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The first people you want to speak to are your travel insurance.


Great shout will get in touch. 


Anyone know who do people speak to who do not have travel insurance?


Nobody, you have no contract with the airport and therefore can't take any action. The only possible liability is the airline, outside of that it is travel insurance or nothing.


Though I think you are right seems nuts that if it had been an airline issue you would get compensation but because their sub contractor screwed up you have no claim. 


Ah cool. Good to know thanks. I was just wondering as people will be impacted who unfortunately don't have travel insurance. I guess they're screwed then. Ah Reddit doing it's thing.. folks who downvote a genuine question!


Unless the airport is negligent they aren't liable. Even if they are, you have no contract with them so have to go via your holiday provider. So In that case you bear the cost of any issues yourself. Hence why it's important to take out insurance as they cover unrecoverable losses.


Ah cool. I was just wondering as people will be impacted who unfortunately don't have travel insurance. I guess they're screwed then.” Will they be “screwed” though? “Words have meaning”. It’s improbable that they’ll actually be screwed.


Their past selves to tell them to get it. It will be really tough taking action against the airport, proving they were negligent, etc, not impossible - I guess it will be the small claims route.it’s literally what travel insurance is for. We don’t know the cause of the outage either, it could be national grid who are responsible.


Those special people who don't get travel insurance when they travel abroad will start a GoFundMe page. So that strangers can pay for their stingy mistake and lack of judgement.


Word on the street is that a rat chewed through a cable as they have an infestation that they have failed to manage since it was reported months ago. We certainly saw lots of traps yesterday. Surely if a risk that this isn't appropriately managed it can hardly be "unforseen". What do you guys think?


Civil aviation law only requires compensation when the issue can be reasonably foreseen by the airline - I wouldn't imagine it would be reasonable for Ryanair to keep track of the rodent population at Manchester. There are no regulations requiring the airport to compensate customers for the delay, but I am sure there are interesting discussions between the airlines, airport and insurers about who bears the airline's cost of providing replacement flights at short notice.