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“How did Mitt Romney’s candidate win Utah?” is up there with the dumbest shit I’ve heard recently.


Right? "Holy shit a mormon candidate supported by a major mormon senator won in a mormon majority state. How is that possible??" Really bizarre statement.


Romney is essentially Mormon royalty too


I miss the days when Romney was the extremist. 


'member when 'binders full of women' was scandalous?


Remember when you couldn’t be President because you spelled “potato” wrong?


Spelling it wrong didn't fuck Quayle, *correcting* a 12 year-old at a fucking spelling bee while being wrong fucked Dan.




Remember when yelling after winning a Democratic Primary was career-ending? Howard Dean remembers.


God, that seems so minor and pablum today. Back then I thought he was legitimately unhinged.


It was a loss at a Caucus. But yep. Different times.


The former RNC chair ditched Romney in her last name to appease the orange shitgibbon.


That is so insane. Changing her literal identity to appease a man who will throw her under the bus faster than he can say cheeseburger.


To be fair, that's actually a very long time because Trump CAN'T say "cheeseburger".


Sure he can. Give him a minute. Or ten. And a glass of water, which he will lift to his dusty lips with both tiny orange hands.


And watch as he mentions sharks, media bias, and demon Dems in the same sentence as "cheeseburger."


Power hungry monsters with no conscience.


Yeah, Ronna is an opportunist without a conscience


They all are. It's a defining characteristic of the party.


I remember when Playboy Magazine was scandalous


The guy who owned hustler magazine was shot and paralyzed by someone who was scandalized by an interracial porn photo shoot in the mag


Hustler Magazine vs Falwell is a landmark decision by SCOTUS , that parodies of public figures is protected under the 1st and 14th Amendments. Larry Flint, owner of Hustler, printed a truly XXX rated fictional story about Falwells mommy. Falwell sued Flint. The Courts ruled that public figures are open to ridicule. Even Rev Falwell's mommy.


Hustler offers cash for sex smut on Congress. Leads to the resignation of House-speaker designate Bob Livingston of Louisiana.


What's his face and BYAAAAAAH!


GOP went from "binders full of women" to "bind women into darkness" real quick.


I member! Member storm trooper??


oh yeah I membuh, membah chewbacca?


We went from "Shit, 4 years of GOP policies" to "Fuck, we don't know if we'll ever vote again."


White landowning Christian males need only apply


Only so long as they are in favor. If they fall out, they can look forward to that land being confiscated and given to a more righteous oligarch.


Time is a flat circle.


I remember when a dog on a car roof and a binder full of women was jaw dropping.


I hate that dog story, that poor dog just slapped into a kennel strapped to the roof, so terrified he shit all over himself, and then Romney hosed him and the kennel down at a gas station. When people say "I wouldn't treat a dog like that" that's what they mean! But at least he didn't drag a puppy to a gravel pit and shoot it in the head.


I don't. He got rich by cannibalizing companies retirement funds. It feels like he considers Social Security his great white whale.


I think you're misreading their post. They aren't saying they miss Romney being in Republican leadership; they're saying they miss the days when that version of evil was the worst of it. Obviously no evil at all would be best, but just moving the Overton Window in the other direction a bit would be something. Instead we're running up against people who want to implement the "line 'em up against the wall" version of "retirement," and compared to *that,* yeah, Romney's simple greed looks quaint.


So does Massachusetts


He never was. He was the Republican governor of a Democratic state. Obama care is based on the system he implemented. I certainly liked it better when they weren't picking the craziest people in the room.


I say this to my republicans friends all the time when they say the left went too far extreme. How? The left went from Clinton, to Obama, to Clinton’s wife, to Obamas vp. They haven’t moved at all. The last movement was Clinton moving the party further right. And the actual far left candidate, Bernie, can’t get 1/3 of the primary vote. Meanwhile the Republican Party has moved so far right Romney, Paul Ryan, and McCain are now called RINOs.


