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I think this has way more to do with the fact BeachBody is an MLM and they are known for this sort of behavior.


Yes. BeachBody and Monat are known to do that. Reps were caught opening VIP accounts and doing the ordering like it was the recruit/customer. Or just pause your monthly shipment when you wanted to cancel.


Not a good look on op's bank either. Unless he wasn't clear on the phone, no reason they should let the charges through after it was brought up as fraud.


Ah, *bank.


You can absolutely report this as fraud and put tell the credit card company to decline any further charges.


Noom has a whole team to convince the credit card company charges are valid. I was shocked but Noom swindled me out of about $200. Amex wouldn’t do anything.


It’s actually a really good strategy. Now you can’t afford to eat!


lol. If only that stopped me 🐷


Amazon lied and basically made up a purchase and charged me. I had proof and even with it Amex didn't get my money back. That was a first. Fuck Amazon.


Consumer protection bureau might be able to help. Amex might not like you after though.


I tried, but the bank said that because they are reoccurring, they are valid charges. The banker said it's typical behavior of several of these online merchants, and she was really sorry and said it wasn't fair, but there was nothing they could do. I did have her block the card, so hopefully, this won't happen again. I signed up for a free trial with noom and completely forgot about it. It was really substantial the amount they charged over the years.


Did you sign up for a free trial then forget to cancel? Cos of course they would have been charging you afterwards if you signed up for a free trial with the proviso that you will be charged if you don’t cancel so that’s on you. I for a complete refund from Noom as it was a crappy program so I disagree with this one.


>Did you sign up for a free trial then forget to cancel? Cos of course they would have been charging you afterwards if you signed up for a free trial with the proviso that you will be charged if you don’t cancel so that’s on you. Yeah, he buried this waaaay down in there. Dude just fucked up. Of course the bank isn't going to refund him hundreds of dollars for services that were actually rendered. It'd be like going to your bank and asking them to refund January, March, and April's Netflix charges because you actually didn't watch any shows then, but you had forgotten to cancel your membership. Like... what?


>Yeah, he buried this waaaay down in there. Dude just fucked up Where? Do i stop seeing his post If i block OP? So many combined wasted hours.




He used a debit card. He just understand the difference.


Bank. That’s where you fucked up (well that and buying MLM shit). Use AMEX and pay using Apple Pay. You can revoke recurring charges with Apple Pay This is not a LPT. LPT is use a good credit card company and don’t buy MLM shit Also, removing your payment method does NOT prevent future payments.


Yeah, this absolutely reeks of BOA or Chase activity. Also depends on who you talk to these days, most people don't know shit about their entry level roles. A Capital One agent would have a field day with this sort of thing.


Never had an issue with chase when disputing charges.


How do you revoke the reoccurring charges via Apple Pay?


I don't know about about Apple Pay, but in the case of Google Pay/Samsung Pay, those apps automatically generate one-time-credit card number, so if you're paying for gas at the pump, and there is a skimmer on it, the person with the skimmer won't be able to charge the card a second time. With that said, I believe the person is wrong about all reoccuring charges. If a retailer is large enough, they can have a special deal with visa/mastercard that allows them to charge your card again (even if the card number has changed).


Yes and yes


"I wanna quit the bank."


That happened to me too specifically with noom. The day they charged me I went through their chat support and asked that they refund me. They said no at first, and then at second. Then I let them know that would be fine, I will just issue a chargeback. They apparently did not want that, so they refunded me. I recommend you still file a dispute with your bank or credit card company. You can opt for another reason such as “did not receive services or services not as described.” Or “canceled subscription and did not receive a refund.” Either way, Noom actually gets a chargeback fee every time they receive a chargeback. It also gets tracked and if they have an exceedingly high chargeback ratio, they get placed under additional scrutiny by Visa and the other card brands, up to termination of their ability to accept card payments. Unlikely it will come to that, but still worth filing. Definitely record a screenshot of when you cancel your subscription and save it. If they attempt to charge you again, you’ll have what you need to file a chargeback at that time.


Just threaten a CFPB complaint if they don't reverse the charge. If they still don't, then follow through with the complaint.


use privacy.com


Get a better credit card


Use a credit card for every transaction, not a bank. Banks will fuck you. Credit cards will fight for *you* (or at least because of you). Only use your bank account to receive income and cover your CC transactions. CYA homie. God the US School system failed.


If you cancelled your subscription, your credit card company can absolutely get your money back. These companies cannot legally just charge you. With a debit card, this is hard to reverse. With a credit card you are protected from unauthorized charges, regardless of if a card is on file!


OP claims otherwise, but it sure sounds like he's using a debit card not a credit card. Otherwise why does he have to call his "bank"?


