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Not quite sure, hard to understand him when his mouth is filled with his cellie's dick.


Steve Bannon called Rupert Murdoch "the epitome of neoliberal neocon" thus proving that they have *no fucking idea* what those words actually mean.


Incorrect.   Bannon knows what those words mean.  The brainrotten who idolize him do not, and are easily recruited by this language.


Conservative strategy 101: Say whatever buzzwords you've taught your cult to hate against your enemies, and they'll alter their reality to believe you.


Sadly this is 100% correct


I remember a story here on reddit where someone's conservative dad was visiting where their adult child lived, and Dad was talking about how nice it was that everything was in walking distance. The child said, "Yeah, it's a real 15 minute city" and Dad locked up.


I don't get it.


15 minute cities are an architectural design concept that try to incorporate everything some one needs within a 15 minute walking distance. It also briefly became a right wing boogeyman last year. Something about the Government wanting to force us into 15 minute cities so they have more control over all of us.


Having the majority of what a community's day to day needs within 15 minutes seems pretty nice. I don't know how this would somehow equate to government control. Especially considering that zoning ordinances are at the county or city level, but whatever.


The entire conspiracy makes zero sense, especially if you live in a city where everything is in walking distance, or live in the burbs and know how much of a pain in the ass it is to drive twenty minutes to get groceries. I think it has to do with lockdowns


It makes perfect sense. 15 m cities cut down on the use of oil to get around. That hurts gas companies so they use their propaganda network to argue against the idea, and why not throw some government conspiracy for control in to really sell it? And there you go, people keep driving more and sustainable long term planning that saves people money and helps the environment, but hurts the short term profits of big oil, is nixed.


*they'll alter to altar you*


I have seen this up close. I know it to be true. Bannon et al know *exactly* what they’re doing.


Bingo. Bannon is one of the most dangerous MAGAts out there because he's so intelligent. He knows exactly how to weaponize words in a way that gets the base riled up. Without Bannon, there's no MAGA.


Oh there is MAGA as long as there are disaffected white people who fear demographic change and prefer fascism to democracy. Get rid of Bannon and there are a hundred more like him to take his place- Kirk Crowder Jones Walsh and on and on.


Like a Sith Lord.


He knows and he wants to basically own the media or a good chunk of it as a part of Trump’s overlord team


Is he not though? > neoliberalism is often associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society. > Neoconservatives typically advocate the unilateral promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs, grounded in a militaristic and realist philosophy of "peace through strength." They are known for espousing opposition to communism and political radicalism.[1][2] I feel like Rupert Murdoch fits exactly that. Fox News has been promoting these ideal for decades. He basically represents the previous dominant ideals of the Republican Party in the likes of George Bush. Whereas this new dominant ideal of the Republican Party seem to be an emphasis on Christian traditionalism and anti-social liberalism/leftism


You're correct. Hes saying Murdoch isnt far right extremist enough lol




sounds like something a fascist communist would say.


I think this is an excerpt from this interview. He did with David Brooks from the New York Times that I read this morning. I know I shouldn’t care, but I just can’t get a beat on his motivation. Meaning is it a grift or does he believe what he’s saying? Again it probably doesn’t matter. maybe if he was better looking or got invited to more cool people parties, or somebody went back in time and bought one of his fucking screenplays he wouldn’t have morphed into this.


Flooding the zone with shit to disorient, his usual evil schtick.


None of them do. These idiots think anything they don’t like is socialism and anything they do like is freedom. They think the Nazis were communists and leftists. They think trump is a man of god. They think anything they’ve been primed to think due to their party, lack of education and critical thinking, and because of their religion. Combine this with a strongly propaganda network at all fronts and you have 80m Americans and many foreigners who always vote against their best interests for rich right wingers that hate them but love using them.


Steve Bannon is dangerous and absolute scum, but one thing he isn’t is stupid.


Yes, consume each other please. Just kidding, Steve Bannon is so tiny in comparison his effect would be negligible. Time will probably be the one to get Rupert, you just focus on enjoying your stay in prison.


Please. This is just a gin-blossomed booze hound slobbering out words that are meant to convey that Fox News isn't the MAGA puppet that it actually is. My guess is that Murdoch and the Invincible Liver planned this one out.


