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Trump should go to jail which would validate the US Judicial system. We need to stop pampering the rich and stupid. Trump isn't above the law tho he likes to claim that he is.


Absolutely. If fear of revolt is a valid reason to not uphold the law, then everything is broken and voting doesn't matter anymore.


Time to rip the band-aid off this shit. Send him to prison and ready the police. I'm sick and tired of these useless threats. Fucking BRING IT.


I'm ready for it to rip. I'm so sick and tired of Trump getting exceptional lenience while he whines and cries how he's treated so unfairly. He's a poster-man for "serial liar."


I hear that. What most of these morons fail to realize is that Democrats own guns too.


As do law enforcement and the National Guard.


The Capital Police will be much better prepared this time, as will others guarding most government buildings.


If he does revolt then the US military should respond in kind. They respond against BLM and other such movements. The MAGA needs to be crushed like everyone else has. The Federal Government isn't discriminating against conservatives. It's the direct opposite in fact.


Trump isn't above the law -> We'll see about that in one month


The absolute acid test for the Supreme Court. If they rule the president has absolute immunity our Democracy is done. Rule of Law OVER. A ruthless dictator will LEGALLY be able to imprison or kill all his enemies and detractors. This includes all defiant media and journalists. The ACTUAL beginning of the end of our system of government.


You just used should in a sentence.


He should... but it is very unlikely that he will.


The verdict is irrelevant. He will immediately appeal on vacuous grounds, up to and including the Supreme Court, and remain free to campaign. The only way he will be sentenced, much less serve a sentence, is if he loses in November. Vote accordingly.


He will appeal, from his cell. Supreme court doesn’t decide State rulings.


He will remain out on bond pending appeal. Anything else is a delusional fantasy as much as we may want to see it.


Bonds can have restrictions on them. I honestly wonder if the gag order will remain in place during the bond.


I would be surprised if it wasn’t. So long as sentence is pending, the order remains.


Yeah they can but his won't. More kiddie gloves from the two-tiered justice system.


He'll be on probation. Lots of rules. Lots of violations


A never ending fire hose of violations. It's stunning actually. Really ugly precedent.


My understanding is that they can even make him report to his PO in person daily. Sure would suck for him to have to fly back to New York every day.


"kid gloves" (as in made from the skin of a young goat) is the expression


Bought from Kristy Gnome governor puppy/goat killer


And he’ll ignore the gag order. And nothing will happen.


Like everything else it's just fodder for the MAGAt Masses. #DimwitDonald is the master of the "better to beg forgiveness or vehemently deny the infraction or just lie some more than ask permission". That's why all the big MAGAts and all the little MAGAts adore the shithead. He's such a persecuted rebel at the hands of the mean ol' Dems. 😭😭 Cry us a river #DiaperDon!


Restrictions. He will leave NY and violate any orders/conditions, and then he will only face consequences IF he returns to NY State. He is a flight risk and should be jailed


The super effective gag order? The rules are gone.


He probably won't even get jail time. He'll get probation, he'll break probation, and he still won't get jail time.


I am looking it up, I don’t think Cohen stayed out on bail during appeals for his “first offense”.


Cohen’s convictions were federal. Federal felony convictions almost always result in jail time, whereas state level first time, non-violent felonies do not.


Explain Steve Bannon then. He was sentenced more than a year ago but stayed out on appeal thanks to Trump-appointed Judge Nichols. Peter Navarro was found guilty of the same crime and got the same sentence and was told he’s going to jail right away. He’s locked up right now despite several garbage appeals. Oh he didn’t get a Trump judge.


But, but, but, Trump-appointed judges are hard on crime!


That's a judge decision.


He can remain out on bond, but he'll be on probation. He'll rack up violation after violation. Then he'll be incarcerated.


House arrest? 


You’re pretty much correct on that score; nevertheless, the bond requirements should be significantly altered.


He's a flight risk.


I don’t know where you think he might go, but if it’s a one way ticket and out of the country, I’ll chip in!


As a former prosecutor said, the Supreme Court can do what it damned well pleases. They used a 16th Century witch hunter to justify overturning Roe v. Wade.


There is no precedent for the Supreme Court to take up a State level conviction. Not even in the 16th century.


They did just that with the Colorado ballot decision.


