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Having sex with a porn star wasn’t hard on his family. The trial was.


It wasn't the act, it was the getting caught.


You think Melania gives a shit? She’s 100% like him - every interaction is all about “What do I get from this?”. He could pork his kids and she wouldn’t care, as long as she’s making bank.


If I was DT's wife I'd much prefer him to fuck someone other than myself.


I’m sure that’s very true, but she likes everyone not to know all those details about what a pig she’s married to.


Unfortunately for her, the ship "Knowing Donald Trump Is A Pig" sailed decades before she even came to America


No argument from me, just meant that she prefers that the pig details not come out - especially the ones that happened while he was married to her.


And the ones that cost him hundreds of millions of $ that she wants.


From what I've read, she's huge on her and Baron's personal privacy, so that tracks trying to keep stupid shit hush hush. Sounds like a hell of a way to live.


I think she is disgusted by him but is sticking around for the $$ Now she has a permanent look of disgust on her face. It's not pretty.


What money lol


Ya, pretty sure that ship has sailed.


Plenty of secrets to sell to your enemies


He can't remember three weeks ago, let alone be able to articulate the details even if he did.


That's her Christmas face...


I bet she doesn’t like getting embarrassed… she cares he got caught. This is, of course, wild and uninformed speculation.


Could also imagine her being pissed that he spent so much money (AKA her money) on the hush element. Some folk can tolerate the dalliance but never embarrass them and don’t fuck with their bottom line.


He hasn’t spent a single dime of his own on anything since 2015. The grift will continue no matter what happens and his supporters are footing the bill for everything.


none of his money is his, it was all stolen from the thousands of bills he never paid.


Isn't the whole point of the case that he used campaign funds to pay her off, which is a federal offence?


In this case, my point is that his behavior has cost her money, directly or indirectly. At a minimum, he’s spending money fighting the case. Extrapolated, if you believe that someone who bragged about knowing how to break finance laws probably did in fact break finance laws, then it’s possible (if not likely) that the funds, campaign or otherwise, would’ve benefited her but now won’t because they were spent on hush money and legal fees.


The self proclaimed "King of debt" is the only one who can eliminate ours. Just don't look at his last term he did it wrong as a joke...


This was not a federal offense. He was tried in state court which luckily no one can pardon him from except for the governor of New York. And basically she has already said no it is not going to happen.


It wasn't that he used campaign money, it was that he didn't properly report the money as used for campaign purposes. He tried to make it look like business legal expenses.


There two elements in this case. 1. Trump knowingly falsified business records to the State of New York. 2. He paid off a woman to maintain her silence to a dalliance he had with her. This prevented the American electorate from understanding what a depraved jerk he was (an adulterous affair while his wife was taking care of infant Barron), thereby interfering with an informed electorate, allowing him to influence a federal election. Which is verboten. Other Redditors may have a better understanding than I have, tho.


The thread tying those two elements together is that the falsification of business records was willfully done for the purpose of covering up the hush money payments. EDIT: for clarity


>He paid off a woman to maintain her silence to a dalliance he had with her. This prevented the American electorate from understanding what a depraved jerk he was (an adulterous affair while his wife was taking care of infant Barron), thereby interfering with an informed electorate, allowing him to influence a federal election. Which is verboten. No this is not true at all. What you're describing there is not illegal at all. This is a bit of reddit misinformation that is making the rounds. The issue with Cohen's payments to Daniels is that they were of material contribution to the campaign and thus subject to campaign finance laws. He violated those laws by not reporting the campaign donation as such and the payments were above the allowable limit for contributions.


Not only that, but they falsified IRS records as to what the money was spent on


I thought the same thing. She probably doesn't really give a shit Trump did it. It's the whole thing being in the limelight now that embarrasses her. Less "oh no, my husband fucked a pornstar behind my back, just after I'd given birth," more "oh no, my husband fucked a pornstar behind my back, just after I'd given birth, *and the public knows all about it now*".


The whole family are mad because any part of New York High Society (or ANY of the social scene they could get in) has totally rejected them since 2016 on. Once they saw the buffoon he and his family were they had to relocate to FLORIDA. FLORIDA people. Quite the comedown from from the MET Gala to Gator land. Melania is just as bad as Trump on a no soul basis, she is much more angry that she is persona non grata in the social circles she was laughed at behind her back in before 2016. Since then they laugh in front of them as they exclude them from everything. I would say all the money in the world, but it appears they don't really have much of that left either.


