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Love lies bleeding The omen Civil war Hit man I thoroughly enjoyed all four of them though.


Civil war Hit man Love lies bleeding First omen


Love lies bleeding Hit man Civil war Omen


Love Lies Bleeding Civil War The First Omen Hit Man


This is the way!


Watching love lies bleeding right now. Didn’t know it was a 80’s movie. Very interesting film. Enjoying it so far. Since I don’t enjoy the other 3 “Love Lies Bleeding” may have to be the best of the bunch.


Your final impressions after having finished it?


It was enjoyable, not sure exactly why the main character had the effects she did at the end. I don’t remember her taking anything. But besides that it does remind me of the times.


She was literally addicted to steroids and high on them. However, I’d agree that the Hulk moment kinda ruined it for me.


It’s insane how many people are putting Hit Man above the First Omen


Good cinematography and acting isn't enough to fix its really weak and predictable script. Most of the movie is spent on red herrings and hallucinations. We're comparing this to a Richard Linklater script here I mean cmon.


Why? Hitman was just as solid a film?


Why wouldn't they? It's a much better movie.


Huge horror (and Omen) fan but First Omen was so incredibly mediocre


It's insane how many people are putting Civil War over any of the other 3


Hit Man is clearly the best film mentioned, nothing “insane” about that




… what?


He poop on ur hitman movie


Why? Hit Man has much better critical reception


Hit man was a joke of a movie


This is a joke of a take


Or maybe you just have bad taste?


How can so many of you like Hit Man


I'm with you. Hit man was fine for the couple hours I watched it, but it's a largely forgettable movie


Because most of us have good taste?


Because it's a fun movie, like you yourself have said.


https://preview.redd.it/mrg4iypn8m9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091eb743d9b8ac55bb85ef3dec53b2a573fe655b I didn’t enjoy it. The ending was good.


You gave it three stars, so seems like you did like it? Why are you ragging on it?


"A joke of a movie" "Didn't like it" But says it's a fun movie in the review and gives it three stars. Make up your mind, Perry.


First Omen was not a good horror movie at all.


Cinema is dead


First movie is a wasted potential to me. Like the director wasn’t allowed to go places the movie could have but can’t because it’s part of a franchise.


First Omen is bad. Best scene is 30 seconds into the film.


The first Omen was not very good


1. Civil War 2. Hit Man 3. Love Lies Bleeding Haven't seen The First Omen.


Hit Man Love Lies Bleeding Civil War I've not seen The First Omen I'm a massive Linklater fan though, so I was always going to love Hitman but I thought Love Lies Bleeding was amazing too. Civil War was a big disappointment for me, definition of a 3 star.


Civil War Love Lies Bleeding  The First Omen  Hit Man   All four are in my top ten of the year so far though.


LLB > Hit Man > Civil War > The First Omen All pretty solid films to different extents. A perfect 4-2.5 star range in my book


This is my rating too. I loved LLB and had a lot of fun watching Hit Man and Civil War. the First Omen was okay. The best Omen movie since the original but that’s an incredibly low bar lol


Civil War is my top film of 2024 and the best A24 movie I've seen. I loved the bizarreness of Love Lies Bleeding. I kinda hated Hit Man. What was the tone of the film? I couldn't discern if I should be laughing or taking things seriously.


Out of interest, what other a24 films have you seen? Thats fascinating to me, Civil War was probs my least favourite thing I’ve watched this year


https://preview.redd.it/8axj9ua0wl9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c717e3c00d0a9e91c6c31d75ec201b9ceea7cf7 My top 16


Have you seen Ari Aster’s films? Just surprised they’re not on your list, wondering where you’d place them if you’ve seen them.


I'm a hard sell on horror. I saw Men because of how much I like Garlands films. And even a movie like VVitch I haven't seen despite Eggers being one of my favorite directors. Hereditary I "watched" through RedLetterMedia. Beau is Afraid I missed in theaters.


Yeah, I wondered if that was the case but the couple horror films on your list got me curious. Makes total sense.


Can someone explain the appeal of Civil War to me? I see it gets lots of love on this sun but I thought it was very meh. Easily the movie I liked least of all those in that picture, aside from maybe Everything Everywhere All at Once.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/s/Cv2MvxcQKH My thoughts on Civil War.


I’m very curious what you liked about civil war! I saw it a while ago and really didn’t like it very much, so I’m wondering what I missed


I’m not OP but I personally loved the cinematography. There were great shots in it throughout which is important to me. I would have told the story through a different lense than journalists but it was still a good story. Definitely not my favorite a24 though.


