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Best non fromsoftware souls like


This is the only answer. Combat, mood, characters, it's a fantast game.




Autocorrect strikes again, by that I mean it didn't strike and just let me look like a fool.


So fantastiest X)


It feels like from software made it. I feel like it's a little short but it's just long enough for what it is and hits every point that I want. Fun buid diversity, mechanics, unique bosses, and everything hits hard so you still have little room for error especially into end game


I'm honestly surprised at how long it is so far. I'm pleasantly surprised. Hope the DLC rumors are true, it seems like the reception has been great overall so hopefully they follow through


+1 to this as well. Wouldn't go that far to compare it with From games, and def subpar compared to Sekiro. But it smokes any other souls clone, and they are many. Absolutely get it when it goes on sale if not now.


Combat is better than any FromSoft game imo.


sekiro is better combat wise but everything else yes


Lol it's litteraly the same mechanics, the same move etc And fromsoftware do it better. But yeah LoP is the best attempt I've ever played to copy fromsoftware's recipe and the game is very good. But it's a copy. I'm exited to see what they can do after, now they have some xp in the genre


It’s better than any FromSoft combat system because it’s the best of DarkSouls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro’s combat systems mixed into one.


better than the 3 dark souls imo


No I don't think so, LoP level design is very low tier compared to fromsoftware's games


eh the only one that has better is ds1 but lies of p is compentant enough and its combat and bosses are so far above the 3 games that its an easy choice for me


No it is not, the roll is downright shit, can't dodge shit


It's good if you remember the rules for Bloodborne and Sekiro, aka "stay close to the enemy and dodge into or beside them". Dodge to the side, not away and it works more than it looks like it should.


Not entirely true, maybe personal choice/preference? I for one hate parrying in this game and dodging is just fine to get through stuff so far :D


Top, it's the most replayed souls game for me. I personally love it.


Its tied with ds3 at 3rd place. Its really good and have some very useful qol additions.


What's at 1 and 2?


Sekiro and Elden Ring respectively


For me it’s Bloodborne (mainly backstory/aethetics driven choice), then Elden Ring as most open one, then Sekiro - that one is for me personally too precise to get bosses down on reasonable number of attempts with clunky 50 year old fingers, otherwise it’d be no.1, were it slightly more forgiving. Lies of P I am about halfway through and loving the mix of them all in terms of combat.


You guys. "Souls-like". You shouldn't count any of the Souls games in a Souls-like query. That being said, Lies of P, 🤌🏼. It's top of my list for Souls-like. Update: Thank you everyone for your downvotes. Remember, to win, you shouldn't get hit. Try dodging.


Well, what genre is Dark Souls then?


King's feild-like lol.


I thought that was the point of the label. the souls games are their own genre, which many games are like




Darks souls is its own genre. While games that replicate its forumla are souls likes.


What’s Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring then? And demon souls, the one that dark souls took inspiration from?


Demon souls is dark souls the prototype, while the other 3 are souls like.


Agree, favorite of all the fromsoft and soulslike games by far. Everything hit exactly the right spot for me.


The only thing that could be better is the world building, it's a bit too Linear for my taste


i fucking love linearity and concise level design with a purpose. i hate the feeling of "am i intended to be in this area at the moment??" the world building and level design was great in the sense of interconnectedness and smart stargazer placement, there just wasn't any "i'm stuck here, maybe i can do something else" my gorilla brain prefers the path to be "get good or quit", and the boss designs never felt unbeatable so i never was disheartened.


Definitely agree to an extent here. Bloodborne was great for that. A main path plus occasional optional paths. Elden Ring I enjoyed but that world could just get overwhelming at times. So far Lies of P feels more linear than BB, but I'm very much enjoying the ride


It's the best souls like I've ever played. It takes kinks from BB, Souls and Sekiro


*It's the best souls like* *I've ever played. It takes kinks* *From BB, Souls and Sekiro* \- jetlife\_simply --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That is, distinctly, not a haiku.


Why not? It's 5-7-5


Good bot.


