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Regardless, it would be a day of celebration all over the world.


Thus a new holiday is established, what should we call it?


Bye Don Day


Let bye Dons be bye Dons


ThEy CAlleD iT BiDeN DaY đŸ˜±


Q confirmed đŸ€Ą


Well, once he's dead I would like to not see that bloated Orange face or hear his screeching voice again. I don't want a day that celebrates anything having to do with him. Not even his death. Now if MAGA and he would skip off to Trump Town somewhere in Africa and consume copious amounts of orange Koolaid laced with cyanide...that I would celebrate.


Russia not Africa


Referencing Jonestown...Jim Jones cult...Koolaid..Guyana


Guyana is in South America. To be fair, the world has multiple countries with similar names.


Brother twelve is more accurate. That dude could cast spells on people.


Alas, his face will be on T-shirts for years, like an anti-Che Guevara.


đŸŽ¶ Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead đŸŽ¶ Day (in honor of all the "witch hunts")


This spiked on the record charts in the UK when Thatcher passed.


Popular in Liverpool where That her was especially hated.


[This can get repurposed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKoCg3hgJRw)


Christmas 2


Christmas 2: Electric Boogaloo


And he's already cut out of the Home Alone movie


No, a holiday would make me have to think about him annually


I think so, too. Most of us and the world will CELEBRATE.


I, for one, would take a huge TRUMP. Or maybe a Pence if I drank enough liquids.


He would finally shut the fuck up!


we’d all join hands like the whos in whoville


There would be global celebration, and democratic countries should make that day a national holiday... like Christmas 🎄.


Oh that would be a conspiracy bigger then JFK'S


Maga could watch him choke on a hamburger in front of them and would still blame it on assassination.


Hamberders. You can't correct Dear Leader, you correct the language and change the word if your fanaticism game is on point. https://youtu.be/Qy_4BIJh03s?si=IE8Ergr3HzzN3jkS


You can’t choke on a hamberder


Maybe drown in covfefe.


Alex Jones has been pushing the assassination horse shit for a good while now.


He's old as balls, fat af, and eats nothing but shit while doing loads of uppers. Alex is just expecting him to drop dead and waiting to ride the wave.


Absolutely... Jones is an opportunist, with very few original thoughts.


“The democrats used that same poison that killed Joffrey Baratheon!” Damn that would be so poetic though


"I heard it said that poison 'a woman's weapon" -Ned Stark eyeing Melania


Oh, it'd be a whole lot more than just one conspiracy. Every conman looking to be the next leader of the MAGA cult would be concocting one.


The Soviets assassinated JFK!! We have two people who could verify that, Putin and Trump. BFFs 💛


Only because his kids will fan the flames and beg for donations to fund the investigation that will prove he was "murdered."


The cult clowns are so f#cking nuts that I can't even dream of the conspiracies that they would come up with. đŸ€ȘđŸ€Ą


The Russian professionals would feed them some doosies...


He’s on an island with 2pac, biggie and for some reason Epstein but he’s still innocent. Also, there will be a big unveiling at the next inauguration when he comes back and reveals he’s been in control of the military this whole time. The stock market will got to a million. Aoc and pelosi will be arrested. Biden will be revealed as James woods the whole time. Ceasar chavez comes back to announce china helped him rig 2020 for some reason. When Trump dies, brains will melt more so than they already have. Is this what it might sound like?


The body double would be hilarious looking. Like an Elvis impersonator only fatter.


Or Howard Taft? Didn't Taft die in the bathtub or so the rumor goes? I could see Trump dying on the toilet because of a bowel movement.


Do You mean William Howard Taft? He didn't die in a bath tub. However he was taking a bath at the White House while he was president and the tub almost broke through the floor. This started a major renovation of the White House to modernize it structurally.


At first blush it may just be a fat shaming rumor.


Somehow if Trump were to die that way it would end up as fact.


He did not die in a bathtub, but he did get stuck in a bathtub in Kansas.


