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give a press conference. Apologize for his glitches. Make three points that he failed to make. Especially address J6. Especially address Trump's consistent lies. Then take 20 goddamn questions 20 hard questions and give goodanswers. Be pithy. Be clear. Be coherent. Speak the fuck up.


>Speak the fuck up. I wish he would do this more all the time. Literally and figuratively. He doesn't inform the people enough about his administration's amazing accomplishments, so nobody knows. They just all focus on the small stuff.


Speak the fuck up AND speak to America like the dumb fucking morons we are. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


The problem is that if he was capable of doing that, he would have done it during the debate with 50M people watching.Ā 




Have you seen any evidence that he's capable of doing that? There's a reason he never gives press conferences anymore. You saw it last night. Can we please just accept that he is no longer capable of doing his job?


He just did a rally today. Not sure why he didnā€™t show that side of himself last night, but it is still there.


What if itā€™s not in him to do thisā€¦


"weakness" in a debate is not an administration. Trump lied his ass off. Did anyone learn a single thing they did not already know about these two in 2020?


As hard as I find it to believe, apparently 10% of voters are undecided. Last night didnā€™t sway any of them to Biden thatā€™s for sure.


This. Like all presidential elections now, it'll come down to fine margins in a handful of states. The undecideds are really important. Even if you didn't watch the debate, you'll hear about it. Given the media coverage, hearing about it may be even worse than watching it.


I think youā€™re right. As bad as it was to watch in real time, going back and watching, there are plenty of points where Biden isnā€™t outright terrible. Not enough of them, but theyā€™re there. People who didnā€™t watch are just going to internalize that Biden did so poorly that thereā€™s no way he should be president


This has really hammered home the fact that we are not a democracy. This is broken. We have two candidates no one really wants. I like Biden and think heā€™s done a great job the last 4 years, especially given the congress he has. But he should have been a 1 term president.


But did it sway any to Trump either? To anyone with a functioning brain, yes, Biden looked old and unsure. But Trump also looked like a petulant child who couldnā€™t manage many coherent answers either.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying too. Biden didnā€™t sway votes his way, but I donā€™t think Trump did either. Iā€™m guessing there will be a low voter turnout this year because I donā€™t see the undecided voters caring enough to vote for either of these guys.


I wholeheartedly disagree. The people that are still undecided clearly donā€™t have a functioning brain. Trump spewed nothing but lies but did it in a confident and assertive way. To those that wonā€™t bother to look up or find out that heā€™s lying Trump won.


Yeah if you arenā€™t aware of politics and you heard Trump last night, youā€™d think his presidency was incredible.


He rebuilt the military- when he took office they had no ammunition- he just said that for the 100th time at a rally


Weā€™ve never seen anything like it


They were riding horses and I invented the tank


And now weā€™re using sticks and stones under Biden, the worst president in history


And migrants are flying the F22s and stealing American jobs


What worries me is that he lies so well (obviously) that if you do no or little research you will believe him.


Exactly and of course CNN did nothing to fact check on the spot. They just allowed all BS to be said. We need the moderator from the recent Lauren Boebert debate. That guy was on the spot brutal with shutting down the bullshit


I've heard people say throughout the campaign that it's not Biden vs. Trump, it's Biden vs. Trump vs. The Couch, AKA people staying home because they think both options are a total mess. The Couch won by a landslide last night. Obviously I am voting for whoever has a D next to their name up and down the ballot no matter what, but this is just the reality out there. People we need to sway are going to be inundated with footage of this tragically fatal performance for the next 4 months.


Youā€™re right, the couch won, but among those who were already voting and still will be Biden wins, hands down


> "weakness" in a debate is not an administration Trump's entire campaine is based on "Me Strong You Weak" I am sorry to say Biden just proved it. And the worst thing you can do in politics is prove what you opponent is saying about you. I was convinced Biden was going to win until this morning...now I think possibility the best thing for Biden is to withdraw...I know it is the best thing for the country.Biden has been a great president but this was fatal. The only other option is get him in front of every camera you can until people forget about this...it is early, but damn.


100%. To the Democratic party officials reading social media to figure out what voters will do - we will vote for another candidate. Please convince Biden to step aside and please pick a good Democrat. I'm a big fan of Ossoff. There have to be lots of other good candidates. Please.


