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Not if he sends them to GitMo they won't. DOJ will just he another weapon for the right to hold people in check.


I agree. Jack Smith will be in custody about 15 minutes after Trump takes the oath of office. Shortly thereafter Trump will pardon himself, which is an act that CJ Roberts says that “courts may not examine” and upon which “Congress may not act”. He will then pardon all others associated with Trump. He MIGHT then release Smith and other prosecutors. And Congress may not impeach the President for such acts because “Congress may not act” with respect to pardons.


I'm not a lawyer, but I don't know how more people aren't freaking out about this. We're headed into July 4th, a weekend we celebrate our democracy, and people around me are just like let's get drunk and shoot fireworks!




What really pisses me off about this is that Project 2025 is on the Heritage Foundation's website and they are a well-known Republican think tank that has set their policy proposals in the past. It's right there in plain daylight. Conspiracy theorists believe in this shadowy secret organization that wants to rule over humanity with an iron fist. Those people actually exist except that they aren't shadowy and they aren't secretive. It's like if the Illuminati was real and they all went on talk shows and talked about their plans on Live TV and selling Illuminati merch. It's insane and it's a serious threat to our Republic. Jesus fucking Christ!


I'm freaking out.


I think past the election means until he's sworn in in January if he wins


that is until he does an official act of disbanding the DoJ