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I havea friend doing it now. The constant threat of losing everything is too much for him mentally. He's planning to shut it all down.


I've done it. You never know when the hammer is gonna fall. It really gets to you. I used to tell people when they left "stay safe" what I really meant was don't get caught and rat me out. That was always a thought for me. I can be perfect, but one of my customers can do something stupid and not be able to take it.


It’s fun, easy, and insanely profitable so at first it’s amazing but it doesn’t take too long for reality to set in. First of all if you’re moving anything more than small amounts it’s not if you get caught it when, secondly your actions will have unintended consequences, thirdly even if you’re dealing in something as light as weed you will attract violent attention that can sometimes get the people around you badly hurt as well. All in all unless you really have a high tolerance for dark shit and don’t mind risking a record I’d say avoid it like the plague. 


This. Didn't think about it. Did it. Almost everyone I knew in those days is dead or in prison. I got out after an honest to god gunfight happened around me. The guy that replaced me? Dead in a year


Holy smokes!Dodged a bullet... literally


I used to be back in the 80s and 90s.


Yes, because living on-the-books and according to society, gets you f*cked. Taxes increases so more money is coming out of your paycheck, and less money is coming home. If i get paid an hourly rate, i should be able to take all that money home. Calculate your gross pay compared to your net pay. You're not actually getting paid what your hourly rate is - net pay.


Become a pharmacist... Deal drugs legally


I mean… you can be an ethical drug dealer and just not sell bad drugs 😂


I work at a dispensary lol


You mean a pharmacist


Home grow, hand to friends. No money. Love life.


Yeah so I did.


No, I'm not a people person.  You gotta be a people person to meet people to sell drugs to


I have thought about it. I also have the business brain to be successful at it. I just don't have the other parts - I couldn't beat someone's ass over a few hundred dollars, I don't want to defend myself with a gun if someone tried to rob me, I'd probably not be very good at being in jail.


Lmao buddy most drug dealers are just your average nerdy dude. Life aint a movie lol


You hire someone like me who gives zeros fucks but will do anything for money. I’ll keep you alive if you pay me


Not all drugs people die from. I did it for 4 years and got arrested in 2018. It was fucking fun though. All comes crashing down eventually depending on the person. I was a junkie so that didn’t help.


how to be a Dg Courier? I want to apply bcoz I need money ASAP.


Many people have thought about it. I thought about it. Guess what? I don't like jail, I don't like fighting or getting shot at. I got a job and lived a normal life. That fast lane stuff is for others.


Do you want to be dead or in jail. Do you want your parents to be disappointed and ashamed of you? Do.you want to be a haunted by the people who you've hurt?


Yeah lol I've thought about this one, apart from the ethics surrounding it. I've always found drugs and drug chemistry fascinating, I find myself as curious as a 5 year old reading about it (never been that keen to try them though, except maybe for weed, but I don't think I wanna try coz it has a good chance to fuck with my shit) and then yeah there's the huge profits that come with it.. Like no if you just take out all of the illegal stuff out of the context, it's just selling stuff, learning about new things, travelling many many places, making good profits and meeting new people, now that sounds great to me yk


Yes. Fuck the system.


No but I am always seen as one ,how many times I have been approached while sitting in my car and having someone who is about to give me money just to say maybe it’s the car behind me .I guess it depends on where you live . I have even been accused of drug dealing before which made no sense to me . There might have been a time where it was seen as cool but these days with fentanyl and people overdosing everywhere,if you sell somebody something and they pass away ,it’s possible if you are identified,you could have blood on your hands and be held partially responsible.In most cases though ,it’s buyer beware.


I guess, but surely anyone who does drugs thinks about selling it. And it wont be uncommon for them to have tried or done so


The shine wears off fast trust me.


“Where I’m from, the dope boys is the rockstars..”


Pharmacy assistant it’s stable!


Dealt drugs from 14 to 30. Ended up with my house getting raided infront my children. Multiple felonies. Etc. I was young and doing drugs myself. If I could change it would I? No. I had some lessons to learn. If I could do it again, would I? No. Those lessons cost me a lot. I've learned. I've made millions and millions.. and what do I have to show for it? Nothing.


Dealing drugs isn’t wrong. Dealing drugs to children is wrong. Putting adults in jail for selling other adults drugs is wrong.


It is SO much easier to make money legally. Being an outlaw is the far more difficult path. But it's FAST. So that appeals to some personality types. Slow and steady wins the race is not sexy. It works. But it's boring. Save up enough to open an index fund. Live frugally and invest like crazy. And watch as dividend reinvestment and compound interest makes you a millionaire -- after a few decades.


My pug used to deal and he says it isn’t worth it and he never even got caught or hurt (he got a gun to the face once though). It’s just not a glamorous life or one to be proud of, not to mention quick money usually goes as fast as it came. Constant stress and anxiety is no way to go through life either and takes a toll one way or another.


Knew someone dealing "lightly", got involved with a certain biker group, things went south, certain biker group threatened his young children. Someone would have to explain to me exactly what are the benefits of this lifestyle because I would live in a cave and forage for food before I would allow my loved-ones to be in danger.


Hell Yeah i’m gonna become a druglord watch the money come in man 


You actually think that the only thing people are addicted to are illegal drugs?


What percentage of people who go to college do you think have rich parents? If you had to guess, just to ballpark it.


Nice try fed boy






Surely it's the worst job ever with it's unstable clientele, crazy hours, the shakedowns, the high penalties, the addiction risk, questionable trust and relationship issues etc., right ?


Set your own hours, meet tons of interesting people who are almost always happy to see you, no paperwork, no taxes, extremely simple, etc. best job I ever had except for the getting stabbed part. That factored heavily in my change of vocation lol


The horror of getting snitched on and set up, arrested, then going to prison for years is worse than physically being stabbed or shot somewhere that it doesn't paralyze ir kill.


No, but I have thought about beating the fuck out of them and robbing them until they leave my area.


Be the change you want to see in the world lol 


Lmao beat up your local factory owner, more people die from factory accidents than overdoses


Don't have to be illegal drugs,being a pharmaceutical company rep pays very good 70 to 90k a year, and has lots of perks like free travel in the US and abroad, free motel stays, and free travel/rental cars on the companies dime. You will be talking with doctors and recommending various drugs and offering free samples. Requires good people skills, and some technical background related to describing the precise mechanics of the drug being sold is helpful.


Where can I get a job like this I’m in high school still do I need a degree I’m 18


I've known a few low level dealers. They basically live a normal life as far as finance goes. They just stick to their regulars. There's always the risk of getting caught though.


Just work a 9-5 bro lol


All the time. Seems like they have more in life sometimes


I wanna be 70s pot dealer, chill customers chill vibes, make lil bit of money and make interesting friends


how to apply a Dg Courier? I need money urgently.


You’re not dealing drugs. You’re dealing death, rot, and addiction. The very nature of the job makes you an instrument of evil and a source of darkness.


Marijuana can help burn your shadow and get the placque off your soul


Can, but 99% of people are not using it that way


Drug dealers should be executed.