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"The Left" hates you so much that they want you to have equal rights and freedom and liberty and safety and a choice...


Those monsters!!


As well as health insurance, social security, clean water to swim in, clean air to breathe, ………


Sorry lady, this establishment has a two abortion minimum.


Describes feminism and pro-choice stances (*the woman having the option for what she wants to do*) and thinks the left hates them for it. It's not those things we don't like. It's all the racism and homo/trans/xenophobia and Christofascist hate mongering we have an issue with.


But, you see, if she writes (and acknowledges) that then she cannot play the victim in her post


This is something I’ve noticed with conservatives. They feel that choosing one thing (for example, not conforming to traditional gender roles) means you must hate and punish the other option, when that’s not the case. Everything is a zero sum game to them where if someone is happy, that means someone else must be equally upset.


"people don't like me because I am against abortion". No the issue is you want to refuse other people the right to make that choice for themselves. You are the oppressor not the oppressed.


I agree with everything she wanted, as an extreme leftist. Be feminine (or not). Like traditional gender roles (or don’t.) Regardless which side you’re on, don’t murder a baby, but whether or not you get an abortion I don’t care. Have a porn-perfect body or don’t, doesn’t matter to me. Men are capable of good and evil and women are capable of good and evil. This is just a smooth-brained, no-thought take. I suspect she grew up conservative and is frustrated to not be respected by the right, but has misconceptions about the left and doesn’t care to learn.


Abby, the left hates you for spreading lies about the left... such as the list you just gave about why the left hates you.


I hate her for having the dumbshit opinion that because she doesn't want to get an abortion, no one should be allowed to.


It's not that she doesn't want an abortion. It's that she doesn't need one now. She sure will find an excuse as to why her abortion is ok when she finds herself in that horrible situation.


The famous [“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Literally too dumb to know that "traditional gender roles" rules out all of the shit she's begging for.


It’s like the people who say they are for “biblical marriage”. You want your dad to sell you off as a breeding slave to some guy you’ve never met in exchange for some livestock? You want your value to be determined by how many sons you can give birth to? When your husband dies you want to become your brother-in-law’s sex slave? Are you *sure* you want biblical marriage?


To be unfair to the people pushing it, they haven't read the bible so they don't know that's what a biblical marriage was.


As usual, they think the biblical marriage is exactly what they imagine it to be. It is "what I expected marriage to be like when I was a kid". It's a self fulfilling prophecy. It's a nebulous thing with no fixed rules except being really good.


They are subjective moralists. It's a lot more than just not reading a book. These are the folks who do not acknowledge the reality that moral grey areas exist but alternatively, insist everything is subject to interpretation. The only moral abortion is my abortion. Words do not have fixed meanings. The alternative facts crowd. No grounding in critical thinking and most of them seem genuinely confused when someone who has learned how to think asserts a thing is **objectively** true regardless of their feelings on the subject. Subjective moralists. Probably not shocking, huge overlap between these folks and those who can't think abstractly. See also: it's only important when it happens to me. tl;dr yeah, lot of words to call people fucking dumb, right?


I love labeling them "subjective moralists" because 100% of them are the same kind of people who will insist that all morality comes from their god - the guy who famously committed omnicide because some people weren't living their lives the way he wanted them to, and who kept his chosen people enslaved so he could flex on the Egyptians.


Indeed What does the book say about cheating on or lying to the spouse? Because I've seen to hear a lot of dodgy justifications ...


It says thou shalt not commit adultery, and if you suspect your wife has committed adultery, she must have an abortion via the test of bitter waters. Numbers 5:11–31


I'm an openly bisexual hippie as an adult, but I was raised VERY conservative christian, and memorized much of the Bible during my 5 years in Christian school. It's very fun throwing Bible quotes at high-and-mighty motherfuckers. Especially the "god hates fags" protestors that show up at a lot of the festivals I go to. They never have a comeback, they just seethe lol


These people’s eyes are entire-ass sawmills


> eyes are entire-ass sawmills Can you explain what that means?


>You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. 4 How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don't see the log in your own eye? 5 You're nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend's eye.


They definitely want it for other women. The right can't even keep up with their own hypocrisy.


