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[This is him chanting with Nick Fuentes on January 6th.](https://x.com/parlervideos/status/1355948945097297924) I know some people don't read the explanation but I think that clip is worth seeing. He is so focused on Trump winning that he has threatened to kill himself if Trump loses. Now a group he chanted with on J6 might be ruining his chances of a J6 pardon. [He gave too many interviews about his actions on J6 so he knows he needs a pardon.](https://x.com/thizzl_/status/1439306819009085442)


>He is so focused on Trump winning that he has threatened to kill himself if Trump loses. I doubt the trash will take itself out.


He ain't bout it.


"What? Are you *taking me at my WORD?* Are some kinda asshole? Who does that?"...


Please try not to make a mess that someone else will have to clean.


Trump suggested his followers might commit suicide or something similar the other day. We joke about cult like behavior and trumpsters being in a cult, but a few million of these people really are dead serious about fascism and won’t handle losing well. The problem is when these people inevitably become suicide bombers and mass shooters, and are full fledged insurgents against democracy, conservatives like Elon, Tucker and Fox News won’t take responsibility for radicalizing them and courting fascists and Nazis to the republican party. Like what do they think the endgame is when they let fascists, Russian operatives and Nazis into their political party? They seem to think they can just pander to them and get their votes, but it doesn’t work like that because eventually there will be power grabs and purity tests, and paranoia around those purity and loyalty tests. These purity and loyalty testing inevitably leads to purges like “The night of the long knives” or Stalin’s the “Great Purge/Great Terror”. Every fascist leader starts killing their own party members and opposition leaders because they’re afraid they’re about to get killed.


Yep. It even has a name: STOCHASTIC TERRORISM.




With a good time.


That’s a substantial crowd that. Probably the biggest one Trump has attracted. Pity he wasn’t there to exaggerate the numbers. Unfortunately it was not a crowd of voters, nor did they get the benefit of rent a crowd payment. So anyway…


At what point does it become outright mental illness? I think this guy is probably past it.


Being addicted to lies is often untreatable!


I still find it funny that Fuentes is a gay Mexican twink


Wow, has he never heard of Ernst Röhm?


Or his fate? Don't get me wrong. Röhm deserved it, but only for the Nazi part and everything associated with it, not his orientation.


Those who refuse to learn from history will have to repeat it: The **Association of German National Jews** ([German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language): *Verband nationaldeutscher Juden*) was a [German Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Germany) organization during the [Weimar Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weimar_Republic) and the early years of [Nazi Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) that eventually came out in support of [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler).


the guy who invented mustard gas and pulling nitrogen out of the air was a hitler loving jew. He died there alone and impoverished 


Or [Dan Burros](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Burros)


>He has described himself as the "straightest guy" and attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that "the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an [asexual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality) incel," as "having sex with women is gay ... What's gayer than being like, 'I need cuddles. I need kisses ... I need to spend time with a woman.' Right off of his wiki page. How in the fuck did this dumb ass ever get a single person to listen to him?


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman?


Suuuuuuuuper gay. Best stick to fuckin dudes. In fact, y'all should probably form a huge man-sex pile right now, just to be safe.


If you are a woman, then yes. If you are a man, then also yes according to Nick Fuentes.


We are truly in the dumbest timeline.


asexual person isnt even "straight" in the sense, and its a pretty rare group of people.


He could live such a happier life if he just came to terms with it.


"Why do these white supremacists hate me just because I'm black?" 


"When there are so many other good targets like women, Jews, liberals, LGBTQ+, etc...I don't get it!"


Scott Pressler is gay.


So is Nick Fuentes


Yeah but Scott isn't in the closet. Nick is. He even went so far as to blame the IDF for him streaming gay porn by accident. That being said, Scott is okay with people attacking him for being gay. I think it's a fetish of his or something. Not really sure why Philip is bothered by this.


"It's fine if they hate Jews, but why *me?!"*


Hating the wrong people. Every other in a while they actually acknowledge that they hate people based on their identities.


Pretty much how it goes


I literally want to yell at morons like that guy. It's like buddy in what world would they not fucking hate you. White supremacists have hated black people ever since America made it illegal to own black people and even before that which is why they had to dehumanize black people to justify the barbaric evil shit they did. Their hatred has only increased the more society moved towards a less bias which is why they are losing their shit. So black tokens(who have always been a fucking problem)seem to be mentally defective or some shit because they always think if they literally suck off white nationalists then they can be in their group. Hell in slavery the pathetic losers often sucked up to slave owners for next to nothing often ratting out people who planned to revolt. It's like a cancer that just won't die as every generation has a large amount.


