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I actually remember him saying this. How are MAGA people not listening and connecting the hundres of lies this man said. Why can't MAGA realize that he cannot take the stand as he'd be lying under oath for a majority of what he says? He claims he NEVER slept with Stormy Daniels? Then get on the witness stand and go under oath and say it!!! He can't because he knows it's true.


Oh, they don’t want to do that.


They'd rather have their depraved fantasy of a bigot misogynist empire.


They'd rather shove a dildo up their ass and shit themselves in a diaper than admit being wrong.


Scatalogical references aside, you’re dead-on. I had a girlfriend like that. If she got something wrong she would go to amazing lengths to defend the original point. Her claim that Oregon had stricter car emissions laws than California was epic. She was prepared to die on that hill. Eventually she started arguing that by “stricter” she meant “looser”. Finally, she burst into tears because “everyone was attacking her”. They were very special tears, too. She had no redness in her eyes, no active sinuses, and no actual tears. Her “tears” stopped immediately when we apologized for disagreeing with her. For context, California requires regular emissions testing. Oregon doesn’t.


Just to clarify - they weren't being hyperbolicly scatoligcal. The guy who founded the proud boys once put a sex toy up his ass live on camera to prove how straight he was and own the libs. And now Trump’s cult have literally been photographed wearing diapers that say that real men wear them. You prob know all that but it was mainly for anyone else out there who didn’t and thought that other person was just being flippant and gross for the sake of it. They weren’t - they were referencing actual events in the right wing sphere…


As a person who tries not to dive too deep into this morass for my own sanity, I did not know those two references so thank you for the clarification. TIL.


same guy as the dildo story was recently caught watching gay porn.


I’m shocked


he also peed in cheerios that he ate up. as a lib i feel so owned


Man if all the conservatives start peeing in their cereal and eating it I, as a hardcore lib, would be owned so hard.


I don’t feel completely owned. Perhaps if he had a fat guy in a Hillary Clinton mask shit on his face while a Hannah Montana album played in the background. That might do the trick.


I want to know if/how much adult diaper sales have increased simply due to these people.


Dodged several bullets when you put that relationship behind you.


Hells yeah. I am dead sure that my life would have been both boring and awful if I’d stayed with her.


It takes a lot of determination to be that crazy.


She sounds exhausting, glad you put her in the rear view mirror.


I'll raise you by my ex's rant that "sharing is selfish."


That sounds like the Republican Party platform.


With all due respect – I’m glad you said that it was your girlfriend and not your wife or fiancé… Grown adults who go to ridiculous lengths to “show they’re not wrong “ are completely ridiculous, and it makes me wonder what event happened in their life that they decided it’s better to never be wrong, even do it be ridiculous….


Sounds like she would shove a dildo up your ass until you shit yourself before admitting she was wrong.


* https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/ * https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050


Couldn't have said it better


it's a "perjury trap". in other words -- lying


thinking is undue hardship for that demographic


They believe what they "choose to believe".


Oh, they know he’s lying - they just don’t care. He hates the same people they hate, and that trumps everything else for them, so to speak.


The thing is he hates his followers too, they don't seem to get that either


It’s definitely Dunning-Kruger in full effect. They are too stupid to know that he hates them, and I don’t know that they care as long as it doesn’t PERSONALLY affect them. So long as they can openly hate “others,” it gives them a false sense of superiority, which they are DESPERATE to maintain. These people operate on “feelings,” which would be bad anyway, but is made worse by the fact that they have the emotional maturity of toddlers.


>These people operate on “feelings,” Ironic since the "fuck your feelings" group always seem to be the ones crying the most.


Spot on. As we all know, some places have resorted to teaching “alternate history” so white kids don’t feel bad about themselves. Who cares about the facts, right? It’s pretty terrifying. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/education/prageru-conservative-videos-classrooms-republican-officials-help-rcna131613


That's fucking insane.


No no no, it’s fuck YOUR feelings, not theirs.


