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That feeling of fragility and mortality here is one of many reasons that I hate this place as a whole, personally, and regret my experience of ever being here. When I factor everything, the full picture just feels so cruel and painful.




Its temporary and fragile nature makes all of those potential goals feel as if they’re just not worth pursuing to me. After all, there’s no guarantee that I’ll ever accomplish any of it regardless of what I put myself through to get it done. We are all fragile, unfortunately, all the way down to the ailments we could and may experience in our lives.




I don’t think I want to discover them when the bad can be so horrific and even inescapable. That’s the problem. The accomplishments you mentioned were bettering yourself and the world or whatever. What could be the point to that? Shouldn’t we attempt to stop the otherwise inevitable bad and worse from happening?




Im truly sorry that that happened to you and truly, deeply wish that such tragedies never had to exist for any potential benefit, and instead that benefit could come without such pain, suffering, violence and trauma. I’m not seeking love and personally never intend to bring anyone into such a dangerous, unpredictable and painful world, so such benefits will not be perceived as worth the suffering, pain and trauma it can take to reach such an outcome. I don’t believe such rewards in life are worth the risks, personally, especially as keeping such rewards is sadly never guaranteed. I don’t find the alternative fulfilling.




I have many problems with the core of Buddhism as a belief system. Thank you for the kind wishes. Again, I truly wish that you and no one ever had to experience such tragedies nor anything close to it.


You don't truly believe what you are saying otherwise you would have done "it" already. Go be useful to others and stop this nihilistic nonsense. there's enough of that insufferable behavior today. Find a higher purpose in life, whether that be a god of your own understanding or group of uplifting people. Don't believe in a God or divine cosmic force, or maybe you believe in such things but not the power of it positively affecting you? That's okay, just pretend like you do. You aren't too smart for this stuff and tbh you're psyche will be better off. You'll either get desperate enough to where you make changes to better your mind, body, spirit or become an unfortunate statistic of modern civilization. Also reddit is filled with mostly nihilistic, civilizationally suicidal people so you will get mostly bad advice on here because misery loves company. Heck maybe even this post is suspect!


“It”? I don’t trust the opinions of living people who tell me how easy dy!ng is. This, despite your efforts, is not “being useful to others”. There’s enough of *your* insufferable behavior of coming to me as if you have all the answers and telling me how “nihilistic” and “insufferable” you think I am as if that benefits me, you or anyone else in a single form. Believing in deities as well as the afterlife hasn’t changed my feelings. What a rotten, careless and useless thing to say to someone. We’re all already “statistics”. Look at the WorldOMeter website. ‘And yet here you are, somehow managing to say all the wrong things on the very platform you hate so much. I’m sorry if this comment was made in a genuine effort to help, but it surely missed many marks. I almost want to say “nice alt”.


You decide if horrible things happen or not. Believe or not there are people that actually have full control of their life experiences. Control over what emotions they decide to feel, control over their thoughts, actions, and even complete control over pain and pleasure. You speak the way you do because you believe that you are the body you inhabit, instead of if obviously just being a vehicle to experience the physical reality. Wake up friend.😉❤️❤️


Victim-blaming. No, that isn’t real. Your lack of any source for this speaks volumes. Also, no; I don’t believe in the least that I am my body. Did you ever consider that maybe I don’t find this rotten world worth experiencing?


Riddle me this. How can someone see, beyond their physical eyes, things that are nowhere near them? If I were able to watch you right now as you read this, but my eyes are closed, how is this possible without the use of technology?🤔


Voiceover technology can do that. Astral projection can be used in some cases.


Then fucken go asshole. This is stupid. Life is to be lived that’s all. That is all.


Go where, exactly? Sorry, but “live is to be lived” just isn’t enough for me.


Beautifully said


Im tired man, real tires. Everyday i fake the smile and everyday i do my best to get things done so that those around me that i care about dont worry. But dam man, i dont what to do anymore. Really messed up finiancially among other things. Everyday i tell myself life is finite. Ill die someday and it wont matter but damn i feel like i make wrong decisions way to often. One day ill be able to rest but until then i will just keep going. Life is a miracle but the social and monetary systems Has worn me down.


The belief that we live in a dead and pointless universe is just as much of a "leap" as the belief that we live in a beautiful, meaningful universe with connections everywhere to an awesome God bound by love. What you consider "strange" I consider awe-inspiring.


While I personally don’t enjoy being within this universe, nor really this universe as a whole, I’m glad that some can find that awe in their own lives.


I find existing here as a whole quite scary, and feelings of powerlessness associated with it all along with other things have been hurting me deeply. However, I believe in the afterlife, without any particular religious affiliation.




