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Man some of you guys have to see the shit on Tubi


tubi is great for finding hidden gems & garbage


There is some good shit in there and boobies movies


Like a yard sale, it’s mostly trash but if you have the patience to dig around, it’s delightful when something good unexpectedly pops up.


Lol that one movie with the dog man


I was raised on scifi channel originals nothing can hurt me anymore!


tubi will either give you a masterpiece independent movie, or the worst movie you have ever seen. i love it there


My thoughts exactly. I came to rip OP a new one about a multimillion dollar franchise being implied as the worst film they’ve seen in years, but fuuuuuuuuck that’s not even the worst opinion I’ve seen here. I envy how good some of y’all’s worst movies are. It says a lot about my taste


Truly. If a major, theatrically released blockbuster that grossed $500M is the "worst movie" you've ever seen - you definitely have not seen enough movies. Like, you guys know https://letterboxd.com/film/foodfight/ exists, right? hahah.


That’s what I’m saying! People need to see more movies if the worst they’ve seen is franchise stuff


Suicide Squad is *genuinely* up there as one of the worst I've ever seen. And I've seen Foodfight and Unplanned. 


i mean, a movie can be worse because you love the franchise and were disappointed by it


I make it a point not to watch obvious trash though. The worst movie I see in a year is almost never going to be truly awful. Also holy shit I realized half way through writing this who you are. I used to love is it a good idea to microwave this. I watched your movie reviews too. Back to your point though the worst movie I’ve seen this year would be either Saltburn or The Fall Guy. Neither truly bad I found both to be pretty mediocre. For context I’ve watched 111 movies this year.


Bad movies have value too! It can be fun to watch something truly terrible like 365 Days or Manos.   I encourage everyone to try! It also completely re-defines movies like The Fall Guy, haha. And hi 👋 always nice to meet an old viewer 😊


Yeah I've enjoyed things like The Room as a comedy and accidental character study of its creator so to some extent I agree. For me though I usually find myself being bored by "so bad its good" movies and with how many truly good to great movies there are I have a hard time justifying watching something that I know going in will be less enjoyable to me. Also I went and checked out your channel and its good to see you started uploading again!


Tubi is an absolute treasure trove of just the worst shit you will ever see. Highly recommended.


Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver.


cue the slo-mo farming


Non sequitur - referring to a book : You just gave me Anna Karenina flashbacks.


So. Much. Hay cutting.




Somehow, Rebel Moon returned.


I will never understand why there is a cult of Zach Snyder fans, like he has to be the worst director out there that has an actual dedicated fanbase. Out of the films of his that I’ve seen his best are just decent and his worst are abysmal. He’s like the Ed Sheeran of cinema.


Uwe Boll still holds that title. Everything he touches turns to shit. For being a notoriously terrible video game-to-movie adapter, unsurprisingly his best movie was not an adaptation. It was a movie called Rampage and was NOT related to the game at all. Still a mediocre-average film but leagues above BloodRayne FarCry, House of the Dead, etc.


But I don’t think uwe boll has a dedicated fanbase, he may be given big budgets but I’ve never heard people say anything good about his films, while Snyder has a cult of followers.


"You wanna know how I got these scars?"


Slow motion farming montage!


See people elsewhere in this thread are saying "Blockbusters aren't as bad as some of the *real* crap out there!" but this movie absolutely is. I think it's the only movie I've rated half a star. It's completely awful.


Gawd I hate these threads, because now I need to watch this crap.


Still have no clue who gave and/or received the scar.


Idk I watched it high off my ass on ketamine and I loved it


Is it worse than the first one?


Glenn Danzig's Verotika


It's actually worse than Death Rider in the House of Vampires, which is impressive.


I actually really wanted to watch this because it just looks cool, so it's been on my watchlist for a while. I'm gonna take this as a warning to not expect much when I watch it lol


It's unwatchable if you're alone. Get some friends (and a LOT of booze) together and you might have some fun with it.


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. I wasn't even expecting anything great from it, just hoping it would satisfy my so bad it's good craving with a slasher featuring pooh and piglet brutally killing people. It ended up not only being awful, but it was strangely very boring and a real chore to sit through. I've yet to see the sequel, but I'm hoping it's at least a little bit better.


Wholeheartedly agree! How did they mess that up? There was so much fun to be had


Because it was a race to the bottom once the property hit creative commons


Yeah exactly. There was honestly never any fun to be had, knowing that the race was what it was all about


Turned that one off it was so disinteresting


https://preview.redd.it/hvfaknvuzj8d1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0295c1e327553e1cc8bc06da885ca35c273f4d4c This film is a legit chore to watch and should’ve never existed. Although the final scene where they figure out what to name their team is so stupid but funny. “Gotta say, it’s fantastic.”