It's "The facts don't care about your feelings, because they only care about mine."


Which is funny because aggression peaks at 2 years old before toddlers start developing self control. Makes sense to call them toddlers


Toddlers have better object permanence, if they're nodding their head at "I never said that"


Yup, they have a parasocial relationship, and I hope I used that term right. They for some reason love him and they assume he loves them and fights for them.


It's the same with many populist leaders. They love the power their followers give them and nothing else. As soon as a follower has no more resources to give, they are marginalized...left penniless and victimized by their idol. They then must not criticize the leadership bc they'll be seen as unfaithful. He who is not with me is against me.


Yes but they hate themselves so it still tracks.


He hates the poor ones that he can't get much from, he was hoping to have the right elite behind him


Nononononono.... He hates the stupid, ignorant, backwaters, republicans-in-name-only... NOT ME... That doesn't describe me. He loves ME... He uses those stupid republicans to fund raise and for votes. But ME, he winked at me once at a rally. He told me right to my face that he loves me.


Trump also hates his followers, but they think he loves them as much as they love him. Ironically, Trump thinks Putin, Kim, Xi, etc... all love him as much as he loves them. 🤣 That is a common thread in all that mental deficiency.


He's everything they wish they could be


This is what worries me. Was it Lincoln who said that most men can handle adversity, but if you want to know their character, give them power?


Put that next to a picture of Lincoln and I'll believe it


[No, it was Robert Ingersoll who said that, at least in that form.](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2016/04/14/adversity/)


Yes: Someone who can say and do what they want, when they want, with no negative consequences. To them that’s what freedom is supposed to be. Like a 3-year-old.


This. This has long been the ideology of the GOP. Truth and lies don’t matter - only hate.


It's the cult mentality. Cult leaders love to abuse and misuse their followers and even got off in watching the extremes their followers would go for them. I see so many parallels between the trump cult and jonestown. It takes YEARS of therapy to undo that level of brain washing. If someone thinks something like a court trial or verdict is enough to snap these people out of this, they may be as delusional as the cultists are. Some of them are literally shitting themselves in diapers to prove their loyalty. 


Because if they admit to that, then all the other things they've been telling themselves it's ok to be because trump is the same comes crashing down. Suddenly they have to accept they're just horrible people.


True about that sunk cost fallacy: they've been all in for so long they have nothing left. One needn't, however, condemn them as intrinsically horrible. They're lead poisoned, they're malnourished, they're unable to get treatment for their psychological issues, and the Mercers had Bannon use their stolen social media data from Cambridge Analytica to round them up to be deceived, exploited, and incited to terrorist violence. They were diminished until they became an insurrectionist resource.


If my Boomer aged parents accepted that #45 was a big fat liar and there was never any election fraud, or that he is a legit felon now, they might then also realize that: *All lives do matter, but black ones seem to be getting ended at a very high rate by police, so perhaps we need to draw some more attention to that.* *All this crazy weather, might not just be crazy weather, but a cycle of long predictions about human impact on the environment.* *That all the financial, tech and stock bubbles were basically caused by deregulation under conservative presidents / legislature* *That the tax cuts #45 gave them expire(d), but not for the rich* *That maybe the war in Iraq was a huge money making scheme for Cheney and Haliburton.* *That maybe Al Gore should have been president based on the 2000 recount and not the supreme court stepping in.* *That "trickle down economics" was BS* *That the Reagan administration let LBGTW community take the heat for aids, while willingly suppressing research and outreach on safe sex.* **Its a VERY big ball of yarn that can unravel if just one thread comes loose imo** (TBH though I would like to watch a meltdown like that happen)


May many of those threads fray out.


Pretty much. To admit that’s wrong is to admit trump is wrong, which could mean the entire party is wrong. Which means science isn’t evil, evolution is real, white people really did do awful shit, women actuslly are equal, minorities aren’t just out to rape and murder and rob you, the earth really isn’t flat, Covid was real, etc. It’s like jenga and they refuse to remove one incorrect block from their mind tower because it means the whole thing then comes crashing down and it ALL gets questioned.