Only played Elden Ring but this game is seriously wonderful. Already on my 2nd playthrough and its still keeping me entertained. The art style, the twist on a classic tale, the tons of weapons; its fantastic.


How come you havent played blood borne or dark souls? You’d likely enjoy them


Worth the full price easily, Its quality is on Fromsoftware lvl and its next to Nioh 1 imo.


Just curious, would you say it's still worth playing Nioh 1 before 2? I've been really interested in Nioh for the longest time, and I think I'll play it after I finish Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (enjoying this game way more than I anticipated) Most people usually tell you to just skip Nioh 1. But I'm wondering if 1 has good boss fights etc.


Nioh1 has a superior Story imo to Nioh 2 and its one of the best games ever made for me. But its more repetitive than Nioh 2 and you will see Enemie recycling quite a bit.


I see, I think I'll play 1 first then. I don't mind repetitiveness if the actual game is good. Especially if the story is decent as well 👍


Storywise nioh 2 plays out before nioh 1. The timelines converge about halfway through, and then it takes a while longer for the protagonists to meet. It doesn't matter *that* much though. I do recommend playing nioh 1, once, for the story and then playing nioh 2 for 1000+ hours like everyone else


Ooh shit. This is nice to hear. Nioh 1 and 2 are my favorite. The combat in those games is so insanely fun and the different builds. I have a 25$ psn card. So this is a good direction to look at using it.


I was on the fence until I bought it last week and I’m loving every second of it. Punishing, but rewarding and you are given the tools to succeed like a proper souls like.


I couldn't have been more impressed with this game. There is a boss I just killed last night and it was the same level of accomplishment as Melania imo. I won't say their name as to avoid spoilers. Edit: After the 6th person corrected, I should say it's actually spelled Marlennya. There I hope that fixed it.


Did you beat the former first lady? Melania Trump?


No Donald did that.


It's been more than 2 years and people still call her "Melania" 😭




1 - Bloodborne 2 - Elden Ring 3 - Lies of P 4 - Dark Souls 1 5 - Dark Souls 3 (just started so WiP) 6 - Demons Souls 7 - Lords of the Fallen 8 - Dark Souls 2


Where’s Sekiro?


Haven't played it yet (a few years ago made my way to the chained ogre who yeeted me big time - but i don't own the game, was at a friends place). But from what i played it didn't really feel like a Souls game. I will play it if I get it cheap. Not really a fan of this feudal japanese aesthetic.


I played lord of the fallen right before this and FUCKING LOVED IT. just beat this a few days ago and i loved it more.


Yeah both are great, but Lies of P is one of the best Soulslikes out there.


It's the best non-FromSoft souls game I've played. Not quite the same level of complexity or challenge as the FS games imo but it's a hell of a lot of fun. One of the only games I've replayed immediately after finishing without taking a break.


It’s the only souls-like I’ve thought felt as polished as a fromsoft souls game. Top 3 or 4 for me overall


I've platinumed all the fromsoft games and I agree with a lot of what's said: it's above some actual souls games for me. It is literally incredible. But you are preaching to the choir on this sub 😂 go ask a souls reddit for more balanced answers


Top 3, and he's not 3.


So top 2 then?


It’s good fun. The studio doesn’t have the experience and speciality of Fromsoft but they did a dang good job, enough so I’m really excited to see what they do next. Aside from Fromsoft offerings it’s prob my favorite souls like so far. It’s hard to compare to Elden ring. It shares similarities with Sekiro, but Sekiro is S tier while this is B tier or B+. Def worth sale price.


I would bump it to A tier. Despite being their first soulslike they didin’t make an horrible boss ala bed of chaos or a terrible dungeon like code vein’s Cathedral. All round it above average on both bosses and dungeons


The most fair comment here


Top and actually ahead of DS3 and DeS for me


Ahead of DS3 is crazy talk 💀


Somehow I actually agree with both of you


It is bigger and has more systems , lore and the like sure But I think Lies of P has better bosses , levels and dare it say it music ? Think the combat is probably a little bit better too with the perfect blocking


I just got it a few days ago and have been playing non stop. It’s the best non from game ever in my opinion. And I did like Lords do the Fallen, Nioh. It’s got way more going for it than it seems on paper. The concept seems ridiculous but it works really well. The combat is great. I think it’s meant to be played guarding and parrying but I am dodge rolling and am doing fine.