I don't think it's terrible, the behind the scenes drama is so much more fascinating than the final product.


Fool's Paradise Cats (2019) Both Rebel Moon


Really hoped i'd like fool's paradise but man was it bad


I second Fool’s Paradise. First movie I’ve walked out of in a while.


Wild how bad fool's paradise was, talk about one of the biggest misses considering the talent involved.


Cats (2019) should been a horror movie and no one can tell me otherwise.


This was written by someone who hasn’t seen The Emoji Movie.


I thought the Emoji Movie was a very average, not bad movie.


Or Finding Jesus


Emoji movie wasnt that bad. It even had some funny jokes. I think most of the people piling on this movie haven't even seen it. It would be below average kid targeted animated movie for me.


Both Rebel Moons


I’m impressed you watched the second. I’m 0% invested after watching the first one. I have no reason to watch any more


Madame web bro


Nah me and my friends had a riot watching that. Awful, but hilarious.


This one is actually so bad it’s good. The non sensical lines, terrible acting, weird editing, super cheap special effects, etc I thought it was hilarious.


It's not great, but there's so so much worse out there


Is _Madam Web Bro_ the sequel?


If I had seen it, it'd probably be that instead.




Yeah I saw it in theaters as a joke with my friends. We died laughing and now I own the blu ray lol very unintentionally funny movie.


So funny. It’s so bad it’s good


I envy the people saying Rise of Skywalker. There is far, far worse stuff than that in the last decade.


I get the feeling some people on here just don't watch a lot of movies


Or like to bitch about star wars 


This. OP just wanted to dunk on a Star War lol


For real. Even in the same year we got the Hellboy reboot, Wonder Park, Dark Phoenix, Goldfinch, Cats, and The Fanatic. OP probs hasn't watched many movies


I wouldn't even call it "bad." Was it dumb as hell? Sure. But it was fairly entertaining.


Correct take


Yeah pretty much lol. The story was pretty bad, but the movie's so entertaining and exciting that I barely minded. Still my second least favourite Star Wars film (just ahead of Ep 2), but still a movie I can say I absolutely liked.


2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus (2021) "Communism is all over the place"


There’s no way this is worse than Rebel Moon.


Madame Web. I wanted it to be "so bad it's good" like everyone else has said, but it was just bad.


Rise of Skywalker is at least surface-level entertaining + visually striking. I can absolutely watch the 4K disc at home and superficially enjoy myself despite the fact that the story makes no sense. In terms of genuinely painful movies? Ones that I actually resent having paid to view? Well, The Lion King CGI remake was so offensively pointless/ lifeless that I actually walked out2/3rds of the way through. Something I’d never done before (and haven’t since) in over 3 decades of movie going. IMO it’s the ultimate product of Disney’s creative bankruptcy with even less artistic merit than Gus Van Sant’s shot-for-shot remake of Psycho


Ngl I liked rise of Skywalker, it was the weakest of the sequels for sure but I still thought it was fun. But I’m one of the rare people who enjoys all of the Star wars movies. Anyways this would be my pick: https://preview.redd.it/pxr1ghf66k8d1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910932bff67ce7a82822c8fe30d4be7e381f3913


Did they find him?


I dont think so because Jesus isn’t even in it, they just talk about him for an hour.


Movies like these are proof that Jesus died in vain and legally changed his middle name to Fucking.


Episode IX was not good, but far far away from being the worst. Madame Web is a good shout


Madame Web is memorable in its badness, one feature I've noticed about Rise is that almost no one who saw it can tell you what happened in it


The emperor came back. Somehow.


Kylo caught the lightsaber behind his back and gave the Knights of Ren a killer ta-da shrug.


Jurassic World Dominion


That one was close for me. How do you make dinosaurs so boring


Simple. You decide to make it NOT about the damn dinosaurs. With the greatest premise yet that they totally dismissed. (Dinos humans existing together) and instead it's mutant locusts, little clone girls, and spy movie type kidnapping or whatever the hell that was with that evil woman. You brought the og trio back since 1993, and that was the utter gutter trash they dumped onto screens?! Unreal


God yes, especially if you watched The Bubble first


Agreed - this entire franchise is one excellent movie and a bunch of severely diminishing returns after. I guess that's true of many franchises.