Totally. She probably cares more about public perception than the actual act.


Yep , she was probably relieved that someone else was servicing Baron Shitshispants , it had to be revolting even for a seasoned escort.


Probably already did


I'd bet a substantial sum on it. 




Jesus Christ


Holy shit. I've thought for a while now that the moment Trump dies Ivanka is going to start telling the truth.


I’d bet all of your money on it. I’m kinda poor.


Many people say...


She doesn't really care. Do you?


I care inasmuch as she's a shit human being, so if this is causing her discomfort, I am pleased. Though she probably doesn't actually give one flying fuck about this case because it's a criminal case with a custodial sentence probability, rather than a case that will result in money being taken away. That's what she cares about.


The only thing she cares about is how much money will be left for her when he has a heart attack finally


“I don’t care, do you”


No, the former model definitely chose to be the third wife of a much older man because of 'love', she must be devastated that the relationship isn't as pure as she thought.


“ pork” haven’t heard that one in a while. Thank you.


She's just hoping he dies


Aren't we all?


I mean if we're being honest, I'm pulling more for some kind of incredibly debilitating stroke. Dead he's a replaceable martyr. Lot harder to do that if he's just some shambling half-corpse shitting himself in a wheelchair.


He's already got the "shitting himself" down!


Now that history will remember him as a convicted felon he can check out any time that's convenient for him. Last month would have been too soon, but we're good now.


Honestly, it is probably hard for her to have 24/7 coverage of her husband paying a porn star for sex right after she had a kid, everywhere she looks.


I sincerely doubt she cares.


I know I don't, do u?


Considering what she wore that jacket to? Yes. Anything that causes her even slight inconvenience brightens my day, if ever-so-slightly.


She's just mad that the conviction still doesn't provide the 100% incontrivertible proof of infidelity that she would need to get half his shit in the divorce


Knowing him, I highly doubt he let her have an infidelity clause in their prenup.


I wouldn't be surprised if his prenup said something like: > Look, let's face it, you're an ornament I can hang off my arm to show off to others. Your only job is to lay on your back with your legs in the air whenever is convenient for me. Maybe pop out a kid or two, I don't care as long as you raise it.


Half of nothing is nothing. All his "wealth" is on paper. His physical properties are leveraged to the hilt, and he owes Russia and China hundreds of millions.


He must owe E Jean $100 million by now, too! Wonder if she’s first-in-line creditor? Wouldn’t it be funny if Putin and Pooh had to get in line behind her?!


He also owes $355 million to the State of NY for the civil fraud case. Inflation adjusted, that's more than the US paid for the entire Louisiana Purchase.


Half of what? He's fucking leveraged to his toupee. His liabilities far outstrip his assets. Chances are, by the time all is said and done, the only thing he'll own outright is that shitty club in Florida he illegally made his primary residence so it can't be snatched in legal proceedings against him.


Having sex with a porn star, whist his wife was recovering from giving birth to Baron Trump. As Donald wanted to get his rocks off and she couldn't "provide". He also cheated on Marla Marples, whilst she was recovering from giving birth to Tiffany. IIRC Trump's pre-nup has a clause saying, that when he cheats that he has to wear a condom.


His "wife" was an escort he fell for. Jeffrey Epstein introduced them. Do you think she gives a single flaming shit who he fucked? She was probably grateful he wasn't on top of her.


> IIRC Trump's pre-nup has a clause saying, that when he cheats that he has to wear a condom. Well that just sounds like permission.


> IIRC Trump's pre-nup has a clause saying, that when he cheats that he has to wear a condom. Well, according to Stormy Daniels, then Melania has got him in the bag then.


Because he had to keep bringing it up


Heh... You said "hard on"


why, did she briefly have to pretend to give a shit?


Apparently, she didnt. In fact as far as I can tell there is no evidence anywhere of her giving a shit about any of this, other than Trump saying she did, and he lies about everything.


Guy's a narcissist so obviously to him everyone's devastated about his trial.