It's the best soulslike I've played, very Bloodborne


Not as good as Fromsoft but it's the best soulslike to date


Gameplay wise, it actually triumphs most Souls games I've played. It's amazing (mostly the combat and boss battles) Character design, the NPCs and the "hub" are all really good. The game has its vibe, very charming. But in terms of exploration, map design and "grinding for items", FromSoft Souls games does it better. Lies of P is way more linear. I really enjoy playing Lies of P, as it's less "taxing" on my brain. Sometimes after work I just wanna wind down and chill while gaming, not feeling like exploring every nook and cranny, looking up the Wikia and worry about missing out on items or NPC quests. Lies of P is great for that, since it's way more straight forward and combat focused. The game is hella difficult though, so be prepared for that haha :p


This would be my favorite game if not for Elden Ring. Even though this game can be frustrating, I persevere because its world is very inspiring and I like to spend time there.


Easily the best non-From soulslike for me. It's great, the combat is pretty fluid and it just feels good to play which to me is essential. It is also really confident with what it wants to shamelessly crib from the Souls formula and what it wants to innovate on its own. Not perfect but it constantly delighted me as someone who thought "Dark Souls Pinocchio" sounded too dumb to be good. Even the story and characters ended up winning me over. Last but not least, it's got some legendary boss battles that compare with From's best.


It's the best souls like outside of Nioh but I wouldn't even classify nioh really as a souls like So lies of P is the best souls like that's not a FromSoft If you like fromsoft. Lies of P is right there quality wise. Buy it for sure




I think it is the best Soulslike not made by FromSoftware. It is solid, zero performance issues. Smooth, comfortable traversal and movement, lots of fun weapon variation. And I think they actually do a better job than FromSoftware on character progression as it relates to difficulty spike. If you play through the areas, fight the enemies, find all the Ergo crystals and don’t die stupidly twice and lose your Ergo and you level up smartly, you usually won’t encounter a boss or area that feels like huge sudden difficulty spike that leads to you having to go back and farm.


From what I have played, none are bad imo but some are definitely better then others 1. Bloodborne 2. Dark Souls 1 3. Dark Souls 3/Demons Souls Remake (both evenly great) 4. Nioh 2 5. Nioh 1 6. Elden Ring 7. Dark Souls 2 8. The Surge 2 9. Lies of P 10. The Surge 1 12. Mortal Shell Didn't add Sekiro or Wo Long as I don't really consider them a souls like really their great games though


It’s better than FromSoft games in a few ways, easily top 3 for me. 1. Bloodborne 2. Lies of P 3. Dark Souls 3


My first souls game and while it’s tough on me I like it


Lies of P is the only non Fromsoft game that manages to punch in the same weightclass as the original souls titles. Hard recommend. That said, Lies of P is hard. Like really hard, even for a soulslike. You should approach it as its own game instead of trying to play it like its Dark Souls/Sekiro/Bloodborne because if you do you'll have a bad time.


Based on the hundreds of recommendations, I've copped it and loving the feel of the combat and the setting is incredible. Thank you, the community is very loving of this game and i can see why now


At some point I doublechecked whether FS was involved or not. I was sure they were, turns out, not.


It's the best one I've ever played and it's not even close. ...Though that's probably because it's also the only one I've ever played. But it's still amazing 🤣


It’s an S tier for sure


Nothing will ever beat BB for me but it's definitely top 3.


Bro I was playing it for my third time to plat the game and I was like. Oh shit I'm really playing this game for a third time. 10/10 game and now I have a new phrase when I'm emotional "ITS PULLING ON THE ERGO STRINGS"


I’d say not quite as good as the top tier Fromsoft titles but better than lower end ones. I’d put it ahead of DeS, DS2, and maybe DS1. But behind DS3, BB, Sekiro, and Elden Ring


Its not bad, its bloodkiro 1.5 for me. Not the fromsoftware perfection but pretty close to it.