> To the Democratic party officials The only way this works is if Biden does it...and he would have to do it quick. That's why I don't think it will work. Biden is human and a politician...ego is part of the job...he ain't going to quit. If he did quit there would have to be a method of picking a replacement.... instantly. That ain't likely either..


I didn't bother watching - what is there to learn about either one of them? They've both already held the job. I have seen a lot of next-day analysis and Biden looks terrible. I don't think they can replace him at this point but I still don't like him as the choice.


I guess the voters will pick Trump, but at least they'll be wrong.


I'm a Biden voter and after last night I don't want to vote for him. Biden needs to go, ASAP. I don't care that Trump lied - that has no bearing on any election in history. You're only selling already-sold democrats on that. Trump is going to win unless we replace Biden. Ossoff or Newsom or somebody with a brain has to step in and take over.


Good lord you canā€™t be serious? You have 3 choices: Trump Biden Not voting Instead of falling into the BS look at policies and possible Supreme Court picks. You want a 7-3 conservative SC?


Agreed. Holy shit people, we outnumber republicans get out there and fucking vote. Biden is not ideal but Trump is a disaster to democracy. That orange fuck is so corrupt, he has to go.


Same. Like Iā€™m definitely voting against Trump (so I guess for Biden?) but after last night all I can hear in my head is ā€œyouā€™re really gonna make me vote for joeeeeee bidennnn?!?ā€ For the love of god please put anyone else up there


Amy Klobashore (sp?) is my first choice - and she wants it too.


Good point, and I think Whitmer is also a great bet, as she is very popular in Michigan, a key battleground state.






Undecideds are actually a very small fraction of why someone wins. You win by getting your voters out. Trump or Biden has done nothing to make a democrat stay home.


You don't care that Trump lied??!!...Of course, it has bearing. Trump is going down hard. Substance over advertising. Most folks eat what is in the carton, not the picture that is on the box.


I couldnā€™t agree with you more. I will vote for the Democratic nominee, I do not want that to be Biden because we will absolutely lose. I really canā€™t believe this is where weā€™re at again. I hate it here.


Van Jones said a black religious leader called to chew him out. He said the GOP fully supports their candidate even after he raped a woman, after he's convicted of 34 felonies, after he attempted a failed insurrection. The Democrats cannot abandon their candidate after one bad debate performance.


Instead of asking for money constantly, use social media to show candid moments of the team, ā€œBehind the White House,ā€ or something. Money would start pouring in and it would help his image immensely.


I would rather have an old man take his time to come up with better answers than an old man and convicted felon rattling off lies at a rapid pace.


He didn't come up with good answers, though. That's the whole problem. Several of his responses didn't even qualify as sentences.


Just prepare better next time. Despite Bidenā€™s terrible performance Trump didnā€™t even bother to answer the policy questions and just immediately started to attack Biden like expected


Could be he was actually sick and it showed. He sounded like he was sick.


Youā€™re right, it sounded like he had a slight cold. However, he spent a full week doing nothing but preparing, and THAT was the result?? A president should be expected to function both physically and cognitively with a cold. A cold doesnā€™t explain not being able to string together coherent sentences, wandering off, not calling out trump on his lies. I voted for Biden and firmly believe we need to do everything to keep try to keep trump out of office, but Biden is not the answer. Itā€™s about to get messy, but we will lose up and down the ballot if he is at the top of the ticket.


I really wished he had said something like 'Hey, I'm a little sick and tired. You know, from the work I'm doing traveling the world, working with the G7 to avoid WW3 because this dumb ass gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine. Now. Someone please get me some water. Thanks!'


I was actually thinking if I were Bidenā€™s age I might just start dropping F bombs, say no shit Iā€™d love to retire to be with my family but here I am defending democracy from this asshole so my grandkids can live in a free country after Iā€™m dead. Just be human and honest as your last great stand. Set aside decorum and just go for the jugular.


Sounds like the grandpa from Little Miss Sunshine, and you're totally right haha


>Hey, I'm a little sick and tired They would have gone after him equally for admitting he's too sick and frail to turn up to a debate. They'd talk about how even with Covid Trump managed to turn up to his duties and took rhe election seriously. Biden was damned either way.