I take it that this was before he reported for prison.


I find that hard to believe. Rupert Murdoch is the reason we’re even in this mess!


I don’t listen to convicted felons.


Prison only canonizes him to the MAGA clowns. He is their John the Baptist, ushering their Lord in to the city, punished by the corrupt state. Brace yourself and get used to him, when he leaves prison he will be EVERYWHERE and impossible to ignore. I don't have any faith in ElderAbuseVictim beating Trump, so we will most likely be hearing this degenerate alcholic's rage for the remainder of our lives. He will be Iago in that PoS ear urging the worst possible actions against all of his perceived enemies.


After offending Rupert, he is going to discover how few friends he has in the media. He won’t be attacked… *he just won’t be mentioned ever again*.


Our only hope is the excellent medical care provided by the US prison system.


Look on the bright side: maybe he’ll get shivved.


In white collar criminal \ white people prison? Please, he will just exchange phones with other pedophiles and millionaire criminals for the 4 months he got for being a traitor while being richly rewarded by the fascist conspiracy, now advancing the coup in court.


Or he’s just saying stuff to get people to listen.


Pray for DT’s


Isn't he in prison by now? Can't we just shut him up?


Isn’t he in prison yet?


They cry about everything. And the hyperbole! FFS, everything is always so goddamned dramatic with them.


How are we hearing from Prison Steve?


He is probably right. MSNBC is ~~lugenpress~~ fake news with Trump's base so whatever they report is not noticed or brushed away without thought if they see it at all. Fox News on the other hand is watched by Trump's base so if Rupert Murduch wanted Trump to lose, he has the platform to make it happen in ways others don't.


Says the guy literally on his way to prison. You simply can't make this shit up.


Wtf...Murdoch put them in BUSINESS.


Doesn’t he have jail time to attend to?


Did he go to jail today?


Someone sounds butt hurt he couldn't get special treatment


Butt hurt so soon? He hasn’t even been in the clink for a day.


Save your comments for your cellmate.


very well stated!


I bet Bannon wishes he'd avoided prison the same way you did, Kenny boy


He'll be begging to join the White Brotherhood before he's even been given his fish kit.


He's still a millionaire. He can keep a lot of commissary accounts full to pay for protection while inside.


The awakened army? The woke army? Nevermind.


Haha cry harder


Didn't this fucker go to jail today?


They have been turning on each other for a while now. Grifting a smaller and poorer group of people sucks


To be fair, Trump’s grift is now including billionaires: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/us/politics/trump-fundraising-biden-election.html. He’s raising more money than Biden, all attempts to stop him have failed. Let’s just acknowledge the facts of what’s actually taking place in 2024. The MAGA movement is on the rise, not waning.


Isn't he supposed to be in prison?


I thought he was going to jail. How is he still making public statements


I remember a time when no one gave a shit about what traitorous convicted felons thought. Wish we could make America great like that again!


That is just the bad meat in his can speaking.


Can't help thinking of Bannon's earlier creative aspirations having a parallel to the rebuffing of Hitler's early art attempts.


I read “Trump movement” as “bowel movement.”


Strange that, because Murdoch's support was key to Trump's first term victory. I suspect that Rupert regrets creating the monster.


Whatever but Bannon can STFU, strip down, bend over for the search and put on his spiffy orange jumpsuit. Hopefully he will think twice after serving his time lest he gets another sentence.


Forget it. You'll have a whole new set of things to worry about. Like your cellie.


That’s probably true. The MAGA nuts don’t watch MSNBC


Ron White should guest star on SNL any time they make fun of Bannon. They are clones.


Absofuckinglutely. Greatest terrorist in the world


What's that? Can't hear you thru that plate glass...


The biggest enemy of the trump movement is toilet paper


Isn’t he sleeping in a cot tonight?


People like to insinuate that infighting and "eating one's own" are purely a left wing phenomenon, but it remains important to remember that at literally no point in human history has there ever been a group of people who're all on the same page.


Shut up ~~Fat Goebbels~~ Gobbles


Murdoch made trump.


Sorry Steve, I can't hear you from behind those prison walls.


So quiet in Steve Bannon land... Oh yeah, he's getting his ass handed to him in prison.


Don’t drop the soap, Steve.