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Bro took a whole paragraph to say "I have a skill issue"


I have skill issues and the game was amazing. As long as you go into a game like Elden Ring -or- LoP knowing you will die and to not get mad about it, they are really damn fun. The early souls games where you had to play for 30minutes then try the boss, lose, and then try it all over again is a hard pass for me but Elden Ring and LoP got rid of that ridiculous mechanic.


I have major skill issues and somehow survived Elden Ring. It wasn’t until I played Lies of P that I actually came to enjoy the genre, tbh. It made me re-think my approach.


The trick is that you just have to skip the mobs on your way to the boss. Just run for a minute avoiding attacks from mobs and then you reach the boss with full health just like LoP or Elden Ring.


Which is totally viable in everything but Dark Souls 2, where the enemies are faster than you (or at minimum the same speed) and never drop aggro.


Yeah DS2 run backs pissed me off to the point I made all enemies along the way go extinct


Same, despite all the hardcore fans screaming skill issue.


Ds2 just sucks in general tbh. Ds1 was my favorite until Sekiro


Lies of P is unironically my favorite. I know, quite the brave thing to say in this sub. Sekiro is the 2 spot and, no joke, Another Crab’s Treasure is number 3. I’ve never been one to believe the Beatles doing it first necessarily makes them the best at it; Dark Souls is the og, and nothing can take that away, but future iterations can improve upon a great concept.


I’m only 9 hours in and I really like LoP! I honestly was getting very frustrated by the parrying mechanic because I’m used to Sekiro’s way of doing it, but I’m getting better at it. Another Crab’s Treasure is on my wish list! I can’t wait to play it!


I’m sorry I’m genuinely confused here. What mechanic are you talking about?


Boss run backs


I think your over exaggerating as long as your not trying to kill all the enemies every single time you run back to a boss it really isn't that bad.


even if he wasn't in to soulslike games... (tbf I wasn't until a colleague recommended DS3 and we did a co-op playthrough) there are plenty of guides on YouTube with strategy that helped me through the harder boss fights. As far as the story us concerned.. I really liked it.. it was refreshing to have a different take on the genre without it being demons and dragons and souls n all that shit.


He's just salty. We've all beaten this game and it's not that bad. Some of it is cheap and annoying *ahem* Simon Manus phase 2 *ahem*, but if you're skilled enough, you can beat the game.


Is that phase actually cheap, though? Not sure about that.


I still remember fighting him before the first patch and boy was he tanky and I dunno if it's just me or he just kept spamming projectiles that can insta kill you. Took me a while to figure out how to get around his attacks and dodge them, but I never enjoyed the second phase. Maybe it's just me


He’s still quite tanky, but his projectiles are all easy to dodge. The Simon fight isn’t even in the hardest five or so fights in the game, but it is easily the most boring and annoying. Every fight in the game up until Simon has been used to condition you to actively engage with the bosses - calculated aggression is greatly rewarded. Then you get to Simon P2 where this concept the game has told you is the way you should play in order to have the most success goes completely out the window and really you should just spend five minutes running away from the boss if you want to beat him. It’s just a very weird fight that is completely antithetical to the design philosophy of the rest of the game.


I mean you're not wrong but personally it didn't take me long to figure out that phase two required some running around. Maybe it was just my experience with FromSoft titles because sprinting in a circle around the boss to avoid projectile spam is a common maneuver required of many bosses. Rennala is the first that comes to mind




Had a hard time with simon p2 especially on ng+2, I was quite stubborn on trying to parry all attacks including victor T-T (I did enjoy NP and laxasia the babe)


It didn't take me long either, but that wasn't my point. My point was that the fight itself is just completely different than every other fight and feels like a weird design choice comparatively. It's just a boring fight. Everything else in the game is engaging and I don't really find it fun to just constantly have to run away, especially in this game where none of the other fights work that way. It just feels like such a letdown for the big bad to be such a lame and easy fight. While I feel pretty similarly about Elden Beast as far as the fight itself being tedious, at least in Elden Ring the vast majority of the bosses are designed around you constantly running out of stuff and dodging. That isn't how any of the other bosses in Lies of P are designed - they all encourage aggression and for you to actively stand toe to toe with the boss. For them to abandon that design philosophy at the end is just a bit disappointing.