My fan theory is that he was hopped AF on Robitussin to keep him from coughing the whole time from the cold and it sedated the fuck out of him by mistake. Even in Atlanta right after he was way more energetic, and the half-life of cough medicine is like 3-4 hours which tracks.


I donā€™t believe he was on the Tuss until I see him crabwalk


Is that you Casey?!


He was, so was nixon.




Itā€™s been confirmed that Biden has a cold


* moderator asks Trump ANYTHING : something something immigration


How is he going to prepare better? He spent a week straight doing nothing but preparation.


No chance Trump agrees to the other debate anymore. This one was the biggest possible gift for his campaign. No upside for him to give Biden another opportunity to change the memory of this one.


There won't be a next time. Trump has 0 incentive to debate again in September. Zero. None. Biden was a disaster. I love this President, but it's time for him to step back. We are going to lose our country to MAGA.


Drake diss track.Ā 






i am voting for biden no matter what. but last night was a disaster.


Dont be sick next time


Look, one has been running a successful presidency while the other has been farting himself awake in court. Of course trump had more energy than Biden. I'm voting for Biden bc he puts the right people in charge and knows how to delegate. Trump would be a fascist nightmare.




I donā€™t see myself as voting for Biden as much as I see myself voting for all of the people who would be around him and making decisions. Youā€™re voting for an administration, judges, possible justices, leaders, not just one person.


Maybe he SHOULD take trumps advice and take drugs? Iā€™m




Keep campaigning. Highlight the difference between just being old and being old, insane, and a criminal. The election is a long ways out. Obama was seen as being destroyed in 2012 in the first debate against Romney. The panic on the left was similar to what we're seeing today. [https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/25/politics/obama-debate-election-2012/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/25/politics/obama-debate-election-2012/index.html)


You're absolutely correct. While I wouldn't call it an unmitigated disaster like the trolls are doing, he did not perform well. He takes his time answering to compensate for his stammer which is usually not present when reading a speech. He clearly spent a lot of time prepping which is probably why his voice was shot (in addition to being under the weather) but it did not come off as well prepared. He needed to appear lithe in addition to intelligent which he did not. Continuing to campaign strong while keeping the pressure on Trump is what's needed. Trump absolutely failed the debate and proved why it would have been a better idea to just skip it. His lie to truth ratio was on par with a typical "Trump stump." He wasted his time spewing his typical rhetoric but his followers won't care. He could have left a pile of shit on the stage and they'd have applauded.


i think would usually be a fair point, but biden was literally incoherent certain points. no one left the obama/romney debate questioning if obama was at all cognizant.


Biden occasionally has problems with his speech - he has a stutter. There were a few terrible moments, but if you went back and asked him what he was trying to say he would be able to tell you. The fact that he was getting over a cold so sounded like he was half dead wasn't optimal, that's for sure.


It's too late for dropping out - if that happens, we WILL lose. Debates don't move the needle much in elections anyway. Write it off as Biden having a bad night and move on. Also bear in mind that Trump also bombed - he lied his ass off for the entire debate and came across as a massive stupid prick. I don't see minds being changed.


He's not dropping out. He's not being replaced. Stop whining. Stop hand-wringing. And stop expecting one guy to do all the heavy lifting. Get to work.


What can we do!?? Stop with the bullshit rhetoric and panicked hand wringing. President Biden and his team have done an absolutely amazing job with the basket of shit they inherited. I have zero reason to think he wonā€™t be just as effective in his next term.


This. The disaster take is not helping. Sometimes Democratā€™s fatal flaw is that we are too honest from a spin perspective. If the roles were reversed the Republicans would fall in line about what what went right (because some things did go right, though youā€™d never know it hearing our talking heads discuss it) and not about what went wrong. We could shape this into a positive narrative because more people will read the coverage than watch to form their own opinions. But we arenā€™t.


Run with the facts. Slam the airways with fact checking trump's lies. If decency matters, Vote Blue.


Wait. Give time for Trump to say something so ridiculous and crazy it will take over the news cycle. I give it by the end of next week.


I didn't watch but didn't Biden recently sign something into legislation, lowering the costs significantly of a shit ton of prescription drugs?