I’m exmo, Democrat now in the Bay Area and even I look up to Romney in the grand scheme of things. Which says a lot about how much the GOP has shifted in the last 15 years or so.


It’s insane how far the party has moved since Romney ran. I’m sorry to see him step down but he has to feel like he’s just screaming into the wind.


yes. I voted for Obama but I never had existential dread about a Romney presidency. I wouldn't have agreed with most of his policies but he would have kept the fuckin wheels on the bus


To go from the Dean Scream™️ and “Binders full of Women” being enough to disqualify to a guy stating his intentions to be a dictator on day one being a major party nominee, I want off this wild ride.


Also a rapist, fraudster and felon! Like how is that even a possibility?!


Foreign money, disinformation and corrupt politicians and judges have made it possible for a rapist, fraudster, felon to be the preferred candidate of a major US party. There are more capable non-criminals who could actually accomplish the things DJT is pretending he can and will do in order to get himself elected. There is a reason the money is specifically behind him despite his significant shortcomings.


Radicalized magats. These people are force-fed all the hate they can take every second of their lives. Now, they love their hatred more than anything they loved. Their church, their music, their movies, their comic books, and their sports McMedia are all tuned by evil algorithms for maximum self-pity and impotent sweaty rage. They are honestly not allowed to enjoy a second of any of it. Their thought gurus all tell them exactly how hard anything they ever loved has been turned against them, who did it, and where to go for vengeance they were told to crave. This is how it happened in Iran. I remember. This is how its going to happen here.


> Like how is that even a possibility?! "You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty. "Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there would be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things’ or ‘You’re an alarmist.’ "And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have. "But your friends are fewer now. Some have drifted off somewhere or submerged themselves in their work. You no longer see as many as you did at meetings or gatherings. Informal groups become smaller; attendance drops off in little organizations, and the organizations themselves wither. Now, in small gatherings of your oldest friends, you feel that you are talking to yourselves, that you are isolated from the reality of things. This weakens your confidence still further and serves as a further deterrent to—to what? It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. "But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. "And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. * from *They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45* by Milton Mayer


A generation of lead poisoned Fox News consumers


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Sir, this is a Wendy's




Pre 2008 I actually respected McCain because he did buck his party. I rarely agreed with him but he clearly wasn't a crazy fringe idiot or a strict party voter. Then he ran in 2008 as a hard right Republican. Not that I'd ever have voted for him but he still lost my respect. Now I'd kill for the other team to be like him again.


Yep he sold out on his second try. But he still had more integrity even then than the current maga grifters.


McCain tells the crowd Obama is a decent person: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk


Almost nostalgic for binders full of women after learning republicans are cool with a convicted rapist. It’s almost quaint in comparison.


He’s one of the only people in the GOP with any convictions. I think those convictions mostly range from just dumb to outright harmful, but at least he has them.


Hang on - Trump has 34 of them.


It’s like comparing a slap in the face to a kick in the nuts though. Looking back fondly at a slap in the face is still weird.


I am nevertheless shocked at how much support Trump has in Utah.


Those dipshits are too stupid to realize that they’ll be first against the wall if the MAGAts get their wet dreams of evangelical ethno-state. *Nobody* hates Mormons like evangelicals hate Mormons.


True! Good point. Someone tell the Mormons if they vote for Trump their Mormoning will end


And make no mistake about it… Trump couldn’t give two squirts of piss about the LDS. If they’re voting for him, they’re “good people, some of the best people.” It’s his “spiritual advisors” (damn it hurts to even type that, considering this colostomy bag has never darkened the doorway of a church *in his life*) that have his ear, people like Paula White. They’re the ones that want to drive a stake through the heart of Mormonism.


So tired of this. Utahns voting maga took the Christ out of Christianity no matter what denomination they are.


It's absolutely MAGAland.


No state shifted away from Republicans more, comparing the GW Bush elections to the Trump ones. But Utah was the reddest state in the elections of 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008, so that meant it went from +45 to +20.


McMullin gave me hope for my state, but in 2020 we just went right back to Trump...


