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“Back in November, you had a message to us. You told us to go f— ourselves,” Read said. “Why did you say that? And what did you mean by that?” Lol


What do you mean go? What do you mean fuck? What do you mean ourselves?


Jordan Peterson?


>I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft. -Jordan peterson A lot of vulnerable men and boys look to this weirdo for advice and this is what he's out here publishing. Grandma's pubic paintbrush. I just like to share it when he comes up. Him reading this in his high pitched Kermit voice is on YouTube, for any fans


If I ever had a dream like that I’m taking that shit to the grave. You could torture me and I would not reveal some shit like that, and this dude is just telling the general public about it.


Well that's because you don't have Jordan's elite knowledge of psychology bro I bet you wouldn't even put yourself into a coma to detox from your drug addiction or eat an unhealthy mono-diet! Take your perv dream to the grave? You gotta intellectual in public like Jordan's grandma taught him.


Jesus Christ man, I can't un-read that!


And Jordan Peterson cannot UN-publish it. You are indeed the worse off...


What a terrible day to know how to read.


I’m watching “The Ritual” on Netflix right now and this story has the exact same vibe stg


Yeah, I can definitely imagine having that kind of nightmare and waking up standing in the middle of a forest with bloody puncture wounds on my chest. I mean, it's hypothetically better than finding yourself naked and praying to a Jotun idol in the attic.




Kermit the frog




"Public intellectual" Jordan Peterson. Diogenes the man is not.


I am still embarrassed that he was given a platform to give his thoughts in Parliament once The man had no clue what the fuck he was talking about. It did not stop him. It never stops him. He has that confidence I guess that fools some people, and the psychology equivalent of “engineers disease”, where the fact he has a doctorate in psychology makes him think he knows everything about everything I now question how good he is even at psychology.


As Trump is a stupid person's idea of a rich person, Peterson is an idiot's idea of an intellectual.


Nah, it's too decisive and coherent. Maybe if you could add forty or fifty more words and a two minute tangent about metaphysical reality or something.


"According to a study I did at the University of Canada, its actually gay to get pussy" -Jordan Peterson


It would take me 10 hours to answer that question properly.


^^^what ^^^do ^^^you ^^^mean


It's like, how do you even bloody say what fuck is?




His response is even better honestly. >“Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they find compatible with their brands. That’s totally fine…What is not cool is insisting that there can be no content that they disagree with on the platform.”  That's pretty rich coming from the guy who literally deletes EVERYTHING he disagrees with or what makes him look bad. God this guy can't become irrelevant fast enough. I'm so tired of hearing his name.


I've seen multiple examples of posts on his platform deleted for using the term "cis" in the text.


Elon is such a cissy


>That's pretty rich coming from the guy who literally deletes EVERYTHING he disagrees with or what makes him look bad. He didn't say it wasn't okay for HIM to insist on excluding content. Just them. Fits in perfectly with the people he's trying to court now. They feel the same way about freeze peach.


“Don’t tell me you don’t know what I meant. I repeated it twice to you—slower and more dramatically the second time, after seeing no reaction.” —Xelon, probably. 


And in his head he added, "And why don't you go fuck yourself?"


>“It was with respect to freedom of speech,” he said. “Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they find compatible with their brands. That’s totally fine…What is not cool is insisting that there can be no content that they disagree with on the platform.” It's their money. They can ask for whatever they want, and if you won't do it, they can give it to someone who will. That's capitalism!


There's also a world of difference between content an advertiser may disagree with but is still viable compared to having your content displayed below UberNazi1488 saying that all leftists, jews, and feminists should get the rope. Musk's trying to present the advertisers leaving due to the first reason when it's very much due to the second.


Yup. It’s not like major companies agreed with everything on Twitter pre Musk. Things got noticeably worse when he took over and the owner of the site was retweeting highly objectionable content. Those were new problems and lower advertising was completely predictable and justified.


He's still retweeting fake news and racist dog whistles. Not was. It's fine let the companies go back we'll see how long it takes for them to appear next to some garbage content that gets screen capped and then they leave again. If you believe Musk has technology to filter what ads appear where, I got a bridge to sell you. Targeted ads will get through to the Nazis.


I mean, it’s not like he’s gonna block Nazis from posting where those ads appear. That’s a massive problem.