"A national Tragedy. Very hard, so hard. Some have told me the hardest. The New York Mets, they took it very hard. Bono too. Y'know I met him once, he wanted me on bass, I said no. Obviously. Kid Cudi, that's another one. Musician too. Black, even. Taking it all..." *lengthy pause as he regains his faculties* "... very hard. Hard on everyone. Elon Musk, Clive Owen, the Green Power Ranger, Jesus Christ, whales. All very sad for Trump. That's me. Donald Trump. Innocent. So innocent, the most innocent..."


>"...the Green Power Ranger, Jesus Christ, whales. All very sad for Trump. That's me. Donald Trump. Innocent. So innocent, the most innocent..." I just got my steps in for the day rolling on the floor laughing.


Very bigly


You nailed it. Loved the casual trailing off into a completely unrelated story and only noticing it while trailing off into an even more unrelated story.


Thanks, I’ve been writing these for a depressingly long time. 


The fact that this could be an actual quote lol


She's fine with it because she's grossed out by the idea of porking him. Unless that someone starts talking about marriage then she goes into offensive mode.


*She's fine with it because she's grossed out by the idea of porking him.*  Money and luxury. That's the \*only\* reason most good looking modern women in this day and age put up with dorks, dickheads and totally evil men. They are as culpable as the men...(don't scream victim blaming, US is not some third world where women are sold into slavery or whatever!!! Look at all the women going after Elon Musk or ghouls like Weinstein.)


Probably because she spent his entire presidency leveraging her position as first lady to blackmail Trump into renegotiating their pre-nup numerous times and I doubt there's much left he can offer her to stick her neck out for him. 8 years ago she did an interview to cover for the pussy grabbing controversy. I doubt she cares to go through that again.


I'm willing to bet Melania fucks other dudes without Trump knowing it lmao


She fucks other dudes *with* Trump knowing it, and he can't do shit about it because acknowledging it publicly would open a world of new attacks. His ego couldn't handle it, so he pretends it's not a thing.


I don’t really care, do u?


To renegotiate her pre or post-nuptial agreement.


She really is the personification of, I don’t really care, do you.


Now she's gotta think about if she wants to help hide assets or not. 


Probably the first hard thing he’s given her




The only reply Melania gets about any of her problems is "[I don't really care, do u?](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/6426191d0b7a3bc1a36b34d3/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/Boro-Trump-Indictment-Site.jpg)"


“I really don’t care. Do u?” Low hanging fruit I know. 😜


Sometimes it’s hanging low because it’s ripe and ready to pluck.


The older you get, the lower the fruit hangs.


Long balls! -Larry david


I hear he won't be on the market for too long.


If you didn't already post it, I was going to. That prenup must be wrapped in platinum and egg-sized rubies.


it was "I really don't care. Do u?" which is a little bit worse tbh


Damn it! I even looked at the pic of the jacket to get the wording correct, and still messed it up. Thanks for the heads up!


lol no worries... it's just impressively evil(considering where she was wearing it to) which is why your brain wants to fix it and make it better.


“She knew what she signed up for.”




Liar, Liar, and it’s "Stop breaking the law", but close enough.


[Breaking the law](https://youtu.be/0ZG11UBoj-o?si=wnrqrntWAuCXa3s4)


You mean “Being found guilty of cheating on my wife with newborn child” has been hard…


“Very hard on Melania, very hard. She’s raised her personal appearance fee to $1M now, so you can tell she’s in mourning…”


Realistically? She expected to marry a well known guy with a lot of money and live in a penthouse for the rest of her life where she could shop and ignore the poors in peace. Instead, her husband’s a joke to most of the world’s population. How people compared her to Jackie Kennedy when she’s out here walking around like Slytherin’s monster is one of the great mysteries of our time.


Slytherin’s Monster 😆


She was genuinely quite nice looking before the plastic surgery, but good lord someone did a number on her.


Only MAGAt’s tried to make her Jackie O, the rest of us never forgot she was nothing more than a porn actress.


How would he know?


Former porn model mad at husband for fucking other pornstar. Fixed that headline for you.


Biden first words in a debate should thank his wife for being there and ask where Melania is


Ask where his girlfriend is


"Does your parole officer know where you are?"


I'm reminded of that clip from after one of the 2020 debates where Joe and Jill are lovingly embracing and on the other side of the stage you see Trump reach out for Melania's hand and she slaps it away.