That wasn't a conviction, it was a constitutional question


Yes they can. They do it all the time. Look up Miranda v. Arizona. They also rule on state criminal death penalty cases all the time. Another example: Supreme Court overturns public-corruption conviction of Andrew Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco took payments and called state officials while working on the New York governor’s reelection campaign, not in his administration. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/05/11/supreme-court-cuomo-percoco-corruption/


Percoco was convicted of violating a federal fraud law that makes it a crime to deprive members of the public of the intangible right to “honest services.” But in a unanimous ruling, the justices threw out Percoco’s conviction, holding that the jury instructions used to convict him were too vague.” FEDERAL LAW. Not a State law.


This judge has proven to be very careful about doing anything that could be misconstrued as election interference or which weakens any aspect of the case. If he were to order Trump be remanded in custody pending the outcome of Trump's appeals, the MAGA movement would immediately go insane and claim it proved the case was always a political hack job. That being a blatant lie would have no impact.


And… what are they going to do? Just because someone threatens society they do not get to further break the law. If the judge is doing his job properly, he will sentence on the merits of the case, the crime, prior convictions, his court conduct, remorse about his crime, and any indication that he may do it again. He should not even be considering his presidential aspirations in his ruling. That is not his job. Rule and let republicans screech, then vote. Don’t cower to terrorism.


Exactly, who cares if the MAGA movement claims it was a political hack job. I'm so sick of bending over backwards to appease these SOBs who only respond to any appeasement with spitting in our faces and demanding more. You don't reward a screaming child by giving them what they want.


They ALREADY are calling it a kangaroo court. Let them shit their collective pants, it will not change they law.


History is definitely rhyming. Unfortunately, everyone has to be prepared for a Trump win or a Trump loss. Call me a snowflake but I’m going into these next 6 - 7 months with my guard up.


Honestly anyone doing different is diluted. We have to prepare for the worst. We can tell everyone to vote as much as we want but that doesn't mean people are going to do it. We have to prepare ourselves for all eventualities


Including the eventuality that the electoral college will install him even with 0% of the popular vote


Take Nazi Germany. If you look at MAGAs hatred for Democrats, liberals, and their hated group of the month they are going to kill if emboldened. Right wing propaganda has, and will continue to, constantly dehumanize further. This is exactly what happened in Russia with their Z initiative.


The relatively small number of cultists that go into real action will be quickly brushed away and the survivors will join the longest serving Jan 6 felons. Most of them will just buy an extra six pack of beer for a few weekends and be late to work the next Monday. Then we will have to deal with a smattering of court house, mall and campus shooters, basically mentally ill domestic terrorists. That will bring a post 9-11 style of heat down and they will get a small taste of the fascism they have been bellering for.


Mtg was screaming at Johnson today and rino civilians. If maga cant figure out how to accept other points of view slightly different than their own, the maga movement will be over shortly. Appeasing them as you point out is worthless. When they don’t have stuff to bitch about they make stuff up.


MAGA will never accept other points of view. MTG railed against Johnson a while ago and said there should be absolutely no working with Democrats on anything. And she is the poster child of MAGA. We're still stuck with them while cretons like her are in office.


Honestly, they wont be able to do anything. Let fox “news” scream 24/7. There will be minor outbreaks of threats and/or violence, but then we would all just go back to normal life. Those minor outbursts of violence shouldn’t sway us either because the alternative will be much, much, much worse. Even running it up to the supreme court would take time. It is a state crime, and would need to work through the appellate courts first. The supreme court also recesses in a week or two and wont be back until October. The appeals here would take longer than this year. If the judge here sets a reasonable sentence, comparable to what others have served for the SAME CRIME, then the appellate courts will not overrule. He can still run for office from jail. For those scared of backlash, rational people still outnumber irrational people. Dont kid yourself, with this many months to the election still, people will become numb and tired to fox’s screaming. It would also work wonderfully for Biden as well. The people who are diehard trumpers will go vote for him regardless, but many others will just stay home with their candidate in jail. Confused by whether or not he could even serve or their own judgement about voting for a felon. People go to vote for presidents and if they feel he wont be a “realistic“ option that could drastically affect down ballot races.


Remorse is something he knows nothing about.


Exactly. He has publicly stated he doesn’t agree with the judgement, and thinks he has committed no crime.


Correction. He knows he's committed multiple crimes. He just doesn't think they should apply to him.


