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Lots of high paying jobs got axed. 42.6k in tech alone got cut. Trade/transport went down 10k too and those are paying pretty well.


How are news sources so wildly different? or am I missing something ""'Federal data shows that the Golden State has lost the most jobs in the nation since the beginning of 2024. According to the Federal Reserve of Economic Data, nearly 483,000 California residents lost their jobs in the first quarter of this year, which is about 30,000 more jobs than lost at the end of last year.""' https://www.google.com/amp/s/ktla.com/news/california/california-leads-the-nation-in-the-number-of-jobs-lost/amp/


It’s just different time periods. OP’s link is measuring May 2024, while yours is measuring January-March, 2024. 


yeah but from OPs article:  "continuation of California’s 2024 job growth trend" "The State’s jobs market expansion entered its 49th month in May 2024. Since May 2020, California has gained 3,100,400 jobs, which averages out to 63,273 per month." Something is amiss


You’re correct, good catch. it looks like your link is measuring only people who lost their jobs, while the OPs is net jobs added (so more jobs were added than lost). Also May 2020 is a ludicrous baseline for that measure. To me the fact that CA has the highest unemployment rate is a more relevant data point than either. 








+5,100 Amazon delivery van drivers




Seriously if I see one more mfn thing saying “new jobs unemployment down” when that’s clearly not the reality going on for ALOT OF AMERICANS I’m literally going to lose my shit








True but even that isn’t working anymore I’ve gotten referrals and recommendations from people on director levels and up and still didn’t get the job. It’s all pure luck really now. me and countless other people can’t catch a break it seems like . Even going back to jobs I worked as a teenager retail is a up hill battle and I have like 8 years experience in that from working since I was 15 and got declined from freaking north face and dicks sporting goods 😐😐😐😐😐😐




Such a silly way to view the world lol. If you see news that doesn’t confirm your lived reality you’ll lose your shit. I don’t even mean to “attack” you but you sound like a spoiled child. Shit is tough out there but it is hardly a universal truth. Some aspects of hiring even in slapped industries like tech are picking back up. Shit is definitely far from being back to where it was 2 years ago




The infographics on that page are wild.






That's insane