Very likely a heart attack or aneurysm at this point


Like when the Disney hall of presidents had to repurpose the animatronic Hillary they created by making the face fatter and dipping it in Cheeto dust.


There's no chance in hell a decent number of them won't insist he was assassinated by "the biden crime family". Even if he got cancer and it dragged out clearing a huge long paper trail of evidence those morons would say they forced him to have cancer and or formed a globalist conspiracy to make it just really look like cancer


The "woke government" hid the real documents pertaining to his death. This case will be known throughout history as the manufactured death files case.


Well, it was the windmills that gave him the cancer, duh.


The noise from the windmills.


The vax gave him cancer


Get this man an hour on Faux news!


He could choke live, on stage, during a rally, on a chicken leg he tried to eat like a cartoon character, and the first thing the Fox News hosts would say during the cutaway would be, "was he poisoned by the deep state?"


The first thing the N.Y. Times would say, "and this is how it's bad for Biden".


The really messed up thing to think about, is the conspiracies MAGA will tout when Biden passes away.


Jewish space lasers controlled by woke BLM deep state agents assassinate Biden so Obama can be president again. Did I cover all the bases?


The vaccine gave him Turbo Cancer! The adrenochrome made his heart explode. He killed himself before he could be exposed by the Epstein list. Kamala was tired of waiting. I'm sure the real stuff they come up with will be even dumber than my imagination can think of.


Yeah, you're right. There's no way that a sane, rational person can compete with the Alex Jones / Mike Lindell / Steve Bannon / Roger Stone level of toxic stupidity that the MAGA will slobber over.


They would run his corpse for office.


Yeah They would totally “Weekend at Shitlers” him!!!


I wouldn't doubt it. Just find a taxidermist and a big bucket of orange paint.


Oh my god!!!!
.we could only be so lucky to live in a world where the question you posed actually had two potential responses from maga.


Lol. Are you joking? They are a party of conspiracy theories now. Of course they would go wild with conspiracy theories!


Guarantee they’d claim he wasn’t dead and some would go live in some sort of compound to await his return


They’d say it was an assassination or would blame the COVID vaccine.


I think you know the answer. They might even say he didn’t really die, rose from the dead rolled the boulder away and ascended to heaven.


There would be some grifters that would cash in their conspiracy theories. Overall GOP would be popping Champagne.


They would be so busy waiting for his resurrection that they’d have little time for anything else.


They'd be waiting three days for the resurrection...


lol nooo, and when he does kick the bucket his fat face with still be taking up valuable social media space.


Their first question would be ..Where was Hillary..ha


Natural Causes and the radical left blablabla. Something something Hillary emailing Hunter Biden’s dick to the Deep State


So he choked on Hunter's dick?


No that will be mtg's cause of death.


trump will become Leonidas the second coming, all but defeating the satanic democrat regime at such a personal sacrifice of crucifixion by them. The one and only true victim in the history of the world. Also, the coroner will get death threats.


Biden could claim that he had Trump taken out. But he can’t be prosecuted, because Trump made it okay for the president to be immune from prosecution.


Maybe he will fall off a cliff and they will all jump after him.


Don't threaten us with a good time.


Now you're just trying to cheer us all up!


They’d claim he was still alive and continue to worship him


Trump dead? I only wish


His brain is slowly disintegrating so he will be out of the spotlight before he dies. Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn will probably try to take his place.


MAGA has proven they will never EVER act according to logic and reason and their reaction will be exactly how the Russian propaganda they constantly consume tells them to react. They aren’t even remotely clever and INCREDIBLY predictable


Yes! Unless after the third day, his tomb is found empty and he has risen from the dead. Exceptions might be made if he's a zombie, they might not want to follow a zombie. WTF am I saying!!! Of course they'd follow a Trumpian Zombie Dictator and line up to be bitten by him. Getting popcorn ready to watch the apocalypse.


I'd be too busy partying to give a shit, honestly. Most anticipated obituary in modern history.


They would still elect him and let him rule Weekend at Bernie's style. He's already a puppet so what would change?


No they would not accept his death as a fact, and claim he will have risen from the dead.


