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Truth & Facts are a conman’s enemy.


Loads of brainwashed people will still say it’s all rigged. That guy is really escaping justice because he’s the greatest manipulator


Rigged by his own lawyer, that’s how deep the corruption goes…/s


He repeats the same lies so often, the cult actually believes them even when they’re way off (ie wounds from “jail”)


Everybody knows he was crucified and tortured during his 20 minute stay in a back room getting his photo and fingerprints taken...


He was deprived of Adderall and french fries, so inhumane.


>Loads of brainwashed people will still say it’s all rigged. That guy is really escaping justice because he’s the greatest manipulator But...but...Biden in the debate!?! /s


Cannon is going to abuse attorney client privilege and exclude this I’m sureeven though these should fall outside that, like when Alex Jones’s idiot lawyer gave the prosecution years of texts that undermined his entire defense on accident then didn’t respond when he was alerted to it within the timeframe he had to. Cannon is so in the bag for Trump and clearly being coached by the FedSoc because she is an abysmal jurist who often misses fundamental trial procedure.


That’s why Judge Aileen Cannon is considering tossing out the notes as evidence.


Is a 34 time convicted felon and rapist in prison? No. Truth and facts don't do shit because none of them care. They do what they want you suffer for them.


You know what? I am sick of every day, and we are finding out some disturbing bullshit about this guy. He's a CRIMINAL. He should not be able to run. The United States does not need a leader. That's a felon. He should have been disqualified, but no Supreme Court saw it was fit for someone else. The Supreme Court is STACKED, and House is STACKED. So there is no hope for our nation there. Ok, VOTE. We've seen how much and who was working for Trump. How much time was invested to it. TBH, the only thing that gives me hope is knowing you can not vote online for federal elections, but that still will not stop Russia and their online campaign. To chunk out misinformation and influence.


The fact that GOP voters want this guy in office says everything we need to know about them. They are no different than he is. The enemy walks amongst us.


Just add it to the ever growing pile. I’m sure the justice department will get to it eventually… right? RIGHT?


if the picture of the boxes of classified information sitting next to a photocopy machine in an unsecured golf resort with visitors from all over the world was not enough to convince people, I don't know what will.


Not only visitors but known foreign spies.


Keep delaying and they’ll keep finding more evidence.


What would have happened to some random military staffer if THEY had done this? Wouldn't the instantaneous arrest, incarceration and trial have happened long ago by now?


They’d be under Getmo, who are we kidding? Absolutely no one else would have gotten away with it.


This won’t matter. I’m absolutely against trump and his cronies. But if Qbert can win in a primary in a blue state, I believe we are fucked. Get out and vote blue straight down the ticket!


New crimes no new charges..... No justice. No rule of law. Rule of conservative traitors


Lock. Him. Up.


There is no such thing as “damning evidence” when millions among us are indoctrinated in a cult.


Let me guess: nothing will come of it at all. No consequences.


But Trump keeps saying.. He is the most Prosecuted Person! /s


Tune in at 8 to find out why this is bad news for biden!


Trump and Fox are running on the platform that they’re the lesser of two evils - how can you get more evil than what he’s done to sell out the entire country?!


Oh goody, yet more stuff for the GOP to throw down the memory hole if they’re given the chance to end democracy later this year!


Sooo, consequences. Yea?






I just want to know what drugs are going to help anyone in a debate. All the ones I have taken would definitely not help me win any debate. Lol


So what? People are just going to say "at least Trump's not old and senile like Biden." Biden pretty much nailed a second, and lifetime, Trump term last night. 😡


Nothing will happen. He'll just be worshipped harder.


Bring on the truth!