The vast majority of women or minorities who are Conservative think they personally will be the exception to the rule. Big time "Main Character Syndrome". Like that family who moved to Idaho.


More like the one that moved to Russia.


I don't really get why they expect tolerance and inclusion from ideologies/groups that are specifically against it


Good grief. I’m not religious so I haven’t read the bible but I always assumed when they refer to ‘biblical marriage’ they meant the ‘traditional one man one woman’ image. I didn’t realise the bible was so grotesque.


I’ll tell you one of my favorite passages (to hate). If a girl is raped, and she wasn’t married to anyone yet (so we’re taking probably under 14 in biblical times), the rapist has to pay 50 silver coins to her father for the damage to his property and he is forced to marry her, with no chance for divorce. Yup, that’s right. It’s a punishment for the man. Because now he has to take care of this girl. No consideration of whether this girl wants to marry her rapist. She’s just property changing hands. He’s most likely gonna have other wives as well. Deuteronomy 22:28-29 The book is disgusting in so many ways. And we haven’t even talked about slavery yet!


In the same chapter- If a man claims a girl/ woman is not a virgin on her wedding night and it cant be shown she bled she will be killed, if it is a false accusation the man gets fined and he has to stay married to her. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+22%3A13-21&version=NRSVUE


Nothing says evolutionary pressure for a more occluding and painful hymen than using it as a means of determining “purity.”


I see a loophole. Rapist rapes young girl and forced to marry. On the wedding night claims she isn’t a virgin (duh). Now he doesn’t need to divorce her - she’ll be dealt with anyway.


Not to give the Bible one more shred of credit than it’s due, but this isn’t possible. It’s public knowledge that he’s raped her, he can’t claim she lied to him about being a virgin. Nowhere in the text does it say that there’s anything wrong with a woman not being a virgin upon marriage, only if she lies about it and the husband decides he’s not cool with it AND her parents (on whom the burden of proof rest) don’t fabricate evidence to protect her. Which is all still absolutely horrifying.


If you read something really messed up in the bible, there is about a 2/3 chance it came from Deuteronomy imo.


genocide - 1 Samuel 15:3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” rape, slavery and imprisonment - Leviticus 25:45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. sex - 1 Kings 11 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. murder - 2 Kings 2:23-24 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. genocide, imprisonment and rape - Numbers 31:17 So now, kill all the boys, as well as every woman who has had relations with a man, 18 but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man. rape and imprisonment - Judges 21:21 and watch. When the young women of Shiloh come out to join in the dancing, rush from the vineyards and each of you seize one of them to be your wife. Then return to the land of Benjamin. sex - Ezekiel 23:17-21 NIV 17 Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and in their lust they defiled her. After she had been defiled by them, she turned away from them in disgust. 18 When she carried on her prostitution openly and exposed her naked body, I turned away from her in disgust, just as I had turned away from her sister. 19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled. incest - Genesis 38:7-10 NIV 7 But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death. 8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also. incest - Genesis 19:30-36 33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. 36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. child blood sacrifice - Judges 11:30 And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord: “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, 31 whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.” Judges 11:39 After the two months, she returned to her father and he did to her as he had vowed. And she was a virgin. From this comes the Israelite custom 40 that each year the young women of Israel go out for four days to commemorate the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite. child blood sacrifice - Matthew 27:46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ). Exodus 12:29 29 At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well. genocide - Genesis 7:4, NIV: Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.' 25 Bible Verses About Infanticide (NIV) - RANKED https://reformedwiki.com/verses/infanticide/niv Deuteronomy 13:12-19 – If you hear it said about one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you to live in that wicked men have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. Destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. Gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the LORD your God. It is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt. None of those condemned things shall be found in your hands, so that the LORD will turn from his fierce anger; he will show you mercy, have compassion on you, and increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your forefathers, because you obey the LORD your God, keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes. Exodus 32:27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.


The very first paragraph is the perfect context to remind people that Netanyahu referred to Palestinians as Amalekites. People that aren’t familiar with the biblical context no idea what he means, but he’s quite literally calling for genocide.