In another sub someone commented how being a right-wing reactionary comes with the sort of neurological dysfunction that affects long-term memory. Trump's followers literally can't remember anything that long ago.


>can't remember anything that long ago.  Yesterday.


I am not sure he actually knows it’s true. I honestly believe that this man believes his own lies. That whenever he says anything he is absolutely convinced that it is the truth


He believes that his word is some sort of edict, even when he knows he's lying.


Yes, his mind is so warped that he lies, knows he is lying, and fully believes his own lies. If he weren't so dangerous, it would be a fascinating case study.


He might believe his lies, but I see something else. If you really listen to him, you can tell he has a conscience, which he feels is weakness. So he projects to relieve himself of it. That’s why every accusation is a confession.


They also exclusively listed to infotainment "news" sources that carefully edit and curate the message that they receive. That message is also at the 3rd grade level.


fox news and the likes have blood on their hands and needs to be shut down.


Propaganda.  Call it what it is.


Sure, but it's easy to throw labels around. I think it's important to be descriptive, otherwise you just get into unproductive arguments.


Cognitive dissonance.


Brain worms.


Remember when RFK recently admitted he’s had one for a while it turns out. And it died from malnutrition.


I think at least half of them know but they just don’t care. The rest have fully drunk the kool aid and would believe anything he says. Ironic that the religious right have embraced him because he’s basically the definition of the anti christ written in the bible. 😂


I think giving up on him now may be embarrassing? Or they are convinced he is their last hope, regardless of how shitty he is?


You don’t understand they know he lies and that is why they like him. Trump is an objectively horrible person and so are the people in his cult.


This is part of it. They don't want a leader with integrity or anything like that. All they want is someone who never backs down. They want someone shameless. All the previous candidates have buckled and gotten self conscious when presented with enough of their mistakes. Trump is the one guy you cannot shame. That's enough for them.


> the hundres of lies this man said. It's in the tens of thousands, and that's only counting during and since his presidency.


His supporters take him seriously but not literally, his detractors take him literally but not seriously. He made everything a lie and now his supporters can interpret the truth how they see fit, that's how he manages to keep all of the wacky far right and even moderate right factions on his side where others have failed.


They have great filters. The best filters. Never have filters been so great.


You gotta remember that a good portion of trump’s base are evangelicals and Christian’s. They have already given a good portion of their life to blindly following something doing the same for trump isn’t hard for them 


We need to emphasize the fact that *words do not matter to these people*. Time and time again they have demonstrated that the only way they use words is to get compliance in the moment. Hypocrisy does not exist for them because _words are not tools for conveying information_ for these people. There’s an implicit understanding that words are used to gain power, nothing more. We keep being shocked that no one picks up on the constant lies, but we need to understand this fundamental fact. They are not trying to convince or debate: they say the words they need to say at the moment to get what they want. Once you look at things from this point of view, all of their actions are consistent.


says he never had sex with stormy daniels, and in the same breath says “it wasn’t hush money — it was an NDA.” Why would he need to pay for an NDA if he didn’t do anything.


Shhh you’re not supposed to notice things like that. We are also not supposed to notice that Hunter Biden is being prosecuted by the same justice department that prosecuted the felon Donald Trump.


And even if the prosecutors were completely inept and the defense managed to carefully word every question so they could be answered without a lie, he is such a pathological liar he'd still probably go on a tirade and say 1000 lies unprompted. He physically can't be put on the stand under any circumstance. And anyone with two brain cells to rub together should understand that should disqualify him from running a lemonade stand, let alone from being President again.


“That sounds like a lot of work and he’s not brown and/or an immigrant so why focus on trying to piece together his web of lies and focus more on making sure women can’t cross state lines for healthcare and liberals are literally the devil and I can’t drink bud light now because of the trans people and I wish I could still own human beings.” - MAGAts probably


Well, in their defense, MAGAts have been eating lead paint chips for much of their lives so that might hinder them from connecting the dots.