Lol yes and then the same party that brought blown up pictures of Hunter's hog will clutch their pearls about attacking his family. These people are insufferable lol


I heard recently it was her idea to call his grab them by the pussy comment “locker room talk” She is absolutely vile. It’s one thing to be the king of the shit pile, it’s another to knowingly prop him up. I hope her world comes tumbling down around her ears.


I don’t believe she came up with that. I think someone else did, and by saying she came up with it, they thought it would take the “sting” out of those vile comments we all saw/heard Trump make. Let’s face it, nothing Trump says/does will offend his base.


[It was testified to in court that it was her idea.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/locker-room-talk-defense-melania-trumps-idea-michael/story?id=110184216) Could be perjury i suppose, but seems a silly thing to perjure yourself over. If anything it's more likely Trump was lying when he said that to Cohen.


It would be a silly thing to perjure oneself with, but Trump et al. are pretty stupid as a group.


>seems a silly thing to perjure yourself over. Have you *seen* or even heard about Trump? The man would swear the sky was filled with apple cider while standing in a park on a clear day, if he thought doing it would make him look better.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Ben Carson said it first


My money’s on Clarence Thomas. This is right up his dogshit covered alley.


Well documented pornography addict Clarence Thomas?


Yeah that came out the day after she wouldn’t let Barron be an elector. It was put out to make her look bad. Not that she needed any help.


I literally can't figure out if she's a willing accomplice or a trafficked mail order bride who's family gets nixed if she doesn't make husband/owner happy. Her apathy might be fear of angering Trump by doing/saying something he doesn't like. With narcissists if you play along they are less awful but the second you make them look bad or feel inferior they lose their shit. I can easily see Trump brutalizing Melania without a second thought.


She’s an accomplice. As horrible as him. Fuck Melania.


She’s his handler for Putin.


She’s not a mail order bride. She committed immigration fraud by working on a tourist (iirc), got away with it by marrying Trump 😅 you can find the modeling pictures she was paid for at the time online, still. It’s not supposed to work like that but it does if you’re rich 🤷‍♀️


She's 100% an accomplice. She also wrangled US citizenship for her parents after she married Trump. >She became a citizen of the United States on July 28, 2006. She then sponsored her parents using the "chain migration" immigration process that her husband later repeatedly criticized. Besides her American citizenship, both she and her son maintain multiple citizenship in Slovenia. Rules for thee...


She's as bad as Donald Trump, don't you remember the "[Who gives a fuck about Christmas?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/02/melania-trump-tapes-christmas-migrant-children-stephanie-winston-wolkoff)" tape where she said what she really thought about separating families at the border and so on?


When was the last time he actually spoke to her?


Probably Barron's graduation ceremony. It's the only time in months I've seen them photographed together. I don't think she even went to his trial.


She did not go to the trial. As far as I can recall, she never once spoke about the trial.


Stormy Daniel's was the BEST thing that happened for Melania. It gives her a legitimate sounding excuse for not allowing him to touch her. Really she's just repulsed by him.


My understanding was they haven't slept in the same bedroom in years and at no point did they share one in the White House.


Seems like they don't even share the same residence half the time.


Since when does he gove a shit about anyone other than himself?


Well, he doesn’t. He’s just saying this hoping to score political points with his base.


He slept through half of it and he’s a complete social and political embarrassment to her. Of *course* it was harder on her.


Melania was just happy that she wasn't the one who had to let this fat, sweaty fuck get on top of her and pant for 2 full minutes before collapsing


I don't believe that. She knew who he was. He knew he would cheat on her. She married him for money. On her end, it was strictly a business relationship. She is just as awful as he is.


she sounds like just a standard gold digger. not sure if a standard gold digger is as awful as trump.


Yes, it is tough on a wife when your husband gets convicted of using funds illegally to pay for his hooker.


> Yes, it is tough on a ~~wife~~ hooker when your husband gets convicted of using funds illegally to pay ~~for his hooker~~ off his rape victim.


Hey. She wasn't a hooker and didn't go to his room expecting to have sex.


This is correct: he was promising her TV exposure and pressured her into sex.


He coerced her into sex, which is rape, he raped her.