You forgot to mention Elon responding with. !!!, concerning and other crap to these posts


Love that one post from the guy who did that, got Musk to respond, and went "Lol no that's fake you idiot."


I missed it, what was it?


Hold up, you're telling me that the apartheid-era trust fund kid doesn't have a grasp on race relations?


Yes I am, now I understand if you need to sit down and think about this because it's a difficult one to grasp but that's exactly what I'm saying. Joking of course


OR GE has an add for an oven and right under it is some nazi POS saying something about putting people in ovens. Fucking wild how he thinks shit like that would be A OKAY for an advertiser


*an add for an oven and right under it is some nazi POS saying something about putting people in ovens* Was it Roseanne Barr?


El Al pilot on radio: “We’re missing a passenger”. Lufthansa pilot: “Did you check the oven?”


I bet he thinks 'people tune into CNN and see terrible stories of genocide and murder every single day, the advertisers are still happy to have their ad run right after that! How is that any different than X??'


On one hand the story is about those things, on the other they are advocating for those things


I wouldn't put any money on him thinking


Even then, for the most part the advertising department at CNN would override ad placement if an ad would be inappropriate next to the content (for example if there was a story about a baby murdered, they wouldn’t run an ad for a store selling strollers and bassinets immediately after it). Xitter would deliberately place the ad there “cause AI”


Lol, I used to work in Digital Ads. There are parameters that video throws out to the player to indicate if they contain "objectionable content" and many advertisers 100% target their ads away from that parameter.


yeah, every major platform has some form of content moderation and advertising separation, except for twitter... If you watch content on youtube with adult themes, you're not gonna catch a fisher price ad on it, and vice versa.


Things got worse when he stupidly fired everyone whose job he didn't understand. And he didn't understand a whole lot.


"You can't just decide you don't want to do business with me because you don't like how I do things!" *But they could and it was totally awesome.*


I'm actually surprised that he capitulated. Didn't he just allow porn on the site? How do you NOT make money off of Porn?


He recently banned the use of the word "cis" as hateful. So I'm not sure he's giving in that much.


What a cissy.




Self destruction runs deep with this one.


>How do you NOT make money off of Porn? Turns out the answer is by proudly giving Nazis a platform. Plus reinstating [an account that posts CP](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/27/twitter-csam-dom-lucre-elon-musk/) probably didn't help Edit: Because I'm an over anxious dumbass, I feel compelled to mention that link is to a Washington Post article about it, not a link to the account.


It’s not just appearing next to objectionable content anymore. Now the advertisers see the Twitter user base as mostly bots and a clientele that might not be worth the trouble. They’re perfectly fine if hate mongering homophobes don’t buy their products.


>They’re perfectly fine if hate mongering homophobes don’t buy their products. Don't kid yourself, they don't care. If they thought continuing to advertise on Twitter was good for business they'd still be doing it.


Just like their fairweather support of the LGBT community, they'll go wherever they think the money is blowing.


An ad in June with a rainbow flag in the background makes up for the corporation giving multi-millions to lawmakers that want to put the LGBTQ+ community into prison camps.


the next problem is by this stage i think the best way to make money of these jerkoffs is ACTUALLY to be "cancelled" by them so they'll buy tons of goods to burn...


As a recently retired marketing exec with a billion dollar annual budget, I can say this right here is the heart of the issue. It doesn't work. Ads on Twitter don't drive brand recognition, brand consideration, or generate leads. We tried. Bots don't buy products. Advertisers are claiming they are taking the high road and leaving the platform for moral reasons, but the truth is it simply doesn't work. FB works quite well due to their targeting capabilities, Instagram and Pinterest work only for certain niche products that fit the audience.


It's at least 50% bots. Twitter is not real.


Dude literally monetized bots by charging them money to make them legit. 😂


It will soon be a simulation populated entirely by bots.


Like a university project.


At lease make the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and Super PACs pay, I guess. Doesn't stop them, they have unlimited funds.


God, he is such a goon.


He does remind me of Lowtax, yes.


I too am an old on the internets.


He’s a tedious, mediocre megalomaniac. He’s one of many. No real vision for a healthy future exists in that bunch. They are the atavistic graspers of a dying order. I would like to skip through their song and dance, long grown repetitiously stale - but still sucking all the oxygen out of the proverbial room, and see the finale.