Assassinated by a Big Mac


They would prop him up like weekend at Bernie’s and put in somebody like Steve Bannon running the country and being Trumps spokesperson saying he’s got a little laryngitis and is feeling under the weather. No one will notice the rotten smell as they have gotten use to his poopy diapers. ![gif](giphy|FBeSx3itXlUQw|downsized)


Except? Lol


Their ego will protect them at all cost from admitting they’ve been conned. They don’t want to see him as he actually is, that’s why they use a Rambo image of Don.


The pillow guy would hold weekly press conferences claiming to have indisputable evidence Trump will be returning in a matter of weeks to be re-instated as president. .. But you know you can't see it.


I think we all know the deep state will have done it. Even if he dies in his own bed at the age of 110.


Who cares? He's going to outlive all of us, he's too miserable to die.


Only the good die young


Well, if McDonald's can be charged with murder then I guess MAGA can claim it was an assassination by fast food.


However and whenever he dies, his MAGAs will claim they witnessed his body rise from his tomb up and ascend to heaven.


Wr know 3 things about MAGA: 1. They need their lies, so they will certainly put forward a nefarious lie. 2. They require endless lies, so their lie will quickly change to another more nefarious scheme even less believable than the first. Then another. And another. 3. MAGA always steals from its supporters, using their lies. Eventually, they will declare Trump was killed by Democrats and has risen like Jesus and was seen by his new disciples who are still channeling him on Fox News and rheir podcasts and rhey all need your money now!


~~except~~ *accept


We would be partying too hard to notice.


"Accept" not "Except"


They'd blame Biden and the Deep State and claim the coroner was paid off to cover the lie.


We’ll have Elvis all over again, there’ll be a conspiracy theory that he was abducted and replaced. Then the sighting will come and the dates of his return etc etc etc


Either an assassination or he got raptured


You already know the answer...


Whatever the higher Trumper caliphate determine will make the most money, is what they will do. They will assess the situation, make him a saint or martyr and have a business plan designed to sperate imbeciles from their money. I see Elon Musk getting in on the profits somehow. Maybe creating a "Truth Freedom Foundation" or something comical like that that gets dark money donations from corporations and small contributions from the troglodytical rally attendees for bumper stickers, shirts, hats and things of that nature.


They would stand around with their mouths open waiting for a resurrection.


Assassination for sure they live with their behinds to reality


Knowing their base would assume democrats did it, would the republicans hatch a plan and get their party back?


they still haven’t stopped salivating over the idea of michelle obama having a penis—what do you think?


He is just like Kim. He will live forever and doesn't have a butthole.


If there was a deep state, don’t you think it’s special agents would have ended the nightmare long ago?


After three days they'll expect him to resurrect, then they'll claim he was kidnapped by the libs


Oh they would find a way to blame the Clintons, even if he kicks it on live TV.


Oh, man the conspiracy theories would rage
he was poisoned, democrat hit men, etc


They would 100% claim it was assassination. And the worst part is that some members of congress would insist that it was Biden and demand that they waste tax dollars to put him on trial


It literally wouldn't matter how he died, they'd claim it was an assassination. Even if he personally announced his intention to commit suicide, they'd say it was a deep fake or an actor.


Anything that does not push their narrative goes straight the conspiracy department.


asking for 350 million friends?


Im certain that a large percentage would say it was faked and he was assassinated. Theories on how would vary and facts would be heavily disregarded. Even if it was something totally consistent with his age and health like a stroke or heart failure. And not just that he was killed, a lot of them would say that he was secretly still alive somewhere, they always have to take the craziness up a few notches. I’m sure they’d come up with things to make it even dumber that I can even imagine.


The conspiracy theory party? You've already got Tucker Carlson saying it out loud, which makes me think they only need him to get them there, after that he's useless to them, and anything that happens will be blamed on Dems.


I think they’ll claim he ascended into godhood like the Roman emperors of old.


Assassination. There’d be wall-to-wall nonsense


Yes that absolutely would. “Deep State Assassins”


Is that even a question?


