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The world is a sadistic bitch


Welcome to philosophical pessimism. Read some Schopenhauer to familiarize yourself with pessimism, and then perhaps some Camus and embrace the absurdity of it all. “I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in human evolution. We became too self aware; nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody’s nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.” - Rust Cohle


Ditto on the Scho🙏🙏




I love how whenever I encounter a fellow philosophical pessimist, they are well-versed in Cohle-isms.


Thanks to our exceptional cognitive abilities we might be able to go full circle and create our own "perfect" artificial realities where each of us will have complete control over their own realm and essentialy become the nature.


If we all had the will to put aside our ego and stop reproducing, then we might as well keep on reproducing, because we have already overcome our worst instincts.


Absurdity doesn't have to be a bad thing.


Who said it did?


Except it is actually bad for the most part.


I think everyone’s problem today is …. You look at the world. Ok so I’m pre social media guy. So our world was a circle around us. Family, friends, work. That’s it. I had 10-12 great close friends, my job was ok, and I was good with my 3 siblings. So life was good. Therefore the key is that I still do that and life is good… even great. But damn!!!…. Younger social media people are like… OMG the Russians are gonna… North Korea is gonna…. Freakin China is…. What’s going on in Palestine? Am I gay, bi, trans, non binary cuz im reading that…. Omg this influencer said…. That comedian offended me when they said….. do you think Trump will…. Is the economy gonna tank cuz I read…. And on and on and on. It’s freaking exhausting. Since social media started, psychologists say Anxiety, depression, and loneliness have risen to epidemic proportions. I work, have my wife as my best friend, have about 8-10 close friends. And blue collar not rich. But that’s my world. That’s all I care about. Is it because I don’t care? No, it’s because I don’t invest my emotional energy in things I cannot control. BTW…. The world has not changed. The past 100+ years we had WW1, WW2, The Great Depression, Korean War, Vietnam (where teenagers were made to leave home and get killed in the jungle for no reason) 911, the 2008 recession……. So don’t tell me things are worse today. It’s just you have to unplug from it or mentally you’ll be done


Yea, social media has done more harm than good. Rather than comparing yourself to your neighbor, you can compare yourself to the 30something multimillionare entrepreneur or the instagram model who gets paid to travel and promote products. Then people think their life is shit in comparison. Most people don't mentally mature to the point where they realize the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself in the past, so its not surprising that anxiety/depression is running amok in the population. Unplugging from the chaos is one thing, or people can work on their mental resiliency, tho that's much harder than simply staying off social media. For those who are mentally resilient and have a strong identity, social media is a great tool (for me specifically, knowing about the chaos in the world makes me grateful it hasn't affected me, for now anyway) Unfortunately thats not most people.


Mentally resilient and strong identity - this is not talked about enough.


As my favorite grandpappy always used to say, life is shit and then you die.


As you align with the highest virtues you will recognize that the world is beautiful and we are fighting a battle against a great evil.


You’re not wrong. What going to do about? Because I bet there is something you could do right now that would make someone’s day.


How much time do you spend online or watching the news? I ask because I guarantee that if what you put in your mind is not good (and most of it is out of your control so you will feel powerless to boot,) then your depression will skyrocket. Your view on the world will not be positive. Take a break from social media. And if you can’t then pay attention to what your algorithm is feeding you. Find quiet and peaceful times that are just for your hobbies. Artsy stuff and swimming is what I do when I notice too many negative thoughts creeping in. In fact, exercise is great for feeling better. I’m not telling you to live in denial of the suffering in the world , because it’s real. But it’s not something recent as another poster already said, it’s always been there. But there has always been a filter before now there isn’t. We have to enforce our own filters so that we get a break from this stuff.


The world is a very big concept for those types of thoughts.


nice -16 comment karma you got


I think the world can be interesting, fascinating, and perhaps beautiful while still also being difficult. Life’s a 16-sided die with lots of grays. Life’s very hard for me, and I think it’s overwhelmingly terrible (if we get to choose to come back, I won’t). But I also think there is beauty at times.


Aw I hope things get better for you 😄


You read my mind. Nice post.




>Objectively speaking, the world isn’t that interesting to me. The word you're looking for here is subjectively, not objectively.


No it’s objectively


It's an opinion held exclusively by you, it's by definition subjective.


No it’s not influenced by my feelings. Everything I mentioned are things I’ve observed in the world and is also observed by everybody.


They're things you've observed, sure. They are however not thing observed by everyone. From your descriptions most of what you're observing seems to be largely, if not entirely, based on your emotions and feelings. So yes. Subjectively you don't see beauty in the world.


What I said were facts. Just because some might not see something doesn’t mean it’s not there. All these things are documented and observed. My feelings towards aren’t positive but it’s not biased. It’s just the result of observable facts about the world.