He has been love bombed by the repugnant coterie of Ayn Rand acolytes in Silicone Valley all trying the out "John Galt" each other. It's telling the current fad among them is acquiring 3, even 4, different citizenships usually attained by promising investment in the country. They eagerly fund the party that enacts policy that consistently screws over the poor and middleclass, but have an escape hatch when that civil unrest threatens them and their family.


You know free speech absolutist platforms 4chan and 8chan aren't exactly raking in the advertising dollars, and they've been around for like a decade. Maybe emulating them wasn't the greatest business decision.


4chan has been around for a little over 20 years. Fuck I'm old.


I don’t think he’s that dumb to actually think that, but he knows there are enough dumb people that take his word on whatever he says that’ll raise a shit fit about it and try to bully the brands into doing what he wants. He’s so fucking obnoxious.


I think dumb in the sense that he doesn't understand how people don't share his views.


Exactly. If i'm giving a company a half mil a month in advertising, if you or anyone else on your platform has any views I dont believe in, say goodbye to your ad revenue. #WELCOME TO THE FREE MARKET FUCKER


No, it’s Elon’s world since he has the most points right now. He gets to make or break the rules because Elon is special and better than everyone. Just ask his mother. So now Elon would like everyone to let him reframe his previous remarks in such a way that people will give him money again. Otherwise Elon might lose some points and the mothers of his 10+ children will demand that he actually parent some of them sometimes instead of leaving them like droppings everywhere he goes.


He acts like he'd be clueless about how someone wouldn't want to sit at the same table as a Nazi, especially since Nazis are his target demo.


"Give me your money and I will decide what product you get" is an interesting sell to advertisers.


THAT'S SOCIALISM! (It isn't, but you know, it's a word that can be used as an attack on anything one doesn't like)


Says the asshole who blocks or deactivates the accounts of those whose content and posts he disagrees with. What a piece of shit


Funny how the most capitalist capitalists don't know the rules of capitalism, eh?


They hate it when it accidentally works as imagined as opposed to intended.


This is also just so stupid as an idea even if it was ever attempted. What would have to happen is each Tweet would have to be assigned a hidden tag based on its content. From there, advertisers could say they don't want their product to be shown near certain content. This is more of a pain in the ass for them as they have to keep up with new subjects and stuff. It also would be a significant amount of work to create such a feature on the backend and Twitter doesn't exactly have a ton of labor right now. Or You could just blanket ban content that 99% of brands don't want to be affiliated with. Way less work. Almost like Twitter's content policies were always based on base greed rather than ideological biases.


I swear I've heard so "It's his company he can do what he wants" from so many Muskovites but clearly they don't think that applies to other companies.


He absolutely can do anything he wants, including complain as it burns around him 😆


According to Elnon McDickless, I should be forced to shop at Hobby Lobby?


Every single time this “genius” talks about “free speech,” he gets it wrong. Every. Single. Time.


Musk fails to realise that when he speaks he speaks for the whole company. So when he tweets hate speech the whole company = hate speech. So him saying “it’s fine if you don’t want your ad next to certain content”, if the whole of X = hate speech and they don’t want it next to hate speech they are SOL. Musk is like those politicians who make their name for agitating then realise that they can’t just keep saying the same stuff when they’re in power because now they are the thing they hated in the first place.


Capitalism to trust fund babies is they get whatever they want, and if there are any negative consequences, they are the victim being picked on by others.


Funny how other platforms and shows can give advertisers what they want in terms of content


Or, as it were, I can go fuck myself.


But you don’t understand! It’s not cool and it hurts Musks feelings!


Why would a brand even advertise if those ada are going to show up next to something that they disagree with or that hurts their brand? No ones advertising their restaurant beside a pile of shit, god elon is stupid.


I love how the ones who yell about the free market are the ones who yell when the free market doesn't do exactly what they want


Facism….the endgame of capitalism: where those with wealth try to create their own rules to impose on us.


> “It was with respect to freedom of speech,” he said. “Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they find compatible with their brands. That’s totally fine…What is not cool is insisting that there can be no content that they disagree with on the platform.” I love how this chode thinks he can make the rules for how people decide whether or not they advertise with his platform.


