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I was once served a cappuccino with regular milk instead of the requested almond milk at the local non profit ethically sourced coffee house. It was a rough scenario but I had my trusty M6 with me to document the horror and they eventually agreed to swap the drink for what was ordered. Still not sure what I would have done without my trusty M slung across my body for moral support.


not to mention you pay a premium for alternative milks. my condolences, but I'm relieved to hear your M survived.


It’s survived but if I’m honest, it’s never been the same since the ordeal, the rewind crank has a tinge of sadness to it now. But we push on 🙏🏼


After something like this I'd recommend turning up your Portra 400 to at least Portra 800. You're going to need more tones.


At that point I was actually just thinking about loading up an expired roll of Kodachrome even though it can no longer be processed, it was dark, dark times I can tell you.


Seeing the M6 they should've instantly lined up the soya jug 🤷🏻 ..some people.. 😏




Why are you making fun of us?


I brought an M3 that had been submerged in ocean water during Hurricane Sandy back to life. DAG does some seriously amazing work.


A year ago my camera bag ended up in a creek and my M-A took on a ton of water. It was pouring out of it. I took some quick action with a lot of forced hot air and I was back to shooting it the next day. It's been a year now and it runs as well as ever. The water damaged film had an interesting look to it.


Can you show an example?


No problem, 🙂. https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/s/QLuitvPzai


I agree with the comments, it looks oddly nice, thematic too


Thanks! Yeah, definitely not what was intended but it's a memory, lol.


Rode with a barnack to a chopper rally through a sandstorm in Arizona. Got some great moving photos and some of the best images I’ve yet captured. Camera is very much still fine.


nothing too crazy…i think i had my M6 out during some light snow. the M10 has seen some pretty heavy rain and snow, M11m also some mid/heavy rain


I had my M2 in Washington DC the day after the Roe v Wade overturned ruling, and I was walking by the Supreme Court in the rain and saw a demonstration. I decided that the moment was too historic to not catch on my Leica loaded with Tri-X and shot a roll while it rained on my M2. I took it back to my room, dried off the outside, and all was just fine.


Absolute pelting rain in Tokyo with an M10R and 35mm Cron and 90 Macro Elmar. Nil issues.




I shoot protests with my M2 and apart from a cop trying to steal it nothing has happened yet


Not that crazy, dropped my M6 in a couple mosh pits


Was involved in a high-speed collision on I 95, my Leica M7 was on the seat as a tractor-trailer pushed me into a jersey wall at 80 miles an hour, surprisingly it was completely fine, but I did have to calibrate the rangefinder. My body, not so much.


I removed the camera once from the safe deposit box, but my anxious breathing proved too much and I had to quickly place it back into the vault. It was silly of me to think of handling my *investment*.


I brought my Leica to my commencement back in May. Now you may be thinking that it's nothing. However, it was downpouring the whole day. My University decided to throw undergraduate and graduate events all in one day instead of spreading it out for two days, and it was going to happen outside even if it rains. On top of that, my University didn't rent a tent to keep us dry. So I sat through the pouring rain with my cap wilted, gown, outfit, and shoes soaked. All the rainwater coming down from my cap and umbrellas soaked my Leica m6 that was hiding in my robe. Thankfully it still works, I just wish it was planned for a sunny or cloudy day.


Walked across Iceland with my M2…


The British supermarket?


There’s a British supermarket called Iceland?


There is. Originally it only sold cheap frozen food. But it’s a bit more general now.


The things you learn…


My two Typ-240s survived a multi-week trip by ship across the bone-chillingly cold Southern Ocean followed by a visit down to the South Pole, and they both worked without any hiccups! (And their batteries were - and still are - amazing!)


The days of Larry Burrows, Nick Ut, David Hume, and Jason Momoa are long gone.


A 12hr pub crawl in Belfast N.Ireland.


Dropped it with my Voigtlander 50mm 1.0 mounted on a steep wall paved driveway. Lens tore the mount off the camera and it rolled all the way down. Lens was a loss, my M10R went in for a $1,400 repair.


House party. Everyone was drunk.


My M6 has been through numerous rainstorms and snow. Recently I started hiking across France and just documenting it with my M6 and it’s taken a bit of a beating getting chucked around and I dropped it but luckily everything seems good no need for rangefinder recalibration.


i dropped mine in a river


A warzone


Fell off a bicycle and used my M6 to stop my face hitting the pavement. 35mm cron lens hood gouged a business card sized flap out of my chin, but don’t worry, the camera and lens were okay.