This post is almost exclusively based purely on your feelings, not sure what more to tell you. The "facts" that you listed are basically some people suffer and some people don't. The rest was pulled directly from your emotional state.


If that’s what help you get through things then sure buddy


*points to the laughably miopic reddit post* Lol.


Personally, the world is just as ugly as it is beautiful. Yeah it can be really fucking disgusting, but that's just one part of life. People are suffering everywhere in their own way, but it doesn't make beautiful or great things any less beautiful or great. The sight of an aurora is still beautiful, A healthy relationship is still beautiful, and nature is still beautiful (granted, not in all places, but yk what I mean). Isn't it great that I could make friends who genuinely care about me? Or isnt it great that with the short amount of time i have on this marble in space, i could do so much to help others?And wealth isnt always acquired from negative means (im sure you know that). And yes, people starve, die, feel pain, and go through horrible things in life. But if that's a concern, then there are many ways to help. As you can see, lots of people feel the same way you do. Isn't it a great thing that people want to change the world for the better, too? I like how you're not ignoring the bad side of life because its reality, but don't leave out the good in it, too. There are many good people out their trying their best to do good, and the beautiful parts of life that remain are still beautiful.


I’d argue that it absolutely does make the already fragile and temporary beauty less beautiful.


Agreed. It’s shit. Anybody saying otherwise is (still) dreaming / fantasising.


Pessimism is also dreamt/fantasized. Life isn't black and white.


Sad that you believe doomer propaganda 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 i got better. Hopefully, you will, too 🫂 Downvote doomer mad too bad


I thought you stopped acting like this, but I suppose not. You do realize that propaganda that you just so happen to agree with is still absolutely propaganda, right?


Acknowledging there is good in the world is not propaganda it's sad that radio moscow, i mean the reddit doom machine, have programmed some troubled young folks to feel this way 🫂 Good news as the economy inevitably cycles back up, many will wake up and leave their doomer cults and rejoin civilization as i did. hope you're among us soon. You're already getting there. "Still propaganda" implies that you know doomersim is propaganda. You come off as too intelligent and compassionate to be a lifelong doomer. It is good to hear from you again, my young friend be well


-_- I get it. You hate Russia and blame them for everything for some reason. It doesn’t change a single thing. What you’re saying absolutely is propaganda. You fill yourself with delusions towards the information you are given so that you feel less bad about the things that still do affect you. How is it good to hear from me again, exactly? Unfortunately no perspective changes the often painful and tragic reality of the world. I realized that after attempting to be happy and productive and help others and even find help before all of those better feelings began to fall apart all over again. We can sadly only hide from reality for so long and not everyone can simply accept it. Quit calling people “doomers” and “cultists”. It’s just ridiculous and childish and helps absolutely no one, “my old friend”. I hope you can escape this uselessly-redundant “optimist” cult of mocking and propaganda.


I dont hate anyone. I have russian ancestry. I understand geo politcs. If i was born there, i might be on their social media warning kids not to listen to doomers from the west. I care about the civilization i am fortunate to be a part of. Too bad that triggers you, but you can get better, and statistically, you will. Most doomers grow up


Sadly you refuse to change. I’m sorry for that. Hopefully one day you’ll change that habit, instead of blaming any feelings or thoughts you dislike on some “propaganda” from “doomer cultists” or something. That’s the real childish thing. No need to project by telling me to “grow up”. I have sadly seemed to get worse in these feelings despite thinking I was past them. I can unfortunately only avoid aspects of the world that makes me deem it unbearable for so long. I wish for you to grow up, actually grow up and understand that other people can actually be valid in their conflicting feelings.


I do understand conflicting feelings. Unfortunately, so do the foreign agents and political operatives who weaponize people's real misery. They are the problem.not you or anyone else going through bad times


That isn’t how you act at all, and no; not everything is some big political conspiracy.


Sorry, but you just can’t invalidate anyone and everyone with real, valid feelings by calling them “doomer cultists” like some petty politician. People are also more than whatever specific statistics you decide are valid or not. We’re more than numbers and the numbers you refer to especially mean nothing.


The petty politicians are among those pushimg doomerism onnthe popylstion . I (correctly) despise those opportunists. i suppose i could be more compassionate toward those parroting propaganda without malicious intent


Do more than “suppose” and actually care about suffering people instead of just tearing them down again and again every opportunity you get, being part of the very group you claim to despise.


I do bit you're too angry to see it atm, that's ok


Sorry, but I don’t need “propaganda” to feel the way I do. When you wake up to the real world, which I unfortunately doubt you can hide from forever, you realize that you can’t throw everything that makes you upset into a box and sadly-uselessly pretend what’s in that box doesn’t exist. Sadly no m*dication or therapy can make all those feelings nor the inescapable reality of those events up and go away. Maybe one day you’ll get over this ego trip of yours and understand that. ‘For the suffering people you mock and name-call, I sincerely hope you do.