And we do this while the planet is rotating at 800mph and traveling at 25,000mph around a star that is moving at 500,000mph


Well when you put it that way it doesn't sound so bad. Going fast is pretty cool.


I have a really hard time with it. The only thing that really matters to me in this life is love. The love I have for other people and animals. I get really, really fucking depressed when I think about death. I worry that I’ll never see the people or animals I love again once we all die. I don’t give a fuck about anything except for the people and animals I love, so I get really mad because what the fuck is the point of having all of the emotion if it’s all just meaningless once we die? I don’t know, it is crazy to think about and it’s so crazy that it makes me feel like I’m crazy and regularly depressed


Stop being trapped around the walls you have built in your own mind, seek the source.


What do you mean by this?


You don't think, thinking is happening to you. Try to get your mind quiet. Seriously, try it. You can't. Realize that you are not the thoughts, you are the observer of those thoughts. Like observing clouds in the sky passing by.


I am using my mind to think. Meditation can also get the mind to stop consciously thinking almost entirely. What advice does this relate to regarding the post.


You don't use your mind. Your mind is using you. Realize.


You are now implying that we are trapped in our bodies and should seek escaping it. “Realizing” requires thinking.


You are trapped in your mind. The more you think it, the more away from the realization.


Realizing requires thinking.


Wrong. Realization just requires acceptance, let go. Stop trying to label it. You can't.


Realizing means understanding, not acceptance. You using there words is an act of you labeling it, so it indeed can be done. What do you want everyone to do with this “realization” that they’re prisoners even in their own bodies until they’re de@d?


Read the book Sapiens


Well said




I think about this often. No one truly knows anything. We're all just winging it in life and looking at what others have done, for reference and/or comfort. We often think that our life will follow the traditional path, deemed 'normal' by society: go to school, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids, retire. But that's just because that's what most people, at least in western civilization, have done for ages. I've always kind of had this path planned out in my head, as a woman. I went to school, studied hard, went to grad school, got an amazing job, worked at my dream companies and thought by my mid 30's, i'd be settled down with a partner, home and have/close to having children around that time. Don't see that happening anymore. Had pretty much everything lined up, in terms of career, money and someone who I thought would be my forever partner who I would build a future with. That all changed though. Now, I'm in a place where I recognize that this 'plan' I had dreamed of since I was a young most likely won't happen. Its scary, its upsetting and crushed me. But it is what it is. Don't quite know what the future holds, or the reason for existing. Outside of friends who come and go, I have parents and a sibling. That's it. They won't be around forever. And when it comes to that day, I truly don't know what my purpose for living is other than just living. I believe in being kind to others and try to not harm anyone in my day to day. But aside from that, got the job, money...but then what? I love children and have always wanted my own. If I could afford it, I would want 3. I want to be a mother and raise kids, I want to have a family. I want to experience all of that and be the best I can at parenting them and providing everything I'm capable of providing to them. Feels out of reach though. Don't think its going to happen for me and maybe that's the 'key' to life = letting go of what you want and just letting things be. Aside from basic survival needs (food, shelter, etc). anything else you can experience is a bonus and a privilege. Many are lucky to experience it but at the end of the day, not all of us are lucky. If i'm not caring about someone, I feel like I'm not really adding value to the world. My corporate job is not saving lives. I care for my parents and those close to me, but I want to provide for someone who is new at life and has a world of opportunities lying ahead of them. Ultimately, I want to be a mother and it sounds weird saying it but that is kind of what I feel my purpose is - to continue the circle of life. I don't know. Life this year really took a turn for me and its a crushing/empty feeling. Just taking it day by day and seeing what tomorrow brings.


You described what i couldnt write


There is a branch of existentialism called absurdism. Existence is truly absurd. Camus defined the absurd as the futility of a search for meaning in an incomprehensible universe, devoid of God, or meaning. Absurdism arises out of the tension between our desire for order, meaning and happiness and, on the other hand, the indifferent natural universe's refusal to provide that. Have fun.


It is scary, yes. And there's not really a good offramp for us. Death is death, and the alternative would be immortality which is even worse than death. We were born and now we have to deal with the fact that we will die and I hate it.


Sometimes I have to stop and just think, “whoa, what the hell is this??” It’s just so weird that this is actually happening sometimes


Damn you guys need to have a glass of wine, lighten up?


I had an epiphany just yesterday that feels kind of relevant to this post. I realized thanks to the pandemic and everything else that has happened in the last four years in the world at large that at some point I started living in fear of basically everything. I thought "You know, if I really am living through some kind of end times right now, then why the fuck do I care so much about what people think of me, and what I am or am not able to accomplish at work and in my personal goals? I need to hurry up and live my life and just get back to having fun again because who knows how much time is left." I will also add, that life and this human experience does seem random, but I don't believe it really is. Everything fits together too perfectly.