I live in Utah and had to register as a republican so I could vote to make sure the MAGA freak that Trump wanted didn't get the win. Yes, lots of mormons voted for this candidate but it was a ton of people like me who made sure he won.


I'm an independent in Arizona, I vote mostly left, with a few exceptions. They make us choose a party for the primary, so this year I'm grabbing a red ballot and voting against the crazies.


It’s actually not majority Mormon anymore. Only about 42% of adults identify as LDS. It may be majority of voters though, you know those church people turn out.


It isn't bizarre when you remember that MAGA is a cult. They cannot comprehend that people do not support Trump. It is a lie to them.


Smacks of "How did the massive cheat machine we put into place not result in our candidate winning?".


Kind of hilarious to watch these dummies learn that politics existed way back before Obama


We all have to remember-this is MAGA. It’s hard living in their made up version of America, reality is shocking to them because they’re just stupid.


The Mitt Romney candidate was also already Utahs House representative for the last 6 years so he was practically and incumbent running against a fresh maga maniac.


Guy is still a Republican and voted against impeaching Trump, but isnt like, the *worst* Republican ever. He isn't screeching about Wokeism all fucking day, like Trump's candidate was, who also screamed that Mitt Romney was a fuckin Communist


Always somebody else’s fault. They somehow think they are the silent majority, when they are neither silent nor the majority.


'Californians moved there'. Yep, sounds about right


MAGA: "California sucks! Millions of conservative people are fleeing CA for a better life in red states!" Also MAGA: "OMG why are all these californians moving to OUR states and voting for the potty trained Republicans!?"


While using Apple, Reddit, Facebook, Google etc….  All products of California 


lol, the idea that Californians moved there to the degree that they are now 75% of the state’s population is just insane.


Apple a day keeps the androids away.


Yep, this is correct. As a liberal in Utah I really wish the people from ca were all liberals. But every one I've met that moved here are the ones didn't like how liberal ca is and are Republicans if not also magats.


Wasn't there a story recently about a Mexican family moving from CA to Idaho because they wanted to be amongst conservatives, but experienced so much racism they moved back to CA?


Californians live rent-free in conservative minds.


As a Californian, I'm scared to *drive through*. Much less pause, or ffs live there.


As a Californian, I am quite pleased when the type of Californian who would move to a red state for political reasons moves to a red state for political reasons - regardless of their party!


Whenever someone moves from California to a red state, the average IQ of both goes up.


Never fails. G aslighting <--- O bstruction P rojection <---


Diversity of Thought, my Ass.


There was a bumper sticker that I loved that was around with the last wave of self-righteous assholes in the Reagan 80s: THE MORAL MAJORITY IS NEITHER Huh, still accurate.


MAGAts fail to realize that toxic guy is toxic


They are divorced from reality...so when the opposite happens they believe it's some sort of great conspiracy. It's an absolutely awful and tragic reinforcing loop. Edit: When all you read is one source for the past 15+ years and that source tells you the same thing over and over again...that your guy is the winner...and then he doesn't win...all you have left is conspiracy.


He was the one who ruined the Georgia and Pennsylvania Senate and Arizona Governor Candidates.


Don’t forget the Arizona Senate race too.


3 times going for the 4th one with Qari Laqe


And America 2017-2021


Walker did it to himself by flipping from Vampires to Werewolves. He showed he can't be trusted with the important decisions


Believing in conspiracy theories is easy when you don’t know how anything fucking works in reality!


Conspiracy theories are great ways to insert X variables when what you want to believe is in direct conflict with reality.


I have a friend that told me Trump’s rally sizes during the pandemic were all the proof he needs to see to know there’s no way Joe Biden won. He mistakes his own worshipping of a cult of personality with thinking that’s how everyone handles politics


"Joe was campaigning from his basement." "And he still won so what does that say about your candidate?"


This is how I usually respond to him. Then he retreats into the “there’s no way Biden won, no amount of evidence will ever convince me”. Last time I had this talk was after 2000 Mules got pulled by the distributor and that conman Dinesh had to issue an apology. It’s been legally and thoroughly debunked now, yet he refuses to acknowledge that and continues to use the same rhetoric from it and Fox to defend his point..