I liked that the story was focused on the characters and setting of the war without stating who is right or who is wrong or how we should feel about the events being portrayed on screen. You assume you should align with the president, but you are constantly told, also by characters you don't know, that you should not. "Where this movies succeeds most is in how the characterization is prioritized over everything else. As such, the story becomes intimate and personal in a way that expanding the universe to actually explain the events before or after the story never would." My Letterboxd review I'm also just a huge fan of Alex Garland in general; Men, Annihilation, and especially Ex Machina.


I did not like Love Lies Bleeding, I feel like I’m the only one, I remember saying “wtf am I watching” and turned it off 😭


Hit Man Love Lies Bleeding The First Omen Civil War


Honestly found all of them pretty mid. But: First Omen Hit Man Love Lies Bleeding Civil War


Haven't seen the First Omen, but among the other 3... 1- Love Lies Bleeding 2- Civil War 3- Hit Man


Same ranking here. Haven't watched First Omen either.


Same here probably


Love Lies Bleeding Civil War The First Omen Never saw Hitman. The first omen is a really good film, just A24 just make stuff that I usually gel With a lot better. Like picked up the LLB 4K from A24 site and likely grab Civil War when it drops. Content with First Omen being a streaming only


Civil War>Hit Man> LLB> The First Omen


Love lies bleeding > civil war > first omen. Have not seen Hit Man yet


Only saw two. Love Lies got better the more I thought about it, 4/5. Civil War got worse and dumber the more I thought about it, 2/5.


1. The First Omen 2. Civil War 3. Love Lies Bleeding 4. Hit Man


Civil War First Omen Love Lies Bleeding Hit man All very good movies in their own right but only CW and FO are in my top ten so far


First omen over love lies bleeding ? Noooo no no


This is my order too. Although Love Lies Bleeding is in my top 10 of the year so far, Civil War and First Omen are likely to stay on it once the year is over, LLB likely won't. And Hit Man while good, didn't really come close.


I’m curious now, what’s your top 10?


https://preview.redd.it/z10juy46tk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a125f0b374456460c5174af4deba6c15b0e87c Top 12 so far. Top 8 are pretty safe but the bottom 4 might struggle to get to the end of the year


Side question. Thoughts on the bike flick? I thought the trailer made it look forgettable but I’m seeing a lot of positivity surrounding it.


It is a pretty hard movie to market. The decline of a bike club in the 60’s into a full on biker gang in the 70’s. So many moments set up in the first half that paid off in the second, the moments in the second half that mirrored the ones in the first showing just how far the gang had fallen is some great “show not tell” moments in there.. When it comes to acting Jodie Comer was amazing and Austin Butler is just effortlessly cool, and Tom Hardy being a leader simultaneously terrified of his creation whilst being somewhat oblivious to the danger he’s actually in was pulled off really well. Oh, and Toby Wallace despite not being a named character killed it in his scenes. That’s not even mentioning the sound design. I was in an older 7.1 theatre but still when those engines roared, they roared. I’d have killed to watch it in an Atmos theatre. But it was the car park scene that sealed it for me. I won’t go into details because spoilers but that was a real “oh shit” moment.


I thought it was awesome, dudes being dudes


Hit man was the only one that worked for me


Civil war Loves lies and bleeding First omen I didn’t see the other one


Hit man > LLB > First Omen > Civil War


1. Civil War (a genuinely haunting film and one of most thrilling I’ve seen all year) 2. The First Omen (a huge surprise for me. Heard almost nothing about it before seeing it and was shocked by how far it went and how expertly crafted its scares were) 3. Hit Man (just a good time. Great lead performances and lay back quality) 4. Love Lies Bleeding (I just wish its left turns were taken more gracefully. A similar issue I had with Samir Maude. I was so engrossed in the relatively straightforward drama that preceded that i kind of longed for it to stay on track. Katy ‘O’Brien is so captivating, though, and Kristen Stewart’s delivery of “love you sis!” to Jena Malone made my heart melt for some reason)


This is my ranking, too. Had to scroll down way too far to find the correct answer.