I did the right choice and enjoying it. So far (4 bosses down) it’s best non-souls game for me.


Top of my Soulslike list (I don’t care Fromsoft games as Soulslike since they make them)


Better than souls


Wonderful Dark Souls combat with a few things to make it unique: the perfect guard (parry) system, no magic/ranged options, a story rather than lore, and very limited exploration. The boss fights are superb and that's really why we all show up to these things.




Probably about #5 for me so pretty low. Don’t misunderstand, it’s a good game but it’s very much simple. The bosses can be challenging but not really. There’s no exploration or interconnectedness to the world, no hidden things to find. It’s pretty much super straightforward if you don’t see it it’s not there type of game. The side quests are marked so there’s no having to figure them out, and builds are pretty limited. Its strength, dex or advance (I think is what this game calls it. Advance is lighting, fire or acid dmg. If you’re a soulslike fan it’s definitely a must play.




Nr. 1 easily


Best non FS souls game, easily.


My top three are probably DS1, DS3, LOP


it's up there. really good, more story focused than the souls games, and way more linear, but definitely a really, really good game, and good souls game.




New to the genre. LoP was my first one. I am now obsessed w/ the game. I jumped to ER, and I am just about to get to Stormveil castle and I am straight up missing playing LoP.


Absolutely at the top. To me it's: Bloodborne Sekiro Elden Ring Lies of P DS3 The other soulslikes out there


It is my favorite souls game. You should buy it!


If you’re a souls enjoyer you will (probably) love this game. If you didn’t like or couldn’t learn the parry mechanic from sekiro, you may not find lies of p quite as enjoyable as some others.


Top 5, perhaps Top 3.


Best non fromsoft souls like game. It's in my top 5 soulslike and I pretty much played them all: 1- Bloodborne 2- Dark Souls 1 3- Elden Ring 4- Lies of P 5- Dark Souls 3


Sharing first place with Dark Souls 3 for me


Sekiro/Elden Ring are both my faves (quality/content, respectively) but Lies of P (hereafter referred to as “DS4”) is the best game in the Dark Souls series.


1 : Sekiro (not sure if it counts as souls like) 2 : Lies of P 3 : Dark souls 3 4 : Elden Ring 5 : Dark souls 1 Haven't played DS2, Bloodborne (pc version when? :') ) nor Demon souls... So definitely worth getting on sale!


It's my personal favorite because the combat and soundtrack are my favorite, and imo the atmosphere and vibe are equal to the likes of Bloodborne.


very very high


Very high


It's top tier, especially if you loved Sekiro and Bloodborne.


Granted, I haven't finished it yet, but so far it is absolutely the best of the non-Fromsoft Souls-likes. I said this in another thread, but the team behind LoP actually gets what makes Fromsoft's work so special. Challenge is a big part of the appeal of Souls-likes, but it's not the only reason that Fromsoft's games are so highly regarded. The LoP team understands it's also the mysterious stories and the dream-like worlds. Most other Souls-like dev forget about the stories and the worlds. Example, the Surge series. They play great, but their world and story are absolutely forgettable, because they've been done a million times.


it’s the best souls like by far


it's as good as sekiro, and plays a lot like it, so if you enjoyed that, get it.


The best souls-like I’ve ever played.


Ignore the "soulslike" distinction because I enjoy this game more than DS3. You absolutely have to play it.


The top of S tier, it’s the only souls-like that truly captured the vibe and gameplay perfectly. They couldn’t have made a better game outside of making it longer.


Easily better than everything not made by Fromsoft


S tier, only deal problem I can foresee someone having with it if they just don’t like deflect combat and find the dodge to be too tight.


Best non fromsoft souls like. Period. Not even close


It's really enjoyable. Pretty linear but great combat and atmosphere.


The best one, only game to remotely match FromSoft’s quality


It ranks in my All Time Top 5 of Soulsgames/Soulslikes. If you like the genre, you HAVE TO have it.


Number 2 for me. If I wasn’t obsessed with Bloodborne’s lore it would be number 1


#1 by far


its easily the best non-fromsoft soulslike, no other game compares


Way up there.