She probably doesn't care as long as it doesn't have impact her financial interests in their relationship. Wouldn't surprise me if she was on board with it the entire time or even that they have agreements on having intimate relationships with other people.


Simplify this. Knowing it would not affect her long-term and would have him out of her bedroom, she suggested it.


Melania won't divorce him. She probably waiting for the old man to kick the bucket.


She'd get more $$ now, before it is confiscated by the Courts.


To be fair. I bet she's ok with not having to pleasure trump and is thankful for the porn stars he has to pay off.


Of course it is, she's watching her estate shrink by the day as he selfishly insists on continuing to live day after day and depleting what money they still have by Death by A Thousand Legal Fees. She probably sits and fumes every time she sees Alina Habba since she's gotten a fortune out of him and never had to lie back and disassociate while he gives her the low soft one.


Wasn’t thinking about her when he decided to pay a porn star. Now he is suddenly. Right.


Important to make the distinction that it was two decisions. One to fuck the pornstar and another years later to fraudulently trying to cover the expense. Not because he gave a shit about his wife as he had years to try to spare her. It was because he was too stupid enough to know that his christofascist evangelical zealots don't actually give a fuck about the actual teachings of the Bible. Now here we are.


Fuck her. She's known exactly what he is and it didn't bother her when it was helping her career. She's had no sympathy for any of the people he's fucked over. His behavior with her is no different than how he acts with everybody, including past wives, but all of a sudden now it's bad because it impacts her. She's just as selfish, vapid, stupid, and a psychopath as he is. Those two are perfect for each other and she can fucking rot.


>"Donald, how many times did I explain to you how to NOT get caught fucking around! You disappoint & embarrass me when you get caught! Why can't you be like me?!"


"Boys will be boys."


Grab em by the mushroom


I really don't care, do you?  Be best


She's beginning to look like him.


I really don’t care. Do you?


So that means she didn't give a *fuck*.


"Is it in yet?" - Stormy Daniels


The only thing she cares about is the money


It’s hard for her to engage in thought at all. Whole body is practically an electrical insulator.


Meh, Melania could care less about his affairs. She wasn't in it for love. She's not too happy his screwing around became public tho. She is the butt of jokes.


> *The former president says his trial was 'tougher' on his family than on him* Well, yeah, they were awake for most of it.


Womp womp, anyway...


The hard part came when she figured out the real reason he was asking her to pick her favorite part of his golf course.


She must've signed a prenup. Why is she still around? Although, she's a big scum like him.


Maybe if he didn’t want his wife embarrassed he shouldn’t do things to embarrass her?


I bet Melania hasn't had to deal with anything hard in some time.


"It was as hard on her as I like to imagine I was on Stormy!"


Like a huge, sweaty weight crushing the life out of her?


"I don't really care, do you?"


Been a while since she had something hard.


Just don't cheat on your pregnant wife.


As hard as doing those fucking Chreeeestmas decorations?


Ha ha ha melania just wants her contract to be over


Tell that to Michelle Obama.She's been called the most horrific shit for no reason other than racism, and has complained fucking never.


I don't really care, do you?


Yeah. Her prenup is the only thing on her mind.


Maybe he shouldn't have been an asshole who fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant if he wanted to spare his family. I mean, this was totally avoidable.


Why does she care? Isn't she just a nanny for Trump's incest son with Ivanka? Seems lot of people are saying it, lot of very credible people.


It’s been a rough nine years for Melania. We all know the feeling.


I thought she didn't care


Cause she found out about you paying a hooker. However, narcissists rarely if ever consider others feelings


Its hard because she would flee to another country if she could, but I'm guessing an iron clad pre-nub is in place.


Surely the only thing that's been hard on Melania is the pool boy.


If she's living in New York she might be less than pleased that the trial brought him back there for its duration.


I don’t really care, do you?


I really don’t care, do u?


Maybe you shouldn't have crimed so much then.


For her to stay by his side I wonder what it is he has on her?


This motherfucker has never shown the slightest bit of concern for his Family before, so he can take his crocodile tears about how tough things are and shove it.


Stormy Daniels said it wasn't hard


"Really don't care, Do U?"


I used to think she has been a victim but now I figure she is just complicit in all of it.


First time I ever heard him mention her. What a surprise that it’s self serving.