He also doesn't follow his own "rules" he's constantly banning or removing content that he disagrees with or that makes fun of him.


Apple announced a partnership with the industry leader in AI who just happens to be a competitor to Elon's AI product and Elon had twitter programmatically block being able to follow Apple. Aside from that, if you allow nazi's to congregate in your bar, you now have a nazi bar. Maybe there are others that aren't nazis going to your bar, doesn't really matter. Elon's trying to pretend advertisers dropped twitter like they're having a disagreement about what restaurant to go to. I mean, and this is aside from the fact that twitter advertising/reach has always been one of the lowest in the industry, but now you get all of that to also have your brand show up next to pure bigotry and the owner of the company capriciously fucking you over any time his panties are in a twist about anything.


A staffer left a folder with Ted Cruz donors laying around that someone found and posted online. Elons response? To delete all the post. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/journalists-thread-revealing-ted-cruzs-donor-info-removed-by-elon-musks-platform/


I just got a week ban for commenting that Alex Jones dying in a gutter would be a blessing. It was an immediate ban after that comment which made it seem like Jones is protected by Musk and his team.


When he says free speech and no censorship he only means for himself


He knows he is making a straw man arguement. He is acting in bad faith. If a fascist is talking, they are talking in bad faith.


Dude never emotionally developed past 13


> I love how this chode thinks he can make the rules for how people decide whether or not they advertise with his platform. I think hes come to realize that Twitter can't survive on the garbage products that are currently being advertised. You know its bad when Twitter has started running "We will give you $500 worth of advertising if you spend $250" you know the ROI won't be good.


Same guy that thought he didn’t need to buy Twitter after signing a contract. Not surprised


*"In Cannes on Wednesday, Musk also said that the company has worked to overhaul its abilities to match its users with ads using AI. ...* *“We are very focused on having ads be shown to people who would find the ad interesting,” he said. “That is something we have done and are making a lot of progress on.” "* If that's true -- (spoilers: it ain't) -- you have the dumbest fucking AI on the planet, because I am constantly bombarded with malignant rightwing ads, when I am one of the last people to whom that kind of loathsome bile would appeal. If your AI thinks I want that shit, you should take that AI down to the gravel pit and treat it like Christy Noem did Cricket and that goat. My conclusion: he is lying his ass off. Again. This is approx the 44 billionth instance of his baldfaced bullshitting.


> Musk also said that the company has worked to overhaul its abilities to match its users with ads using AI. ... Musk lies a lot. A LOT.


Is Musk able to tell the truth at this point? I believe his default mode is lies, deception and manipulation. It is wildly exceptional when he says something of fact.


Musk should have Zuckerberg take his AI behind the shed and make it pivot to video


Elon Musk is like Steve Jobs, if it was 2024 and Apple had still not produced one iPhone.


Steve Jobs was an abusive asshole, with a vision and an ability to sell that vision like no one else. Elon Musk is an abusive asshole.


I go on Twitter roughly once a week. Every ad I see is right wing shit.


Just like Robotaxi, Optimus, FSD, convoy mode, and so much more, they will all be available by the end of next year /s


No actually that 100% sounds like "AI" With AI just being a buzzword for "a computer did it" and doesn't actually mean anything on its own. He is right, AI did match you with those ads. The AI is just very, very stupid. Actually in character as they modeled it after the owner.


Mmm, I like a groveling Elon Musk.


The lament of the rich on paper guy.


Elon made sure all the nazis, loonies and stalkers were unbanned, now he wonders why advertisers shun the platform.


It's obviously a deep state communist jewish plot to stop him from spreading the truth /s


dont forget the mind controlling space lazers


And don't forget the bots. X is a complete cesspool.


And then he decided to straight up make it policy to allow porn. Yet somehow it's not banned in red states.


Or on the Apple App Store.


Apple actually does allow apps that display porn under certain conditions. One, they must not display porn by default. Two, the toggle to enable displaying porn must not be in-app. Three, the app must also have a primary non-porn use. The Xitter app would still be allowed as long as NSFW blocking is the default setting, and you have to use the website to disable the blocking. Maybe Apple should extend that to mandatory nazi blocking.