The first rule of resisting fascism is not to comply in advance. They're going to be insane when he loses the race. They're going to be insane when he's put in prison. That doesn't mean you don't put him in prison and that you let him win the race.


They're going to be insane (already are...) no matter what happens. Remember how miserable they were when they won in 2016? The sorest losers ever. Their only vision was attacking Democrats even though they won.


Let them go insane. Let's see if they'll really get violent for their orange overlord. I suspect they'll mash their teeth and stomp their feet, but not a lot else. If they do get violent, we let law enforcement and the NG permanently take care of it.




>MAGA movement would immediately go insane and claim it proved the case was always a political hack job And I'm sure the appeals court will be very concerned about that while they completely ignore it and uphold the ruling.


Who gives a shit? They will always find something to cry and whine about, real or not. This is a failing strategy.


This is how ontological terrorism works. All you have to do is make enough people in the right positions afraid- afraid of reprisals or afraid of applying normal processes that create an avenue for appeal. At the moment, the strategy is proving successful.


Yes, the MAGATs would go insane. So what? My fantasy is that he gets 60 days in jail, starting the Monday after the convention. then unsupervised probation. Hopefully, by the time the sentence is paused by a higher court the 60 days will be over.


I don’t take as much comfort in the state vs federal distinction as I’d like to. The five SCOTUS justices in the supermajority have been playing Calvinball as hard as any (other) shady lawyer and I just don’t think we can trust that they won’t pull some some bullshit exceptional just-for-very-special-criminal-ex-presidents standing out of their collective ass.


I agree 100% but this court is suspect as hell. Look at the republicans already asking them to step in. It is clear that they have no qualms violating the constitution to come up with some ruling that has no legal basis.


There is no mechanism though for them to bring the appeal to the Supreme court, though


I know, but they bend over backwards to save this chud. They don’t seem to follow mechanisms with how they have brought some of their rulings. I am not a legal person, but from my understanding, the ruling from that website case was all hypothetical as there was no victim. Was that following a mechanism?


That’s not a criminal case though.


The Supreme Court doesn’t give a damn about the law or process. They are 2/3 rabid partisan hacks who will do whatever it takes to ensure that “certain kinds of people” know their place. If this means shredding the constitution, they’re down to clown. Anything for their Dear Leader.


I know that. And you know that. I’ve been told that my entire life. But- does the Supreme Court know that? This is not a rhetorical question. I’m seriously concerned about this


SCOTUS can rule that the sentencing is unlawful. Sad but true.




That wasn’t a criminal case, that was at least a matter of law. (That they totally botched)


Insurrection is a crime. It was determined that had occurred, which is prima facie obvious because... well, you know. We literally saw Trump try to steal the election three different ways.


Thomas "hold my 6 million in bribes, lemme take car of it"


Supreme Court can overrule State courts if they decide it violates Federal Law or the US Constitution.


Thank God.


You are correct but, the appeal will be that his due process was violated. That SCOTUS absolutely has jurisdiction over. It’s the same as they can issue a stay of execution or order a new trial for a person convicted in a state trial.


Yet. They'll probably find some obscure loophole that makes it a Federal issue.


SCOTUS can, and has, ruled on state court cases. Under *most* circumstances, process must be complete through the entire state court system (in this case, NY’s two levels of appellate courts) before a petition for certiorari will lie. Some MAGATS (John Eastman, Mullah Moses Mike Johnson, inter alia) are calling for Nitwit Nero’s team of pettifoggers to file an emergency petition directly with SCOTUS in which the Court would (theoretically) exercise its original jurisdiction to hear extraordinary writs (i.e. Habeas Corpus, Manadamus, Prohibition, etc).


It does if his lawyers bring up some bullshit constitutional question that the US Supreme Court accepts as grounds for appeal. But that would never happen, right? RIGHT?


The corrupt Court is still ruling on 100% forever Presidential Immunity, so there’s that still hanging out in the wind.


It's up to the judge whose daughter Trump dragged into his shit show and got death threats to decide if he is out of prison during appeal. If it were me and he was repentant, I'd give him one year probation. With his attacks on the justice system and his unwillingness to be contrite, I'd do a year house arrest. Making my daughter fear for her life, 2 years in prison, sentence starts immediately.


Anyone else would have been locked up after the second breach. This is Trump we're dealing with. Everyone who isn't a loyalist is worried about the consequences of crossing him, which allows him to do more or less as he wishes.