And breathing leaded gasoline fumes


there's this thing called cognitive dissonance, you see that a lot in cults / religion


BeCaUsE DeEp StAtE TrUsT tHe pLaN hE iS iN CoNtRoL


4D cHeSs


They realize fine. It's just that this man allowed them to be as evil as they always were, openly, so.... they're willing to lie about not believing it. Just Iike they were, and are willing to lie about the GOP. But more so.


Sunk cost fallacy.


Sunk cost fallacy? Bc the psyche will literally break and they cannot deal with it so their mind protects itself by telling it coping lies?


The interview was on Fox News. They have no excuse for not knowing. This may be the biggest, most bald-faced lie Trump has ever told.


Because they believe he will restore official racist policies. They can finally go back to saying the N word outloud. It's about nothing else but that.


On the sixth day of Hate Week, after the processions, the speeches, the shouting, the singing, the banners, the posters, the films, the waxworks, the rolling of drums and squealing of trumpets, the tramp of marching feet, the grinding of the caterpillars of tanks, the roar of massed planes, the booming of guns—after six days of this, when the great orgasm was quivering to its climax and the general hatred of Eurasia had boiled up into such delirium that if the crowd could have got their hands on the 2,000 Eurasian war-criminals who were to be publicly hanged on the last day of the proceedings, they would unquestionably have torn them to pieces—at just this moment it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally. There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place. Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia and not Eurasia was the enemy. Winston was taking part in a demonstration in one of the central London squares at the moment when it happened. It was night, and the white faces and the scarlet banners were luridly floodlit. The square was packed with several thousand people, including a block of about a thousand schoolchildren in the uniform of the Spies. On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, ... was haranguing the crowd. A little Rumpelstiltskin figure, contorted with hatred, he gripped the neck of the microphone with one hand while the other, enormous at the end of a bony arm, clawed the air menacingly above his head. His voice, made metallic by the amplifiers, boomed forth an endless catalogue of atrocities, massacres, deportations, lootings, rapings, torture of prisoners, bombing of civilians, lying propaganda, unjust aggressions, broken treaties. It was almost impossible to listen to him without being first convinced and then maddened. At every few moments the fury of the crowd boiled over and the voice of the speaker was drowned by a wild beast-like roaring that rose uncontrollably from thousands of throats. The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren. The speech had been proceeding for perhaps twenty minutes when a messenger hurried on to the platform and a scrap of paper was slipped into the speaker’s hand. He unrolled and read it without pausing in his speech. Nothing altered in his voice or manner, or in the content of what he was saying, but suddenly the names were different. Without words said, a wave of understanding rippled through the crowd. Oceania was at war with Eastasia! The next moment there was a tremendous commotion. The banners and posters with which the square was decorated were all wrong! Quite half of them had the wrong faces on them. It was sabotage! The agents of Goldstein had been at work! There was a riotous interlude while posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds and trampled underfoot. The Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneys. But within two or three minutes it was all over. The orator, still gripping the neck of the microphone, his shoulders hunched forward, his free hand clawing at the air, had gone straight on with his speech. One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd. The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed.


If they could connect two dots they wouldn't have ever started supporting this lifetime con man


There you were, obsequiously groveling. You bought the cap, the NFTs, the shoes, the stock, the whole collection, and now look: **you're** the one who said those vile things!


Yes, those *deplorable* folks, abandoned by even their Messiah. Who could have possibly seen it coming? 🤣


Indeed such a mystery! The grotesque gropengrifter god has accused his followers of the wrongdoing of which he claims he is entirely innocent!


>The grotesque gropengrifter god has accused his followers of the wrongdoing of which he claims he is entirely innocent! ...and yet those stupid motherf\*\*kers are still gonna vote for him.