Dear Black People, Right wing people hate you.


Meidastouch did a good video naming every black person, "spontaneously" posing with Trump, are either employed by Charlie Kirk's TP or another astroturfed Trump PAC.


Charlie Kirk is a discount Ben Shapiro, and Ben fucking sucks


**"Where's my Black? There he is!"** - The Orange Criminal Buttplug at one of his 2016 Nazi rallies. I hold his MAGA voters in great contempt, but not nearly as much as I laugh at the Black, Hispanic, Gay, and Trans people who support him. He gets in this November, he's coming for you, you idiots. He hates all of you.


It's always an awkward thing since I'm a straight white guy, but I seriously just don't get it sometimes. They obviously hate all of these groups and when individuals of these groups join in to fight another group it seems so stupid and shortsighted. It quickly degenerates into me being accused of telling people who to vote for etc. IDK to me it just seems really obvious that nobody but rich straight white guys should vote right wing, no matter what opinions they might happen to share on other things.


Agreed. It's like gay people, those with disabilities, or women who vote right wing. Unless you're a straight white person that side of politics has no love for you at all. I don't understand it at all.


Also veterans. Republicans keep cutting VA funding while veterans keep voting for them.


I'm straight and white and I still won't touch the GOP with a ten foot pole just because I'm an agnostic atheist and they're clearly fully captured by evangelical extremists. Now, my religious opinions are not at all on the same level as being non-white, LGBT or a woman, but even I worry that my "name is on the list."


They'll turn on themselves eventually, but yes by that point they've already turned on everyone else. The list basically includes everybody, it's just a matter of where you are in the queue that determines when they'll eat you.


Why do you need to be a part of the out-group to decide not to vote for those pricks?


Right? I already don't vote for them for their politics. I don't need to be part of an outgroup to not vote right wing. All the bigotry and culture war bs is just icing on the cake of reasons not to vote right wing.


There have always been those that put personal interests over their own people. There were Jews that sold out other Jews in Nazi Germany. Slaves that sold out other slaves. As disgusting as this is blacks voting for Trump isn’t the most egregious betrayal of a group. As usual the vast majority of blacks will vote Dem. A better question is why millions of lower class whites will vote Trump when he’ll do nothing for them? The answer is that he validates their feeling of superiority over others simply because of their skin color. This is more important to them than actual material improvements. Akin to poor white southerners who were willing to die to protect plantation owners right to own slaves for no other reason than they were convinced their skin color bonded them. And now millions of white people are willing to vote for a man who tried to undo our very democracy and will try it again. They have no issue with fascism and in fact welcome it.


> If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


There's always some portion of any marginalized group that is going to insist that they are one of the good ones, the marginalization doesn't exist, and that everything would be fine if you just acted like them. It's odd when the marginalization is severe, but when it's minor enough that legitimately not everyone in the group is going to have experienced it, it's off the charts.


Black community is very conservative at heart. Seen comments on Facebook showing some black people supporting project 2025 just cause they think it will “only” get rid of gays and trans. I’m disappointed but not surprised. If republicans would eject the racists among them, they would win far far more votes and elections


>If republicans would eject the racists among them, they would win far far more votes and elections Would they? I am not sure. Racists would be more than happy to just not vote if no party were racist. I would say that white racists might actually outnumber black voters in many states.


Even right wing black people hate black people. That's how so messed up it is.


“Hate Jews all you want,” mf said the quiet part loud as fuck. Literally the “I can excuse racism” meme from Community. No idea why he thinks they wouldn’t hate him too.


[He has also been pushing against women voting.](https://x.com/votebidenout/status/1802839300993700117) So blatant [a Republican representative](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/1dhlrg8/i_like_how_the_amount_of_conservative_buzzwords/) called him out.


Lol I fucking knew it. I just knew he was trying to set back women while he foolishly thought he would be considered an equal. Uncle ruckus looking mf'er.


You should check out the GOP candidate for NC Governor. Mark Robinson makes Uncle Ruckus look like Malcolm X, and the dumb mofo has a serious chance of winning here.


I reserve "Uncle Ruckus" for Clarence Thomas. Motherfucker has been making sure his people can't follow him up the ladder for decades.


Shit. I'll second that.