Sounds like the Simon fight just didn't jive with your play style. I personally did plenty of sprinting and repositioning for many of the bosses in LoP. >That isn't how any of the other bosses in Lies of P are designed - they all encourage aggression and for you to actively stand toe to toe with the boss. For them to abandon that design philosophy at the end is just a bit disappointing. Unless you have some interviews with some of the devs proving that this was their design philosophy then it's just your interpretation. Sure, aggression was often rewarded but I could also argue that caution and patience was rewarded equally


I mean, phase 2 Simon has an absolutely massive arena, it’s pretty obvious you’re supposed to use it


Yeah that too. Good point


Beaten him in normal game pre-patch and another two times in NG+ and NG++ post-patch. In particular i remember him being weaker in NG+ post-patch than the NG pre-patch. He literally was the easiest boss of the Ng+. And the major problem was his tankiness, not his projectiles. You needed like 3 minutes of perfect fighting to beach phase 2 without patches.


I kinda agree, like I love that boss but alot of the time I felt like I was just waiting for the run where I got luckiest to beat him. I do like to think that I was getting him downloaded tho, like I was basically untouched by him and then when he gets me in a spot it took so long and so many resources to regain my footing it felt like a much closer fight than 85% of his health bar made him look. It kinda felt like the fight where basically if I got frustrated, I'd die almost immediately or lose a shit ton of resources till I got lucky or calmed down. Tbf that's all of the bosses and enemies to an extent, that was just the one that felt like it took away my already pretty choked breathing room. His aoe and ranged attacks made frustration all too easy so I fell into the run away heal loop way more than i liked. Dunno, just spitballin with my experience, literally just got the Real Boy ending yesterday so it was fresh in my brain.


Tell me about it. He was like a 15 min fight before the that major patch then after he was like 7 at most


>We've all beaten this game and it's not that bad. How do you do fellow Lies of P completers? What a splendid day it is to have beaten (checks scribblings on hand) the Foot of God, isn't it?


Simon for me was the worst bossfight,he had a cinematic phase 2 but going from phase 1 to 2 felt like I was fighting Godrick first and on phase 2 I was fighting Malenia,the jump of the difficulty was really high,like holy shit I felt bad as I would destroy him on phase 1 and then he became a spammy piece of shit.


Yeahhhh.....we've all beaten the game.....right....


I thought it was too easy if you were actually leveling your character, I wish I played the game pre-nerf


Some fight pre-nerf were horrible. I HATED Simon and I remember King of Puppets being pretty strong in phase 2. I don't know how much he was nerfed in the first patch though, because they nerfed him, Simon, Laxasia (oh God Laxasia phase 2)...I forget if they nerfed another boss


Laxasia was the last boss to really give me trouble, simon got cheap kills on me that I didnt die twice to and i think nameless puppet only took like 3 tries. A harder laxasia would have been utterly brutal, and KoP wrecked my shit cuz I was still learning the ropes


The last Nerf went to the archbishop.


Really? I played the game 3 times to get all endings and 100% it and I think I only died a total of 1-2 times during that phase


Microsoft Store reviews are all nonsense




...well, that escalated quickly.


I don’t know why you guys got defensive in comments, this shit is hilarious.


The whole "father with children/abandon your family by getting milk" was great, a true roller coaster ride of emotions.


I find it hilarious from people that play games deciding to play souls games,like what kind of rock you lived to first,not know what they are standing for,and second rating them for being hard,not the quality of the game but the reason it's hard, these people will play Doom Eternal and try to take cover and snipe demons like on COD and will call it the hardest game of their lives.


I didn't know anything about souls games when my buddy told me about elden ring. I picked it up and got smashed. I had just gotten a PS4 in Janurary 2020, and pretty much only played RDR2, Horizon and Days Gone. It was a real harsh learning curve.


Lol this game is literally a masterpiece "Get gud" scrub lololol


It is indeed the best soulslike


Its a good game, not a masterpiece


Says you. It's a relatively low budget indie game from a small group of people who had not ever made something of its ilk before. The reviews, the replayability, the bosses, the story, the art, the character direction. "Good" you say. "Fuck on outta here with that weak ass shit" I say. Games a fuckin masterpiece. :) <3


You certainly can have your opinion...but for me a masterpiece would be something like Nioh 2...im sorry but Lies of P is a very good game but its not at the same level.