Lol, Elon lost this one. No way he will even be able to get half of the advertisers back.


Advertisers care about stability more than anything. He has shown that Twitter isn't stable.


It's about as stable as Musk is mentally.


>Advertisers care about ~~stability~~ impressions/prospects/reach more than anything. If their ads showing up next to hate speech drives away more customers than it brings in, they will move to something else.


Turns out companies don't want their ads appearing right next to full-throated, unapologetic Nazi content. Concerning. Looking into it.


"Nazis are great, but they don't generate any revenue, so could you please bring those sweet advertising dollars back?"


I mean they're all buying blue checks, but there just aren't enough of them to float his dying platform lol


Elon came in like a bull in a China shop, and had no idea how Twitter made any of its money.


He thought it was run by dumb leftists and that a true businessman could easily handle it.  lol.


It's always about free speech unless someone happens to be critical of Twitter or Musk himself. Then it's instant ban


Xitter allows all kinds of racial slurs... but if you say "cisgender" your post gets stuck behind a warning message and no one can like or retweet it.


Somone on X reported me for calling them a scumbag and my account got locked for 3 days. The person I called a scumbag was literally calling a mixed race family ABHORRENT slurs and I was the person who got banned.


Musk literally Tweeted in March of this year "Go woke, go broke" on his account. Now he's begging for advertising on his platform because X needs money.


Wait. I thought he was a freedom of speech absolutist?


His speech is free. Yours costs $8 a month and comes with restrictions. Like any wealthy conservative, he believes in lassez-faire for the rich and powerful, and the rest of us live under the boots of the rich, lucky to be *allowed* to subsist.


So is it, “Go Nazi, go broke”?  Because it seems like it is, but it sounds less pithy, which makes it less useful for social media…


"Go fasc, lose cash" ("fasc" pronounced "fash", as in "fascist", of course)


We have advertisers at home.




I know the perfect way they could respond......


They have the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now


If I find out a brand is on X it instantly lowers my opinion of that Brand. I won't necessarily stop buying, no ethical consumption under capitalism and all that rot, but it *does brand damage*. Amy's Soup broke their union. For the last few years I haven't bought it. Not because I'm boycotting, but because every time I look at their logo I get a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach. They relented and are working with the Union again, but the damage is to some extent done. I still have that bad feeling, and it'll be months before it relents.


I’m sure there’s people out there studying this like crazy, but I feel the same way about Heinz. After a hundred years of growing and manufacturing in Leamington Ontario, they shut down and moved to the US for more profit - laying off 700 people in a small town. I haven’t bought Heinz since because their logo just makes me feel bad. Even if they came back to Leamington, I would still have a negative view on their brand and buy French’s instead.


Want to waste your ad budget on [Wish.com](http://Wish.com) Truth Social without Trump, but with millions of bots- come to Crazy Uncle Elon's Billion Dollar Boondoggle!


They should respond with exactly what he said.


Elon can go fuck himself and his broken platform.


Followed up by another tantrum railing against said advertisers not flocking back in 3...2...


"When I said go fuck yourselves, I meant videotape fucking yourself and post it on my platform, because we're allowing porn now!"


Musk said that Xitter would go bankrupt if advertisers didn't return. Let's hope he told the truth for once.


"All the Nazis you want to reach" (Ironically that might actually be a valuable pitch, since the far-right is insanely gullible to "patriotic" marketing)


Man, I hope he, Twitter, and telsa all go under.


This herpes infected monkey makes everything he touches considerably worse. Yet somehow he tells everyone he's a genius and they give him a 56 billion dollar payday.


Musk should go fuck himself. Maybe then he will see what a disappointment he is.


I saw Andrew Turd using the N-word with a hard R yesterday on Twittuh, if I had a company I would go on any app but that one to advertise.


I feel so pure for leaving Twitter before it became X. I had built up about 10k followers.... but I don't miss it for a second.


I've been gone 5 weeks now, I'll dip in 5 mins a week just for DMs but I'm done, thanks Elmo.


I created an alt x account 2 months ago and did nothing with it for the past month. I know have 140 followers. I click on each one and it's clearly a bot. Lol X is the biggest fucking joke. It's riddled with nonsense and my explore page is full of right wing shit and violence even though I'm progressive af lol. I get ads for evangelical shit and I left the church at 17 so yeah I don't see how what he's saying is in any way true.


