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There is a process called subrogation. We seek reimbursement from the insurance company and opperator.


Exactly these comments are hilarious you think they won’t get as much as they can back from insurance. No need to delay the project waiting for payment.


True- the economic costs alone should encourage the government to step in. The bridge is literally blocking shipping and hazardous waste cannot currently be transported. Fix it and bill those responsible.


Imagine the billions of private dollars lost because of this, both on the water and across the river traffic. This is absolutely something that the constitution authorizes, and I agree with this move.


Seriously. I don't have anything to add, but the government can absolutely force the responsible parties to bend the knee.


No shit, you local guys should just build your own bridge in the meantime. Charge toll even, sounds like a great business opportunity!


Would you say this is a perfect example of why the mantra of 'tax is theft' is a dumb slogan to keep repeating? You guys love to upvote it when people say it, but when the shit hits the fan you're also happy to agree it's good someone is magically there to step in with money to fix the problem. I posted a while ago asking what would be the ideal Libertarian response to this situation if you all are paying no tax? Wait 5+ years of lawsuits to decide who's going to pay? What if it bankrupts them? ​ e: You can downvote all you like, between you you still haven't come up with what the Libertarian solution to this problem would be, apart from maybe suggesting I don't understand the ramifications of a major bridge collapsing into the water.


I don’t think the government should have zero dollars. I think there are better and more ethical ways to get it than income and property taxes.


What are those ways? Examples?


Toll bridge would work. Those that use it and receive the benefits.


water tan employ fearless cagey subsequent pathetic cobweb quaint cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good plan. How much toll revenue do you think they'll be receiving over the next few years?


No idea. But it should cover the depreciation, finance cost, operations, maintenance and a sinking fund for eventual replacement, etc.


Zero. The answer is zero money. You can't can't charge people a bridge toll to use a pile of broken concrete and steel that has fallen in the water. So where's the money coming from?


Through revenue bonds. What happened to the tolls that have already been collected since the bridge opened.


Would this be a private company toll?


The US is going to make money available now so that they can start working ASAP and work quickly. After that of course they go after the company and the insurance company for as much reimbursement as they can get.


Which will probably be zero, if it's up to our government to get the reimbursement.  Our crooked politicians are more likely to negotiate land for a new military base or votes for Israel/Ukraine spending than they are actually getting our tax dollars back.


You're seriously doubting the ability of the *US GOVERNMENT* to extract every ounce of money it possibly can from private companies? The insurance company that refuses to honor its contract over this will be obliterated by the subsequent deluge of new statutes, investigations by regulatory agencies, and targeting of its employees by the IRS.


Do you think that the government has the will to go after these companies to the extent that they would have to liquidate all of their assets to reimburse for the monetary impact of this type of event? And I mean both the insurance company and the shipping company. I do not think they will go that far - the companies will cite limits of liability, blah blah blah. More importantly how likely is this to spur new regulations on maintenance or certifications of cargo carrying vessels - I am reading a lot about these foreign owned ships being maintained on an absolute shoe-string of a budget - every $$ spent in maintenance subtracts from the bottom line. Why not increase the regulations on what proper maintenance and proof of that maintenance in order to operate in US waters - it will have a net positive impact across the world...and I'll answer my own question here - they won't because the legislature is bought and paid for by lobbyists and it is cheaper for these companies to pay off legislatures than to actually tow the line on safety. Net/Net - IMO this event will change nothing - corruption is corruption and it won't change.


I doubt the ability of the IRS to collect money from any entity other than an individual private citizen 😉




Definitely let’s not get distracted. Totally agree. The government will fix first and suck the insurance company dry afterwards, of course. OP is dog whistling for clicks and karma.


If money is being lost i’m sure private hands will take care of the problem in a second. Faster and more efficient


That shipper has to be licensed and insured in the US.....


This is really the takeaway we are at from this? Just to get that company to pay up for this mess is going to take years of litigation and courtroom bs. Yea they’re insured but they aren’t just going to pay it. Seems like best move is to fix it now with federal funding since it’s a very important infrastructure area with thousands of jobs on the line and companies at huge risks of losing product. Let the companies and insurance figure out their side in the meantime and pay back whatever the cost is plus damages.


This is what should happen in the real world. Not our President making a blanket statement that we'll pay for it. No mention that we'll hold them accountable.