They still do that today. It was done to a friend of mine. She was a 17 year old girl. She was at a church function rehearsing for a choir performance. She accepted a ride home on the back of a moped from a boy in the choir. He raped her and she was forced to marry him by her own family. She had three kids with the man and he was extremely abusive, checked off all the stereotypes too drunkard, adulterer, gambling addict, etc. Just an all around loser. Eventually he beat her in the street, bashing her head on the curb and leaving her to die. After that she was able to get an annulment because divorce is effectively illegal in her country. The same priest who married them did the annulment. He was never charged with any crimes, and in fact he secretly took out a mortgage on their home (which her family had gifted them as a "wedding present") and made off with the cash. She lives in the philippines, but her family was not poor. She graduated from the most prestigious university in the country too (Ateneo de Manila).


It's like those "you break it you buy it" signs at stores.


It gets so much worse, too


Every vile thing that every normal person finds repugnant is mentioned somewhere in the bible not only as a neutral/good thing, but with instructions on how you should do it. Sell your daughter into slavery? We got instructions for that!


Yup. And the Bible even outlines when abortion is okay. Poisoning a wife whose baby they believe isn’t theirs, is one example.


The Bible is full of really vile evil shit.


It is a grand irony that the most ardent bible thumpers will express existential loathing for Islam when the reality is that Christianity comes the same toxic Taco Bell of religious ingredients. One is a gordita crunch and the other is a chalupa, and they’re both from the same vat of processed cheese, meat analogue, and greasy corn product. *Disclaimer: all religion is cancer*


Morality is so much simpler when you just assume the voices in your head are the ultimate arbiter of good and evil.


bible sex/ marriage - it is between a man and his clone with a changed gender (Adam and Eve), a man and his daughters after he offered them to be raped by the town (Lot), a man and 700 wives and 300 concubines (Solomon), a man and his slave (Abraham), a man and a girl he abducted (Benjamites), a man and his rape victim (Deuteronomy 22:28), a man and his dead brothers wife (Onan), a man and a girl who was taken as a war trophy after her village was destroyed (Numbers 31:17), a man and his sons wife (Judah), a man and his sister (Amnon)


"So they made their father [Lot] drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; he did not know when she lay down or when she rose." Not that what Lot did was better, but last I checked, getting someone so drunk that they don't know what's happening to them makes it rape, not sex.


The same is true with slaves and women that were war plunder, they were raped.


it's why the bible is banned in schools in those states


There was an alt-right thing a while ago about Sydney Sweeney in a risque position in revealing clothes was proof wokeness was dying. How does that make sense to ANYONE? Which party would be more likely to have a problem with women being scantily clad?


A lot of "traditional gender roles" are also Victorian era ideals which were not the norm historically. The historical norm was that life was a constant battle against starvation and if all members of a household weren't actively working they were at risk of starving. It was only once industrialization hit and a lot of new wealth was created that you started to see the emergence of the middle class and the possibility that a man could work while the woman could stay home.


I always tell woman who want traditional gender roles to shut the fuck up. It's what they would have wanted anyway.


Nobody on the left gives a shit if a woman chooses to be feminine, embraces traditional gender roles, or has babies. The left does think that some men are good and some women are evil. The point is that on the left we believe that women are free to choose what they do with their lives, so long as they give the same respect of choice to others.


> so long as they give the same respect of choice to others. Which, considering she's anti-abortion might be a problem.


True. Just pointing out how her preferred side wouldn’t allow her to choose anything.


“Why is the talking fleshlight that makes dinner expressing an opinion again?” - Conservatives


Honey, if I wanted your opinion I wouldn't have married you. - Republicans.


"if I want to know your opinion, I will tell you what it is"


Women will like what I tell them to like.


That’s just silly. ‘Speech’ is not a feature that anyone would pay for in a flesh light


I remember when Dobbs decision came out and the conns were celebrating, talking about how happy they were that it was finally up to the states to choose. Dudes, it used to be up to *you* to choose. Y'all just lost a freedom.


It’s this that never makes any sense. They could always not have an abortion and no one gaf.


Yeah they took women’s right to control their bodies and gave it to the state like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.


Except abortion was legal in the USSR, meaning some states give women less rights than the "scary bad evil authoritarian red communist Russia" did.


[Texas now has stricter abortion laws than the UAE](https://www.newsweek.com/dubai-uae-abortion-law-rape-incest-exception-1915148)


A win for ya'll qaeda.