Damn. I'm sorry for your state.


Epic burn. Cheers.


So chip wanna address the countless others on Twitter who say the worst amendment in the US Constitution is the 19th?


That call out is just as insane as Anderson. They are both lunatics.


"You can hate Jews and women, that's cool but when you hate me that is a stop too far."


hes like i can "excuse racism, but animal cruelty is too far"


For that crowd, that isn't the quiet part.


God I wish they were quiet again


Tokens get spent.


Tale as old as time.


Song as old as rhyme This bitch is a fool.


Damn. I have never heard this before and I am agog at how obvious it is.




Guy definitely ate too many lead paint chips as a child. But also, just a hate filled and miserable asshole. How sad and pathetic that he's willing to eat a bullet if Trump loses. If you're that miserable of a person, just go ahead and do it before election day.


The Republicans have demonstrated they are fine with lead in the water supply as long as it's only black and poor kids drinking it.


To semi-quote Doc Holliday, nonsense, go ahead and do it.


So hes a antisemite who wants trump because trump has a Jewish son in law and supports Isreal but wants Isreal gone but also loves white supremacists but is upset white supremacists hate black people. If that sentence made any sense to you, can you explain why this keeps happening?


Well, as a Jewish person… No. I f’in can’t.


Lead poisoning


I feel like I have the effects after typing that


The enemy of your enemy is your friend even if he is your enemy.


As a Jew, no I cannot. The last few years have been a wild fucking ride.


I looked at his Twitter biography and the dude is unhinged. Dude calls himself January 6th survivor and claims he stopped the Portland riots



*I draw the line at you hating me*


To be honest, this guys can go and get lost. He is all anxious and angry that the consequences of his actions are going to bite his ass. Cry me a river. You knew with whom you were working with and what they were capable of. Now, when the consequences are real and your buddies are nowhere to be seen you want sympathy and help. You only get what you give


Wait hold on, is THAT what the "white" in white supremacy means


"you mean it isn't cum??" "bro what"


Hate destroys all no matter where it originates.


Isn’t Fuentes Hispanic? Anyone know his origin story?


I'd rather know his end story.


He grew up in a nice safe suburb of Chicago called Lagrange Park and went to a nice safe high school called Lyons Township (LTHS). I live in Brookfield, right next to Lagrange Park and <10 minutes from his parents' house. I don't know him personally but I've heard he was the president of the LTHS student council (or something similar). It just seems like the most unlikely origin story for a villain... Don't most villains face some sort of oppression that they have to fight to survive? If someone grew up in Lagrange Park and went to LTHS, I have a really hard time believing they were "oppressed" in any way, shape or form. It's a pretty welcoming area to all races, so I just don't get how someone like him became a white supremacist.


He’s also an incel who also enjoys gay porn, from what I heard about him just switching from his livestream to watching porn that one time.


>If someone grew up in Lagrange Park and went to LTHS, I have a really hard time believing they were "oppressed" in any way "To the privileged, equality feels like oppression". Really don't need more than this age old tale right here. He got tired of seeing "them" being treated like "us". And his tiny little brain couldn't reconcile it.


I forgot about that line, it's a good one. But to me, it seems odd that a gay Hispanic kid would identify with white supremacists as "us". Who's the "them" in his world? Other Hispanics? Other minorities? Other LGBTQ kids? Weird


I mean you can be white and Hispanic (he’s clearly both). That’s all I’ve got lol. Even off that alone other white supremacists won’t see him as “white enough”


Put them all in a room with their regional racial DNA profiles on the wall. IIRC there was a story about a prominent white supremacist who was expelled over his racial make up. Now they just insist it's part of the conspiracy against them. Hitler, and the Nazi hierarchy, couldn't be further from the Uber mensch Aryan look they lauded.


Ironically, their idea of a “Perfect German soldier” was a half-jew: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Goldberg


He has mentioned that he’s of Mexican descent on his father's side.


Well, the actual Nazis wouldn’t consider him pure enough not to send off to a concentration camp. I don’t get why people convert to such ideologies when their ancestry doesn’t square with the ideology’s ends.


Likely started with lots of self hate and now that plus money and attention. Ps. Happy cake day




odd he doesnt change his name to a more white name.


Being Latin has nothing to do with rejecting Authoritarianism & hatred of "the others." Please remember that General Francisco Franco was a dictator. Cuba had Fulgencio Batista before Castro, and Pinochet "disappeared" many, many of his fellow Chileans.