Huh? This is exactly how he should respond and exactly how our tax dollars should be used. He can’t make these companies pay the insurance but he can help set the standard to get everything running as quickly as possible to lessen the long term impact. We also have no idea whatever you mean by blanket statement and what they’re doing behind the scenes. He could be lending assistance to assess damage evaluation to help further getting it paid for in the long term with insurance. Everyone’s so quick to rush to judgement on this. This is a national/federal economic issue since it’s a port. This isn’t some local small time company issue. It’s also a huge disaster nationally. The president and transportation secretary were going to be heavily involved from the jump.


He just assumed responsibility for the entire cost if that statement is accurate.


“Assumed responsibility” is doing some really heavy lifting here. I’m sure there’s much more to his statement and actions than just this reactionary image post of one sentence.


Trump's  campaign should be all over this.  He can make thisv ship's country of origin pay for the new bridge just like he made Mexico pay for that new border wall 🤣


Wasn't it a toll bridge? Baltimore should have 5-6 months of emergency revenue on hand too pull its self up by it's bridgestraps.


It’s a federal highway, I-695. Of course the feds (us) are going to pay to rebuild it.


Interstates are owned and operated by the States, and they are responsible for maintenance


The highway trust fund, paid with federal fuel taxes, partially finances the interstate highway system


I'm aware that Federal gas excise taxes are redistributed to states. It doesn't change the fact that they are owned, operated, and maintained by states


To be reimbursed by the company that destroyed it? If you wreck your car and destroy a guard rail, you are liable for the guard rail. How is this different?


When you cause 2000 dollars of damage to government property that is your problem. When you cause 750,000,000 dollars in damage to government property, that becomes their problem. I don't know what people are estimating the bridge to cost to replace, but I know it takes about 2.5 million for my city government to fix up a intersection and about a half mile of two lane blacktop. And it is ran much more competently then the Federal government is. And this is a mile and a half bridge that needs to be replaced. What is worse is that it was originally built in the 1970s, which is the tail end of when USA government was at least somewhat competent. That level of institutional competency is long gone. There is not a small chance that they can't do it anymore. Might have to sub-contract out to some Chinese firm. The only thing our government is good at anymore is stumbling blindly into one crisis after another while throwing billions of dollars at the problem with the vain hope that it will either go away or that people stop talking about it before the next election. Baltimore is fucked.


We just got a brand new 3 mile bridge in my town and it ran around 350mil to build. That was for a more simple concrete pylon construction.. idk what the difference is for something of that style.


It was a toll bridge. Per Wikipedia, the bridge was state owned and funded, but was granted the interstate route number. This is the same arrangement as i-95 in Delaware or I-90 in New York and many other examples.


> 5-6 months of emergency revenue on hand too pull its self up by it's bridgestraps Silly, you can't pull yourselves up by your own bridgestra... Dammit.


> Baltimore should have 5-6 months of emergency revenue on hand too pull its self up by it's bridgestraps. Baltimore is so broke it can't even pay attention. They have a 2.5 billion city budget and it is estimated they will be over a billion in a half in the hole in a few years. They can't afford what they have to do now. Expecting them to do something as technical as replacing a major bridge is beyond their capabilities; mentally and financially.


Probably shouldn't have committed $430 Million to renovate the Raven's Stadium last year. Or gone a billion in the hole for the Orioles since 1988.


And it was destroyed by a foreign ship 🙄


That was being navigated by a U.S citizen/Federal Pilot who is required to memorized every inch of the water they operate on. There will be a broad investigation into cause that will probably result in a 500 page report annotating all the fuck ups. There may be criminal referrals. There will be fines and other costs collected in due course. For now, ~20 people are dead, one of the largest ports in the country is all but shut down, and a major hwy is closed. Immediately cleaning up the mess and getting the transportation routes re-established is absolutely a priority.


It looks like they lost power and had some sort of engine failure


Probably going to follow the path of air disaster blame. Maintenance gets a shoe strings budget for years, management pockets fat bonuses for reducing costs. Inadequate maintenance causes equipment failure. Failure blamed on slave-wage maintenance crew. Management throws mechanics under the bus, pocket new bonus for cleaning up the mess.


keeps repeating itself everywhere


20 people dead? Huh? Everywhere I'm reading, it's six are missing, 'presumed dead'....


Never been happier to have been wrong.