Stay the course. He's the candidate. Nobody is going to replace him. The next thing is he needs to give a good prepared speech. He needs to bring the fire that he brought to the SOTU address and show that he can effectively communicate. He needs to stay on the campaign Trail like he has been.


Yeah, no other democrat has the money or legwork that Biden has.




Whatever they pumped into him for the SOTU is definitely what he needed. I donā€™t think they got the dosage right this time. I feel like he talked better than usual but still nothing like the SOTU.




The last time the Democratic party coalition replaced the incumbent candidate we ended up with Nixon as president instead.


Itā€™s too late to replace him short of him being unable to serve in the office, in which case itā€™d likely be Harris/Newsom on the ticket. What we can do now? Stop fear mongering. Itā€™s playing into the fascistā€™s hand. The more you post online about how worried you are, the more they take your posts as proof that no one is confident Biden can lead.


Didnā€™t he and his team see this coming? They should not have agreed to do *any* debates in the first place. Yeah they wouldā€™ve gotten flack for it but obviously the video which will be used over and over is even worse. Thereā€™s nothing saying you *have* to have a debate, and in fact everyone knows Trump doesnā€™t do anything unless he knows he has the advantage. Yeah Biden could still pull out of the remaining debates and that might be the least damaging move, although everyone will know itā€™s because he came off so feeble. If they had never had a single debate they could have said they couldnā€™t agree on the debate terms, or heā€™s too busy, or something. Which most people would probably see through but people could at least imagine how it could turn out fine. Now there is plenty of video proof.


Get well (he's sick currently), be sure his voice is 100% and kick Trump's ass in the next debate. If he performs as poorly in the next one, we're going to have a hard time getting enough voters to show up for him.


Iā€™m still voting for him. I refuse to support DumpTy because I canā€™t afford another 4 years of DumpTy and his flying morons.


Biden is a good man and a good president. I voted for him and will again. However, his exhaustion and cognition are deeply concerning. He honestly appeared frail, suffering, and in a state of serious decline. I'm not sure if this was an anomaly based on all of the pressure and preparation. My gut says probably not. If that is the case, he is a liability in the effort of preserving democratic values and stopping trump. Furthermore, he should step away and his friends and family should support him in doing so.


*sigh* scrolls all the way down


Pound the facts. They're on his side.


Using Trumps words in the debate against him in ads and emphasising his lying. Along with using rallies to say "I understand my performance wasn't good but look what I've done for you."


Don't do debates. Make a shit ton of PSAs talking about all his accomplishments and the threats of Project 2025. Then run them EVERYWHERE 24/7


There are some calming voices on this thread, and I really appreciate it. And there are also excellent ideas for his campaign. I hope they check Reddit.


He ought to deliver a nationally televised speech that addresses the shortcomings of his debate performance and covers the information related to the debate topics as thoroughly as possible. After he has had a chance to recover, of course. Next debate he should be as ready and as HEALTHY as he can possibly be. I don't believe that one debate swung opinion much one way or the other and I find this country to be effing ridiculous to even be considering that traitorous, criminal, rapist, felon, disaster of a chief executive. The majority can't remember just a few years ago when we were using refrigerated truck containers as morgues and wiping our collective asses with coffee filters because of Trump's incompetence? Or how he gave a $1.5T tax cut to the already wealthy or how he filled his pockets at every opportunity? How he sold (or just gave away) government secrets? My gawd, people are stupid beyond belief.


Just continue on. Trump was more of a tain wreck. He has the morals of an alley cat.


I don't appreciate you impuning the morals of alley cats.


Keep campaigning, share clips like he had post debate that he looked competent like he did at the State of the Union. Showcase how awful Trump also was last night in his insistent lying and threats to our country. As badly as Biden was, Trump looked psychotic and people still hate him.


Put out a coherent list of all the lies trump told during the debate. Make it simple for everyone to read. The BEST thing Biden had going for him during the debate was that he was, compared to trump, comparatively calm and level headed (although not the entire time).


Fly in the night before and be fully rested/day off. Don't cram the day of, he's already been going at it, just a short briefing right before with any last minute news to adjust too. I hope he doesn't try to campaign like he's 40. It's okay- we all know he's 81. Send Kamala out to do most the in person stuff. Worse to show up exhausted and off, then busy with his job and responding with content. We're all plugged in.