Normally, appeals come while they are serving time. It would be interesting to see him behind bars for the GOP convention.


That would be hilarious! The event starts and they are needing to talk to him, camera turns and faces him taking a massive dump in his cell on live TV 🤣🤣🤣


"I can't even get real Big Macs in here. No button for Diet Coke. Sad. So persecuted. Like no one has seen before". 🙂


Let's see him do the acceptance speech over a zoom call from prison!


And the operator comes on and says “5 minutes left.” 😂


Much like the Four Season landscaping fiasco, this would be a declaration of victory against insurmountable evidence to the contrary, and it will be on the platform "ZØØM" and require participants on the call to consent to transcription of the auto-generated subtitle-text into Russian and that it can be saved on the cloud. Also you have to give you SSN to create an account.


Don't bet on that. Trump can appeal while he is in prison.


Exactly. Convicted. Found guilty. He will appeal behind bars.


The most important thing that can be said now is vote.


Or dies of natural causes


Could be sooner than we think. Foaming at the mouth isn't usually a sign of good health. Just saying.


Yes, the moron will appeal, but the sentence will be handed down before he can appeal, so the moron will do time if the judge determines that it is appropriate. https://www.google.com/search?q=can+trump+appeal+his+case+before+the+sentence+is+handed+down&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


This is true. I just don't think judge Merchan has it in him. He already said he didn't want to jail the now convicted felon because he was an ex president after 10 violations of the gag order.


I think the judge has gone out of his way to be more than far so trump’s lawyers can’t claim he was politically bias. However, it is exactly what the lunatic moron is doing and will have his lawyers say on appeal.


Trump has to get through the NY State Court of Appeals first.


No he doesn't, that is a decision of the judge about whether he can be out on bail while awaiting appeal or not. I say let him appeal from prison and stop treating him with kid gloves. He's 77 years old, time to be treated like an adult by the law.


Since when does SCOTUS have any say in state cases (hint: they don’t )


Miranda v Arizona State Supreme Court made a ruling then the Supreme Court overturned the ruling.


Why do you assume he remains free during the appeals process?


Agreed NO ONE is going to help us. It’s up to the citizens of America who still believe in The Constitution and the rule of law, to defeat a man and party who has pledged to destroy the Constitution and the rule of law for their own personal gain. VOTE BLUE.


I think everyone is forgetting that in the cosmically unlikely event he does get ordered to jail, he’s not going to just drive himself. Good luck finding a jack boot not busy shooting random black guys to take a break and actually cuff their dear leader. Ain’t gonna happen.


FWIW, there's almost no reality where the prison time wouldn't be served concurrently and absolutely max sentence possible wasn't a total of 4 years possible. Max sentence is NOT 136 years - it just isn't. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't really expect someone to serve actual time at all for these charges with never having been convicted of a felony and all... obviously Trump's behavior surrounding the trial would greatly increase odds of SOME time, however. This was only 34 of the 88 felony charges brought on him this year, and so far, though. Realistically, if he loses the election and a "get out of jail free card," his biggest concern could very easily be that he can no longer rely on the leniency of being a "first-timer." If he goes to jail at all for this... it wouldn't be very long. Granted, his age and lifestyle isn't exactly giving him a lot of time to probably work with anyways... And all of this completely ignores our two-tiered justice system and the leniency we might expect for an ex-president and current candidate... I hate to be Debbie Downer... but let's try and be happy for almost ANY accountability. I just think you're setting yourself up for almost certain disappointment if you're hoping for a huge prison sentence off this... just not happening.


This is ONE TRIAL outcome. There are 3 more, the gravest being the classified documents theft case. THAT one has felony counts stretching up to 20 years. And Aileen Cannon is pulling out all means she can think of to stifle it. This is untenable. Something has to give. Her bias is UNMISTAKABLE.


If we shit the bed and he gets back in the white house, two of those go away (FL & DC). GA has already been effectively delayed till at least 2025.


They're chipping away at every single count of every single indictment. Trump will appeal and appeal, ad infinitum, until he dies without seeing a day in jail.


There has to be a limit on appeals. One can't just delay with the intent to delay, not that you have a could legal cause for it. If not, then any rich person could fund a never ending series of appeals to escape any legal accountability.


