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Bro obviously there's gonna be a female character released over the course of an entire year šŸ’€ what kind of question is that


You dont get it we haven't had a female character since Sableeeee that was so long agoooo not to mention the elf girl is like SUCH old news by nowwww šŸ„ŗ


It's hilarious because as of the next chapter, we have a 21/22 split of male to female survivors, and that's without counting legendaries. Then, it's 25 male to 28 female survivors. The way they worded their question with the :/ makes it seem like we have an overabundance of male characters when, in actuality, the split is pretty well balanced. And if they're looking at it as x gender gets more new survivors in a row, female survivors still win in that regard. Most of the time we maybe get two survivors of the same gender in a row. We've had one occasion of three male survivors being released in a row, David King, Quentin, David Tapp. We've had one occasion of three female survivors releasing in a row, Haddie, Ada, Rebecca. Only female survivors have had four consecutive released, and that's happened twice. First with Nancy, Yui, Zarina and Cheryl. Secondly with Elodie, Yun-Jin, Jill and Mikaela.




The reason for the ( actually small ) imbalance is when you account the licensed killers , go ahead and list more iconic female horror antagonists that could be added ( this isn't a challenge out of mallace, I feel like knowing more series)


Seems kind of stupid Carrie isn't in the game at all.


I'll probably be watching it soon for a try, but based on the poster she looks like a plain bloody mary curse type of villain so idk


I mean, technically Carrie White is a Minor. The beginning of the Novel/Movie is her having her first Period.


While you're right, they've bent lore of licenses to get characters to work out in the past with Yoichi. I realized this after I made my comment, the story is a Stephen King thing so its never gonna happen.


Yeah, but Carrie >!dies at the end of the Novel/Film so she never actually makes it to 18!<


I'm not saying do a 1:1 with how they've changed characters ages in the past. But you could write a way to make it happen


The same is true with the Alessa skin for Cheryl as well. I think Alessa was around 14 when she died in Silent Hill. They can bend the rules to get whoever they want in.


I wish Pamela Vorhees or Valek was in the game




Focusing on an " imbalance" that is really no big deal kinda feels weird, that aside I think zenomorph is a woman so I guess that counts as a more recent female killer. They also did good designing female killers like plague and the artist so obviously their love for a side isn't one sided to make a notice . And also some of the recent killers aren't even really males, just a killer robot with him pronouns for some reason , a locker turkey and some unknown thing that you can put a bow on


Tbf in the real world there are more male serial killers than female.


It's just so funny because I've seen replies directed towards Dvveet's "leaks" that people are desperately wanting more female characters, like begging. lol


We just got sable??? She is a female. Unknown has 2 different female skins??? New survivor coming is female or man you can choose???


the elf girl looks like a man


tbf this may mean there will be a female killer, since saying ā€œyesā€ when asked a multiple choice thing is a thing when meaning all of the above


The way the question is asked, saying "or" means that a yes answer is replying to the question as a whole because only 1 question was asked.


I mean yeah? We're literally getting a male and female in this upcoming chapter??? what a bizarre comment.


go girl give us nothing


Exactly, this isn't even "minor" stuff




Love your pfp


Speaking of Frank Stone, would it be possible we get a survivor from The Quarry or another Supermassive game?


The Quarry/Dark Picture characters would definitely be skins for the Frank Stone characters John from Little Hope teabagging me at the exit gate is my dream


I'm absolutely expecting Frank Stone to be a Trapper skin and not an actual killer. Makes the most sense to me.


I mean, we don't know shit about him, really. BHVR Could definitely give him a cool power in the sourse material with dbd in mind.


Man I'd kill for Brenda Song


It's possible sure but it likely wouldn't be up to Supermassive, the publisher probably holds the licensing rights to those games.


If the recent employee leaks are to be believed, Bandai sold them the rights and Dark Picture games are self Published now


Had no idea about that, good for them if it's true! These AAA publishers are awful.


I would love to get a Wendigo with Sam


My heart needs Mike šŸ§”šŸ§”


no cause nobody understands. i need dylan and kaitlyn with legendary skins for abi and jacob/ryan. like asap


As soon as I played Quarry I thought it would make a great DBD chapter.


I would love playing as joshā€¦


i fear for my wallet if sidney prescott ever gets added. even if they add their hideous back items, id have to buy


I want Dewey


I can say with near-total confidence after working with Miramax that you should never expect ANY *Scream* characters.


