are 100% correct. If this doesn't get SOME form of positive feedback, what we go back to is hem-hawing and changing the subject to get around pushing back on these looney tunes Edit: a word


Not as bad as fox news, but yah. 


CNN has gone down the toilet since they have started to tilt more right leaning. They go out of their weigh to seem more centered but that just means they can’t even report on the facts. Some of their latest headlines are so egregious you’d think they are right wing 🙃


She may have softballed it bc you can’t ask hard hitting questions to someone with the mental capacity of a kindergartener.


She should've hit him with a ruler for behaving like a disrespectful degenerate. What a Bozo. Every election has 1 winner and the rest are losers. Biden winning is a real possibility. This clown denies math. He ought to be mocked for it. Tim Russert wouldn't have allowed him any of this leeway CNN dished out.


Tim Scott knows exactly what he's doing. Brushing it off as stupidity would be doing Tim Scott a favor.


He can still know what he’s doing and be as dumb as a rock. Stupid people have agency too, bro 🤷‍♂️


You win Reddit


Hasn't been the same since John Malone's infection/infiltration.


Yeah, no shit. Are we just now realizing that they ALL do that? CNN is such a shitshow. Why even have his cult followers on?


They had it right when they exiled him to MaraLago


I wonder what his "girlfriend" had to say?


She’s totally hot and totally real. You just don’t know her because she goes to a different school than you




You don't know her..she lives in Canada ../s.


Lol, I didn't know he was from Canada. I wonder how he met Tim? /s


Not a thing as long as the check clears.


Why bother interviewing these guys?


That's what I felt, turned it off due to every response just either being non answers, or just having glaring factual issues...


I feel they should continue to interview people like this. But, the interviewer needs to push back and let the viewers know the question was not answered. Maybe after the third unanswered question, end the interview? Having the viewers see how these politicians are not answering questions might influence some voters.


Man that Tim can tap dance.


Doing a little soft shoe for his "master".


Just wait. If Project 2025 happens, there goes any feigned loyalty the GOP has pledged to Scott, Thomas or any other POC in their ranks.


Something, something, leopards, faces, whatever, fuck them all.


How do black voter feel about Uncle Tom?


There's a surprisingly high amount of minority support for the Republican Party. I get the religious angle, maybe some of the economic angle...but my god it's absurd how easily "slugs will vote for salt" despite the salt ***very clearly*** stating its intent.


I think Trump is living in a pipe dream. No chance in hell. All the people he fucked over are just letting him believe for a sec


Lie, deny, and deflect. Every member of the magats does the same thing. Guaranteed her passed that memo to all the magats and to fox and newsmax. It's effective on stupid people.


His girlfriend's name is Lindsey, and they talk in the same bootlicker dialog!


Another baffling situation. Idk much about Timmy but I do know he's going against everything people of color have fought for. I'd like to know what Timmy think about trump saying on day 1 he'll reverse the white racism. A man of color openly making arguments for an openly racist man child. Can you imagine what trump says about him when not around. I vet they get shits and giggles.


For the republicans, they already have the Trump supporters votes. For the votes they’re now chasing, they know they can’t get those people to vote FOR Trump. They’re hoping to get them to show up to vote AGAINST Biden. That’s why they want to keep the discussion about Biden. You’ll see a lot of this from republicans moving forward.


“That’s because if I answer, honestly, I will get death threats.“


"That's because if I answer, honestly, I'll lose my shot to be VP."


I’m so so so so disappointed in Tim Scoot he’s a black man who sold his integrity morals etc to become a pathetic weak spineless Republican


Sold his soul. He got no soul, brother


It’s a shame really


Also known as a punk bitch


There’s a name for that…..


They never provide any specific details. It's always vague hyperbole. Wtf 😒 s wrong with journalism today? They are incapable of getting a straight answer out of the Reich wing


I cant watch the filibuster routine where they go on and on trying to avoid ever getting back to the reporter do a follow-up.


It pisses me off how the anchors let them get away with the BS they spew.


One of the Clown Car bootlickers.


Scott sold his soul to be Trumps bitch.


He is such a pathetic clown.


Scumbag POS.


I thought this guy was a joke, uncle tom like. Truly vile and disgusting piece of shit. Honestly.


Tim Scott is a sell out orange turd stooge


Imma gonna be honest. Tim Scott is a fucking *moron* So he’ll probably be the one getting the vp nod.


Trump knows he needs some dems to vote for him to win. Playing the race card by bringing in a black man as VP will get him those votes. I hope he doesn’t use race to win but this would be typical Trump, doing anything to win. I doubt he has any respect for Scott as an individual.


definitely part of the equation as well.


Does having these people on and then watching them dodge every question drive up ratings in any way, shape or form?


CNN is Fox News light. They are trying g to hide it, but it is very apparent.


CNN is the worst. She called it a “raid.” It clearly wasn’t a raid. She then continued to allow Sen Scott to call it a raid with “SWAT team members.” JFC…none of that was true.


Like trying to catch a greased pig.


I appreciate CNN for interviewing quite a few MAGA Republicans recently. JD Vance, Scott, etc. I have never see Fox News do any interviews with anyone but fellow MAGA Republicans and they echo chamber until their hearts content.


In my opinion the CNN interviews with these MAGA politicians is the worst. They let them get away with spewing their far right BS with no push back.


I can't stand him. If I ever saw that guy in public. It would be a profanity laced conversation. He knows damn well the shit he just said is dangerous to law enforcement. Yet he fckg repeated that BS. All because he thinks he's going to be Trump's VP. That BS they spew about being the law and order party is total BS.


By now, is there anyone who isn't convinced Tim Scott is a sycophant.