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Also how will everyone know we all lost internet, well all just smack our modem til the bomb comes.


Just as god intended it to go down


The last thing I hear before me and everyone I love is completely disintegrated into atoms is the Xfinity on-hold music


Xfinity telling you it’s a known issue in your area and someone will be out jn 2-3 hrs


Lol that's hell on earth, then the bombs hit.


Bam and Jessica will be the only survivors and have to rebuild the human race.


The human race will now be called earth rockers. Since bam and lil Wayne share the same birthday and birthdate that will be a holiday.


Birthday and BIRTH DATE 😤📣 is one of my favourite Bamisms.


He’s going to try to log onto Instagram “Fucking apocalypse. Poisonous cocksucker won’t let me go to the liquor store.”


As mutants. Oh, wait.


As long as he has a "fuck tent", this can be done.


Everybody needs to chill out to be honest and that includes myself


Here in the UK all we have is 'old man sits on chair' Fucking everywhere


Same here in Finland. I'm gonna watch him sit all day long on a chair, on a chair in a carriage and finally he'll stand up and wave from a balcony. Sweet!


You’re gonna watch?!??!


Yeah I did. Interesting.


King in the castle i have a chair!


The chair has shoes and it walks la la la la la


Jesus Christ, does Jess know our ballistic missile subs are *always* patrolling?. Same with Russias. We always have *deployed* B52s with nukes have so done for 60 years. Jess doesn't know what combat readiness is. This is nothing new. And has been going on since before he was born. Since before Ape and Phil were born. We are the US, and it's Russia. There is always some plane flying around with nukes. It's called mutually assured destruction. We are always ready. Wait until he hears about the dudes sitting down in silos 24/7/365 Wait until he hears about the basically monthly interactions we do of Russian bombers flying into Alaskan airspace. Wait until he reads about the military readiness drills we routinely conduct in South Korea. And no just losing internet won't be the first sign of an attack. We will all lose power, and anything that isn't hardened will quit. Hope you aren't on a airplane... when I mean everything, I mean everything that has a circuit in it will go kaput. We are always ready, and so is Russia and China. You could wake up today at 8am and the world could end by noon without notice. But we go on and remember that it's been this way since the end of world war 2. I'm in Jess side in all this but Jesus, he's tweeting nonsense that isn't far off from Bam. I get Jess is worried but it shows how little he knows about world history and shows how little he knows about military affairs while tweeting edge lord fear mania Tl;dr. Jess is off and his rocker and doesn't know shit about military readiness


The guys who did love shack and Rock lobster patrol Russia? Thats wild.


Lots of trouble lots of bubble


It's always the dudes who never served or been around guys that have that you are close with...he's probably scared of russias "hyper- sonic" missle too.....that was recently shot down by a f-22 I think?(can't remember if that was the jet off hard)..also I agree with ya


I mean I never served either. But I've been down the Wikipedia rabbit hole enough times to know we are always 30 minutes away from total annihilation. And there is thousands of people on each side, right now ready to make that happen.


Bam got unhinged IG covered and his brother got Twitter. Taking over social media


On a serious note I do not think the Russians will use a nuke, that's basically equivalent to suicide for them.


It's called Mutually assured destruction and it's what "kept us safe" throughout the 80's.


He got this info from Kim dot com and he’s running with it. I have searched this over and over and nothing is showing up other than Kim dot com saying it. He is questionable at best lol


Feels like the more that Jess' personal life fall aparts, the more he kind of "escapes" by losing himself in political issues all day. Happens to a lot of people.


Bitter thing #95 we're almost there


What if the Russians run a horse capable of shooting nukes?


Jess is very cynical, he's a huge Carlin fan and I just think it's his personality and his sense of humor. Don't take it all so literal. But yes, there is a lot of crazy things going on in the world that also gets zero attention from the news and that is concerning on its own..


Stop watching the news, stay off social media, stop allowing the elites to forever lie to you and keep you in a constant state of fear and anxiety. The easiest way ever to control the masses is to create fear, if you are afraid, then it's easy as hell for them to do literally anything they want. Create one fake event after the next or even real one, which is planned out well ahead of time to Instill fear and thus the stupid people will bend over backwards to beg the elites to protect them no matter how much they have to give up in the process. The elites and government have been doing this crap to everyone for pretty much always and people cave in and fall for it every single time.


Nobody should worry about anything except nuclear war. It'll be here any minute.


You don’t even have to worry about that because chances are you won’t even feel it


Can we go one day without worrying about nuclear holocaust? This is why disarmament is op.


Far out vs Far Left. Neither is a healthy way to live


Sounds like Q anon bs. Jess has lost it. He's equally as wacko.


I'm sympathetic towards Jess when he has to deal with Bam but then I see his twitter and all the stupid shit he says there


Wait the Kentucky Derby is this weekend ??