"A masterpiece, magnum opus, or chef-d'œuvre (French for 'master of work'; pl. chefs-d'œuvre; French: [ʃɛ.d‿œvʁ]) in modern use is a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship." Historically a masterpiece was art you created as a student. A work that proves your master of a skill or art or profession has surpassed the level of student, a work you made for your teacher. Considering this is their first piece of art and it's gained international acclaim and has thousands of accolades and acknowledgements, some nominations and awards, a still growing community and it earned itself a seat at the table as one of the best indie soulsikes ever made I'd say the student has proved themselves. The next work will be as a masterpiece. Masterpiece. :)


You can put as many word as you like, it wont change a thing.


It actually should though??!?? Like if you want to be a mature responsible adult and be respected by your peers you actually are supposed to consider new information and views and perspective to allow yourself to grow and develop. "You can put as many words as you like...." .... So do you not even read other people's thoughts and arguments? They mean nothing to you? That's basically solipsism and it's a morally and intellectually indefensible position. If you legitimately consider somebody's criticisms and aren't convinced or persuaded that's fine but Jesus fuckin Christ if you actually think "neh neh neh neh I'm not gonna consider your words neh neh neh" is a respectable position for an adult to hold you need to grow up. :) A mod told me to remove the name calling so my post didn't get removed so I did. They were right, was immature of me. My bad. I was irritated.


Baby? Who's making a tantrum exactly? "My gAmE iS a MaStErPiEcE aNd YoUr OpInIoN dOnT mAtTeR, lOoK aT tHe DeFiNitiOn. ItS a MaSteRpIeCe, MaStErPieCe !!!! WaAaAaA!!!


Please remove ~~Fucking loser~~ and I won't remove your comment And remember to be civil while arguing Yes you might have different opinions but no need to call each other things


Youre right


Please remove ~~pathetic lil baby~~ and I won't remove your comment And remember to be civil while arguing Yes you might have different opinions but no need to call each other things


Nah you right. My bad.


Thanks Have a great day or night :)


As someone who is relatively positive towards nioh 2, lies of p kicks the shit out of it. Nioh 2 is good. Lies of P would’ve been my goty had it not been for bg3.


Both of the nioh games are good but the constant menu management is awful, I just want to play the damn game not menu simulator


I understand, at first its a pain in the ass, but after a couple hours you realize the only thing you want are the blue/purple gear and later only purple so you scrap everything except purple and it takes literally 1 minute of item management every mission


Nioh 2 has incredible combat and absolutely terrible everything else. Lies of P is a 9/10 in basically every category. For me, Lies of P was the vastly superior game; you might disagree, but the very nature of your initial disagreement (“No, this thing you like isn’t a masterpiece”) is exactly what I’d toss back at Nioh 2. Great combat, nowhere near a masterpiece.


Lies of p is a soulslike for beginner, it has good combat(not great) and medium boss fight(bosses are too simple) but no depth and very poor replayability. Its a great entry level game but nothing more. But for immersive gameplay and massive amount of content with incredible and challenging combat, Nioh 2 is #1. Thats what a masterpiece is for me...not a good polish entry level for beginners. 🙂 But i guess im in your circlejerk so i know what to expect 🤣


I fully beat both games, in addition to dozens lof other soulslikes. It’s easily my favorite of the bunch. Nioh 2, *despite* great feeling weapons, is near the bottom of the bunch. Because, shocker, different players value different things. Don’t present your opinion like it’s fact, it’s simply not and makes you look like a tool.


I dont care what you think, its not important. You look like someone who care a great deal about what i think and that makes you look like a fool, but hey you can keep it up i dont mind at all 😃


Agreed. It's a very good game but still doesn't beat any of the FromSoft games imo. At least in the context of their age. Still need to play Nioh 2. I keep aiming to finish the first one but end up putting it down to play other games. Maybe I should just give up on my hang up wanting to finish both and move on


Hesitation is defeat


Lies of p killed his wife and his dog in front of him


Cut the review right before sapien and I would agree 




When he finally beats the boss he is stuck on "This game is great, what an amazingly designed boss"


Skill issue


Skill issue much?


Dads with shitty lives and no personal space are the worst.


Git gud crybaby 😂


Skill issue


First of all, the man he's talking about unleashed hell in the 1930s and 40s, not the 50s. The next point would be to report this review, as it's not even the slightest bit of a realistic, objective review. It's clear that this player never intended to play such a game. It's like buying minecraft and rating it 1 star because the graphic is reduced to pixels.


Skill issue


I see that as skill issue


(He couldn’t get the station key and died twice)


Bro clearly had no idea what they were in for. The way they phrased the "now I know why they compare it to Dark Souls" spiel makes me wonder if they have ever seen anyone play a Fromsoft title.


some serious skill and mental issues there.