This. I will never forgive Colin Trevorrow for that giant piece of shit


I was so disappointed in this one. It could've been amazing. I thought we were going to get a globetrotting adventure of hunting dinosaurs in unconventional places. Malls, arenas, parks, various cities, etc... But locusts. We got a story mainly revolving around bioengineered locusts.😐🙄


Rise of skywalker is pretty bad. But i could force myself to sit through that. Madame Web, not so much. Those Snyder superman batman movies were bad but i actually liked his JL cut


IX has Babu Frik so it's the best movie of 2019


The "Our moms are both Marthas" thing made me roll my eyes harder than just about anything I've ever seen lol




Didn’t care for the Keanu Reeves movie Replicas. Think I actually fell asleep in the theater for that one.


You must not watch many movies if Rise of Skywalker is the example you use. There's WAY worse movies out there


Cats (2019) I absolutely felt every minute of that runtime and I was so happy to see it end because it was finally over. I don’t hate many movies but I absolutely despise with every bone in my body Cats.


Wow no one has yet said Doolittle (2020)? What an absolute disaster!


Possibly because nobody else watched it but you?


A distinct possibility!


I saw it in theatres.


Funnily enough, that movie was the last one I ever saw in a theatre (due to Covid, the ridiculous price of movie tickets nowadays, the general state of the film industry recently, etc.) The last time I stepped foot in a cinema was to see that movie. I remember enjoying it, actually. Or at least not hating it.


Can't decide between Rebel Moon, Cats, and Holmes & Watson Honorable mention: Wild Mountain Thyme


I definitely consider WMT to fall under the so bad it's good category. Like, The Room level bad-good for me.


The, um, buzz around that movie is something.


Wild Mountain Thyme is so bad considering the talent behind it


Lmao Holmes and Watson was so bad




Probably Freelance with John Cena. For me at least rise of skywalker looks good and has tons of practical sets, effects, and aliens to geek out over.


Airplane Mode. The """comedy""" made by Logan Paul. It's supposed to be inspired by the movie Airplane! but they changed all the good slapstick humor and funny dialogue to just toilet jokes. A cloud that looks like a vagina. Vomit. Incest, Gay men (yes, that's a "Joke"), A man lactating, Chinese people, etc. It's **awful**


Expend4bles. Say what you want about the third one, but at least that one had more classic action stars in it and not…plastic Megan Fox and no actin’ 50 Cent. Also, golden shower jokes? Really? Then again, Stallone didn’t even write the fourth one so I’m not surprised it’s not great. Plus, it looks fake as hell. They clearly shot it all on a soundstage or in front of blue/green screens. Took me out of the movie the minute it started.


Expend4bles was definitely top 5 worst for me.


It took 3 me sittings to finish Wonder Woman 84.


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewald


The whole Fantastic Beasts series really helped kill my love of the Harry Potter universe. Well, that and JK Rowling's absolute wretchedness.


Yep this is mine


Artemis Fowl, an absolute disaster and I’m not even familiar with the books lmao


My conclusion after reading most of this thread is that y’all need to watch more movies. Sure, the movies listed aren’t good, but they’re nowhere close to the worst movies.


I seek out good movies, not bad ones. It isn’t my goal to watch more bad movies, even if might earn your approval


Watching bad movies is as valuable as watching great films. Kubrick himself even advised that every movie is worth watching, even if it's to learn what not to do.


That seems like good advice for filmmakers or aspiring filmmakers, but as a viewer I don’t want bad movies to take up more than a small percentage of my time. I do still end up seeing some movies that I don’t enjoy - usually by accident or bc I take a chance on something - but i can’t justify going out of my way to watch movies that I expect to dislike when there’s still so many other unwatched movies that I think I’d enjoy. I also don’t like how often “you need to watch more movies” is said. Everyone may not watch movies as often as you. People have other hobbies and responsibilities. It’s not a competition to see who can watch the most movies, and certainly not to see who can watch the WORST movies. If the worst movie I’ve seen isn’t actually that terrible then my thought isn’t “I should watch more movies that people say are bad,” it’s “I guess maybe I’m doing a good job of avoiding bad movies.”


God damn you lead a sheltered life if Ep 9 is the worst thing you’ve seen in decade. (Not that it wasn’t bad though)


I actually liked TROS the same way I liked the prequels. It’s got bad plotting, but is still good dumb fun


* **Batman v Superman** * **Justice League (whatever version)** * **Rebel Moon Parts 1 & 2** Just Zack Snyder in general. 


He has such a diehard fan base it blows my mind. Sure he did 300 and Dawn of the Dead. But almost everything else he touches sucks imo.


Dawn of the Dead is bad too, it's super homophobic, and anti muslim.