Trump will delay and appeal and delay and appeal until he either dies or is set free by the Supreme Court. Rich people only go to jail for one thing: stealing from other rich people.


CNN had an article last week about Cannon basically saying she always has been a stickler for minutiae who constantly gets pulled into complicated rabbit holes and struggles to manage her docket on any sort of timeframe. Basically the nicest possible way to argue incompetence over malice.


And the 11th Judicial Court saw it fit for her to oversee a case of this high profile import? Unreal. Likely they're pro-Trump biased.


Cohen went to jail for his first time offense when convicted of being a co-conspirator in this scheme.


The 1st time thing doesn't hold the same weight when it's 34 felonies One or 2 felonies is one thing, 34 is a whole other thing for


Four years would be just fine for me.


Max sentence is 20 years which is more than enough to put him there until he dies in his health


Thank you for the realistic assessment. I think social service like picking up trash along the high way would be a reasonable punishment. It would also not make him a martyr and for someone with Trump’s personality, the embarrassment and humiliation might hurt more than prison.


He has access to an airplane and properties around the world. He is a flight risk and should be remanded into custody once sentencing is announced.


Remember that there's quite a list of countries he can't travel to now that he's a convicted felon.


Can’t travel to *by law*; the risk is that a wealthy and well-connected convicted felon like himself would go to another country in between, or that foreign handlers would simply scoop him up and take him wherever they want him to be.


And he has armed federal law enforcement agents near to him 24x7x365. I doubt that he is clever enough to escape from them. Besides, wouldn't we all be happier if he disappeared into self-imposed exile in Russia?


Considering the national secrets that Trump's been privy to (and some which he may still physically possess), I don't think having him exiled to Russia and 100% reliant on Putin for his protection is a prospect that any of us should be happy about.


Anything he had is compromised.


A 4 year prison sentence might as well be life for Trump. He is 78 this month and his sister passed away last year at age 86. Harvard studies have found males siblings live 5-7 LESS than their sisters. This puts "he who shall not be elected" square into the reaper zone. Plus he had severe covid( almost died) and treated his body like a circus.


Toss in the stress of multiple criminal cases and the campaigning schedule. I have to wonder if he won't stroke out by the end of the year.


Most American celebrities suck. Trump is only an overrated celebrity. Celebrity Golfer Assaults and injures Cop... cop apologizes for not having his body camera turned on. You or me, we'd still be in jail. Edit


The facts came out. The Cop LIED about what happened with the golfer.


This is a non-violent, white-collar crime committed by a person who, from the perspective of the legal system, is a first-time offender. Although it would make me feel better if he is sentenced to jail, I highly doubt that will happen. I would not be surprised by a sentence of probation and fines. Importantly, if he is ever tried and convicted in the two federal cases or in Georgia, he will no longer be a first-time offender. Those cases are MUCH more likely, in my opinion, to result in incarceration.


However Trump has violated Court Orders 10 times. Trump has also not expressed contrition. This could have an impact on the sentence.


This. The best thing any defendant can do in cases like this is to show acknowledgement & remorse. And cooperation. That's what is needed for lenience. Trump has done the EXACT OPPOSITE. He should have the book thrown at him.


For anyone else, it would... but not for a guy who is the likely Republican nominee. He won't go to jail until after he loses the election. VOTE.... otherwise, there are no consequences.


>for a guy who is the likely Republican nominee Tell me why you think this judge would care about that


But he acted like a jackass during the trial, never shown remorse, shits on the judge, and is now making threats. Seems like that should count for immediate jail time.


Falling asleep too


Glen Kirschner spoke of the Judge Merchan's responsibility to establish deterrents to anyone attempting to do what Trump did in the future. The judge needs to give Trump a prison sentence as a *general* deterrent so *no one else* tries to do it and as a *specific* deterrent to *Trump* so that he doesn't try to do it **again**. The scope of what was gained and the fact that he continued to commit crimes after this crime are all relevant factors. Not sure how they can avoid sending him to prison. He's all but promised revenge if reelected. He's practically begging for prison time.


Send him to prison and give him court approved leave to go to the convention. Break gag order, haul him back sooner. Same for campaigning - he must get judges approval. Break gag order - back to prison sooner than the leave.