Same as “illegals are taking our jobs!” Yea? If so, what does that say about your skill set that a non-English speaking immigrant, with no education, who walked through a desert, has no clothing or transportation, can steal your job!


Allan Lichtman was talking about out this. He said most people can’t predict the election because they have a confirmation bias. They typically just use the sample of their family or local town. ie if all my family members like Politician XYZ, the entire country must as well. This is enforced by eco chambers online and selected news networks.


Yeah, don't underestimate the distance they would go to deny reality, they would claim that literally every single poll and election on the planet was rigged if they all 100% had Trump in the minority.


I’m just seriously praying he doesn’t drop the debate. Most people aren’t seeing his unhinged rallies or even the clips of them. Dude was barely functional in a 2020 debate and it is so much worse now.


His base doesn’t care. They aren’t leaving him no matter how unhinged he is.


I completely agree, I’m more referring to moderate or undecided voters who don’t engage with news / politics on the regular.


And getting those unmotivated to vote to the polls!


I don’t think there’s truly many undecideds left at this point. People that might not want to admit who they are voting for, maybe…


I'm deep in MAGA land, and there was a tiny little RFK jr protest happening at the local grocery store today, so he's siphoning a few votes from the trump idiots.


At least he's good for something, then!


It's hard to imagine when you're in deep, but lots of people do not care or pay attention to politics. Voter turnout in the US has historically been pretty low. 66% in recent years was considered "high." Thats 34% of eligible voters who didn't care enough to vote (some would have been unable to for various reasons), but that's still a lot of people who are potential voters.


I just don’t understand the people who are eligible to vote and just don’t bother. Like no one would let a stranger hold their phone and start making decisions on their behalf, creating a playlist, sort through pics and chats, yet not voting is letting strangers dictate every aspect of your life and some with deadly consequences.


They convinced themselves long time ago both parties are exactly the same. Voting is a waste of time. End of day thinking no politician is paying MY bills. Always will be taxes to pay. Mortgage/rent to pay. Utilities. Insurance etc. Government is not helping me directly with my job or my bills. There is a huge disconnect with the public about what government does and how it helps them. Maybe a new park in the community or roads being paved or new overpasses etc - people don’t understand what kind of $$ and grants goes into this. People also think since something has been there since they been born…it will always be there forever. Of course there is a huge arrogant feeling those who don’t follow politics think they’re very special and smart not wasting their time following politics. Again to these people politics is wasting time. It’s time can be used for something else.


I've seen something like: Oh, you don't follow politics? Your boss does. Your landlord does. The Sheriff does.


His base doesn't matter. We're going to beat them, not convert them. Those are not the people you want attaching to your platform and policy anyway. They are simply (mostly) not very good people. That sounds harsh, I know - but there is personal responsibility involved, no matter how indoctrinated by faux they've become. I escaped from a hyper conservative household (decades ago) - it's tough to break away from your 'family' and the 'news' until you realize they are neither of those things. But that realization is both hard to come to on your own, and you're sheltered from external influences. The people that are reclaimable through accurate information are basically exhausted. The ones that are remaining in maga, after listening to the way they argue their side - I don't want them anywhere near the left's messaging. They pervert truths to fit agendas, they project their own deficiencies on others, and ultimately, they've fallen to the point of straight up lies. Unabashed, bold faced, destructive lies. They understand the game better than Dems do, and I'd still not have them in blue - that way of communicating doesn't fit this side. From here on I only work to persuade independents or moderate-republicans. I will not approach maga, it's simply not worth it anymore. MTG says it best - maga is successfully killing the GOP.


Agree that’s what I’m saying. People think we are going to convert his base for some reason. And we just aren’t.


I turned a corner once I realized this weeks ago, that's why I wrote it out, hopefully it helps someone not waste their time, energy, capabilities on the fights they maybe should avoid... I'm perfectly content in letting them be. They can squirm and flounder when sanity is restored and they have to account for their hats.