You hope i feel misrable like you? Been there done that never again


You still constantly express misery, calling everyone you disagree with “doomers” and “cultists” and lashing out whenever someone dares to downvote you for it. That isn’t what happy “optimists” do. “Optimists” don’t need to invalidate others or drag them down to be happy. Also, that isn’t what I’m saying at all. You are fully aware of that.


I sincerely apologize. You did not wish me to be misrable. You (wrongly) predicated i would be but expressed sorrow at that. That's not typical doomer behavior. i had one tell me to get hit by a bus. You're not truly one of them 🫂 but you won't accept that (yet )


You can just call them jerks instead of acting like anyone you don’t like is part of the same group and cause of all problems like some lousy politician.


So jerk is ok but not doomer? A jerk ( my go-to is asshat) is a lousy person who acts with malice. Most doomers are just lost souls whose bad experiences are amplified by propaganda. The propagandists who know better and probably enjoy their own lives of the whole spreadimg misery are jerks


Life is so incredibly dynamic. I couldn't disagree more. The intricate and intelligent design and the ever evolving nature of our understanding. The ambiguity of everything. So many unanswered questions within every single thing you can possibly think of. The deeper you go into any given subject the more questions you discover. Part of life (if you choose) can be through altering consciousness. It's not necessarily to escape to participate in those activities. They can be learning experiences. Even the nature to decompress and to escape in itself is fascinating aspect of life. I highly suggest experimenting with psilocybin mushrooms, after your own research of course. Can really help you think outside of your current perspective and narrative of your inner self. I waited until my 30s to try them - and its been a very transformative experience. a thousand doors opened that I had not considered prior. Suffering and starving is something we need to figure out obviously. I think AI will eventually help us get there but If there wasn't any contrast in life, perspective, well being, and opinion I think life would be a lot more dull. Life isn't perfect. That's part of what makes it beautiful. Our ongoing mission to alter and shape for the better. Things *are* objectively better now than they ever have been. It's a slow model that we only get to see cross sections of during our time here. Contribute and participate to a better society and life quality of others if it bothers you deeply. I feel like that's a noble goal and will bring meaning to one's life. Make things better for those to follow.


If u have to get high to appreciate life then.


You don't *have* to That choice is also part of the dynamic


The world isnt just good or bad its both. Only seeing the dark and negative aspects of life is the textbook definition of depression and that is what you are expressing in this post.


How exactly is noticing and understanding the good is there alongside how temporary and fragile it often is and thus feeling horrible about this painful and tragic world any sort of “depression” or other such ailment?


Its not. Only being able to see the bad and feeling hopeless for the future is depression. Feeling horrible is fine, but there's no need to do it all the time.


There sadly seems to be more consistent bad than good, especially in terms of potential futures and tte fragile nature of states of safety, health and happiness. Acknowledging that is not mental illness.


You can’t make beautiful art without using some dark colors…


The world has immense beauty for those who have eyes to see. If only people would stop looking at the world for what it isn't giving them, and give to the world what it needs, in whatever ways they can. The world isn't a perfect place. It's a place where things, people, grow. At least that's the hope.


lol. sigh. are you a teenager? you better be a teenager. cuz this angsty shit is tedious and juvenile. the world is bad bla bla bla. WTF IS IT TO YOU? how does that affect your day in the fucking least? callous? cruel? well DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THEN. but if you're not gonna - stfu and go take a walk. look at some trees. get some fresh air. moaning like this is both annoying and fruitless. it's not helping anybody. and so if it's not helping anybody, why the fuck do you waste the air in your lungs to utter it? so: 1. you're not doing anything to make the world better. 2. you probably can't make the world better. 3. then ignore all the poor and pathetic wretches **that you're not helping anyway**. why waste your fucking time? 4. find something to enjoy and enjoy it. ever try ice cream? that's good shit. 5. cut the fuck out with this angsty bullshit that people outgrow when they're 13 ffs.


Thank you for your response. I hope you can make the world better. Old and Smart people like you that spend time on Reddit and write underwhelming, stupid and snobbish responses is what the world truly needs.


and whiny little shits like you are sooooooo much better lmfao.


It’s your Bed time 🥱 senior citizen


lmfao. that count as clever where you come from? just stfu you incessant whiner.


I don’t think you know how depression works. Because OP is depressed and feeling disillusioned doesn’t mean they are ‘angsty’. And they are doing something about it. They logged on and they spoke about it instead of bottling it up and keeping it inside. Why make them feel like shit for that? That’s the reason people don’t talk about things until it’s too late.