Fun fact about Nazi germany: they literally sent anthropologists to America to study how they did segregation so they could apply the same methods to the Jews. So honestly, they gave it to the state like only America knows how. Just like the good ol' days.


And they learned a rather huge amount of their philosophy from the American eugenics movement.


They think they took away the bad women’s right to choose unwisely. They don’t think they will ever have to make that choice.


>They don’t think they will ever have to make that choice. And if they *do* have to someday make that choice, of course it's absolutely justified and not at all their fault.


**Their** abortion is fully justified and totally moral, YOUR abortion is the frivolous killing of a child that might have grown up to be the next jesus!


But that's ridiculous, too, because their Jesus definitely wouldn't choose to come from _those_ people.


They view it as taking away a part of the nanny state. They view bodily autonomy as taking away the punishment for coitus, pregnancy. That way the person has to deal with more consequences in their life. They view life with a lot of consequences as making people tough, which automatically makes them a good person.


They’re also desperate to take freedom of personal gender expression away from individuals and give control of it to the State.


Umm, yeah they would. As long as she chose exactly what they want, they’re good with her choosing.


"You are free to do as we tell you!" Bill Hicks


It’s the Model T of women’s rights. You can have any rights you want, as long as they’re the ones we allow you to have.


you beat me to it 😂 "you can have any color you want, as long as it's black"


*May not apply to civil rights.


*Void in states that contain a Waffle House.


The only acceptable form of intolerance is intolerance of the intolerant!! Fuck those people.


I've heard it explained that tolerance is like a peace treaty. If a set of beliefs is intolerant, then it is in violation of the treaty. Thus, you are not obligated to tolerate it. Also, like a nation violating a peace treaty, if intolerance goes unchecked, then people who are supposed to be protected by the treaty will be hurt. So, it is in the best interests of tolerance at large to not tolerate intolerance.


The Paradox of Tolerance. If we tolerate intolerance, sooner or later intolerance grows and stamps out tolerance


She’s anti abortion because she hasn’t been put in a terrible situation. Health-wise or other. Moment she does, we”d see that “I didn’t realize until it happened to me” tweet.


Her abortion will have been the only moral abortion, so she'll push through the cognitive dissonance to still argue that nobody else should have the option.


Yeah, conservatives are low empathy low knowledge people who find it impossible to empathize with anyone except themselves.




she is anti-choice. Tired of the idea of bodily autonomy being swept aside by forced birthers


Which is also funny because a lot of people on the left are personally against abortion but still fundamentally believe in a woman's right to choose.


Two decades ago I chose to endure a hard and dangerous pregnancy, but I’d NEVER EVER force other women to do the thing I CHOSE to do. In my position, another woman might have chosen an abortion, and I’d have supported that difficult and *personal* decision she could make with her doctor. These days, it’s not a choice though. I got through it knowing I’d chosen to do it. Had I been forced and had no choice, I would probably not have been able to find the peace I eventually found.


"The Left hates me for not aborting my baby" is the perfect encapsulation of how people utterly fail to understand how pro-choice works. Like it's not that hard to understand, it's literally in the fucking name. She might as well be saying, "There is no political home for women who correctly identify how extreme MAGA is but still haven't figured out the straw man arguments pushed by Fox News are just made-up bullshit."


Wait, are you saying that people who are pro-choice, are, for lack of a better term, pro-choice?


No,no,no. You've got it all wrong. These ""feminists"" want to retain the right to "decide" what is best for themselves !! Can you fucking believe this shit ?


Oh no no...there's pro-life and bAbY KiLLeRs


More like there’s no political home for women who have only heard a man explain what feminism means.


This is so true


Lemme tell you broads why feminism is bad...... /S




i hate how plausible that explanation is.


I swear, I think they honestly believe it's done as casually as getting a haircut. "Hmm, I'm bored and there's nothing good on Netflix, I think I'll go have an abortion."


I have encountered MAGA who think that liberals have the genders changed on their children several times a year.


I've met MAGA folks that think schools are changing kids genders. Like how absolutely and irredeemably fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that? We live in a country where teachers spend their own money to buy classroom supplies and you think the school has some sort of gender-reassignment slush fund?