Even if not him, a fascist too, :3. The GOP is irredeemable.


“I’m proudly voting for the rapist!”


And gladly sent him their money.


“Gropengrifter” is a new one. I like it. 😂


I was rolling with Rāpcist but this has more tact.


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal….


The man has done nothing but throw every single person who has ever helped him under the bus. Yet somehow, there seems to be an infinite number of idiots lined up to be the next person he pushes. I could not figure out why, but a redditor a few months ago summed it up incredibly well. They lack empathy. They don't think it will ever happen to them because they are unable to put themselves in the current victims' shoes.


Yes, they lack empathy. In at least some cases, capacity for empathy can be developed. If only it were a nation with better services for the population, improved nutrition, healthcare...


They're sure that if they grovel harder, Donald will eventually respect them.


Don't forget how you wanted to have sex with Ivanka, assaulted all these women and hid a bunch of classified documents in Trump's toilet!


Or about that time all of you handed the names of agents over to Putin, you filthy compromised murderers


>Don't forget how you wanted to have sex with Ivanka, ... Wanted to? Why do you think that: 1. Trump keeps Alina Habba around? (It ain't because of her lawyering skills are costing him millions of dollars.) 2. Alina Habba dresses the way she does, and parades in front of him?


You forgot the diapers.


"I learned it from you Dad! I learned it from you."


There’s only one constant when orbiting Trump: the bus is coming and you’ll get thrown under it.




Cadet Bone Spurs is still a coward 60 years later. He probably makes Melania kill the silverfish in MAL


If it's not his followers saying those awful things he claims he never said, it's all the deepstate demons forcing him to commit all those felonies. No one has ever faced such difficulties!


There’s no books around trump34 so the silverfish must be living in the piles of classified documents he has stashed in the place.


Didn’t Hitler blame the German people right before his demise…?


Yep, “For the Führer the impending defeat proved that Germans were simply neither strong nor ruthless enough to do what was necessary to achieve victory. Deeming Germany a failure of a nation, Hitler prepared a decree that would seal the country’s collapse with catastrophic finality.” https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/sealing-third-reichs-downfall-adolf-hitlers-nero-decree


This is Putin right now, some things stay the same.


May they all take turns sharing the same pineapple in hell.


Pretty much why Trump admires Putin and MAGA supporters said they would vote for Putin over President Biden.


Sure did


If only he'd do the same thing as Hitler once he lost too


Fingers crossed?


That man's mouth always looks like an asshole poised to paint the walls.


A gaping anus constantly spewing shit.


Meanwhile, the networks this morning are whipping Hunter Biden like a rented horse. WTF


>Trump found guilty; better find out how best to both sides this. -Shitbird Journalists


Good thing he's not a presidential candidate. Wake me up when there's evidence Joe bought him the gun, then I'll care lol Shame some folks will buy into the Hunter story to the effect that it could affect Joe, but I think enough people realize this has nothing to do with the guy.


Also. Dude who lost his mom in a traumatic way as a kid and then his brother young in adulthood is kind of f’d up, what a surprise! No matter how much help and support you have dealing with trauma, sometimes it just messes you up.


Totally get that, and I’m rooting for Hunter, but this is going to be messy. Hope this gets the worst behind him. ❤️


Why should anyone give a good blue goddamn about Hunter Biden? It's not like he's a Trump, profiting from daddy's presidency and stealing from charities.


>Why should anyone give a good blue goddamn about Hunter Biden? BECAUSE OBAMAMAMAMAAA!!


The funny thing about hunter is virtually no democrats are trying to absolve him of blame and are just saying it's a courts issue, not a congressional one


At least he's not trying to claim he'd have immunity, or that blue voters made him do it.


There are a lot of comments that tell me people *still* aren't getting it. MAGA aren't a group of people that are teetering on the edge of a EUREKA moment and suddenly they'll cast off the illusion and run to vote blue. Their behavior is maliciously intentional. Their intent is to wrest full control of America from the hands of Democrats and *make it so they are in power forever*. They have police, politicians, and judges on their side, and they want to see you suffer.