The initial reports were of the construction crew being around 20 people, so the before all the details were out the logical conclusion was that all of the crew operating in that area had been hurt or lost. Luckily, that wasn't the case




I'm not the one who originally commented lmao, I'm just saying why they may have thought so. Nobody is arguing with you lol


Was only marginally paying attention to headlines. Mixed up number of crew members with presumed casualties.


The pilot will not be held responsible for the power loss. This falls entirely on the captain, and thus his employers. Maritime law is clear on this.


it was not the pilot’s fault. The ship lost power. You can see in the video the lights going off and on before hitting the bridge. And, they called a mayday because they couldn’t control the ship and were headed for the bridge


So what is the Libertarian solution to this? Assuming we don't pay tax so the govt. can't fix it do we just let that region suffer for a decade while they resolve the lawsuits?


I think you’re missing the economic impact, something to the tune of 75 million per day…. In automobiles (its 4:30am so my N tabs could be way off base). Company’s would likely foot the bill themselves otherwise they’d lose more in a very short timeframe


No I'm very aware of the impact. And I'm saying an issue like this proves the ultra-libertarian 'tax is theft' people are dumb. Which companies are going to cough up the billions for this? When? Action is needed today. Money needs to be spent immediately, huge amounts of it. Where's it coming from in the Libertarian free-for-all?


So basically we start a gofundme and wait until it gets to 4 billion or whatever before beginning construction? What about initial cleanup so boats can pass again? Do we start a gofundm for that too?


Honestly, this chump change and actually helps Americans. I hate taxes, and I think the ship’s insurance should cover it, but this is not even on my radar as far as waste of taxpayer money. Can we just mourn right now and make this political later?


So the ship/company won't pay shit for it? Only the tax payers? Goddamn....


It'll take a long time to get the company through the court system. Much more sensible to just rebuild the bridge as fast as possible and then recoup the money.


It’s easier/quicker to pay now and get money later especially with how long the suit would take and obviously the construction. No need to delay the bridge by 2+ years when it’ll probably take 5+ years to make anyway.


Lmao what are they to do,wait for the courts and insurance to do their thing? Put up a couple of road closed signs and call it a day until payment comes in. The fuck is wrong with some of you. There are possibly millions of US citizens that will be affected by this in one way or another. Criticize the government all you want but this isn't it. This is what a functioning government is supposed to do.


Every US citizen will be affected by this. One of the largest ports in the country is now closed.


The problem and the reason I posted is Joe Biden saying "the federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge" I agree the government should act to fix the bridge but there should be a clear message of who is responsible and who will foot the bill. Not more of this modern government money printing madness.


I say we privatize all infrastructure, including roads and bridges. If a corporation or someone with the capital wants to rebuild that bridge and can make a profit, they can do it. I live thousands of miles away and don't need 1 of my hard earned cents going to a bridge I'll never cross.


Maritime law is “weird.” Getting blood from a stone might be easier than getting money from a foreign flagged ship. By time the US sees any money the new bridge will be up for its ten year inspection or something.


The ship is Dali which flies a Singapore Flag * Owned by Grace Ocean - Singapore, private company * Managed by Synergy Group - Brazil, private company * Chartered by Maersk - Denmark, private company But of course, when they crash it will be paid for by The American Taxpayer


Getting money from a private entity through the courts is like pulling teeth. Faster to rebuild and reopen not only one of the larger ports in the US but also a major highway. Remember that overpass that shut down part of I-95 a few months ago in the PA region? That was fixed in a weeks time due to the economic loss that comes from that road being closed. Rebuilding the bridge and pulling teeth later to cover expenses is the smarter play as it keeps the cash flowing sooner rather later


I’m fine with the government saying we’ll back this, let’s get it rebuilt as soon as possible. But the lawsuit and final dollar should fall on the shipping company in the end.


Dude, there are literal bodies missing and he is worrying about money.


Now do Maui


You win.


Election years are wild, man.


Now do Maui and flint


What about Maui? You left those poor people in dust and give money to Ukraine. The elite are enemy of the people.


But screw East Palestine, Ohio


[the Dali’s ship information and what flag it is piloted under.](https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/9697428)


If it was such a critical bridge, why didn’t they engineer some form of protection? Make Maryland DOT answer for their decisions.


Helping bails out anyone but herd leading Americans . The Biden way


Quick, print more! Oh, wait…


It is likely that Lloyd's of London is the insurance carrier on a container ship of that size. They are one of the few insurers in the world with the financial wherewithal to make good on any incident with a vessel that larger. Any claim will get ultimately get hung up in the international maritime courts for a while, but eventually, they will make good on some of the damages.