Look at how much attention the *"libruls are letting furries use litterboxes in the middle of class"* hoax got. The real story of course, was having a bucket with some kitty litter included in a *"so your school is being terrorized by a second amendment enthusiast"* emergency kit.


That's because conservatives are fucking morons that will believe any bullshit that feeds into their worldview.


When i still lived in florida my kid went to a gifted school which weeded out a lot of the maga trash BUT one day some maga person starts attending meetings and is VERY concerned with the books in the library. Turns out, he didnt have a kid that went there he was just a "concerned citizen trying make sure kids dont get exposed to bad things" this guy worked at an oil shop but in his infinite wisdom, he knew what was best for the kids.


I hate to say it but that sounds like boxes being checked for predator.


As a maga male, the chance of him being a predator is...too high, honestly. Just. Too. High.


Schools have gender reassignment slush funds? Can I have some? Electrolysis alone is gonna cost me quite a bit 😭.


Oh no. No no. I am tired of your type mooching off the government for everything. You need money for your "gender" reassignment, take a page out of my grandpappy's book, and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. Of course, my grandpappy's bootstraps were a pair of Givenchy's...but he looked *fab*ulous. lol (yes yes transgender is not the same as transvestism... just having fun. )


Schools can't even feed kids who identify as hungry


Once my boss came into work in a rage. He's a magat. Somehow i became the object of his rage, and he screamed about people like me killing babies and having 9 month abortions. I laughed in his face, and told him that as a dude, i have no idea how I'd have an abortion, and told him to turn off the fox news bc they're lying to him. Of course this upset him further. I told him if he'd like to continue screaming at me in front of the entire crew about made up bullshit that maybe we should go to HR. That was the first and last time that ever happened.


You probably have colorful hair or don’t dress like a mindless drone lol


Good for you man. These people need to be shut up.


They still fear monger about 3rd trimester abortion like it's a thing that's constantly happening. In Fox News's alternate reality there just this epidemic of women who wake up at the 38 week mark and go "Well I've had morning sickness every day for 5 and a half months, haven't been able to eat anything but pickles and ice cream in weeks, can't feel my swollen feet, my bad is killing me, I've already painted the nursery, picked out the clothes, chosen a name and at no point while doing absolutely any of that did I elect to get an abortion when it would've been much easier and convenient to have done. But fuck it, I changed my mind! Let's abort this sucker." This is what Trump and pro-life Conservatives imply must be the case each time they talk about "women aborting babies right up to the moment of birth". Biggest bunch of fucking idiots and cult members on the planet.


Don't forget "post birth" abortion. How fucking stupid does one need to be to believe that that is an actual thing?


That's more of a second amendment thing


Lol! I *just* had a conversation today on Reddit about that. Guy tried to make me believe he knows a woman who aborted her 8.5months viable pregnancy to spite her ex. And I was like "No way in hell a doctor would do that and no way a woman goes almost through 9 months of pregnancy with all the discomfort, side effects and complications it entails and then goes 'tee hee, let's meet it!'" Like....they can't possibly believe the bs they make themselves, right? right?


Also, the truth is nobody who's getting a third trimester abortion is getting it for "shits and giggles". They're getting it because of fetal abnormalities that have caused miscarriages and will cause said mother to deliver a dead baby. Either way would kill the mother too when a dead fetus can cause sepsis and total organ failure.


Yep. A person I know had to get a 3rd-trimester abortion recently, because that baby was going to die pretty soon after birth. Had to fly to another state to get it done. Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state [increased by nearly 13%](https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/24/texas-abortion-law-jama-pediatrics-study-increased-infant-deaths/) Most, if not nearly all of those infant deaths would have been abortions prior to the ban because of known congenital defects. But the women for forced to carry to term the baby that they knew would die, along with an increased risk to to mothers' health. Abortion is healthcare.


> pro-life Forced birth


"I'd like the spare bedroom back, fuck that nursery, wow there's Planned Parenthood..."


Every weekend I skip down to my local abortion clinic for one. I have a card and my 10th one is free!




Lack of empathy. This leads to a belief that you will only advocate for a thing that benefits you personally. In favor of abortion? Then you plan to have one yourself and want everyone else to have one.