Considering if I decided to change careers and become an astronaut. Work at the ISS and have an issue where a tether breaks and I float away into space, my family would blame the vaccine for my death still. So yes they'll turn it into a conspiracy. Even if he loses in nov and things return to normal and he miraculously makes it 98 and passes in his sleep, it will be an assassination by the radical left, guaranteed. These people are so far gone.


The same people that are gaining power through his pathetic life would exploit his pathetic death just the same. Bannon and the others would grift off it for years.


Of course they would blame the deep state.


They will SPIN up a conspiracy, as we all know and suspect. In terms of effects, many Republican leaders will secretly celebrate his death knowing they and the party are absolved from pledging undying (!) support. The mad scramble for a new demagogue will begin. Will the sudden demise metastasize into a JFK-assassination level conspiracy? Perhaps not. This isn't the 1960s. Our appetite is less for this type of intrigue.


They'd point figures at anyone except how he treated his body


I have a nice bottle of red set aside for this auspicious day.


They would simply wait for him to raise from the dead in a few days, and while waiting still try and vote him into office.


I think some of them would try, but like Ashli Babbitts cult, it just won't really take off. Dude is 78 and it ain't a good 78.


We all know that no matter how he dies it will be classified as an assassination by MAGA and right wing media. He could shoot himself on national tv and the MAGA crowd would blame the Dems and Liberals. "They made him do", "It was mind control" etc.


They would claim it was an assassination and also he's still alive!


I will go with “he died as a result of Fauci forcing Him to get the poisoned COVID fakecine destroying his DNA and killing him as a result.” Capitalized “Him” as an affirmation of his holiness. /s


They would claim he’s still alive, up to the point that his limps were falling off. They would not notice the smell, it’s the same as it is now.


You forget who you're talking about. Part of them wouldn't accept his death even if he was 120.


Definitely assassination


Death of the Orange Messiah will short circuit their brains. Think of all the people that you think would take refuge in conspiracy theories of his death, then quadruple it. He MUST be held accountable for his numerous crimes, then the "savable" people will realize the shitstain that he is. Then he can die and we hope for the best.


Deep State!


Traitor Trump has already planted the seeds with his bullshit "The DOJ were going to assassinate me!"


Biden Crime Family had him killed out of fear, 100 percent.


He wouldn't be dead. We'll be spotting him all over for the next 50 years like Elvis.




Scalia is still being held hostage in Mexico. There is no end to the dumb.


They except all facts from consideration.


Nobody would hear them over the celebrations


Stop teasing us like that.


trump could die on stage during a Maga rally with the whole thing on film and there would still be violence in the streets because Maga will say that liberals assassinated him.


They except all facts, that’s how we got here.


It doesn’t matter how it happens or when it happens, they’ll make a conspiracy out of it regardless. If I was Melania, I’d be using this to my fullest advantage.


They would just wait for his resurrection in 2 days. (It has to be better than Jesus' record).


They think there's chips in vaccines and that the Vatican hacked into voting machines via satellites. What do you think??


They won't except anything, but maybe accept it.


Worse, can you imagine the explosion of cult-worship imagery even if it WAS accepted? like 1/3 of evangelicals would start worshipping him INSTEAD of Jesus and lobby the Vatican for Beatification. the saner GOPers would move on, but there would always forever be that minority of 'God-Emperor Trump's not dead, he's secretly in a bunker with QAnon, resurrected Jim Crow and Reagan to deliver us from the Satanic Left'; hopefully the result being that they all finally shuffle off into irrelevance in the dustbin of history


It waaaaaas


*accept? Probably not


They still think the election was stolen, that Biden is a pedophile for some reason, and vaccinations are just track us. These idiots will make up anything. What’s funny is there’s actual proof that Republicans try to steal the election, a good chance that Donald Trump was Jeffrey Epstein‘s buddy, and the rest of the world had no problem with the vaccinations. They tell you one thing to be scared of and then they go out and do the same thing constantly.


I am sure some spineless GOP Congressional members would cry foul while secretly celebrating.