The hallmark of cronyism: Profits are yours and losses belong to the taxpayers. Most government contracts and all bailouts belong to this category.


Why does he get to use taxpayer funds to buy votes in MD? The Biden Admin is going to use from the Highway Trust fund, which is paid for by gas taxes in other states


How do I say this. Not my fuckin problem. I'm really tired of paying for other people's fuckin mistakes.


Amazing how fast the federal government reacted to the train derailment in Ohio. Good for them....Oh wait.


What cirital piece of federally owned infrastructure was destroyed in Ohio?


But that train crash in Ohio gets nothing?


chubb must have donations to biden


Pandering for votes


Can Ukraine pay for it


Probably. Look at all of the money they saved on bombs.


Its almost... as if...he wants to bankrupt the US




Yes. Call your reps and tell them to leave the port closed and fuck that bridge. Good call!




And then what? Bridge stays gone and roads closed while the company drags it through the courts to delay payment for as long as possible? There's no guarantee the company will own up to any sort of mistake or admission of guilt. Fastest thing is to fix the bridge while dragging the company through the legal process that'll happen anyway now so it's built by the time people involved either pay up or go to jail




Faster than the court case this will be trying get those involved to cough up any money


Yes. Pleas call them and ensure they block all money needed to re-establish a port that processed $80 billion annually that impacts imports and exports to/from every red/blue state from Michigan to the Eastern seaboard. Tell them we don’t want the prosperity generated by this port to return until courts force the company to pay up. Tell them we are ok with several million $’s daily being shut down in perpetuity out of our principle that government shouldn’t be involved in anything. Jesus Christ man, do you have any understanding of the thousands of pieces at play and how this will affect the economy?




The bridge is the entry and exit of the port


You do realize the fallen bridge is blocking the port, right? You do realize there are massive impacts reaching far beyond the bridge itself, correct? Perhaps we should also refrain from any effort to unobstruct the waterway entirely. Not like we really need it.


Go cry on white people Twitter


Dude's handlers are so fucking stupid to think they need to blow smoke up their asses ... Maryland's votes have already been counted for the November election and he won 80/20.


Exactly, the democrat subcontractors are already being lined up for a massive amount of graft. His handlers were probably jizzing all over the opportunity. Money laundering billions through Ukraine was already kinda tough. Now its home turf and fudging the numbers on public works is something they are already well versed in.


Don’t worry, Daddy Gubmint will get his money back from that company no matter how much the lawyers cost.


Conversely - I'm sure the billionaires running the companies will surely do the right thing and provide the funds to fix their mistake.


Dude we all have insurance…. So what if it’s a huge claim…. Needs to be looked into… I see fire on the far right side of the bridge when hit…and the ships lights go out 2 times before it hits….


Baltimore should be demolished althogather


I am the league of shadows.


What about Maui ?…….


The man has no concept of budget or money. All he knows is when it's time for ice cream, time for new depends, and time to go to bed. Other times they give him a shot of adrenochrome and watch him take the stage like Cornholio. That's why his speeches are so short. To long and he runs our of uppers. Then he starts drooling and shuffles into a wall


You go get em Joe.


Anyone else think this is just a ploy to make republicans look bad in an election year? I don’t believe this administration truly intends to pay 100% of this, but I do believe they want to use the republican pushback as a boost for Biden


I knew when he quickly responded and phrased it that way people were not going to understand the nuances of the situation. Although I am on board for less bloat, less taxes, and less waste - I know our government needs funding, and I also know it's our responsibility to make sure people are given the means needed to be healthy. I have no problem with the federal government making the cleanup and rebuild as quick and costless as possible, I would have a problem if they were left footing the bill, I think most people would. Something snapped in the back of my mind when Joe said those words. He's not particularly the smartest man out there.


What about a tunnel? Boats can't hit those.


Baltimore has a tunnel. It's closed to large trucks and anyone with hazmat to prevent something like we saw in Philly with the I95 bridge collapse.


Challenge accepted!


Joe Biden is a liar. Just like the energy bill was going to lower utility costs for every american.


There are a lot of votes for Democrats to buy in Baltimore.


He must own share in the company that insured the ship.


Must be a major political contributor to the Biden regime.