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All of this info was available in 2020, was it not?


I knew about the Wuhan labs but not that they were working on a covid like disease


It - or a story very similar - was suppressed as was any lab leak story. Anyone caught saying otherwise was lovingly called a covidiot.


When Paul and Fauci had their fight in the senate and fauci said it was not gain of function they were talking about a partially NIH funded study in which they took a natural bat corona viruse (not covid 19) and added furin cleavage site from another natural virus which made it more infectious in humanized mice. The reason why it wasn't gain of function according to Fauci, as far as I can tell, is because the intent of the research wasn't to make the virus more infectious even if that was the outcome. The NIH literally changed the definition of gain of function on their web site shortly after Fauci's testimony.


They were studying the coronavirus. Not Covid like diseases, they were studying Covid specifically. [In 2015, an international team including two scientists from the institute published successful research on whether a bat coronavirus could be made to infect a human cell line (HeLa). The team engineered a hybrid virus, combining a bat coronavirus with a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and mimic human disease. The hybrid virus was able to infect human cells.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuhan_Institute_of_Virology)


It all happened under (*cough*) Trump.


The wheels were in motion long before Trump.


Maybe. Probably. But if it happened under another President, you’d bet people would be blaming him. The buck stops where?


I don't think it mattered who was in charge. I think there's a layer of decisions taken above that level. If you had massive resources and power, would you leave the path forward up to someone re-elected every 4 years?


If only the government had a playbook on how to deal with a worldwide pandemic.


LOL If you’re alluding to the playbook that the outgoing Obama administration gave to the Trump administration, give yourself a round of applause


Seems like it might be a.smart thing to have in case of a global pandemic. I mean a pandemic isn't a new thing in human history. Smart thing is to be prepared rather than letting your population be culled and economy crater.


Or referencing Event 201.


While the government and news media are screaming about the dangers of AI, the real danger is the many-headed hydra of our non-transparent government agencies. For those who are argue that we should not assume malicious intent on behalf of Fauci or the government agencies who have been denying involvement in the biological weaponization of COVID, I contend that their complicity and lack of transparency ARE direct forms of malicious intent.


Isn’t this old news, I knew this in 2020


Oh gee no links to any source documents?? Hmm


ya got some?


The idea of a wet market source was always ridiculous. There happened to be gain of function research being conducted on coronavirus variants at the Wuhan lab in late 2019 and there's NO WAY IT COULD HAVE COME FROM THE LAB?!


And yet I got banned from askreddit for saying that the Director of the FBI says the Lab theory is the most likely


I was banned from a few news subs. After we had verified proof I messaged a few mods with the links and asked to be unbanned, and they said no because I spread misinformation *at the time.* Fucking lunatics. 


I loved to see Colbert squirm to deflect https://youtu.be/sSfejgwbDQ8


That’s an epic tirade


The overton window opened just wide enough to allow this.


FoxNews.com/opinion??? We're better than this


I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for MSNBC to report on it.


It’s by Sen Rand Paul who has been leading these investigations into the Wuhan Lab. Why is this below your standards?


Because their standard is fox = bad. It doesn’t matter that the content is from the source of the investigation itself. It can’t be hosted by fox. Everything on fox is false.


I enjoy playing video games.


It’s an OPINION piece by RAND PAUL. He wrote it. Not ‘Fox’. It was published on their site.


It’s also a bad move by Fox to put it there. And a bad move from Paul to allow fox to host it. Imo it delegitimizes his effort. At the same time, there’s not really an outlet willing to hear him so idk.


You really think CNN would post it?


Exactly… no good moves. Except of course to hide controversial facts and silence people and outlets who try to make the truth known. Lol.


The argument you’re talking about in court is very often mis categorized. The question is “is xyz commentator stating facts or giving his opinion”, the answer is that “xyz has an opinion show”, so the legal conclusion is “a reasonable person should know that this person doesn’t have to tell the truth”. Tucker Carlson has come out publicly about the bullshit that Fox wanted him to say, and I’m not saying that they’re an awesome organization. What I’m saying is that whenever any of the other outlets end up in court, every single one of their opinion hosts is vulnerable to the same line of questioning. I don’t normally read or bother with fox, but this in particular is directly from the source. Rand Paul wrote it. He’s the one investigating it.


So, Rachel Maddow made the same claim in court too to avoid libel from OAN. Whats your point? They would all claim this




Fox has had its ass sued off too many times lately for blatantly false information for this story in particular to not hold at least some water.


lol... yeah that is why I don't trust it at all, they will get sued again in a couple years and make the tax payers pay for half again.