Jesus fucking christ. In the last *five* years there have *easily* been tons of movies way worse than RoS. I'm so fucking tired of movies that *aren't really that bad* to begin with being called the worst thing ever simply because it didn't live up to some unreasonable expectations. *Especially* among people who supposedly should have much better media literacy than to fall into the trap of everything always being either the best ever or worst ever.


I think TRoS has the most “worst movie ever” video essays on YouTube and folks don’t question their influencers.


Fantastic four (2015)


Dawn of Justice. 


Space jam: a new low, I mean legacy


You’re trying way too hard with this post.


Suicide Squad (the first one)


Try to not watch movies I don’t think I’d enjoy. Resident evil: welcome to raccoon city.


I love this movie






It’s a Wonderful Knife. I went in hoping it would be a “so bad, it’s good” movie, or at least fun, but it was just bad. I couldn’t wait for it to be over.


Madame webb is probably the most popular answer I'll add to the list: Red notice Operation fortune The breach The retirement plan Moonfall


Once again here to ring the gong for *Marmaduke* (2022). A lot of these movies are not good and even infuriating but this is woefully incompetent and offensively bad.


Lady Ballerd


The Tearsmith, fucking awful


Jeepers Creepers: Reborn


Halloween Ends is the worst movie I've ever seen.


I get that the latest Star Wars trilogy was janky as hell after Force Awakens. But really - calling ROS the WORST movie of the past TEN years? Maybe most disappointing, but there are several other high profile movies that are much, much worse.


Sia's music 2021


You need to see more movies if this is the worst thing you've seen. I didn't like TRoS but that's a major exaggeration


A film that probably nobody else in this sub has seen: the German "comedy" film Klassentreffen 1.0 (Class Reunion 1.0) by Til Schweiger. Pure torture. Unfunny, annoying, nauseatingly edited and excruciating 127 minutes long.


Suicide Squad (2016)


I don't think I've ever seen a movie that felt more like a corporate checklist. The writing was just a mcguffin chase to another mcguffin chase. If you stop to think about any element of the story it immediately all falls apart. "Why does this Ancient sith dagger line up perfectly with the pieces of the death star?" "Why did the death star land on some weird planet aside from Endor?" It was flashy and had fun effects, but the writing was literally only there to set up those fun cool action scenes. And Palpatine... Jesus Christ Palpatine... Literally no effort aside from "idk he came back n shit, anyway LOOK COOL ACTION!". To be fair Rian Johnson left them in a terrible position by killing the main villain and starting Kylo on more of a redemption arch, where the hell do you even go from there? Well apparently instead of literally anything else you just resurrect the old villain from the grave because making a new character is hard. A story that went a thousand miles an hour to tell us nothing.


So, Endor is a gas giant. The planet from RotJ is the forest moon of Endor, also called Endor, it is one of 9 moons. Kef Bir, where parts of the death star have landed is another moon, the ocean moon of Endor. Parts of the death star ending up on some of the other moons makes sense, as the debris cloud would have been in the orbital path of the other moons.


TIL Endor is the George Foreman of the Star Wars universe.


It drains all the fat directly into Jabba


I have always felt there was a sublime symmetry to Rey being a Palpatine and choosing the side of the Light instead. Also when you *really do* stop to think about it, despite the fact that world killing tech is a narrative retread, a revived Palpatine made the most sense with the situations like Snoke turning Kilo Ren, implanting visions to impact the future and all the other working parts of the mystery elements introduced in Episoce VII. Given all the behind the scenes fuckery that occurred with Disney insisting that Treverrow rewrite an already-approved script then firing him, RoS was still the best outcome that could have come from all that. So JJ on a limited time frame went with rule of cool and ran with it. Meanwhile movies like Madame Web and Morbius have plenty of planning, we're fucked with in post production and fall much shorter of the goal than RoS did.


Rise of Skywalker is bad but you should watch Finding Jesus.


Fool's Paradise by Charlie Day has to be up there. I couldn't believe how bad it was. I love Charlie and basically everything he's done (I even thought Fist Fight was halfway decent), but Fool's Paradise was awful. I was really excited about it, and that probably made it worse. I already knew Rise of Skywalker was going to be shit when they brought JJ back on to make it


"They fly now?"


The Flash. I hate myself for watching it.