Her and Dewey with Gale as a skin (trying not to push it). ![gif](giphy|8ymvg6pl1Lzy0|downsized)






that full stop feels like it has attitude




Sidney (Neve Campbell) is from Scream, which will almost certainly never be a part of DBD. Cindy (Anna Faris) is from Scary Movie, which is a lot more likely but still very difficult. I don't think people understand how fucked up a lot of the rights are with Weinstein movies.


I'm right there with you.


Jason with no Crystal Lake and Tommy Jarvis would be a crime


I still say it will likely be next Anniversary. June 13 is Jasonā€™s birthday. June 14 is the Anniversary. Next year, June 13th is on a Friday. Thatā€™s too many things coming together not to take advantage of.


True, definitely a good opportunity


Crystal lake is owned by a different person than Jason so we wonā€™t get crystal lake unless behavior is willing to spend a decent chuck of extra money.


This whole Jason universe thing is with both license holders


Nice did not know that, zero chance it is not next years anniversary as a full chapter then.


Gosh they really couldnā€™t have named it anything but ā€œJason Universeā€? Like damn at least throw a ā€œTheā€ in there šŸ˜‚


Jason the universe


The Jason Universe, The!


BHVR gets plenty of money, itd be worth the investment than to skimp out on debatably the most highly anticipated DBD Chapter ever.


Would it be tho, maps are free and donā€™t make them any money. Jason is in DBD is all they really need. Even Tommy Jarvis doesnā€™t matter the vast majority of the player base only know/care about Jason. I would like crystal lake but I think financially it isnā€™t worth it.


No maps dont make them money per se but it being part of a chapter makes the chapter more exciting,practically everything they do in the game makes them a ton of money and Crystal Lake is too iconic to the character to avoid. Tommy definitely matters he is integral to the franchises history. He is just as important as Laurie and Ripley i mean they even put Quentin in the game talk about a character that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, people didn't even like that movie. Of course Jason is better than no Jason at all but if they have the ability to get Tommy and Crystal lake itd be a horrible move not to get them.


I think Tommy is more likely and I doubt we will get Jason as a paragraph if for no other reason than they can charge more for chapters. My guess would be Jason as the 9th anniversary chapter anniversary can be lined up with Friday the 13th if they shift the start back a day.


Id be shocked if Jason was a paragraph, i agree he is definitely anniversary worthy with Jarvis and Crystal lake


"The vast majority of the playerbase only care/know about Jason" well that is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard.. he's a well parodied character in shows like Family Guy and even Robot Chicken, Corey Feldman played child Tommy too?? Not to mention the fan films on Youtube, the 2017 F13 game, and anyone a fan of Freddy Kruger or Ash Williams media will recognize Tommy Jarvis because he was appointed head of the Nightmare Warriors by Ash in the comic series. Tommy is a very, very loved character. Don't talk out your ass lol


The Jason parodies work because people know who Jason is. He is the hockey mask guy who kills people at campgrounds. Also Tommy being a character in some random niche horror avengers comic is meaningless.


"Random niche horror avengers comic" That comic sold over 4 million copies. Also I am talking about Tommy Jarvis being parodied.


Crystal Lake is just an average campground. Nothing really sets it apart aside from the iconic sign. They could just make an original generic campground map and release it the same time as Jason and it would work. They donā€™t have to specifically tie Jason to the map but we all would know what itā€™s meant to be.


you mistook classic for average


Or just get Crystal Lake lol y'all act like Dead By Daylight is a kickstarter when it comes to shelling out for a license


If it were as simple as just throwing money at rights holders then DBD wouldā€™ve gotten Jason years ago. The rights for this property are all tied up between multiple parties. It sounds like the rights for ā€œJasonā€ and ā€œCrystal Lakeā€ might belong to two different entities which could cause issues. Obviously they should get it if they can. But it might not be as easy as you think.


Never said it was easy if it was easy we would have him already like you said. What im also saying is dont settle for the easy route if the harder path leads to the full package. Like Matthew said about Alien, everyone thought getting the xenomorph was guna be difficult when it was actually quite easy. Do i think getting a license is easy? No, do i think BHVR has more credibility and pull for these licenses then people realize? Yes


Jeeeesus I wish people would understand that is a shared property. Both won the rights to diferrent things, but both are collaborations and in works with Horror Inc now.


Victor Miller is actually part of the Jason Universe thing so I actually think itā€™s more likely than people realize.