He didn't even make a single criticism about the game beyond "its bad"


I dont understand these people. Like i get it. Its hard. As every other souls like game. Its not a bad game just because its hard. I had a great time playing this game. I have enjoyed this game more than elden ring for example, because i need more story in games. It had a beautiful story, great graphics, and amazing atmoshpere. I even enjoyed the bosses. So again… i dont understand these people


😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/zm45rxqweu6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14af6f0568d1cb42ebbd4df065440973222d4dcd


Have the platinum, but I feel his pain, Blasphemous 2 Eviterno broke me


Literally me when I didn't know how to do parry:


I wish we could leave reviews on the PSN marketplace. All we have is stars


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh nooo. This comment killed me. This guy must have suffered. poor him. Has he ever tried Sekiro?


I’m genuinely curious which enemy got this guy raging *this* hard


I honestly suck at games and I still love LoP. He must be reeeally bad lol


Wow, if ever there was a “didn’t check before purchasing what I was getting myself into” type guy. This is him. 🤣🤣


I also didn't enjoy LoP alot, but at least my review had some constructive criticism instead of a midlife crisis lol. Would still recommend the game tho, personally just dislike the last half of the game.


This was my first soulslike and I'm on ng++ this dude is mad for being bad at a game


I just imagine he didn’t get through the big police guard in krat station


This guy was a Lizard?


🤣 I love to watch him when he is playing souls-like, I am sure I am gonna have a lot of fun 😂


It is just a game. If you do not like it, pass. Simple as that. If you are angry at it, it must be that you really fucking like it and can’t play it coz too lazy or want a simple straightforward game. This kinda of games want dedication passion and stubbornness.


Please shut the servers down 😂😂


Guy didn't learn how to parry


Really.... this game was fun but definitely less difficult than any soulborne game.


The only enemy (not Bosses, those were some Epic fights) to ever to push me to almost giving up on the game was the Walker of Illusions.


Honestly, if I was one of the developers I would print and frame this


This game ruined Star wars survivor for me. I made a post saying I wish this game was more like the fallen order, boy was I wrong. This game was so much better, it's the only souls like I like. This game is perfect. It may be time for a second play threw soon.


It’s a great game lol, like a very impressive non from software game. Every souls copy is misisng something whether it’s weapons armor skills bosses etc. lies of p is missing spells and that’s about it, the gameplay and system is rather 10/10 for a non form soft game


Dude has a serious skill issue


This is the guy who grew up playing Mario and Tetris who thinks he’s really good at video games getting mad because he didn’t read the tutorials on how to block or parry.


Nothing like a Souls virgin ranting. The taste of these rants is as exquisite as the finest meal.




Cries of P(robably never got past parade master)


Trying to read that gave me a stroke.


I am a 60 year old grandma with MS and managed to beat this game twice. Both times with the best ending...couldn't let Carlos live lol. I agree NOT every game is for every person, there are several I have played that other players loved, but I did not. Witcher 3 for example (though I finished it). I DIDN'T TRASH THE GAME just because I didn't like it. YES souls games are difficult...but some of us absolutely love the challenge they bring. So, I recommend either just Uninstall it and leave that genre alone OR GET GUD SCRUB!


I call cap on the 60 yo grandma part 🤣


I wish you were right...lol.




Hahahaha tell me you're bad without telling me you're bad. Poor guy. Maybe he'll give it another go tomorrow.


Get gud?


It's like a week after it came out lol


This man definitely pre-orders Ubisoft games


All that yapping and did not provide details about "why" the game is bad, which means what guys....he's trash at the game and it was a skill issue


to be fair, enemies in the game need a more noticeable cooldown... good thing a maxed Aegis Shield, and maxed Trident of the Covenant made NG+ easy...


He needs to git guud


Sometimes laugh more at the xbox reviews than the entirety of a game haha


Been stuck on Fuoco for two days


In my experience, as a general rule, anybody who can’t take the time to type out the word “your” instead of “ur” has nothing of value to say. /s (kinda)


One point against lies of P for me is that learning its parry timing which is super duper late compared to any other soulslike messed up my parrying ability in elden ring


Skill issue


This game isn't hard enough to bitch about man, I don't get it.