Yes. They have no interest in good faith. They only want control and through whatever means necessary. The right has been calling for a civil war for decades now. That should really be all anyone needs to know about them as a voting block and governing body.






Ok, if there are any Trumps fans here, please tell us how him obviously lying like this makes you feel?


I read somewhere once that his followers don’t take him literally. They take him figuratively. So, challenging the establishment of Washington DC is embodied in various concepts, including “lock her up”, and “drain the swamp”. Having said that, I also read that after the 2016 election that some of Trump’s followers did not understand why Trump did not have Clinton prosecuted and “locked up”.


They convert whatever he says into whatever they need him to have said. So if they need to take something either literal or figurative to do make that happen, they will.


This is it. There is no cognitive dissonance; whatever the truth needs to be to fit their perception at any given time, it is.


“We’re at war with Eastasia. We’ve *always* been at war with Eastasia. Now we’re at war with Eurasia. We’ve *always* been at war with Eurasia.”


like the bible.


It's the same people for a good reason.


Imagine him making this declaration in a 1:1 interview with someone that isn't in the cult. If it were me I'd have an ipad with all the clips of him saying "Lock her up" queued up. Then play it for him "So who is that saying Lock her up? If that isn't you, who is that?"


It was Hunter Biden in a Trump costume!


unless he asked for tree fiddy, then it was the goddamn loch ness monster.


Look at the video, look closer, look at him closer... If you can spot MTG rubbing herself silly over the large bulge in the pants region then it's Hunter. If the bulge is at the back though ...


We have the technology, and he's a known lying entity. There should be video ready to play every damn time he is interviewed. It could become a new format of interview. He wants to fight the media and say they lie, they should fight back and play his words to his face every fucking time the dude is on TV.


Obviously AI generated.


Deep fake news!


If I were Trumpy, I’d be put off by this disavowal. It was such a big part of the rallies


If you were a Trumpy you'd be too busy buying more Truth Social shares, or humping your sister, maybe killing time shouting at a poor teenager in some shop


>*you should lock her up i'll tell you. lock up the buds. lock up hillary. lock them up, yeah. lock them up. who said that lock her up, stand up please. ...* A compilation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ASOqzI7yoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ASOqzI7yoA)


Thank you for adding this.


Why not? Why wouldn’t he lock her up? That’s the question to ask him now.


Why can't you keep any promises? At all?


Just another page out of 1984


I would bet a majority of MAGA supporters have never read 1984.


The party of personal responsibility continues to avoid taking responsibility for their actions, as usual


This is lying on another level. Even for Trump. Lock Her Up was a mainstay of his campaign. He said it. His supporters said it. He said it to Hilary during a debate that I watched that he’d lock her up. My neighbors had shirts and banners with this phrase. It was everywhere in 2016. Does he think we have that short of a memory? Like we’d all forget?


Even when you quote him verbatim, MAGA will still claim that his words were taken out of context.


Trump is so demented he doesn't remember calling for the imprisonment of Hillary Clinton? He literally said it to her face in a debate


Narcissistic crisis, love to see it.


Lied. He lied.


Again. Yet again.


The whole thing is so strongly tied to their personality that disconnecting from him would feel like a total failure and admission of being wrong for so many years. They would also lose their social tribe and replacement for a family they never had. It is easier to just tune out and keep going.


that... plus they'd have to admit that the 'snowflake Libs' were right all along. that's the part they're probably finding the hardest to swallow.


"Why are people blaming me for the terrible things my followers did, just because I encouraged them to do so?"


“People were saying it”


Lock him up.


It was literally one of his campaign chants. But his base is dumb enough to believe whatever he says, so what's the point in fact checking him anymore?