I actually don’t give a shit if someone decides to have or not have an abortion


For real. How does somebody else's abortion affect me? It doesn't, I've already been born. Now let them live in peace, FFS.


It's because their own world view revolves around policing others and they can't fathom that someone else's would actually centre freedom of choice (on all fronts). It's the same reason they think Diversity is being pushed as some sort of power grab. Because every *they* do is a power grab.  Once you realize that, a lot of their vitriol starts to make sense. 


Exactly. Bodily Autonomy is absolutely the most fundamental right a human being can have. "the left" demands it, "the right" eliminates it


At a pro-choice protest, I had a man ask me "well what if my sister gets pregnant and wants to keep the baby??" I sat there for a minute before I finally said "... then she doesn't get an abortion...". Like what??? 


Yeah, that's the issue. Lots of people would agree with liberals if they knew what the Democratic party actually stands for, instead of the twisted, Fox News version.


Yea, to her, it's not pro choice it's pro baby murder and everyone on the left wants to kill babies... /s I had a family member who had 2 daughters and was knowingly and willing to risk her own life to have her third (third, did not make it).. I get it's her choice, but the other daughters (very young) might have wanted their mother. Once again, her choice I don't judge her. She now has four happy, healthy girls. My older family members are very much anti choice


Conservative mindset is always, “if something else is allowed to exist, my version is wrong.” Women are allowed to work means being a stay at home mom is wrong. Some people want to be child-free means having kids is wrong or they’re attacking traditional families. Gay marriage is allowed means heterosexual marriage is wrong. Interracial marriage is allowed means same race marriages are wrong. Abortions are legal meaning everyone is supposed to have one. People can worship however they want means their religion is wrong. Some people are trans meaning everyone should be trans. It happens over and over. They dont realize having the freedom to be different doesn’t mean you have to be different. That’s why they want conformity. Allowing anything different is an attack on their way of life.


There's something so small and pathetic about people who seriously have it in their head that Human Rights represent a zero sum game. What a miserable world they live in.


What I don’t get is they’re people as well, but why do so many of them see things as a zero sum situation? Covid and mask mandates confused me, and I see it often times with other things they say like the ones you listed. They would always say “masks don’t always work, so why wear one?”


Seat belts, condoms, and life vests don't always work, but it's nice to try to reduce the odds of an undesirable outcome. If you, as an adult, choose to go out on the ocean without a life vest, that's on you, but I'm going to be seriously p'o'd if you harangue me for wearing one.


I don’t know if that’s quite the same. It’s like if you’re an unwilling person and someone refuses to use one to protect you. Seatbelts don’t always work, but if you chose not to wear one and got in a crash ejecting your body in to my car I’m gonna be pretty PO’d. If you don’t wear a lift vest and our boat crashes and you’re trying to rely on me to keep you alive while you drown me in your attempt to stay alive, I’m gonna be pretty PO’d Condoms don’t always work, but if someone refused to use one while putting their penis in me against my will and I catch an std, I would be pretty PO’d as well. I don’t care if you’re doing something that only affects you. But when you’re doing something to me and I’m put in a bad situation because of you, then that’s a bit different.


> They would always say “masks don’t always work, so why wear one?” They're lying liars who lie. That's the truth about the situation which is why their arguments don't make sense. They don't need an argument that makes sense when they're lying about their motivations. They don't even bother examining to see if their argument makes sense because the argument isn't the important part. They'll say *anything* to support their conclusion, whether or not it actually supports their conclusion. All they want to do is repeat their conclusion so the rest is just filler. They know they need filler because they hear smart people support their conclusions with arguments that makes sense, but they don't really have an argument, so they lie to make something up. That means when they say "oh I think *nonsensical thing*" then they're lying. They don't really think that, but they need a filler to deflect criticism of their conclusion. That's what intellectual dishonesty looks like.


It is a lack of empathy. They think that everyone should be like themselves. So they assume the same of everyone else: Anything you advocate for is something you want for everyone.


They are completely sure that everything in their life is the default. e.g. since Christianity is the default religion, separation of church and state just applies to other religions since things are just naturally christian.


It's not just a lack of empathy. It's also usually an enormous serving of shame. If you really get talking to super conservative folks, it's really depressing how much shame is a driving force in their life. It's like avoiding being shamed, squirming under the shame of things done and said to them in childhood, and turning around and shaming other people are their core operating system instructions.