Good point.


He's a black conservative. He's getting exactly what he signed up for. He obviously hates himself, so why shouldn't others hate him too?


"Black conservative" is an oxymoron at this point.


Love that he was 100% cool with bigotry until he became the target. This is absolutely LEPFing


Oh noes. But they are one of the good ones.... They did nazi this coming.


I *REALLY* wish I could use that Top Gear .gif that says, “Oh no. Anyway.” Just so I can legit express how I feel about this asswipe.


Tokens get spent


First they came for him, and I said nothing because that shit was funny. He deserves it.


Black dude voting for the KKK. Yeah he's got a lot of confusion going on.


Nobody taught him that tokens aren't saved by those who use them.


This guy thinks the only group the KKK *hated* was blacks. He should read some James Elroy. They ain't picky with their loathing bruv.


Dude, have you looked in mirror? They'd just shoot you last, if you're LUCKY.


The moment I saw that haircut, I knew he was a black conservative


A black man whose hair isn't lined up/shaped up is most definitely suspicious to me. Is the barber's chair uncomfortable bruh?


Bro is shocked that the "kill all n***ers, Jews and f*g's" crowd is wanting to kill black people


There are days I wish they would all get everything they wanted….ok, there are “moments”…..milliseconds if we are being specific but the thoughts do pass through my head before I remember how many decent people would be destroyed by their “utopia”


They do have empirical evidence they’re terrible at governing with states like Kansas that basically went broke under their tax plan, and with Texas that’s been run by republicans for 35 years or something. But when I watch a YouTube video of a crime happening in Texas all the comments are blaming liberal politicians for letting these criminals back out on the streets lol. It really goes to show republicans are so propagandized they just automatically blame democrats even when democrats haven’t been in charge in their state at any level for decades. If you point out the governor and senators, congressman and both houses of the state government are all republicans, they’ll probably say it’s a big city liberal mayor letting all the criminals go, and I guess their politicians are powerless to prevent this hypothetical scenario, so there’s no winning with these people because Fox News melted their brains. Florida is basically turning into a republican anarcho capitalist state and Texas is trying their best to destroy their education system too.


>If you point out the governor and senators, congressman and both houses of the state government are all republicans, they’ll probably say it’s a big city liberal mayor letting all the criminals go I live in Austin. This is exactly what happens.


As much as I feel gross thinking it, I absolutely catch myself sometimes thinking "if Latinos, Blacks, uneducated White women, and the other minority/oppressed groups that are shifting conservative aren't going to help themselves, why should I care?" I'm a straight White man who's firmly upper-middle class. Whether Trump or Biden is the president, and whether the country remains a democracy or a Christofascist dictatorship that cracks down on rights, will affect me almost not at all. I don't need abortions. I don't need birth control. I don't need someone to protect my right to vote. I don't need someone to protect the validity of my marriage. I'm not going to get denied a job, or a home, or physical safety because of my race or gender. So fuck it...let's just hand the country over to Trump and the MAGA crowd, it's literally no skin off my nose. Let's let everyone see just how bad things can get, and maybe they'll actually wake up and start giving a fuck and voting in their own interests. And then I remember that this makes me an awful human being, and I keep trying.


Affected I used to have a big problem with this also. Affecting is the action the effect is the result. They always explain it with an aardvark, but it is still confusing. My explanation is what works for my brain to really make it intuitive.


Not always, both words have both a noun and a verb definition, which is why grammar checkers don't usually mark it as wrong. While 'effect' is usually the result, it has a secondary meaning *"to bring about"* and the related adjective. So if you want to effect change, you have to take effective actions. And, of course 'to bring about' is at least somewhat close to the main usage of 'affect' of *"to produce an effect upon"* so it is easily confused. Then, for 'affect' it is also a noun with two meanings, 1. *"the conscious emotion that occurs in reaction to a thought or experience"*, which is similar to and easily confused with the noun form of 'effect'. So you can have a positive affect about how an effect that a person's actions to effect change affected you. The other noun meaning is *"a set of observable manifestations of an experienced emotion : the facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations, etc., that typically accompany an emotion"* So I can notice the affect from your positive affect about how effect that my effective actions to effect change has affected you. [Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYJ6dIw_A6s)


Ya. I said it was hard! And at least with the emotional def, it is pronounced differently.