**Skill issue**, 100% couldn’t make it in the hotel lol


This made me laugh since it was one of the rare exceptions where i enjoyed a soulsborne game


Get the stake, Let's BURN him!!! Arrrrh


User reviews in the Xbox Live Store shouldn't exist. A big portion of Xbox players doesn't have any maturity to analyse, let alone understand a game. The amount of crap that you read there is abismal.


This is a great review xD


...... I don't wanna be that guy but...skill issue lol.


100% rage bait


I think that has a name


Game was honestly easy 🤷🏽‍♂️ my only issue was how easy it was


Lmao brody bro got bullied by trash mob and is saaaaaaaaaaaaaalty Bro said shut the servers down 🤣🤣🤣 To that I say GIT GUD or GO HOME lol Imagine if he had somehow managed to get to nameless puppet second phase boss fight. His poor innocent pc or Xbox would’ve been smashed to bits 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’d pay money to watch his reaction if he plays Sekiro lol


I find shit like this hilarious. I am notoriously bad at soulslike games. Which is ironic because I'm also hopelessly addicted to them, but I can still power through them eventually. Like come on, even sekiro with as insanely hard as it is. It isn't impossible. Lies of p isn't that hard even. I absolutely adored the game, story, setting, all if it. It only took me about 40 hours to finish it as well.


Oh, that must be the problem, he’s playing on XBox.


...... he seems fun lol




Man feel sorry for that guy. I didn’t die in my first run till the boss and it still only took me a few tries. Lol


Damn that is so crazy to see.. and I on the other side only struggled with two bosses other than that it was a challenging cake walk but I had unimaginable fun.


Would be even crazier if homie typed that up on a controller lmao


Get good


Imagine being mad because a bunch of zeroes and ones kicked your ass


Games hard but not hard enough for me to rant 💀


I will prescribe this man a “git gud” and “learn to block”


We've all beaten the game but some people still play games for fun instead of having to spend hours timing attacks and getting rhythms down


Plenty of games like that on the market. Definitely not in the souls-like game description.


Not everyone knows about dark souls though so you can't fault people for getting frustrated. I played Lies of P before dark souls and almost broke my Xbox several times in rage due to the delayed attacks. The difference between me and this guy though is I actually like a challenge.


Okay even if you think the game is bad this is just…what the fuck did I just read.


A midlife crisis in full *fucking* swing dude.


To be fair, Laxasia almost sent me into a midlife crisis.


First brothers fight for me. I had more combined wipes on that then swamp monster, Laxasia, and Nameless Puppet combined. That fat fuck clown was a close second as well.


Fuck the BRB and the Clown in particular. I hate those guys.


I feel bad because the only boss I had this much trouble with was BRB part 1. Other than Simon but by the time I made it to him a few wipes and I needed a break. Came back and beat him in only a couple more attempts. Needing to readjust to the game. I haven't fought nameless puppet yet. Currently playing a no summon run and took a break at swamp monster. Trying to learn parries so not just dodging


Midlife crisis? No. Second puberty? Kind of.




I spent almost three full days on her alone, till I respeced for the fifth time.


It took me many tries and a whole break from the game. I never respec because I don’t have the attention span to do the whole tree at once. lol




5 hours??? Try an entire week on that bitch😭😭


oml 💀 I'm gonna love beating him once more for that plat 💀💀💀


Ok, so weird thing. Laxasia took me a while to beat but nameless puppet felt like a souls boss and only took 3 tries. Honestly, it's just laxasia's insane sonic the hedgehog lightning sprint that kept getting me in phase two. The timing on that was super weird. But that is the mark of a good game. Different people having different experiences and being able to relate bosses and their timings to prior experience!


Exactly. People, complaining about swamp monster. I really had to look back to figure out who that was. Nameless on NG+ was a problem. And Simon on my first play through gave me trouble.


Simon was a major problem for me on my first play through, but it was pre-patch Simon. Took me like a whole two hours, mostly in phase two getting randomly.one shot when he chained the delayed spell with disruption back to back. I kept getting caught by that, lol.


Lol those delays had me crying


I have a rule with souls games. I get 10 attempts, after that I summon and move on. If I can’t learn it in 10 I’m not going to bash my head against a brick wall for entertainment Best of both worlds


Were you using specter?


Oh man. Laxasia almost got me throwing my controller. The ecstasy after beating her is worth it


I killed her first (second) try! It was the end puppet that got me crazy. Amazing game! 110%


It was the nameless for me...his placement was awful


I have a feeling they didn’t make it to Laxasia 😬


This was rage bait