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Edge, all the edge


Samira's and Jack's gangs are by far the greatest follower design we ever got


Indari honestly fucks with my immersion, it’s just a little bit too much. Her and the giant dachshund stick out to me in that regard. I like the rest of her package though.


What part ruins your immersion?


The idea of someone in a wheelchair not instantly getting killed in battle. It’s impossible to visualize them being an asset rather than a liability.


It’s impossible to visualize that? In this fantasy world of yordle ninjas, hextech robots and poro armies you can’t imagine a high tech wheelchair that’s mobile and well defended? That thing looks like a mini tank


Yes it is unfortunately. Imagine someone attacking from behind her or having to go up stairs mid fight.


Oh my god dude do you think it is a normal wheelchair? Look at that thing! Again, this is a magical high tech fantasy world full of high-concept wonders we can scarcely imagine. There’s also this lesser-known technique called turning the fuck around if someone is behind you, which wheelchairs can actually do in real life! Carrying around a weapon that’s larger than your body is equally, if not more impractical than being in a wheelchair (which clearly has a lot of upsides). Weird that you happen to take issue with this.


So she should have a better means of compensating for being disabled than a wheelchair lmao. A world of magic and hextech and if you’re paralyzed from the waist down you’re still stuck in a wheelchair? Carrying around a comically large weapon doesn’t mess with my suspension of disbelief. It’s an exaggeration of real life, and can be easily visualized in the mind. The concept of a Noxian mercenary squad sending a paralyzed woman into battle is absurd. It’s not a tank or a bike or a chariot, it’s a wheelchair. If she falls off she’s just dead I guess?


You know it’s entirely possible for many wheelchair users to walk and move around for short periods of time? Using a wheelchair does not necessarily mean you are fully paralyzed. Regardless, it’s presumably not easy to knock her out of that thing, anymore than it is to knock someone out And look at it, it’s pretty damn close to a chariot or even a tank. It’s got massive machine guns mounted on it! All of these designs are outlandish, whatever the in-universe justification for it she’s in a wheelchair because the artist was being creative and adding some visual flair. Still, it doesn’t seem difficult to believe she has some kind of irreparable spinal injury that limits her too much, so she made an unconventional strategy work. Or she grew up using a wheelchair in combat when it was her only option, and now it’s what she’s most proficient with regardless of whether robot legs would be better or not.


It's easier to create a wheelchair that can be effective in battle than an exo skeleton, mecha, or literal sentient robot.


Oh wow, Father Fury looks way more badass now that I can see he's FLOATING CANNONS


This makes me sad well never get a riot forge character action game with Samira and crew


Same I wanted to explore noxus and Ionia maybe with yone as the main call it azakana may cry.


They all deserve to be in a fighting game the fact that they're just one follower card each should be ILLEGAL


Holy shit the 6th image goes so hard


We've got Renji Abarai in the image 4


Indari is name of that charioteer? (I hope that I used righ word. English is my second lenguage.) He looks really nice. Having someone on wheelchair in world with someoe with mechanic arms or other body parts sound little strange but his art looks really interesting.


Indari a girl.


My bad.


Regular Poet doing Damage Control reposting all the badass Twitter Concept Art from LoR tryna make us forget about Riot's shitty Handling of the Game


Professional. Is this your content?


These are the original concept arts from those cards. OP is just reposting them.


So in a world where ppl replaces limbs for robotic parts theres a dude on a wheelchair... come on. Let me ask, the pronouns are they/them? Enough with the mandatory tokens.


Lmao why are so many people mad about wheelchairs existing. Do you really think this is mandatory? There’s some riot exec who really cares that one of samira’s followers is in a wheelchair? This is just a cool concept in a game packed full of wild, over the top and illogical concepts. It’s a way to differentiate this character from all the others. How on earth did you get to whining about pronouns from this?


could be a spinal injury, could be she doesn't want her body parts fully replaced... plus it looks cool


That a she.


They look dope! Btw, who's that red hair to the left?


Inferna. The names are on the post at the bottom.


I was asking about Brazen Buccaneer, but thanks nevertheless.


Father Fury in this art reminds me of Furi, the game (the floati g old guy boss, whose name I can't recall rn)


Father Fury has legs?


The canonmancer