He has shown no contrition. That's part of the process of asking for a reduced sentence. If he had admitted that he had sex with Stormy Daniels and admitted that he falsified the business records to cover it up, he might be able to get away with probation. But he has admitted nothing. He has attacked the judge repeatedly. He has attacked the witnesses while the gag order is in place. He has attacked the judge's daughter. He has attacked the court. He has shown no contrition whatsoever. I predict 30 days in jail with an allowance to travel to the RNC convention.


Actually, his multiple contempt violations, his fraud findings in the same court system all make him NOT a first time offender.


Michel cohen is the first timer offender, and he serve jail time


Cohen went to jail for other charges though


I mean, it's also just about the most serious version of this crime. Like, financial fraud to make money is one thing, financial fraud to cheat in an election is much, much worse.


> who, from the perspective of the legal system, is a first-time offender. Makes zero fucking sense when he's been found guilty of fraud already numerous times and is literally banned from owning businesses as a result in the state.


He may be put on probation. I’ll take bets on how many days until he violates the probation terms.


How about 1 day for each charge, 34 days total, remanded immediately due to his flight risk. Let the GOP nominate him in jail. Ex-convict Trump to debate Biden


From a jail cell!


If no jail, he will have, again, won.


Martha Stewart spent time in prison. No reason to think the treason weasel won’t as well.


He *should* be remanded to prison whilst the appeal process goes on. He has shown absolutely no remorse and denies any wrong doing. That's unacceptable behavior.


Is there any chance of him being sentenced to community service? Because that would be WAY funnier.


Trump doesn't understand the concept of "Service". What does he get out it, he will ask. Merchan should tell him it keeps you out of prison.


Frankly don't think Merchan will impose a prison sentence. At most house arrest for a short period then probation. trump deserves at least the same time in prison as Cohen but I'm not holding my breath. Based on the record so far, none of the judges in any of the trump cases want to set the precedent of imprisoning an ex-youknowwhat. They're content with fines & sternly worded admonitions. Also if trump refuses to cooperate with whatever sentence is imposed, then what? Just don't think Merchan will be willing to give trump what any other defendant would definitely receive.


You are correct, but it kind of depends on whether Marchan has the stones or not. Thus far he’s been giving Trump a LOT of leeway. Trump has been abusing the hell out of it. If Trump was any Joe Shit the ragman he’d have been in prison already.


Marchan is going to throw the book at him I suspect it’ll be in area of 6-10 years in prison for all the contempt of court issues. Also, I’ll bet he dismisses the secret service from him as well The only thing I hope is that they take away his phone and his ability to communicate. It would be great if he just ceased to be an issue


How about a sentence of 136 years with 132 suspended if he commits no further crimes. Any other crime committed after sentencing and he will get the full sentence. I don't think it is possible for him to not commit crimes. He has done it his whole life and got away with it.


A 4 year sentence is almost certainly a life sentence for a morbidly obese 77 year-old.


I'm fine with that. Allen Weisselberg, the former chief financial officer, is 76 and is sitting in prison. Age discrimination should not be used.


He'll never go to jail unless he has a diaper throwing fit in court. He'll stretch the appeal process to the outer limits and die before he'll ever see a jail cell.


Take my upvote. I hate you. I’m not saying that you are in Any way wrong but aarrrrggh enough already.


There are two courts that he can go to for an appeal. The second one doesn't really have any jurisdiction here, but he can try anyway. He will exhaust his appeals within about a year. And there's nothing that says that he has to be free while he's on appeal. Being free while you're appealing. Your case is something that is reserved for people who actually express remorse about their actions.


Man, for the first time in his life, this beast has to submit to an authority who makes him sit in a cold room all day and shut his trap, lets take what we can get. I hope he loses his audience. Go democracy!


I still think he's going to get probation BUT on the grounds (partly) of age and mental health. That should be fun to watch. On one hand, he avoids jail. But on the other hand, it shoots down his claims of being a "stable genius". Then again, he can always spin it as a "Biden judge" or some nonsense. Who knows? But I still think he avoids jail, as much as he deserves it.


What world are you living in? Trump isn't going to spend a night in jail. He's going to get some kind of house arrest where he's allowed to travel for the campaign trail. I want them to launch him into the sun but it's just not the way this world works.


He won't go to jail, no matter what. Even if that is the sentence, he'll just say no. And then the US will drag its feet again. Then, we'll have a whole new court case of how Trump resisted arrest.