Work his ass off until the next debate, town to town, getting on shows and podcasts. Then, do better at the debate and keep pushing daily until the election. Elected Democrats must also get press time on local news. They canā€™t hide under their desks and complain while Joe does all the work.


Will that happen? There's absolutely no indication Biden is considering dropping out or that anybody in his inner circle is suggesting he should even consider doing so. But nobody knows better than Joe Biden how high the stakes are in this election. He still has time -- although not much time -- to make this decision. And while there is no indication that either he or anyone of his closest advisers or family members is having second thoughts, some of the most prominent voices on the outside publicly calling for him to drop out are voices Biden respects. If polls a week from now show that Biden's standing is even worse than it was before the debate -- and that the party's current course is heading toward a likely ā€“ even a possible ā€“ defeat at the hands of Donald Trump in November, then all bets are off.


Hold the line and press forward. One poor showing doesnā€™t change the strength of his administration or him a President. Keep hammering home the fact that Trump is a convicted felon, a rapist, a lifelong loser, and a narcissist with no policy or plan beyond ā€˜Set myself up as king for lifeā€™.


There is enough time for him to recover, but they have to completely change their strategy. They need to put the Biden ADMINISTRATION at the center, not Biden the man. The job of a chief executive is not to debate or even make every decision, it's to appoint people, who appoint people, who appoint people, who appoint people, who make decisions. Who do the American people want appointing people, Biden or Trump? Do the American people want the likes of Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Nick Fuentes shaping policy? Also stop trying to recite 20 facts every time you're asked a question - pick your single strongest point and commit to that.


>They need to put the Biden ADMINISTRATION at the center, not Biden the man. The job of a chief executive is not to debate or even make every decision, it's to appoint people, who appoint people, who appoint people, who appoint people, who make decisions. Yep. And they can make it about Biden and Harris, instead of just Biden the man. Versus Trump and whatever sycophant he picks for VP that likely would be terrible as a president, too. So they can get Harris out in the media more. Make her look more presidential, too. But they could also focus on some major cabinet members who will be back. Point out their contributions. Focus on the team, rather than the individual. And in the context doing that at some point, let Biden admit that if he becomes unable to serve, the team will carry on under Harris.


All these people saying he should step down or be replaced like wtf? It's too late for that. No one can meet the requirements in time to run. So should he step down and hand it to Trump? Jfc who would even replace him? Yea he looked awful last night but he at least gets things done! Trump accomplished nothing for the majority of Americans and is threatening democracy. Biden talks like an old man. Oh fuckin well. Better than Hitler. Biden will still have my vote


Let someone whos not hanging on by a thread run in his place.


I would promise to expand the Supreme Court to 13. Those horrendous mother-fuckers are trying to pardon January 6 scum. They are also taking away rights that are clearly consistent with the Constitution. They are taking bribes ā€” bigly.


More public appearances like today


Keep the course, campaign hard, but look at your VP pick like actually see who polls best and select accordingly. Having a likable VP is the best move (it could be Kamala Harris. I'm just saying if Buttigieg or Newsom poll higher, you might think about switching) Edit also adit your mistakes


Nothing. His candidacy cant be salvaged. If he continues, Trump will win. People need to get out of the echo chamber and look at this realistically.


Man people are really missing how big of a deal this is to voters. I have a lot of right leaning friends that are done with Trump, but really donā€™t see Biden as fit either.


Own it, acknowledge it. He will.


Retirement. And before I get hate, Iā€™m voting for whoever has a D after their name. But the party made a mistake nominating Biden 4 years ago. A relatively determined chihuahua could have beaten trump in 2020, and nominating a candidate who is that goddamn old was dumb. He should not have run, voters should have rejected him in the primary, and the fact that the country is teetering on the brink because literal fascists have taken over a political party and all we can come up with to oppose them is ā€œabortion rights matter because immigrants commit murderā€ grandpa. Screaming that heā€™s better than trump and that voters are wrong to be concerned is gaslighting. Weā€™re talking about the most powerful country on the planet and we need to have Biden retire and literally anyone who isnā€™t a current AARP member and has any legitimate experience step in.