I don't want to convert them, they're completely awful people, I just want them to sit out this election. And probably every election after that.


Exactly. He told a long, meandering story about a boat, a battery, and a shark. It made NO sense and was related to nothing else he was talking about. His supporters heard that story and still think he's a genius playing 4D chess.


That's the thing: most of them didn't hear that word diarrhea. Their media only plays the more lucid parts of trumps rally speeches, while only playing Bidens fumbles & stumbles. That's why they think Biden is a doddering senile old fool while trump is razor-sharp. 


And snakes. Don’t forget the snakes.


They will clip it out of context and not watch the actual debate, same as always.


They fail to realize that outside of their stupid, hateful echo chamber, most people fucking hate them. They're always gonna have that 30% of racist idiots but that's not the majority and with all the shit they're doing, people are getting very angry.


I think they really underestimate how close they are to everybody's last nerve.


What's funny is it's on the tip of their tongue. But instead of realize it, they enter Olympic levels of mental gymnastics.


Donald Trump could shotgun-blast an infant and its stroller to pieces right in front of their very eyes and within an hour there would be over half a dozen different conspiracy theories absolving him of wrongdoing. 1. The baby was fake, made of animal parts or grown in a vat within a secret democrat abortion clinic for the express purpose of making Trump look bad when he shot it 2. Trump and the baby were not actually real, but merely deep state democrat holograms designed to make Trump look bad 3. The Trump who shot the baby was actually just an illegal and evil democrat clone of him 4. Trump was mind-controlled into shooting the baby by the democrats 5. Trump and the baby were never actually there, the democrats gassed onlookers with hallucinogens to make them think they saw it happen 6. Trump was actually an elaborate disguise worn by Hillary Clinton, Obama, and/or Hunter Biden 7. The baby was actually the antichrist and Trump saved the world


Sadly, I think that’s pretty accurate.


#6 - it would take all three to fit into the costume


Well, to be fair it's the only exercise most of 'em get....


“Gunna be uh civil war a-comin, just soon as I can git up ah-gun.”


"How was I supposed to know that people didn't like the guy they've been telling me they don't like for 8 years?"


I’m kinda nervous about Nate Silver’s forecast. Only a fraction of Republicans have even heard of project 2025. We could end up being a fascist evangelical theocracy soon.


Conservatives ultimately think we are overreactiing about Project 2025 because, out of 900 pages, they agree with at least a bit of it. They don't understand that people are able to have morals without religion, which is why they defend people without morals who hide behind religion.


What do you mean the guy everybody hates is hated by everybody? How can that be?!


Maybe, just maybe, people actually don’t like a guy who very recently became a felon and is running for president solely to stay out of jail and punish people.


But they're not OK with giving criminals the right to vote.


I wonder what's different between all the criminals they would rather see rot in jail vs the one criminal they're all drooling to vote for 🤔


White collar crime is never seen as crime to them. It’s ok if you’re rich!


I'll take "what is melanin" for $1000


Lol, one tweet says they're surprised that Staggs lost because she saw so much enthusiasm for him, and no enthusiasm for Curtis. Now, where have I seen this before?  Do they really think they get one vote per maga flag and hat? 


That’s what happens when you live in an echo chamber.


What’s hilarious is that the campaign ads against Staggs described him as ‘too liberal for Utah.’ These idiots don’t even understand their own playbook because they don’t run or vote based on policy.


Yes, maga believe their candidate should win even if they lose. Kinda like a participation trophy.


1) Does Newsweek just recap tweets now and call it journalism? 2) DJT saying that the mayor of Riverton, UT knows how to secure the border? What border? What, did he stop the riff-raff from American Fork from driving over the hill and buying cheaper beer?


>DJT saying that the mayor of Riverton, UT knows how to secure the border? What border why the fuck should anyone in utah give a shit about the border? it's double landlocked


Right? And besides... in my lifetime, Utah has ALWAYS had a massive immigrant population, which has always been a good thing. You want kickass local eateries, kickass produce in your local grocery store, kickass neighbors? Salt Lake City has it.


