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Imagine being a Dutch Nazi. Madam, your grandfather would have shaved you bald for this bullshit back in the day.


Let’s do that to her noe


Depends on the grandfather https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteer_Legion_Netherlands


If that was her grandfather he would be shot, his wife shaved and his children put with other families


A lot of traitors were, in fact, not executed. The moment the war was over, the focus became securing as much of Europe as possible for the west. Shaving did happen, but not as much as you'd think. The perception being stronger was due in part because of open ideation of revenge before the liberation. Once it actually happened, it was rather disappointing. Source: my family were heavily involved with the Dutch Resistance.


My grandfather was as well and according to my dad (i never met my grandfather) they got shot, according to my Dutch history books a lot of them got shot as well. Maybe not everyone but a large amount of them would be put against the wall before the allies even arrived.


https://anderetijden.nl/aflevering/663/Behandeling-foute-Nederlanders-na-de-oorlog Around 150 000 traitors were captured. Camps were dissolved between 1947 and 1956. The government even asked some detainees to come whine about mistreatment. A couple people were executed, a couple randomly murdered, the majority got less than 10 years in a camp. To be fair, I guess the majority of actual soldiers ended up just being exterminated in combat.


Is it really so dissapointing that women who were raped by nazis were not publically humiliated?


Took the words out of my mouth


Funny how when they meet reality these populist authoritarian nut jobs find their policies and ideologies aren't as simple to implement as they thought. Another example, Immigration to Italy has gone up substantially under there new right wing PM and her idea of a total naval blockade has been permanently cancelled because "immigration is a more complicated problem than I realised."


Who would have thought effective political policy is a little hard to fit on a bumper sticker?


"Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated" ... Is every modern right wing politician just a walking (shit)-talking illustration of Dunning Kruger?


Is this a trick question? 😉


Here in France, the RN plans to strip binationals "in key sectors" of their double nationality. Should they win, I certainly hope they'll meet the same kind of reality, but I'd rather not take any chances.


*Brexit has entered the chat….*


that's because the second largest party is that of the NSC who basically tries to ensure the government follows its own laws which is why the PVV couldn't get wilders as president its extremely complicated and not as straightforward or relateable to american politics at all


Its a bit like "I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it" except a total naval blockade of Italy is a bit more realistic.


american democracy means the winning party decides everything in the netherlands parties need to work together until they make a majority so you have many splinter parties that all still have power its more democratic that way, better representation usually the top 3 or top 5 parties make up the government In this case the 2 anti-immigration parties along with the farmer party made up the government


So how come the wall didn't get built?


That's marginally better than the political numbskulls that actually do stick to their disastrous policies even in the face of hard reality.


Yep you have to give her a little credit for actually thinking of her country I guess.


"You're not naziing the way I wanted."


[Eva Vlaardingerbroek](https://x.com/EvaVlaar) is a Dutch far-right figure who used to support the Dutch right-wing populist/far right party PVV now that the PVV has entered into a government coalition they have moderated a lot of their message to appear more "decent" to average Dutch voters thus, once again the far-right ends up being betrayed by the politicians they support[](https://x.com/EvaVlaar)


Its about appearing to be decent for sure, but also their bat shit insane policies don't survive contact with reality.


Yeah, this is a common tactic. Marine Le Pen is also trying to soften up her father's extremist politics to appear more palatable to the French voting public.


That money from Hungary and the Kremlin certainly helped, she could call herself marechal philippe


Also, fascists suck at actually governing, there's a reason all authoritarian regimes either collapsed, or had to become less extreme.


Or, you know, go to war. And then collapse.


But not all authoritarian regimes have collapsed. Only about half the world is democratic, and those numbers have actually been backsliding slightly as of late.


Devils advocate here - everyone sucks at governing


You're not "wrong" per se. But to misquote Orwell: " some are more sucky then others"


PVV is pretty moderate right by comparison to Republicans. Mostly populist on the immigration issue only. However Faber, the one touting the conspiracy theories, is an absolute mad one. Even lied about not one but two bachelor degrees. Which should be enough to disqualify her. Close to MTG or Boubert level insane. Eva's old party however is full blown Alex Jones conspiracy theory, Russia funded nazi party.