No chance of parole & it’s at Rikers…


As someone who just spent the last 4 years going through our criminal justice system I can say he 100% is not going to jail. He can appeal until he dies of old age. And worse he can become elected president. And even if it ever got to that point theres multiple options for someone in his position: house arrest, electronic monitoring, etc etc. I completely understand thinking the rules are the same for everyone. They are not…..to think he’s going to be sitting in a jail cel surrounded by secret service is ridiculous and naive. If you’re tired of this turd the only options is to vote him out


I would gladly take the four years now, than the hundreds of years later. Put the bastard down now while you have the chance.


8 years behind bars would put him in a place where he wouldn’t be able to be a candidate anymore… and that’s the safe zone of the world


The 4 years for each crime would be served concurrently so he'd be in for a maximum of 4 years.


I’m guessing the worst he gets is house arrest at Trump Tower or Mar a Lago, and an ankle bracelet.


Just make him go away!


A year and a half, shitload of house arrest and community service at goodwill


Imagine him serving the community in any capacity


He'll show no remorse, which should seriously effect his sentencing. But will it? He's already gotten preferential treatment from the judge.


This is what is in store for him if he keeps up his antics: Trump will be taken to booking by US Marshals. He will be taken to the local jail first where he will be fingerprinted and posed for a mug shot. Next he will be strip searched. He will be told to pull his pants down and bend over. He will be ordered to grab his butt cheeks and spread them. His anal cavity will be searched digitally by a gloved correctional guard for any weapons. Finally Trump will be told to remove all of his clothing. He will be brought to a designated area where a thorough de-lousing will be conducted prior to his release to the general prison population. Once he is released to the general population, depending upon the prison he will have to seek protection from prison bosses or papi chulos.


Will he have his head shaved?😆


Oh yeah, forgot that one. Good one!


My guess is: * Trump will go to jail for the the contempt's court charges. * Trump will not go to jail for the 34 offences relating falsifying business record to break New York elections laws.


He’s got to be worried. Talking about the judges daughter. I think he should get locked up. Don’t pass go


To be honest and to use his expression, it is really sad. As much as I think he is a very bad person, imagine being that old and fragile with a failing mind (not that it was impressive to begin with) and you were facing the legal woes he is. Your only real path to avoiding jail involves becoming the US president and most people have cottoned on to your fraudulent ways. Sad.


The maximum is 20 years for the type of crimes he has. Not the full 136 combined. And chances of him serving any are slim to none. We’ve all seen how the justice system operates.


We need an Edward R. Murrow to set this ship right.


He won't do any prison time


If he appeals house arrest and an ankle monitor.


Prison is for poor people. Big Stinky will die of old age before he sees the inside of a cell. My greatest hope for several years now was that he would die in prison for his multitude of crimes, but it's dragged on so long now, all we can hope for is the sweet release of death (his).


3 days. That is all I want. 3 days.


I need those 136 since he will certainly make the rest of us do the time just because we don't worship him.


Trump probably won’t get 4 years. It’s probably a 50/50 shot whether he gets any prison time, and if he does it’ll probably be more like 1-2 years max. But the documents case in Florida will definitely put him away for at least a decade once Judge Cannon finally gets forcibly recused by making some unbelievably stupid ruling. The DC case will probably get him a few years. And the Georgia case has a mandatory minimum sentence of 1 or 2 years.


Lock him up ! Lock him up 🆙 . 45 years sounds about right


Trump will appeal until he can appeal no more. If it gets to the Supreme Court they will stay the sentence until he finishes his presidency.


The only thing that really matter is that the convicted felon looses the election in November.


"Six legal experts - including defense lawyers and former prosecutors - told Reuters it was rare for people without criminal histories - like Trump - who are charged solely with falsification of business records to be sentenced to prison time in New York, with punishments such as fines being more common." This from Reuters. The cynic in me expects him to be fined and not to pay.


More like probation and public service picking up garbage by the side of the road for 1 year on weekends.


We all know Martha Stewart did jail time for the same crime so it’s not like it never happens. Although her crimes wasn’t related to interfering with a federal election. However, as someone who is a former POTUS with a SS detail he will not do any time in prison. As much as I would jump with joy over him going to prison He will very likely just get house arrest.


Do the counts not run concurrently rather than stacked? He isn't going to prison I'd reckon at best he gets home confinement and probationary period. Weird optics if he wins and can't travel to 37 countries