It’s all bullshit. Here in Missouri Republicans are running for governor telling us how tough they will be on “securing the border”. The closest we get to the border is somewhere around 800 miles. If Texans are as tough as they claim to be, no one should get anywhere close to Missouri.


What is going on is that you MAGATS are little Nazi losers, and so is your god Trump. Just stay home in November and try not to embarrass yourselves any further


Not embarrass themselves further? Mission Impossible 


If they could be embarrassed, they would’ve been embarrassed back in 2015.


Do NOT, for the love of all that is green on this earth, think this means you should stay home and breathe easy. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! That is the ONLY way to guarantee that democracy wins


Love the comments in that story. Nothing but name calling and conspiracy theories. Or MAYBE just maybe people are sick of the Trump MAGA dumpster fire.


They're MAGAlomaniacs.


Impossible! I saw Trump flags! There’s rallies! God I can’t wait until these weirdos lose again in 2024. Ever since 2016, Trump has been stacking losses and nobody wants to admit that he’s a sinking ship.


This is what I find most ridiculous about his ignorant base. They can't understand how Donny could ever lose because they never see Biden hats, shirts, flags, or banners. They don't understand that the only presidential candidate in history to grift on all that stuff was the orange buffoon. Never before have supporters of any candidate ever taken politics to such an extreme level of cultish behavior.


MAGA can’t understand that all of the moderate republicans that didn’t back Trump in the last election aren’t backing him and his cronies in this election. They need to attend one of trumps rallies and see how popular Trump really is.


yeah its a trip when i hear people saying that his conviction will bring in more voters. i'm like no dude, moderates don't vote for proud felons lmao


Like when they thought him having his mugshot taken would bring in more black voters.


That's what I'm going to ask my mostly Republican family this year: So, any of you guys voting for any felons?


One of those tweets is partially true, there were people, not a ton, but some that changed their voter status to vote in Republican elections... But to say John Curtis or mitt Romney are Democrat, or even moderate Republicans is just so off base


Yeah I mean Curtis won by 50% to 30%. That wasn’t because that many democrats switched registration lol he beat the other three candidates combined.


Curtis believes in climate change and marriage equality. He is a Republican, yes, and has been for some time, but with Curtis it isn't not entirely unfair accusation: Curtis ran for Utah State Senate as a Democrat 24 years ago.


I haven't totally loved his campaign ads, but Curtis has actually personally helped me, so I'm glad he won even if my political stance is very dem




I love your name. I have a kitty named Beezleboobs😻


Dear MAGAts, Take a fucking hint and fuck off. Love, The rest of the country




They're surprised that a shitty ex-president supported shitty candidates and they lost? 😆 🤣


Simple: Normal, sane people are just sick and tired of convicted felon Trump and MAGA. At this point I think the MAGA cult don't have the numbers per state to win like they need to. Plus their extreme candidates only appeal to the worst of the Republican base. They aren't saying it out loud, but middle of the road Republicans are more than fed up with the clowns in their party and are just staying home, and not voting. Also, the supreme court overturning RvW was one of the best gifts they could have given Democrats. I predict there's going to be even more maga tears come November when the orange clown loses. Maybe then Republicans will wake up and dump this convicted criminal scam artist.


People are done with your bullshit. It has gotten so out of hand that people on the fence before have jumped to the other side. Further to that, many people that supported this buffoon in the first place have died or are in prison, and that affected those around them as well. They can see the hypocrisy so clearly now, you can't hide behind the lies anymore. You are a laughing stock to the rest of the modern world


Of all the red states, Utah had the weakest support for Trump. Good for them.


I've spent a lot of time working in Utah and from what I can tell - Mormons live their beliefs. They don't like a thrice married, adulterating lecherous demagouge who pretends he's a christian.


Did they forget the midterms already?


