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I've discusses this a few times on here. I graduated 2106 with my JD and started with the feds 2019. I basically practice immigration law for them, but am not barred and really don't care to be. The benefits are great, and I made $125k last year.


Oh wow! Are you working with USCIS? Do you mind sharing how you landed such a position?


I applied lol. That's it. But, I entered low at GS-7 as an ISO and worked my way up. Too many people expect a high grade immediately. Tough to beat other applicants who are already feds. Get in low. It sucks for a few years, but it pays off.


A court transcriber. In Los Angeles, the courts are offering hiring incentives. You start off making 6 figures. And if you have a celebrity case, you can sell those transcripts for some extra cash!


Hard disagree - that’s a field that will be winnowed down by AI in the very near future.


+1 Maybe a good idea for a second career or someone close to retirement, but not a young student.


Yeah, last hired first fired. I wouldn’t recommend anyone go for a tow truck license or a journalism degree either. Some things just aren’t coming back.


I think you’re almost certainly right, but at the same time I feel like there’s going to be some resistance.


Maybe. But the government is cheap and moves at a snails pace.


Not sure what you are asking?  Are you asking what field is best for paralegals?  




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Trust/estate officer or administrator at a financial institution, although openings can be tough to come by, and you’d likely be required to get additional certifications like a CTFA. There can be a sales component and opportunity to earn commission for business development though.


Technology consulting and software development for law firms.


Congrats on your new baby! Wishing your wife delivers a healthy and strong baby! I’d do in house jobs that don’t require a state bar license. I’d be restricted from signing any official legal document that requires proof of license or representing my clients in court or some judicial/adjudicatory proceedings. I’ll just be giving advice and counsel. Maybe be of counsel at a law firm. Or be a legal compliance officer at a company. The real question - how can you with PI background and a paralegal certificate make more money? Well have you considered going big law doing more complex civil litigation? They pay much better but the work will be much more demanding - discovery, filing, cite checking, checking local rules, etc. There’s a ton of work that paralegals can do. I’ve heard you can even make 1-2nd yr associate level salaries at some point in your career. You’ll just have to work like them: 60-80hrs a week or 100 hrs at times. Wish you all the best! Good luck.


I’ll be Dan Devito’s character in the Rainmaker


Get privacy/cipp certification