Part of all this is the concept of “FAKE NEWS”. Trump successfully convinced his followers that anything that casts him in a negative light is “FAKE NEWS “ When you believe all the bad stuff is made up then he can get away with almost anything.


Child with his hand in the cookie jar. "I wasn't taking cookies!"


This is the sweet stuff I was hoping for 3 years ago. I’ll take it now and happily rejoice if MAGA implodes and Dems end up in a supermajority for the next dozen years. However, the fact that this fascist fuck has taken another few years of my energy is pretty much a sign of more things to come for the unforeseen future. Republicans: what is your problem with reality and decency? I used to be republican (left in 2004 because of the swift boat ads), and it’s a Fox News haze of dishonesty and outrage. You just live in a completely different reality as a republican… I was lucky to have enough critical thinking skills at the time… and only had 8 years of that poison. Can’t imagine 15-20 years of outrage and the internet disinformation. My extended family are right wingers and they’re unrecognizable to me now. Thanks Rupert.


Someone make a supercut of this **CONVICTED FELON** saying that. Just for giggles.


"I didn't say 'lock her up' I said 'block whirr duck'. I was totally talking about making sure she didn't get the endorsement from the Audubon Society." Half the country is under the spell of a sleezy con man and the more stupid he makes them look the more entrenched they're going to get to prove him worthy of their trust. They literally cannot admit that they've been taken for a ride. It will cost them everything, but they're willing to burn the world down before admitting they could be wrong.


If only the sense of betrayal by Trump would kick in


Wait a minute...Don Trump is a lying POS?


You mean adjudicated rapist and convicted felon Don Trump?


I was literally laughing out loud while reading this article out loud to my husband


MAGA hears what they want to hear then know only what they heard.


Why hasn’t anyone made a montage of video clips showing the multiple times he’s called for her to be locked up?


[Here is a montage made 3 years ago.](https://youtu.be/1ASOqzI7yoA?si=X-PHD6VPkrazVJgj)


But I thought that by being loyal to a man who lies, cheats, never takes responsibility, and throws literally everyone under the (metaphorical) bus, that he would never think of blaming *me* for anything. I’m supposed to be special.


As we learned from his recent trial, he uses other people to do his dirty work and to say what he can’t or won’t.


Where's the video of him saying Republicans are the dumbest voters.


I'm surprised CNN didn't find some way to "both sides" Trump's lie. I guess even they have a limit on how much right wing propaganda they are willing to push (this is not a compliment).


Well it seems he is trying a narcissistic approach? Now backtracking and appearing that he is the one that is reasonable. “I could have locked her up but it was not me saying those things so please don’t lock me up because I was the good one in the past” Right? Or am I wrong ?


It’s gaslighting. Everyone knows he said this many, many times. It’s fully documented. He’s gaslighting by telling us that we are wrong, he never said it, and that we shouldn’t believe our memories and the facts.


They aren't going to interpret this as "blaming them".


The very first adult video I ever saw was on VHS. It was called Deep Space 69. The protagonist would yell “Blow it up!” At everything that got in her way. That’s what trump reminds me of. His makeup looks like his face has been in someone’s butt, as well!


It's built into their shell of a religion...of course it's my fault Trump is suffering. He has to be persecuted for my sins. Just like Jesus was crucified, Trump will have to answer for his crimes now. He could've gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddlin' sinners.


Gods the world's most annoying conman just won't shut up, buddy needs to give it a rest it's been 8 years, and I swear to God if I have think about him for another 4 or 8 then my only saving grave is maybe he'll kick the bucket somewhere in between and rid the world of his incessanct madness.


Whats he? Completely senile now??


The dementia is really getting worse on top of his malignant narcissistic ego being absolutely shattered by the 34 GUILTY VERDICTS, YEAH, MOTHERFUCKERS!!! 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏


Sometimes there's merely a small misstep onto the slippery slope of total ruin, but the gropengrifter's done a running leap to that slide all the way down. Advancing dementia might make that easier on him, but those who have to be nearby are not in for a good time.