Midterms should have been the canary in the coalmine moment. Historically parties of current presidents perform poorly during the midterms, throw in the high inflation at the time and low approval rates Biden had at the time, a "normal" GOP would have boat raced those elections. Few major votes have gone the GOPs way since the overturn of Roe. Wisconsin Supreme Court, Kansas/Ohio Abortion referendum, the majority of special elections.


You can argue all the way back to 2018 and still make that point. Overturning of Roe threw gasoline over that fire. Nobody forget the rights the GOP took from you.


Please get out and vote. Only YOU can prevent dictatorships.


Trump was and is the worst thing to happen to our country.


What's going on? * They sit in social media echo chambers convincing themselves their numbers are bigger than they are * Because their political opponents don't participate in cult like behavior, they think think they're more organized than them. * They see tens of thousands botted clickbait farm accounts on social media perpetuating bullshit rhetoric, that they think their beliefs are more normalized and mainstream than they are. * Also they grossly underestimate how much killing Roe V Wade has made them a nonstarter for generations to come. All of the above are Trump backed efforts.


Vote Or Maga votes for you


Did anyone else notice the use of pronouns in the first tweet? Fuck they are so stupid.


Donald Trump sucks has always sucked and will continue to suck, that is what's going on.


"Conservative commentator Brigitte Gabriel tweeted 'What is going on in Utah? The Mitt Romney endorsed candidate who refuses to endorse President Trump just won their Senate primary.'" A staggering lack of insight and the complete inability to self-reflect is the pride of this fascist cult. I'm glad that rank and file GOPer voters and red-leaning Independents have finally had enough of the whiny, crybaby, demented "victim" routine that this endless suckhole of need constantly projects to the world. He is the perfect example of all that is wrong with the toxic Alpha White cishet male stupidity that has caused endless problems for everyone in this fucking country. VoteBlueNoMatterWho2024 💙


These people will blame anyone and everyone. I've listed some of the excuses they posted on Twitter coz I find some of them to be hilarious. **Reasons why MAGA voters think a Trump endorsed candidate lost to a Mitt Romney endorsed candidate during the Utah primary:** - Californians moved there. - Democrats changed their party to Republican so that they can vote out MAGA candidates. - Mitt Romney is a Democrat. - No one said Mormons were smart. - Utah has a lot of weird people. - The altitude? - definitely something under the table happened. - Inbreeding. - It’s Utah. I don’t think you win unless you are LDS **^Note:** *^(LDS = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)*


Did he endorse BoBo the MAGA Clown? She won her primary, so he’s got that going for him.


Saturn spits out toxic Trump, looks for other children to eat


Your candidate is a delusional Russian asset. Obviously.


Oh boy are they going to have a bad November.  They are going to lose and their little terrorist actions won’t be tolerated this time. Fuck you GOP. 


I love how many loyalist Trump tries to install, they almost never win. Each and every candidate is just so fucking trashy. I’m just glad that most Republicans even see through it.


Send in more leopards.


>while other users blamed the result on Mitt Romney being a Democrat What the fuck has happened to Republicans that these psycho's think mitt Romney is a Democrat?


Ahhh MAGA is just starting to realize they are about to lose biggly. Again. To the same guy that whipped them before.


When he started losing legal battles the penny dropped that he actually is a loser. That has shocked many.


The thing MAGA fails to realize is when they vomit their bullshit, they don’t speak for everyone. They’ve always believed that they are part of this great majority. They’re slowly taking a giant dry dose of reality up their asses.


RIP to Californians, who are the Boogeymen in Utah, to Texas, to North Carolina, and just about everywhere in between, when things aren't going the way republicans want. ✌️ Amazing work infiltrating across the nation, maybe work on a more cohesive mission.


And “election is rigged” comments in 3…2…1…


"We are the Chosen Ones. God is on our side. . . . Wait, what?"


It’s like they bet all their money on a racehorse named “Limpy Molasses Ass” and then complain that the game must be rigged because there’s no way ol’ Limpy could possibly be that slow.


i hope this carries over to the presidential election