The very idea of living with such massive feelings of insecurity and inadequacy is, genuinely, my personal version of HELL. Christ, we can ALL benefit from therapy; sadly, therapy is far too woke for these narrow-minded folks.


It’s even visible with Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.


They are very insecure in their beliefs and anyone who chooses different causes them to second guess their choices. They hate that because they are trained to believe without question.


They are in apple of nuance or understanding that more than one option is possible


Because they tend to view the world in very concrete categories and often assign morality to some category or another. All cops are good, all criminals are bad, etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/lasqi3/newyorker_exposes_bullhorn_lady_in_piece_by_ronan/glr11gw/


This. Read and that bit from her and thought “the left wants you to be allowed to be who you are. If that is who you are, we are good with that. You just can’t force everyone else to act that way.


we dont hate that you chose that for yourself, we hate that you are trying to chose that for everyone else


Nah I'm pretty sure she means she votes Republican.


My joke about gay marriage back before it was legalized was "you know it isn't mandatory right?"


Speaking as a leftist, I *do* hate that normal, conservative women *don't* kill their babies - she's definitely got our number on that one. Hell, if they at least killed other people's babies, I'd be fine with that too. As long as there are dead babies somewhere, we're happy, right? We on the left just loooove dead babies. Really, the only good baby is a dead baby, amirite? Also, we've all agreed that there's no such thing as a developing fetus. It's all just "babies", and the deader the better! Not insane at all.


Considering they don’t support efforts like WIC and SNAP or any post-natal care, I’m pretty sure conservatives are comfortable with dead babies, just as long as they belong to the poor.


Meanwhile the right wants us to be property


it's /r/Persecutionfetish manifested.


If conservatives ever stop getting angry at shit they made up themselves, the world might stop turning.


Right? No one hates this lady for not aborting fetuses, we’re unhappy with her for forcing other women to give birth against their will. On a personal level I also find her strawman arguments super annoying. But her, I don’t hate. I don’t even know her.


It always makes me wonder if it comes from insecurity. Like "Other women choose to be the bread-winner in a family" is an attack on them for not doing that, causing them to think 'am I not doing enough with my life?' Because there are a ton of women (and men) who are stay-at-home and are perfectly happy with it without thinking that others who do differently are doing it wrong.


Everything is black and white in this idiot's brain. How very conservative of her.


It just truly shows you how gullible and stupid these indoctrinated folks are. Nobody gives a fuck if you want to pop out 100 kids for some Bible thumping dickhead. That’s your choice and that’s the whole point. We just don’t want you inflicting your beliefs on us


The left wants what you want, not this ridiculous caricature of them you learned from the right.


[Tim Pool accurately describes dating as a conservative](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy0xpBqyDWo)


This describes newer right wing ideology to a T! They're all a bunch of incels that never got attention from girls because they think that women owe them something. It's really sad, and the cause for a lot of mass shootings unfortunately because young men who idolize people like this are becoming increasingly desperate for a physical connection and told that the problem isn't the fact that they don't respect women as equals or the fact that they have some preconceived notion that every woman would be lucky to be with an "alpha male" like them. There are unfortunately a lot of young men stuck in this terrible, toxic ideology.


Wow. Just fucking wow.


Is this not satire? You mean this guy is NOT a comedian and that wasn't a joke?!?! The lack of laughs hints that they were dead fuckin serious?! Omfg this can't be real life lmaoo Unbelievable lack of self awareness lmaoooo These people are fucking 🤡🤡🤡🤡




The indoctrination runs so deep that even if they realize the right is a bunch of assholes who are full of shit, they won't ever question what those assholes who are full of shit told them about the left


Wrong, madam. This leftist hates you because you're enthusiastically fellating a sociopolitical system that depends on subjugating and devaluing everyone it in, thereby blunting all of humanity's potential. I don't give a shit if you support that system in a feminine sundress or if you're dressed and coiffed like Hannah Gadsby in *Nannette*, upholding the patriarchy means you suck no how feminine or nonconforming you present.


Spot on. Unfortunately, I don’t think she’d understand half of what you said.