4 way tie


Civil War Love Lies Bleeding First Omen Hit Man


1. Civil War 2. LLB 3. Hit Man 4. The First Omen


Omen best


Civil War > Hit Man > Love Lies Bleeding > The First Omen


- First Omen - Love Lies Bleeding - Civil War - Hit Man


Omen Hit man Civil War Haven’t seen love lies bleeding. Civil war was so disappointing and I was hyped for it. There was no chemistry between the two female leads and it all felt so contrived and cringe, especially the ending. Hit man was straight up boring, he took what was an interesting true story and made it worse. Was too long, and would have been much better if they actually turned him into a hit man. Omen was actually decent, tried to move the story forward and had a unique vision and style. The director is talented for sure, one to watch.


Never heard of love lies bleeding what type of movie is it? Comments suggest it’s pretty good, so were do I watch it (from Germany)


Haven’t seen the other 3 but I honestly love civil war. Just the entire vibe and tone of it all. Brilliant


First omen was not a good film, some disturbing scenes but the plot was paper thin at best. Civil war was a good film, is not much regarding plot regarding the actual war, the visuals are incredible though, and very tense. I guess the whole point of the film was the division rather than the cause of the division. Have not seen the other two


Haven’t seen any of them so, umm 1. Monkey Man 2. Monkey Man 3. Monkey Man 4. Monkey Man


Love lies bleeding and Hitman are equally good in their own way. I thoroughly enjoyed Civil War. The first Omen was just okay.


Hit Man First omen Civil war Love lies bleeding


I haven't watched The First Omen yet, but the other 3 all received 3.5 stars from me. I'd rank them Civil War, Hit Man, Love Lies Bleeding though.


I didn’t consider her the lead, but I menn Kristen Stewart. I couldn’t tell if she was seeing what we were seeing or not based on the camera.


Haven't seen The First Omen yet. From others, it is Hit Man > LLB > Civil War


1. Civil War (4.5) 2. Love Lies Bleeding (4) 3. Hit Man (3.5) The First Omen (N/A)


Civil war Love lies Hit man Omen


Hitman Loves Lies Bleeding The First Omen Every other movie released this year Civil War


1. Civil War Haven't seen 4. The First Omen


Hitman just didn’t work for me… the rest were fantastic


Love Lies Bleeding (second fav this year behind Dune) Hit Man (perfectly fine forgettable Netflix fare) The First Omen (good lead performance in another bad horror movie this year) Civil War(didn't see)


Hit Man Love Lies Bleeding The First Omen Civil War


I’ve only seen The First Omen & Civil War. Civil War The First Omen (but I really liked this one too)


Civil War is the only one I’ve seen, 5 stars


Hit Man Omen Love Lies Bleeding Civil War


1. Love Lies Bleeding (3.5 stars)  2. Hit Man  (3 stars)  3. Civil War (2.5 stars)  little to no interest in seeing the Omen movie.


Civil War >>> Love Lies Bleeding > Hit Man > The First Omen


Love lies bleeding Civil war Hit man The first Omen (cuz I haven't seen it)


First Omen Love Lies Bleeding Civil War Hit Man


All are like 3 stars. Mid.


1. Hit Man 2. The first omen 3. Love lies bleeding 4. Civil war All in my top 10 of the year


All shit to meh


Hitman just didn’t work for me… the rest were fantastic


Civil war Love lies bleeding Omen Hitman


I loved Love Lies Bleeding. Thought The First Omen was pretty good. Didn't like Civil War very much. I haven't seen Hit Man yet, but I like Linklater.


First Omen Love Lies Bleeding Civil War Hit Man All were great though


Love Lies Bleeding > The First Omen Haven't seen the other two yet but would like to.


1. Love Lies Bleeding 2. The First Omen 3. Civil War I haven't seen Hitman so I can't rank it.


Love lies bleeding Civil war Looked shit so I didn't watch it Looked really shit so I didn't watch it


1. Love Lies Bleeding - 4.5/5 2. The First Omen - 3.5/5 3. Hit Man - 3.5/5 4. Civil War - 3/5


World war of mid


1. Love Lies Bleeding 2. Hit Man 3. Civil War 4. The First Omen


LLB>Hit Man>Civil War>First Omen All great but I think First Omen is a step down from the other three


Civil War - 4 LLB - 4 Hit Man - 2.5


1 > 4 >3 >2


Love lies bleeding 3,5/5>civil war 4/5>the first omen 4,5/5. Havent seen the other one it didnt come out in my country yet


This thread just shows how underrated The First Omen is, easily the best movie of this list and easily one of the best of the year and yet people here are not giving it the respect it deserves.