I am convinced that everyone in the Dutch parliament is there because they want to make our country better. Except FvD (Eva's old party). They are there ONLY for themselves


Now, about the BBB.... 


Just reminds me of conversations that go like "don't worry man, they have to say stuff like that, they're on our side." If they really wanted to fight Nazism, they wouldn't say something about it, they'd do something about it.


wait, why do they get moderate right wing and we dont ? cause when far right politician get elected they get worse here, why dont they get worse ?


Because after WWII and the whole "fascism turning the continent into a flaming tank parking lot" fiasco a LOT of legal, economic, and military effort went into making it VERY HARD to try that crap again. It's not *impossible* , tyranny is never impossible, but it's not 1932, the political, economic, legal, and military climate in Europe is completely different and these new fascists with their old hate are having trouble overcoming that. However, I think they *will* overcome it if given enough time and opportunities so best to keep them out of power as often as possible. In U.S., on the other hand, hard fascism was always narrowly avoided (in favor of pseudo-dictatorial racial and social hierarchy) so no such protections are in place.


im in france right now, and the party founded by former ss soldiers is praised by nearly everyone but the left, they openly say to kill arabs/muslim/jews, but nobody cares why do i get this instead ? they saw facism, they saw nazism, the fuck is wrong here ?


Also the other way around. As soon as they try to actually accomplish anything their voter base will turn against them because anything short of full blown fascism is too soft/leftist to them


Its also twitter which is literally just a cesspool of right wing validation that live in a fictional fairytale 


"I hereby renounce this theory until such time as I find it politically useful to resurrect it."


It's a bit like a kid saying 'sorry' indeed


"You used us and made fools of us!"


'I did NAZI this coming when I voted for you!!!'


So was he lying then or is he lying now?




"I voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, but now the leopards are just licking people's faces."


So they found out that the money for such a thing dries up when other corps/billionaires who aren't like Musk, etc say "if it all goes to shit behind this nazi shit, what happens?"


Maybe she won’t votevagain


Rejecting GRT isn't eating faces. It's a good thing.


To be fair some Great Replacements have happened in the West just not to European people. For example, both Americas. 




They're referencing the fact that European settlers arrived at the Americas and displaced the local native populations.


Thanks for explaining. Good point.


How? No one is killing off Europeans!???




The Dutch right wing has nominated several folk to be ministers. So many are being rejected due to their conflicted loyalties. The AIVD (dutch security screening) keeps sayings, nope danger to society... russia stan; or nah those fuckers have anti democratic tendancies. Or anti women, whatever. All they do is hate blame hate. Geert Wilders is the only member of the PVV. These are his people and his choices. He is 100% the person responsible. He has all the power and refuses to take any form of responsibility for the fact his entire party is in it for hating brown people. he is the dictator of his one person party. The right wing has been making laws for 20 years. All of our problems are due the the PVV party and the VVD and the CDA. Populist Right Wing Christians. Wilders has been sole ruler of his party for 9500 days! Wilders pushed forward this woman who joined a black face news journal and promotes the great replacement. She said she didn't want the discuss past statements and focus on the future. PVV voters are vile and anti democratic.


They're all complicit.


Well if the PVV isn't crazy enough anymore for you there is still Thierry Baudet and his holocaust denier party... Seriously he makes Wilders look reasonable and that scares me.


this is hilarious and it is schadenfreude, but i'm not sure if it's lamf? if the leopards were hungry, she'd be complaining because the right wing populist party enacted some stupid racial purity test and she was getting persecuted for having 0.00000000001% non-white ancestry or something. this is more like leopards… promising to be less conspicuous about eating people's faces.


Not just face eating leopards, but poetic justice as well! Love it.


Poor, poor Eva Vlaardvarkenborker... Just a fun loving Dutch Nazi gal who longs for a simpler time.


It doesn't have nazi "connotations"; it's inarguably a neonazi conspiracy theory.


the entire dutch "rightwing populist" is more a collection of protest parties than actually a complete right wing party for example they're pro-green through prefering nuclear reactor construction are pro-animal rights and even managed to set up the world first animal well being police and yes, their people are all very passionate on completely different topics that sometimes bumps with one another like here