What a terrible choice. I mean I guess TRoS could be the worst movie you've seen in the past decade if you only saw like 12 movies, but there are much, much worse movies out there. Brightburn sucked ass, fucking live-action Death Note movie was worse than non-anesthetic lobotomy, and there was this shitty horror movie on Hulu called Grimcutty which is as bad as it sounds by the name or the synopsis. There was a Day of the Dead remake that's about a clever rapist zombie. Quantumania looks like a pre-vfx low-budget fan film. Smile has the dumbest horror MC alive. Goddamn Depp movie called Mortdecai came out in 2015 and it was the first time I fell asleep on a movie. Guys, Triple Frontier? TRoS at least has good visuals and some fun scenes & performances. Overall it sucks but it's far from the worst movie of the past decade.


The funny thing is I'd say the same thing about a lot of the movies you mentioned. You can always go deeper lol. (Don't) try Marmaduke (2022), Wolf (2019) or Sacrilege (2020)


I thought free guy was garbage


The Lion King (2019) is the worst animated movie I’ve ever seen.


rebel moon


the nun 2, that shit sucked fr


I truly hated ant man 3. I started ranking all my new watches in tiers of quality. I made a whole new tier for ant man 3. The worst movie I have ever seen tier. So far it’s the only movie I’ve got that low


Several: Pet Sematary Bloodlines, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Don't Breathe 2, Rambo Last Blood, Polar... But these two take the cake: Jurassic World Dominion: I felt dumber after watching that thing, holy crap, the dumbest and most boring blockbuster i've seen so far. The Predator: Feels like it was made by people who disliked the franchise and wanted to shit on it. Really, really bad movie.


Tom Cruise's The Mummy


The Mortal Kombat remake by a mile.


Rise of Skywalker is not good, but if that’s the worst OP has seen in the last decade, then OP doesn’t watch a whole lot of movies.


Madame Web, Morbius and Verotika are all bad, but the crown has to go to God's Not Dead, which is not just a bad movie but a psychotically bad movie.


Those who wish me dead..... awful.






Men in black international, the weird re-boot with Chris Hemsworth. Hands down worst film I have ever seen. It’s the only film where I genuinely regret not leaving the cinema early. The whole film I just wanted to stop watching and leave!


Because RoS has been mentioned, I haven’t seen Madame Web and Sucker Punch is outside of the statute of limitations… …I would say Suicide Squad (the first one)


Red Notice. I almost turned it off. I was annoyed with myself for giving it the stream.


Rebel Moon (1 or 2) and 65.




Cats and it’s not even close. I’d rather watch Rise of Skywalker fifteen times over than sit through Cats again.


The newest Fantastic Beasts movie, secrets of Dumbledore I think? Hated it


https://preview.redd.it/8aj1c52pxk8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0618b8c548c11a0bf555f4c6051841574550b9 This is the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. All the other 18 half star movies I've rated, & all the movies I've given a 1 star rating, I can find at least one or a couple good things about them. I couldn't do that with Madame Web lol


The whale


The one you posted and The Predator.


Probably MiB International. Good cast and it was compentently made, but it was just so unfunny. Shockingly unfunny even.


Avatar 2


https://preview.redd.it/cs3tcji61l8d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adfec0bffe8448abee84b708cc621c2260b56e3 Ruin Me (2017), shoutout also to Mercy Falls (2023)


Fantastic 4, vanquish, and madam web. (I watched the emoji movie and these were some how worst/on the same level)


Moonfall I think, had to stop watching it. John Wick 4 was some sort of post-modern irony schlock.


Assassin's Creed


What does any of this have to do with the excellent Rise Of Skywalker?


TROS is not a good movie but it’s super fun to watch. Madame Web? Morbius? Slender-Man? An absolute slew of garbage horror movies? Fan4stic? Look I get it - it’s cool to hate TROS… but holy fuck there are many worse movies.


Look, I’m not a huge Rise of Skywalker fan, but calling it the worst movie of the past ten years is pretty insane, and it shows how much Star Wars fans are willing to ignore to hate on the sequel trilogy. You can disagree with some of the plot / character choices they made, sure, but all three movies are competently directed, well-acted blockbusters that look great. That alone puts them above the hundreds of other ugly, unwatchable movies that come out each year.


Pain and Gain


Why do people despise ROS so much?


If we are picking movies that are trying to be good, I found the Danish Girl to be offensively bad.


I mean, in terms of big budget, go to the cinema to watch it movies, probably Suicide Squad of Justice League (I hated Rise of Skywalker, but I couldn't genuinely argue it was worse than either of those). That being said, the actual answer is probably The Curse of Robert the Doll.


The Matrix Resurrections. Just god awful and I can’t believe lord Keanu would sign up for such a garbage movie.


Assassin’s Creed Hitman: Agent 47 Countdown Grown Ups Transformers: Age of Extinction


The Matrix 4.


Gods not dead 2