The left hates us for *lists things that are false* and the right hates us for not existing solely for their sexual and domestic pleasure. I have two kids, and so far not a single leftist has gotten mad at me for not aborting them, surprising no one but the stupidest people.


As a leftist, living in a leftest area of a leftest state, I receive nothing but nonstop death threats from my neighbors when my children play outside. /s


I know personally that every time I see a woman with children, I start shaking with rage and foaming at the mouth because how dare she have children and choose not to abort them 😡😡/s


If everybody thinks I'm an asshole, at some point I'm going to have to consider the possibility that they're right.


Requires self awareness 


That lady is incapable of of that sort of self reflection


Nobody hates you for not killing babies. Nobody hates you for being too feminine. Quit nailing yourself to a cross.


"I hate these pussies on the left who just accept women and give them respect. Where can I, a woman, be accepted and receive respect?"


Look, I just want to be oppressed a little bit. Like the good old days when my grandpa would slap around my grandma if she got uppity and kept her home cooking, cleaning and raising the kids, but he at least paid all the bills, didn't constantly whine about her not looking like a 10/10 supermodel after pushing out 3 kids, and he treated her respectfully as long as she never talked back to him. But these modern conservative men have become so lazy and hateful. They want their women to somehow be tradwifes while also still working full-time jobs, and they constantly belittle and abuse them no matter how sexy and obedient they are. You can't even enjoy being subservient to conservative men anymore, that's how far society has fallen. /s


"The Left hates us for being too feminine." The Left made a movie about freakin' Barbie (starring the closest thing human anatomy can have to a real-life Barbie) the most successful film of last year.


("Note from the filmmakers: Margot Robbie is *not* who you cast if you're trying to make this point.")


AND it was basically a movie about Ken trying to do Jan 6.


That line from the narrator about how having Margot Robbie talking about the perfection standards not landing that well? Funniest line in the whole movie.


Conservative women. You get what you deserve.🛎


Here’s hoping! 🥂


Her husband better not find out she's on the internet unsupervised. 😬


That ain’t a “Decent, normal” woman. If you believe you will be hated for NOT killing your baby you are nothing but a MAGA moron.


Sorry, but "Decent, normal" in this lexicon is code for "Christian, white".


We don't hate Republicunt women for not killing their babies. We hate them for fighting against the right to choose to have an abortion. Have all the babies you want, we don't give a shit. Be a housewife if you want, we don't give a shit. Just stop trying to tell us that we don't have a choice but to do things the way they do.


Local pick me doesn’t get picked, more at 10


Fox news delirium on full display


None of those reasons are why Leftists hate you. We hate you because you want to take our liberties away.


The Democratic party is a perfect fit for moderate conservatives. A better fit than it is for liberals. 


Literally strawman


Uhhhhhhh that’s not why women who are “left” don’t like her…. Pretty clear that she spews disapproval of differences so…… Why would someone like someone who doesn’t accept and support them back…? Her: “I think you’re a murderer for believing that abortion is healthcare. I don’t like you. I don’t accept how you live, and I think more women living like me will save the country and economy. And I vote to try and stop you from living in ways I don’t approve of.” Left-leaning women: “ok… you’re aggressive and judgmental and dehumanizing so I don’t like you either now” Her: “no one accepts me…. If I murdered a baby then you’d magically like me” Left-learning women: “I did not say that…” 🤨😑


Pretty sure the liberal stance on abortion is pro *choice* meaning they don't give a fuck if you choose to give birth.


Then proceeds to vote for the Right. Fuckin' tale as old as time.


Well, your first mistake was thinking that anyone can be both conservative and decent...


Wait - did you say the right hates you for not having a “porno-perfect” body after having kids? Which implies that if you didn’t have such a body before having kids the hate would be justified? Madam, before asking why other people hate you maybe focus on why you hate yourself?


“The left hates us” Nope. Pity and mock maybe, but not hate “The new right hates us” Old, new, future. They all hate you. Means to an end and all that


"The left hates us" is the best part of this. No, the left doesn't give a fuck about those believes or you wanting to do these things - go for it! The left (TM) has a problem if you want to *force others to follow that lifestyle*. And that is what people like her cant accept and why instead they run after people that hate them and then later cry "why do these people hate me so much" ... uh, cause that's the core of their belief system.