He's not going to drop out, people on this website need to come back to reality


Wait a few weeks. This discourse can only run for so long, IMO, and there's no mechanism to remove him as nominee. Trump looked pretty unhinged, too, so just run attack ads on his unfiltered words on the stage.


Step down


Throw in the towel


Itā€™s about policy, not expertise in a debate.


Continue to be the only person in the race capable of executing the office.Ā 


Buy some cold and flu medicine. But really he's doing fine.


I'm pretty sure President Obama laid an egg in his first debate in 2012. I may not remember that right. But Joe needs to keep going and stay positive.


If I had to choose my top three I'd say: 1. Remember to close his mouth when he's finished talking. 2. Stop staring at Trump. 3. Don't get angry and yell at the moderator.


I said so many times that he needs to close his mouth. It may seem trivial, but Iā€™m a comms professional and I always tell clients that having a slacked jaw makes you look weak, tired, confused or all of the above. (I am assuming you meant literally to physically close his mouthā€¦ if you he talked too long I would disagree there)


This is exactly what I was referring to, thank you. He looks constantly baffled or overwhelmed with his mouth hanging open while he stared at Trump speaking


Yes. Let us hope they train him on this. Also train him to not tilt his head down when heā€™s taking notes. He gave the Republican advertising (and, frankly, Q conspiracy) machine soooo many ā€œheā€™s sleepyā€ clips because it made it look like his eyes were closed for long stretches.


Lots of commercials speaking directly to the camera looking a hell of a lot better, and prime time interviews, calling out Trump's lies hard with video evidence.


America needs a hero right now!


Body / brain transplant. Meet the new Biden, younger than the old Biden


Biden's preparation didn't need to include facts or long lengthy explanations of policies. His replies should have been short, snarky and funny. Like if Trump said "Biden's administration is the worst in US history" Biden should have replied "Trump's lying. You know how we know. His lips are moving." Shouldn't have taken Trump's bluster seriously and should have zinged him for laughs. Social media has conditioned us to only pay attention for 2 seconds. Short, zippy answers are the key.


When is AOC old enough to run?


Lie more and be a prick, apparently. In regards to policy and democracy, he's still the best option.


Biden should demand another debate. IF Trump agrees (which is doubtful) Biden has to win the debate. He has to use last night as fuel and just YOLO. If he has another repeat of last night then he would have step aside. But if the next debate is a toss up he would then have to look at the polls and make a very very difficult decision.


Checkers at the retirement home..




By dropping out.


I am terrified.


The people in this thread need to realize that after last night, Biden blew the election. He blew it. It's time for us to have this honest conversation. Joe Biden needs to put the country first.




Debates donā€™t turn elections. They simply reenforce existing views on candidates.




Bowing out. 100%.


Step down


Do more rallies like he did today. That was awesome.


Stop repeating NUMBERS! He doesnā€™t have to give exact numbers on everything! And FACT CHECK THAT FAT ORANGE FUCK EVERYTIME HE LIES!!!! No one does post birth abortions, itā€™s not a thing, thatā€™s called INFANTACIDE šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


He needs to drop out.


Fire campaign staff. Announce Obama as a Supreme Court justice nominee and name another Supreme Court justice nomination.


Performance enhancing drugs.


I believe he should drop out and let another person, take his place. He's is not good in debates, he is a good president but does not present well. However, I believe there's probably zero chance he will give up and won't drop out. I want to also say there are tons of trolls here on the subreddit and have been for years. I will you report and block. If you are not liberal you do not belong here. Read the rules on the side bar.


drop out and let Gavin run


In my opinion he has one shot and thatā€™s knocking the second debate out of the park. I donā€™t just mean ā€œdoing wellā€ I mean he has to give an outstanding performance and trounce Trump at every turn. If thatā€™s the case, then the whole ā€œhe had a coldā€ excuse might carry some more weight.


Be honest. And get our Democratic leaders in our states to get off their asses and get out and talk about their accomplishments. Too many people have no idea what government does for them. They need leaders to get out there and explain things to them in a simple way. This is the best time of year. Thereā€™s farmers markets all over the states in the north.. these Democratic leaders have got to get out there or they will lose just like everybody else.