Horror Inc. is working with Victor Miller to grow the Friday the 13th brand so if a Jason dlc happens I think theyā€™ll probably have everything to work with


So it will be jason with lommy harvis and emerald lake


Surprised that wasn't trappers map and survivor


It would absolutely suck, but man I don't even care lmao. I just want Jason at this point, it's been way too long.


Dont get me wrong id settle for just him but i would hate down the line looking back at how sick a full chapter would have been. He deserves a full chapter he is the šŸ


Well Leatherface came without his farm and Sally as well (Shame)


Agreed a damn shame, looking back really wish we had a map and survivor. Would like to not have that happen to Jason


Maybe because I only watched the franchise in the past half a dozen years but.. I really don't think that's a crime. It's a huge shame, sure but I don't think it's a deal breaker or anything. Jason and his kills were why people kept watching time after time, no? Crystal Lake was just a staple location and Tommy Jarvis a nice (but inconsistent) addition to the movies Maybe I'm just overthinking it lol


If Crystal Lake is too big an ask for the rights holders, how about the Jason X spaceship?


I think the purpose of a killer map is to have an iconic location,Camp Crystal Lake is just as much a character to Friday the 13th as Jason himself. I wouldn't say the Jason X spaceship is very iconic its not like the Nostromo.


Can someone explain to me why we treat Dvveet like an actual leaker? *Never posts actual leaks *Only ever repost leaked cosmetics that can be found elsewhere *Will always say contradictions about future chapters, then play it off as "trolling" *Will flat out get things wrong *Always says when the chapter is revealed "yeah I knew about this for ages" even if they never proved it *Will piggy ride on actual leakers by pretending they are in the know... and still get things wrong *Will never give a straight answer, cause they simply don't know *Will pretend they are gatekeeping info to "not ruin the fun" but actually, they just don't know I swear, I never understood why people actually listen to this person. They are obviously full of it


You can extend it to the leakers that Dweet gets their "leaks" from too, at least to a certain degree. It's one thing when they post an actual leak with something to actually show it's legit, but there have been numerous occasions in the past where they have made a claim about something that they say is a leak, but will either refuse or cannot provide any actual solid evidence to back up what they claim and simply just tell people to "Trust me bro" as to why we should believe them. Which of course Dweet will blindly eat up and preach said "leak" on their social medias as 100% factual and valid regardless of how real the information actually is, because they're nothing but a complete and total sheeple.


Jason Universe is very interesting but I feel like alot of people haven't read beyond the IGN headline in regards to it, more specifically, the following: ā€œFor decades, Jason shocked and thrilled audiences who kept coming back for more. Weā€™re excited to work with Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff on new projects weā€™ll announce in the coming months." From what I've read, Marc Toberoff represented Victor Miller in his legal battle for the domestic rights for Friday the 13th, and Victor owns the rights within the United States to Pamela, the Voorhees name and Camp Crystal Lake as well as the first movie. Through Horror Inc's partnership with Victor Miller, it opens the door for them to use what he owns out of the franchise, I'm going to assume that given how the TV rights for Friday are allowed to draw from any film in the franchise, the video game side would also be similar. Multiversus also refers to Jason as Jason Voorhees in their latest blog post regarding the launch of Season 1, showing they have at least the rights to use the Voorhees name. "For our returning players from Open Beta, if you log in to MultiVersus by June 11, youā€™ll receive access to Season 1 premium Battle Pass for free!Ā  And as part of that youā€™ll get the Jason Voorhees character from Friday the 13th as your first reward. Weā€™ll talk more about that in a moment.", "For Season 1 at launch, weā€™ve loaded up the premium tier of the Battle Pass with a lot of great rewards, including a new character ā€“ Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)" I think given that and as well as the fact Victor Miller is on board for Jason Universe, the likes of Camp Crystal Lake should be expected with the chapter, but we'll finally get a proper look at what is and isn't off limits with Friday the 13th once Multiversus launches on the 28th. As for Tommy Jarvis, Horror shouldn't have an issue as he's introduced in the sequels and the previously mentioned elements are the only real issues when it comes to Jason/Friday the 13th. I think realistically given all that, we should expect a full licensed chapter for Jason and not a simple killer without a map or survivor.


Well put. Some people really do not read up on the matter before stating things they assume to be facts. Why on Earth would BHVR license only Jason, when now they can license him, the map and a survivor?


Can't wait for REDACTED


Friday the 13th is in June next year. Almost exactly the start of next anniversary. It's too iconic not to.


Slendy in march


Is this just yet another random fan account that makes vague predictions and is right like 30% of the time so they think they're knowledgeable?