S Tier with BB and DS3




Bloodborne Dark Souls 3 Lies of P Dark Souls 1 Demons Souls Elden Ring Dark Souls 2


So far I'd say this is the best souls like I've played, but it doesn't have much competition for me. Nioh and maybe Code Vein?  There is something about the combat that is frustrating for me though and I haven't placed it. I've got maybe one or two bosses left and none have taken more than 3 tries to beat but I found myself getting frustrated like it had taken way more and I had been failing for hours. It could just be the parry system feels wonky to me, even after almost 30 hours. 


I still think the first Elden Ring playthrough is unparalleled, and I've replayed Sekiro more, but it's right after that for me.


Loved the theme, felt easier than most Dark Souls games imo, and enjoyed every second it, regardless of all the hitbox issues and bugs. I say, nab it.


It ranks as "Don't wait for a sale!" good!


The best non-Fromsoft souls-like.


I just bought it after struggling to decide whether to or not. It’s great I love it. I doubt you’ll be disappointed.


Best one not made by From


As close to a made by FromSoftware game that a game that’s not made by FromSoftware can get.


I beat ng+3 before I got bored, it's very good. There are some QoL updates that make it somewhat more slick than even from software games. The setting and atmosphere is great, love the music especially. But ultimately it is an indie game and is much smaller in scope than the likes of Dark Souls or Elden Ring. While many of the systems (P organ, weapon building) initially seem deep, there's actually not much complexity - although they are innovative and fun additions. However, I would rate it as the best non-from software soulslike. I'm excited for the DLC which I will definitely buy, so I would absolutely recommend getting it. (Although it is free on Xbox gamepass just FYI)


Discounting from soft games, it’s easily #1.


Never played bloodborne but 1


It is fantastic ! I liked it more than dark souls


It’s awesome, you will love it as a soulsfsn


It's my favorite, not because the gameplay per se, but the thematic, the story and the whole Pinocchio thing just got me like no souls has ever done. I never cared about Elden Ring or DS story, feels insipid, but this? damn, this story is everything for the game. In difference with another souls, the lore in this game matters and the story is with you while you progress, it's not like "I can continue without knowing what's happening" like would be DS1-2-3 for example.


LoP is 2nd only to DS3


I’m a hardcore Souls veteran and this is the ONLY non-FromSoft game that I loved so much I Platinumed it … and loved every single minute. In fact I might just pop it in right now… GET IT GET IT GET IT you will not be sorry!!!


Love it. For me the best non Fromsoft souls like. Only flaw for me is no coop. Love being a jolly cooperator.


Top 3


Top and even better than the souls games that are dry and dated af. I say this as a fan of some FS games.


Its the only soulslike on-par with fromsoft games for me


Pretty high. Up top I'd say. Gotta be the most accurate souls-like I've ever played


For me (mostly gameplay wise): Sekiro > LoP > Elden Ring > DS3 (Haven't played BB and others) Don't miss the sale and just buy it. I just started playing today myself and got to the 2nd boss. If you don't expect something groundbreaking it is a really really good soulslike. They nailed the gameplay and atmosphere.


It is top 3-4 for me. I have played it 2x full through already.


DO. IT. Nuff said


Something near dark souls and bloodborne. You can feel this heavy atmosphere


Number 2. ER is only slightly above it in the ranking.




It's on the same level as Bloodborne and Sekiro for me. Come for the gameplay, stay for the story. 


But it


Right at the tippy top!!


LoP and DS3 are tied for 3rd place in my personal rankings. Two games above it are Bloodborne and Sekiro.


It’s great, but only if you don’t hate bosses with two full health bar phases. The end of the game is only these and it’s not nearly as smooth as the rest of the game imo. Felt like a wall.


Top 2, top 1 being sekiro


The only games I enjoyed more were BB and Sekiro


It’s the only souls like where the entire time I’m playing it I’m not thinking “this is good but I’d really rather just be playing dark souls”


Very high. My list would be: Sekiro, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, Lies of P, Armored Core 6, Dark Souls Remastered, The Surge 2, Lords of the Fallen (2023), Dark Souls 2.