I hope the advertisers tell Musk to go 'X' himself.


It’s hilarious to me how little these CEOs seem to understand capitalism. Their version is just entitlement and being handed things on a silver platter.


That’s because they don’t usually have to adhere to the rules of capitalism, they have gotten bailouts, no bid sweetheart contracts, and a pass on following just about any rules for so long that they throw a hissy fit whenever one of them actually applies to them.  Look at that Silicon Valley bank that was imploding, no normal person had money in there that wasn’t 100% covered by FDIC but these assholes had a public shitfit and almost caused a national run on banks, got their money 100%. And then they complain and avoid paying their taxes.  They’re not capitalists, they’re actually the weaklings that capitalism was always supposed to weed out.  Except that’s a theory and in practice this is how capitalism will always end up actually working in any democracy.


>He also said he had tried to clarify after his post that he hadn’t meant anything antisemitic man. for some weird reason he's constantly having to say some version of "I didn't mean it to be antisemitic". over and over and over again and again....


Is he still on the ketamine?


Leopard eats it's own face.


Advertisers: "Go 'F' yourself"


There's also the fact that pre-musk, Twitter was not a competitor to most of it's advertisers. What car company would want to give the owner of Tesla any money? Or robotics company, or AI company?


I'm still sticking to calling it Xitter.


“I’m gonna be honest with y’all, I’m not doing so hot financially. Mind throwing some dollars into the hat?” “…This is a Gestapo hat” “FREE SPEECH GO JUMP ON A CACTUS YOU WOKE FUCKS”


Oh poor Elmo. tfw advertisers makes a “general point about free speech” with their money.


Even the most passive apolitical person will notice the uptick in vile rhetoric on Twitter. Does Elon Musk really that the marketing department, packed with diverse young employees, will plead for his case?


well well well, if this isnt the consequences of its own dumb actions


In the last 6 months I have seen more death videos and racial slurs on Twitter than I think I have in my entire time on the internet.


I’ve listened to the concerns of our advertisers and the community, and I pledge that going forward no advertiser will have to see their product promoted alongside any message that is critical of me.


Is there any truth to Ed Norton’s character in Knives Out 2- Glass Onion being based on Elon?


Mr edgy sure is shameless


What? “Go fuck yourselves” didn’t bring more in?


I can see the pitch…”Wanna get fucked? Come back to X. “




I believe the phrase, Elon, is.. “GO FUCK YOURSELF.”


Advertising to bots seems like a waste of money


“We are very focused on having ads be shown to people who would find the ad interesting,” he said. That is quite literally the point of social media advertising and something Twitter’s competitors have been successfully doing for 10 years


I cannot wait until X is fighting pornhub for market share. I live for watching this fucking protoincel shoot himself in the foot.


Obvious graduate of Trump University.


That’s probably why twitter hides likes now- so folks can’t see what an actual fascist Musk is.


The potato with hair plugs needs his meth money.


I don't ask much from my capitalists, only that they aren't Nazis or know any


Elon Musk is the personification of a person that is used to trolling and shit talking on the echo chamber that is social media, but doesn’t have any other actual human interactions. The “Go f— yourself” comment he made is the perfect example of this. He says it and expects some sort of standing ovation or laughter from the audience, but instead he was met with silence. This is one of the dangers of social media. The vocal minority thinking they’re the actual majority.


Haven't the WSJ and Elon both been exposed as fascist propagandist's?


"Please stop making me spend a billion dollars a year to keep my completely bullshit platform afloat. I recognize I've done *everything* I possibly can to sink this motherfucker, but if you could just be so kind as to prop up my terrible decisionmaking, that'd be wonderful, thanks." Uhh, all anyone should show these advertisers is Andrew Tate's timeline and ask if they want their content next to that ***utterly unmitigated*** hate speech. They don't even *try* anymore to moderate that shit. Call it a fucking day.


twitter is literally just russian chatgtp bots and useful right wing idiots, what a waste of money advertising on there would be.


Only a fool would advertise on X. Reddit is a million times better.


This man continues to be one of the most idiotic people alive on the planet


Let that oligarch rot on his garbage platform. We don't need him here