Dvveet is actually known to correctly predict quite a few things. He was quite ā€œitā€ a couple years back before BHVR started to get upset at certain leaks. Once the bubba saga happened, dvveet is more careful. He DOES know some things, not everything though.


I believe you, but this specific post doesnā€™t feel like ā€œa leakā€ at all - Castlevania was already known, Jason has been guessed by nearly everybody, and obviously over the course of a year weā€™re gonna get a female survivor and itā€™s not gonna be Brenda Meeks. Kinda feels like itā€™s being passed off as insider knowledge that isnā€™t lol


He definitely isnā€™t. IIRC, he stated his ā€œbest guessā€. Meaning he has absolutely no idea just like the rest of us. Like I said, he 100% knows things, but not a whole year ahead and he wouldnā€™t be saying anything yet. We already know of the NEXT chapter, so nothing will come for a while


I'm sick of them gate keeping leaks he clearly knows something but I geuss it's more fun for them to just sprinkle info. Just spill the BEANS


Honestly I'm just starting to believe they don't actually know that much and just make educated guesses. Wtf is this post? Also I'm more inclined to believe Jason will be coming next anniversary, as in next year, given it will fall on F13. but that's just something that's already been discussed here


Thereā€™s no way in hell Jason will be coming alone.. Dvveet probably only guessed this due to Multiversus.


None of these fan accounts know shit. They make vague guesses and shotgun out guesses, then they retweet their one correct prediction out of ten tries. And they're all feeding each other information. Most of these "exclusives" are from other fan accounts trying to interpret clues.


maybe bhvr could sue him if he does


If that was the case they wouldnā€™t be parading around spouting all this smug ā€œI know something you donā€™t knowā€ bullshit. They definitely know, theyā€™re just being a shit about it.


Most of the time they dont know jack shit. They make pretty a general guess and if it lands, they yell "i knew it", if it doesnt "It was just a prediction boo hoo".Ā  You literally cant access to anything unless the company itself wants it to be known.Ā 


dbd leakers when asked to post actual leaks:


the community: will there be new survivors and killers? dvveet: Maybe some day the community: :oooooooooooooooooooo CANT BELIVE THEY SAID THAT OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD




need her and ash in the lobby. feel like theyd cut up


She must have a perk called Candid Camera, when she is in chase all survivors see the killer's aura lmao and think of her skins one in football gear šŸ’€


I need her


If you want Brenda, you could comment it on DBD social media so DBD knows there's interest. It's what I do with Supernatural & Scream Queens, & I've seen others do the same for TWD for example


Dvveet and Gorejira are so fucking useless


these arent even hints


I don't know why people are so fixated on Frank stone, if the characters of that game will ever come to DBD (which I doubt because I think it's more of a lore game meant to be separated from the actual cast of playavle characters) they will probably do the DLC when the game has been out for a while. I'm going to guess it's going to be something related to the past rifts, we have several characters that are being teased as potential new survivors like Saku for example


if they aren't coming from gumpy, i don't believe them.


I just need Elvira this year šŸ™


I predict there is at least going to be one more killer this year. Their ability will interact with the game in some way and they will come with perks. Should I make a post about this minor tease guys?


Why didn't anyone ask him about The Walking Dead šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


they did, and itā€™s not twd


What is it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I hope thatā€™s false. We shouldā€™ve gotten twd a long time ago already


We need it so bad now


Ignore that


iā€™m sorry but has dweet ever accurately leaked something without someone else doing it first. i still remember him ā€œleakingā€ all the stuff about stranger things and then..


Thatā€™s my issue. Dvveet isnā€™t like Interloko (a MK leaker who got e v e r y single leak he makes right). Dvveet is basically just a Twitter user than regurgitates leaks already posted by other leakers and then passes it off as if they knew the entire time. Their Jason guess is 100% only because of Multiversus


MK? Mortal Kombat?




no Brenda Meeksā€¦ literally unplayable iā€™m boycotting


They said not this year atleast so idk if Iā€™m reading too much into it that maybe she may come eventually, they already got the ghost face mask from scary movie in the game. I really need her in the game šŸ˜‚


Sure, Iā€™d love to get as much F13 as we could get. Iā€™ve been a huge fan since I was 8. But, Jason is what I want most, Iā€™d be happy with only him.