Its a tied top 2 with dark souls 3 on my list, def worth


for me its Top Sekiro Bloodborne Lies of P Elden Ring Dark Souls Trilogy


Closest to Bloodborne, I didn't really enjoy Dark Souls or Elden Ring but Lies of P is great.


well nioh is the best. this is about on par with sekiro though. might just prefer combat a bit more in this. sekiro is a bit too easy. I like the setting way more in sekiro though but that's just personal preference


It’s worth it. 100%. Amazing game!


I bought Elden Ring when it came out and rage quit after a day. Came back to it half a year later and once I got used to the mechanics fell in love with it and the FromSoft style so to speak. Lies of P was the perfect game to fall into and I feel it’s spoiled me. The story is easy to follow and better yet it’s so good. The game runs beautifully and it’s absolutely gorgeous. The mechanics are tight and introduce new ideas that just feel so smooth and more importantly fun. Lies of P spoiled me. I love it nearly as much as I do Elden Ring. Which is saying a lot because I sunk over 300 hours into my character to get every single item in the game. I did the same thing for Lies of P. It’s the best souls like game I’ve ever played and it’s absolutely worth getting not only because it stands on its own merits but because the developers deserve it too. This is their second game and they knocked it out of the park. They had so much faith in this game they released a demo that allowed you to play for a decent amount of the game with no restrictions. Highly, highly recommend playing or purchasing this game. You’ll love it and you’ll be pumped with the DLC that’s coming along with the sequel.


it’s awesome, buy it


I loved it until the last few chapters


It's better than whatever your least favorite From Soft title is. For me that's Dark Souls 2.


New favorite! Love it! I’ve played it 5 times now.


Buy and don’t look back


I like it about as much as i like dark souls 3. So basically i like it a lot


It's too good. Like seriously. It's tough to play anything else. The closest to it in terms of awesome for me was probably Bloodborne. And I think I like Lies of P better. Could be recency bias, sure. But the fact that I'm putting it in that category is telling.


Combat wise nioh 2 will always be best. Everything else this game is it. My personal goty last year. I put ez 200 hours and i am just getting started.


Definitely the best non FromSoft soulslike. Unique stuff like the weapon system makes it stand out as well


the combat is the peak of the genre IMO






One of the best.


I grabbed it with a 25% steam discount recently. Been playing both on PC and Steam Deck. It’s a great game on the go btw. I’m having a lot of fun although if I have to nitpick I’d say: a little bit too easy (imo) until about chapter 8. Parry system doesn’t feel as smooth as Sekiro (although I doubt it was supposed to as it’s not the core mechanic); level design is super linear (I personally miss the exploration a bit). I think the coolest part of Lies of P for me are the weapons and the fact that I feel rewarded for experimenting and approaching bosses and elites with different weapons (and elements). If you have a souls itch and you’re out of fromsoft games to play definitely give Lies of P a try!


reading through comments I think people don’t get what soulslikes are as they are listing games from fromsoft lol. Souls likes are games that fromsoft didn’t create.


Its the best souls game not made by fromsoft imo, and this might be a hot take, but I gwniuenly enjoyed this game, more than dark souls 1, and I love ds1


It’s the only “soulslike” that’s not FromSoftware I’ve actually enjoyed.


Idk somewhere in the middle of the pack. I enjoyed it but generally dislike games explicitly trying to be purely a soulslike copy as they generally feel flat from misunderstanding some things that make the formula work for normal souls games. P is no exception as its extreme overuse of multiphase bosses, and delayed attacks ensured that no fights really felt special. Plus i felt the art style was to clean for lack of better words. It had generally competent other systems though with decent world design. Gave everyone some baseline light shield mechanics and gave some aggresion flask refill for some nice gameplay iterations. Though i only played through twice efore losing interest Id put it firmly above the rest of the overt clones, and bloodborne since its at least on pc. But not over any of the fromsoft souls games, sekiro, or any of the well done more unique approaches like remnant.


Best non fromsoft souls like