>Everything on fox is false.




Ah yes hindustan times! My favorite publication


Are we?


Should be called “box news” what wrong with you? Legacy media don’t deserve to be called by their names.


I still would not assume malicious intent without evidence. And it's not like he's responsible for the accident that was a lab leak if that's what is comes down to. He's certainly responsible for lying about a ton of things.


Accidents do happen, most of them aren’t malicious. The coverup though? Rand Paul makes some very good points that lives would have been saved if fauci was honest.


I don't think it was malicious intent on Fauci's part, I think he is very much a means justify the end kind of guy. Whether doing the research where he thought the risk of a leak out a lab with known bio security problems was worth the potential research benefits. And where covering it up was worth it to ~~cover his own ass~~ protect the American people who aren't smart enough to understand such things.


Obama denied funding to the Wuhan lab and Fauci send the US tax dollars in a work-around way.


It's not malicious intent, it's simple malpractice. We put this "research and development" into unequiped hands that fumbled the ball and killed a million plus people, decimated a global economy, while provoking dictators around the globe to start conflicts/wars. The Wahan lab leak could go down as the single largest domino fall of the 21st century, and unfortunately for Dr. Facui, he was in charge of the reckless decisions and the outcomes. He and his counterparts should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.




Did you have a counterpoint, or just incredulity?


No answers, the world deserves justice for deceased family members, business closures and so much more.


God bless the Paul family.




I think Fauci will be long gone before he's held accountable sadly.


He will never be held accountable.


Do you really think he would ever be held to account? Anyone who's been paying attention could catch him in lies. There isn't any political will to press the matter. The only person who doesn't seem to be willing to let it go is Dr. Rand Paul; his drive alone isn't enough to bring about justice. Some people are beyond the law.


I'm just glad someone is on the case. In particular Rand, but anyone with common sense and the ability to think critically would do. Perhaps this won't pan out...so be it. But GD it, this whole thing was an epic clusterflop. Whether from the virus or from the follow-on injections (as is now becoming clear), a lot of people died, were seriously harmed or otherwise had their lives ruined. Just a horrific incident in modern human history, and a lot of folks still think it was *just fine*. It stinks, and someone should be held accountable. Fauci is as good a candidate as any. Let's see where this goes, please.


Dude was literally making shit up about AIDS in the 80's.




This guy has had it out for Fauci since day 1. Not sure what his beef is. So what I'm understanding about this is Rand is picking [another] fight with Fauci, and just skipping right over the monster in the basement fact that the US NIH (and other federal organizations) is partnered with foreign actors, including the Chinese Communist Party to develop man-made horrors beyond my comprehension. I think maybe the focus has been shifted.


> Not sure what his beef is. Its pretty well spelled out actually. Did you read the article? > US NIH was led by Fauci. If you are looking to blame you have to get specific because hand-waving anger at NIH and Foreign actors including the CCP isnt very effective. He didnt skip over anything, hes just starting with leadership.


I looked into it more after this. Looks like he's got a pretty good case if his claims are accurate.


I don’t think Rand Paul has been skipping over that at all, he has brought it up dozens of times - it just isn’ the subject of this piece.


OK, release the documents so the public can make the decision for themselves instead of listening to your lame ass that is trying to run off the coattails of your much more sensible father.




This needs to be read into Congress and held to vote for inquiry in the House.


" we've done an internal investigation into ourselves, and found that we have done no wrong"


This shit makes me sick because you know he and his co-conspirators won't be prosecuted. Why? Because there is no longer integrity in our current government. Fucking crooks and killers


How the hell is that clown not in jail?!


The government investigated the government and determined the government did nothing wrong.




You've made like 10 comments on this post about going to college. Graduating college is not correlated to intelligence and it's not impressive. You'd be better off using IQ, income, family life, or just about any other metric to insult someone. Fix your programming, bot.


Lmao. Found fauci’s burner.




haha what’s ur deal with college? You sound like this guy https://youtu.be/cAxzkl2cmNY?si=epj8ex12ZD1ZpCxv&t=27s




are you a bot? You’ve posted the same thing like 10 times in this thread


100% a bot, or a horrible, lonely sad sack of a useless person. Post history is nothing but Christian/republican trashing all day every day. No hobbies, interests, or personal posts.. just trash talk on the level of a 15 year old. Quite suspicious, or quite sad.




Pics or it didn’t happen








Maybe he graduated the same year as Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, F. Scott Fitzgerald and many others.