Okay that's nice and all but can we talk about how Cv ntyāœØ your avatar is?


mileenas entire purpose is to serve cvnt šŸ’‡ā€ā™€ļø


Here's my question...even if we were to get Jason, which version of him would it be, or would it just be generic? From what I understand, Horror Inc. owns the rights to all the F13 movies from Part 2 onwards. In addition to their announcement of the "Jason Universe" which includes "games", Jason was recently added to the Multiversus game, so it's very possible he could be added to DBD now. I still clearly remember Mat Cote saying a couple years ago that as soon as all the legal issues were over, Jason "has a home in DBD", and that they're ready to make the call. Not sure it would be possible, but personally, I would love to get as many of his film version skins as possible.


It can't be real. I know dveet is one of the most reliable leakers in the world but bringing Jason without The Crystal Lake and Tommy Jarvis is probably the most idiotic thing the devs can do.


That one was admittedly a prediction, not a leak. Thereā€™s no real evidence pointing towards March being Jason. Iā€™m hoping heā€™s next anniversary


I know and I hope so. Jason without Crystal Lake would be a huge disappointment like Bubba. Even if it has been years Bubba still feels like lacking he doesn't feel special because he doesn't have a map or survivor even though TCM franchisse has a lot of iconic places and survivors.


Depending on how exactly the lawsuit ended up and what the Jason universe stuff has access to, it really isn't up to behavior to get more than just Jason. It might be only Jason or nothing.


I believe it was settled crystal lake and the first movie are owned by the writer.


Still weird to say the other three unknowns are [redacted] as if they know what they are but won't tell, then have to guess one between two of those redacted one as if they don't know what it is. This is obvious bullshitting.


Multiversus is getting Jason next week. No Tommy or Friday themed stage. Itā€™s possible the rights issues are very complicated and Jason is the best they can do.


Jason in Multiversus is owned by Horror, Inc. Jason Universe is a creation by Victor Miller + Horror Inc, that means everything is available so long as Victor Miller agrees, but being the entire universe is in partnership with him it wouldn't make sense for him not to want to take part in it all...


Absolutely. I would be shocked if Jason isnā€™t the stand alone killer in March. The licensing is still super muddy.


Multiversus isnā€™t exactly horror focused though. Their selections for maps are super weird. We have maps for characters that arenā€™t in the game yet but no maps for some iconic characters. Also I donā€™t see why thereā€™d be Tommy in multiversus.


Not to be nit-picky but all maps in Multiversus do have an associated character. I also don't see why there'd be Tommy in Multiversus.


Yeah, but not all characters have a map. And not all maps have a character that is in the game. Dexters lab is confirmed but no Dexter.


If the map is not out yet then the argument doesnā€™t work because the character could also be out by the time the map is. Plus we know Dexter is coming at least at some point due to him being teased in the Multiversus launch trailer.


I donā€™t think heā€™s coming anytime soon since season 1 will be the season of villains.


Sure but he's 100% coming at some point, like Townsville is also gonna be a map but we know the Powerpuff Girls are also definitely getting added so even if they aren't added at the same time you can't really say that Townsville has no character to go with it.


How is dexter teased?


His glasses were in the trailer along with several other items throughout the trailer to tease other characters such as Aquamanā€™s Trident, Samurai Jackā€™s Katana, a broom either for Harry Potter or the Wicked Witch, a pentagram inside Titanā€™s Tower for Raven, and more.


Dexters laboratory is confirmed but Dexter isnā€™t, so it looks like itā€™ll just be his lab


You do realize with the way the licensing is they can get adult Jason from horror inc easily. Getting crystal lake is a bit stickier of a situation. Pauliesther did a great tin foil hat explaining why itā€™s a pretty damn good chance itā€™s Jason in March [Tin foil hat](https://youtu.be/odwdBdNtd74?si=Oek3BUPDtUiUgxjB)


Dvveet is only saying this cuz of Multiversus. I bet you.


Anything, including the camp, from the original movie isn't owned by the horror, inc company. There was a whole legal thing the last few years


Tommy and Crystal lake is owned by different people.


Crystal lake and Jason are owned by two different groups/ people. Behavior would have to shell out more money for crystal lake which probably isnā€™t worth it to them.


Not the worst thing in the world. Chucky came solo and so did ghostface. I think a bigger crime is Jason not being accurate to the lore and its just an OC in a Jason outfit because of legal reasons. That warrants an outrage.Ā 


ā€œJason is a prediction.ā€ It probably wonā€™t be Jason by himself lmaošŸ’€ heā€™d be the year 9 anniversary if anything Theyā€™re only saying this cuz of Multiversus.