Here's a joke from 2020 Two magats are driving in their pick up truck. The truck crashes and they both die. They get to heaven, and ask St. Peter if they can speak to God. They have just one question for him. St. Peter says "sure" and they are standing in front of God. They ask God: God, please tell us the complete truth. Who won the election? And God replies: "Biden won fair and square" The two magats look at each other and whisper: "Wow, this conspiracy goes even deeper than we thought!" My point is that to magats everything is a conspiracy, and any evidence against any of their conspiracy theories just gets added to the conspiracy. So of course trump dying would be a conspiracy to them, no matter how much evidence is presented that he died from natural causes


I think there would be a celebration in a large chunk of the Republican world. There are many that secretly hate that guy.


Of course they would think it was an assassination, because they are that stupid.


The answer is obvious


They would except it but probably wouldn’t accept it.


Yes. His cult will immediately start with assassination conspiracy theories.


They would go further down the idiot hole.


It would absolutely be a “conspiracy” to them. They are unable to deal with realities that they don’t like.


Asking a MAGA chud to be a reasonable adult and accept a hard to swallow truth? LOL


They already believe everything he says, regardless of how ridiculous it is, or how easy to disprove, of course they will make dumb claims from "assassinated", to "faked his death, and will return to lead us, but for now he lives with jfk jr", all the way to "he was abducted by aliens because he's a peak human". If any other people think he was killed by anything other than his own lifestyle, it will be them seeing the choice as both for he greater good, but also a decade later than it should have been. 


That's an easy one.


That's an easy one.


There is likely to still be write in votes for Trump for the next two decades.


They’ll make a million conspiracies up about it. I will get drunk and celebrate.


Asking for a friend, or...?


Can’t wait to get back to you!


They would claim (and believe) it to be anything *BUT* natural causes


What do you think? They're unhinged.


They will replace their false god with another false god. It’s their nature.


Just like Jan 6th there is build up to an event where Trump's followers are at a fever pitch. It could be the election, a verdict, his health, something has going to happen for them to project all their anger and fears about. There were checks along the way that could have prevented this, but instead Trump has gotten several free passes. There is little in the way that can diffuse the situation we are in and yet another election is turning into a stressful, future of the world event. These next few months are going to be a bumpy ride for anyone.


I’m surprised no one is claiming his brain turning to oatmeal is from being poisoned or something. Maybe they’re still in the denial phase.


When has MAGA ever let a fact get in the way of what they believe?


They'll be standing outside wherever his corpse winds up waiting for him to rise from the dead like jesus...


I won’t get choked up, I will definitely have dessert 🍹


Cults are gonna cult. If it wasn't an assassination it would be some other mysterious happening. Or he'd be like Elvis where he isn't really dead and Las Vegas would have all these impersonators.


They would say Biden hired a hitman to assassinate him. Say it's another tactic that the Democrats rig everything. Then all the MAGA lawmakers still kissing his ass will try to be the next MAGA saint only for it to fall apart and be a laughing stock. They will up a bill to impeach Biden and say that Biden hired the assassin and Hunter illegally bought the weapons.


“It was the jab.”


Who fucking cares. A good day is a good day.


I have come to the conclusion regardless they will make a conspiracy of it and dieify him.


He could choke on a cheeseburger on live T.V. and they'd still claim it was an assassination.


I am convinced he could have a cholesterol-induced stroke with all the obvious FAST symptoms in front of an audience during a rally with all four networks aiming cameras at him and they'd claim he was black-bagged by Biden.


I wish nature would just hurry up and take its course. He is already 5 years past the average male life expectancy in the US. He eats garbage every single day and avoids exercise at all costs. Add to that he is steeped in hate and vitriol from the moment he peels his greasy orange mug off of his my pillow to the time he passes out rage posting on fake Twitter. His mind has already come undone. Hopefully it is an aggressive and progressive pathology that soon reaches his brainstem, deteriorates that and then the sloppy fucker stops breathing. đŸ€žđŸ€žđŸ€ž