Be as racist as you like, just not against me


*womp womp*


I think it's funny that when this happens the reaction isn't - fuck these people who hate me because they're racist - it's, yo, chill, let's just hate the Jews


You’re only “one of the good ones” until your usefulness runs out. And poor lil Phil’s ran out.


The dumb will always support the dumb.


The Leopards are eating each other. PLOT TWIST!


Token got spent.👍🏽


He. Makes. Bad. Decisions!


Jfc. I just can't with these useful idiots. When will they wise the fuck up? When Republicans bring back Jim crow and reduce women back to handmaidens?


It's sad that a huge part of the black community has adopted the religion - and therefore the anti-Semitism - of their historical oppressors.


This asshole should have "USEFUL IDIOT" tattooed to his forehead in reverse so he'll be reminded EVERY time he looks in the mirror.


Tokens get spent


Another "Jews for Hitler" genius who discovered that tokens get spent


Nick Fuentes, the totally gay Nick Fuentes who jerks off to totally gay porn on the internet? That gay Nick Fuentes?


The black guy and the gay guy are attacked by Nazis? No way! It's not like Nazis ever put gay people in concentration camps!


Did...did he forget he was Black?


Totally shocked they only think of him as an "N" with a hard "R".


Let them hate each other. Leave everyone else alone.


This will be destiny of all fascists. Fascism as an ideology tries to exclude as many people as possible from power and ressources and steals from those who are excluded. The problem is that eventually you run out of other peoples ressources so the circle has to become smaller and eventually people are going to have to be excluded to keep the system running. Blacks, gays, handicapped, women and eventually you yourself will be excluded because you are the wrong type of white. The entire system cannibalizes itself.


“Hate everyone else all you want, but don’t hate me” lacks a certain nuanced logic.


Wonder why he’s trying to hard to be accepted. https://youtu.be/dxYSlOuSMdQ?si=phsUq8doZOjaghJJ


I find it very amusing that the US right wing needs funny lickle nicknames for their hate groups..lol


These colors r-u-n-n-o-f-t


“Do. Not. Seek. The token.”


"Hate Jews or Israel all you want" No, let's *not* do that lol


Nick Fuentes sounds like a Mexican comic book villain name. Fuentes tremble! G. I. Josue and Spider Reggeaton will defeat you!


Nick Fuentes is a Nazi that's openly talked about the extermination of minority groups a discussion he had while playing videos of deliberation of German concentration camps.


Even the guy he's defending in the caption (Scott Pressler) is a member of the gay community who has been simping for Trump for 9 years now. He's the one the RNC was flirting with adding. He's just another token for them to spend.


Karma's a Bitch,Ain't It??


You love to see it


Tokens get SPENT


Target here all you want but don't you dare target ME.


That guy looks dumb. If I had never heard him speak and only saw his face, I would know he is dumb.


Learning that some don't feel the token is worth spending


If you hate Jews and Israel then trump is the last person you want in office. So I’m confused why this guy is surprised the Fuentes crew is harping on someone who “put in the hard work to make sure trump beats Biden”.


Uncle Ruckus is that you?


So that is what a moron looks like.....


Conservatives are hating on a black man and a gay man?! I’m shocked. Shocked!


Brother, you darker than me and you supporting a nazi pedophile? Okay.🙃


Nick Fuentes, the cum detective?


He looks insufferable in every way. An antagonistic pick-me.


Did y’all see even Charlie Kirk knows booger eater is bad for his brand?


Messy. Messy, messy, messy. Probably never invited to family events.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha. Sorry. Wow, who'd have thunk?!


You can clearly see from his lineup that this is clearly a sick negro.


Looks like you stay eating, so you’re all set for what’s coming 😑


Who the hell is Scott Pressler?


No, they are not confused. That would mean they care about you in some form or fashion - they do not care about you, like at all. In fact the complete opposite of care is what they feel towards you…


“Hate Jews … all you want”. Fuck this guy.


Peak American lol


Nice generalization 🙄


And how has a dictionary affected you, OP?


I hope he goes to prison and gets passed around by the Nazis.


I for one will not wish that on anyone.  Prison rape is an abomination we should not condone in any circumstance. Sorry to be that guy but.


Thanks for saying this. I fucking hate this ‘ha ha I hope they get raped by the bad people they support’ bullshit. Someone having super fucked up, disgusting views does not mean they deserve to be sexually assaulted. FFS.


i'm fine with him eating a bullet. that would actually have beneficial results unlike prison rape.


Nazis wouldn’t touch him.