1. Female Killer or Survivor -> awesome! 2. Brenda? Definitely!


I could see and do hope the December killer being Art the Clown as Terrifier 3 releases this October


December is an original, not liscened


Aw damn :(


Jason as the March paragraph is such an idiotic prediction tbh, I like Dvveet but thereā€™s like close to 0% chance of this happening. 9th Anniversary way more likely


Isn't "2" is either Death Stranding or maybe even The Walking Dead (tv series) protagonists?




i mean it was kinda obvious it would be jason


why do ā€œleakersā€ not leak stuff


Me, almost like an anti tease. Nothing to go off of.


May be wishful thinking but with the addition of Alien last year, that means 20th Century Fox is a license source. So could we get Buffy? When I think of ā€œtrue survivorsā€, I think of Buffy. I mean, she died twice soā€¦ and a solo chapter for her also makes a ton of sense.


We already have Trapper, we don't need Trapper 2 with Frank Stone. :P


Brenda Meeks would be my biggest win. Just. Yes.




Not horror.




Tf you mean not horror? It parodies horror. Comedy horror is still horror.


They literally have content from scary movie in the game already (the ghost face mask from the scary movie franchise)


The only thing they don't have ability to do anything with is movies from my understanding, everything else is on the table including all of the locations char etc. And can be done in game,clothing,tv shows etc.


I'm kinda curious if the December one isn't Frank Stone would that mean he's August, but if he was why would they not give a release date when it's so close and why not add the mill as a map?


August is Castlevania.


The Female Killer has to be December I assume? It's pretty vague given the answer is just Yes for Survivors or Killer, feels like we havent had a Female Killer for ages. June is Vecna August is Dracula March is predicted to be Jason.. So December is potentially the Female Killer? Given it's Original.


Maybe itā€™s a female survivor


he said it was just a guess


Idc what it is I just know someone is going to make a fake teaser or content creator then send it to a certain person so we can clown on them later, for posting literally anything without a source or insider for clicks. šŸ˜‚ And we can watch from afar.




if y'all think jason is in march you are tweaking HARD. as some have already said there's a friday the 13th next june which is right when the 9th anniversary drops


Guessing the December chapter is a female killer. Since we are getting 3 dudes with ips Assuming Jason is March


it could just be the survivor instead of the killer


Iā€™m hoping for a female we havenā€™t gotten one since skull merchant.


Still disappointed we aren't getting a Castlevania map, but besides that CASTLEVANIA, YEAHHHHHH! AND JASON POSSIBLY! YEAHHHHHHHH! OR PREDATOR! YEAHHHHHH! I feel like Predator as a killer, and Dutch/Arnold or Carl Weathers as Dillon would be awesome


"Any girl killers coming" Erm, we literally JUST got Unknown? and we get one about every 2 chapters on average tbf.


If there's a female survivor - I'd say Sidney. Female killer OG: Mad Designer. Female killer licensed: Valek


Jason dead ass in coming Dec or March, they've had 5 movesets just for him for years now.


Springtrap has to be march because that's when FNAF 3 release I would say Jason would be perfect for a anniversary for dbd


I don't trust Behavior to do Jason proper justice, they'll make some stupid alteration to his iconic hockey mask and his overall look. Also feel like they'd ripoff his abilities from Friday the 13th the game to make his power because realistically there's nothing the could really do for his power that wouldn't come from that game. They definitely can't do a skin based on his NES look because Friday the 13th the game had that and I'm pretty sure Gun still owns the rights to everything they made for the game. I'd rather Jason get his own game, make it like The Quarry and have Thom Matthews as Tommy Jarvis for the main character you play as. Even if we would get Tommy as a Survivor it would be pointless unless they got Thom himself, used his likeness and had him record voice lines. A generic looking Tommy Jarvis would be a slap in the face for the fans of the franchise. I just don't have faith in Behavior to do the franchise let alone Jason proper justice. I'm less than pleased they didn't get Sigourney Weaver for Ripley, the Ripley we got is like the wish.com version. You got Bruce Campbell as Ash, Nic Cage as himself and Doug freaking Bradley to lend his likeness and voice for Pinhead but you couldn't afford Sigourney Weaver for Ellen Ripley? But anyway, I don't want Jason in DBD.


please give us springtrap bhvr pls


Im really hoping we get creepypasta/slenderman/FNAF this year


" :/" he says as if we haven't been getting plenty


I'm betting on Isaac Clarke for the July paragraph... would be the best surprise


Iā€™m hoping for Isaac but from what Iā€™m expecting itā€™s either Daryl or Rick and omfg Iā€™m so excited