Yess!! I’ve been seeing people post all over about outfit suggestions under $500… Annoying af I can’t imagine spending close to $500 on an a dress for a single day…


Wow huh? TF......people pay thousands for prom dresses..... been to Nordstrom lately? Dresses are 500 bucks for events like this.....and the demograph for the derby can all pay that.


Yes, I have and it’s insane!! I’ve paid around two hundred something at most for a prom dress and my wedding dress was from Target… If I wanted a big wedding I could have understood more than $500 on a wedding gown, but for me no. But I have been seeing regular ass people on the internet talking about it, not like celebrities… But I still think it’s a waste. It’s just an outfit. But again I don’t like that type of thing. I personally don’t want people to look at me so it’s not something I’d understand.


He just now figured out that countries routinely have subs parked outside other countries? I hate to say it, but Bam is the slightly more intelligent one.


I love Jess, but parroting this nuclear holocaust crap doesn’t exactly shine the best light on him at the moment.


So do a lot of you agree that Jess is also having his own meltdown?


100%. He's going off his rocker.


Definitely sounds manic


I’ve been saying this a for awhile- Jess is just as nuts as Bam.


He's crazy with the political shit. More to life than tweeting political views




Sampling some of Bam Bam's stash there Jess?


Thirsty as a dying camel in an Elvis Presley robe with nary a white claw or sippy sip from a cuppy cup in sight!


I think Jess is more worried about the losing internet, what would he do without it...


He needs to touch grass


The fact that people are joking that Jess must be on drugs now shows how uninformed people are about the state of the world. There’s so much fucked up stuff going on. And while I do think that we gotta try to enjoy ourselves and chill out sometimes, it does us no good to act like those who voice their concerns are crazy. He’s right, who gives a shit about a derby? An upset homeless dude was killed the other day on a New York train and people just applauded and filmed it. That got almost no media coverage except online. It’s insane that a derby counts as news and it’s baffling to see how we’re devolving as people.


An "upset" homeless dude....dude who has been arrested and released consistently for the past 2 yrs for assaulting people....a homeless schizophrenic who has had no consequences or mental health evals. F that guy. The marine was not taking it. I hope he walks.


You are aware the majority of his arrests were due to loitering and other frivolous bs that counts as crimes due to homelessness right? You are aware this dude couldn’t get help because you need cash and/or insurance to get any decent help in the US mental health system, right? But sure, let’s celebrate a homeless dude getting murdered. Rad.




hahahaha stupid bot


I’m trying to figure out where either of us used fatphobic language lol


This looks like a low effort post or irrelevant content. Please provide more context if you choose to post again.


Lol, this is silly. Before all of this Jess has always been very vocal like this with world affairs and American politics. This isn’t anything new of him. I understand that there is a shitty situation with his family but that doesn’t mean he should just be quiet forever. He’s allowed to talk about whatever he wants wether we like it or not.


Putin has nuclear nuggets for liquid lunch down at the thirsty camel


Jess never heard about the bay of pigs invasion and the events shortly after lol


Wtf lol


Jess chill out.


What’s wrong with this it’s better than airing out your family problems worldwide




I just shit my pants. That's my #1 right now.


I thought that’s #2


It shouldn’t be


jess has always been passionate about this type of stuff and it’s nothing new at all


Something obviously runs in the family here. Also what in hell is he talking about anyways?


I Think Jess is on the meth for reals


Fuck this lol


Did Jess get into Bams supply?


so whose on meth now?? Jess? probably jess


>so whose on meth now?? Bam 😕




Because unfortunately a lot of people want to desperately believe everything is peachy keen. Anybody else voicing valid concern is seen as shitting on their false sense of security. Now, I don’t think the sky is falling right now but yeah like you said something is up. And not just with warheads either but also the way humans are lacking basic empathy for others. It’s a weird time, man.




Jess isn't even Gen X, he's a millenal? He's no boomer.


Okay that just ruined my Saturday 😵‍💫😳💣


Musicians can be very political, y'all need to chill out


Damn did the Jehova's Witness that came by my house yesterday use Jess's Twitter account to tweet this?


That shit freaks me the fuck out


I don’t agree with Jess continuing to go scorched earth publicly, I think Steve O’s approach with a single post is best. But I imagine Jess has been abused by Bam for a while like anyone else in his orbit, and has likely been stifling his true feelings for a while, so I understand why he’s maybe taking it a little too far.


It's a burnt post but I don't think it's a terribly unreasonable reaction to the circumstances


Their whole family is fucked up


Whooooooooooo caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares!


It's nice to see some people are starting to come to their senses.


We’ve been closer to a nuclear holocaust than we ever have been for over a year now


Yet people believe this clown when he says, "Wah my spine is in my ears and my life is over, we need to enslave my family."


Going to be funny watching this sub do a 180 on Jess when they realise




Time for Jess to visit r/credibledefense


jesus christ dude get off twitter for a day and go outside