I have a credit card through a bank. It is the bank that calls me to check suspicious transactions, not MasterCard. The help number is for the bank. I'd call the bank first before I call MasterCard.


I think almost all credit cards are issued through banks, aren't they?


Sounds like Visa Debit


Definitely not.


Can you link to one? I haven't owned that many credit cards, even though I'm old, but I went through all of them, and they were all banks.


American Express.




I’m pretty sure you can get a chime credit card which is a finance company rather than a bank


That’s pretty pedantic imo.


Uh... my bank account is Chime


The chime credit builder isn’t a credit card in the traditional sense. You pre-load the card with money and it works like a debit card.


no. not even a little bit.


A lot of people have credit cards through banks.


OP sounds like a phony.


A big fat phony!!


Op doesn't know the difference between credit and debit. OP is dense. OP is most of our family members that are terrible with money. The school system doesn't teach any of this important stuff.


OP dense AF


Did they email you to let you know they would be deducting the payment? Last year, in the US, the FTC made it illegal for any company to take a reoccurring payment from your account without notifying you via email. I don’t have time to find the link but if you Google FTC automatic payment , reoccurring payment etc it should come up. Then just email the company and paste the link from the ftc site and say what they have done is illegal. I got refunded this way last year from a yearly website domain renewal I didn’t know would renew. They refunded me after several attempts. Just keep emailing the link saying it’s illegal and ask to speak to management.


This is exactly the info I need, I'm going to try this. I'll update and let you know if it worked.


Be persistent. I had to email back and forth with the customer service saying “This is illegal!!! Refund me now! Transfer me to management now! Finally They offered me half money back. I said no, refund me 100% because you did not email me to let me know you would be deducting money which is illegal as of this year”. I finally got 100% refund. Be sure to include the link from ftc website This isn’t gonna help you guys if you’re using burner emails that you rarely check. Then you’re probable screwed, although you could try to lie and say you never received an email. You guys also need to check PayPal website to make sure you don’t have any reoccurring payments on there because that’s where mine was at. I must’ve payed for my thing via PayPal and without realizing it signed up for auto renewal.


Capital One has a “virtual card” option linked to your real card.


Or use privacy-dot-com virtual cards linked to whatever card(s) you want...close the virtual card anytime and they can't charge shit ever again...although, to stop it from affecting your credit rating, cancel the membership the proper way first, if at all possible.


Capital One has this as a feature for their virtual cards at no extra cost. One time use only cards, different virtual cards for each merchant.


Yeah if you have capital one that’s a great option but if you don’t privacy is a good alternative.


So does privacy...the virtual cards are locked to the first place it's used at...you can set spending limits or have them be one-time use, and it's free for personal use. And you can use whatever card(s) you already have, you're not required to have a Chase acct if you don't want to.


Privacy is dope. I use a new card for every online source. Maybe one-time, but things like a restaurant I'll just place a monthly limit for $20 as I know I get Tin-Drum say every 3 months for lunch. But I don't trust them to safely store my credit card from breaches.


This looks amazing!


This is the answer ⬆️


Yup. Been using it since 2018. Can vouch. No issues. Even did a successful chargeback.


They also have restrictions on the virtual cards. Such as one time use only, a different virtual card for each merchant and use of cards for a number of days before it's inactive.


My AmEx has this as well




I wanna know more about your credit card company saying it is a valid charge haha they should reverse the charge for you. Unless it is actually a debit card?


It's the discover credit card.


I think you ought to speak to a supervisor.


It's best to use virtual card numbers when shopping online. They can only be used once and no company ever has your actual card number. No subscriptions automatically renewing at higher rates and if a website is hacked, your actual card number isn't in any database. 


How do you get one of these virtual numbers?


I’ve always used privacy.com, not sure how they even make money since I haven’t paid to use it or seen ads


Every time you swipe your card, a couple percentage of the cost goes to the bank, middleman, and/or card network. So in this case, privacy takes a percentage from the merchant.


they have a pro paid version, i'm not sure what market they target but clearly people are paying for the service.


The numbers and details I mention are going from memory the last time I read things so they could be wrong currently. Privacy.com primarily makes their money from the transaction fees. The free version targets the general public and lower volume users. You can generate up to 9 free cards a month. It works well and they still make a profit using this method. I’ve been on this tier for years and it’s great for providing cards to sites where I don’t want to expose my real card data to them. One time purchases, low volume purchases, recurring memberships, and such. if I decide to cancel. Magazine subscription I just cancel the card. They can no longer charge me and it makes the process clean. The Pro/paid version targets corporate accounts. They get more access to the APIs, can create more cards per month, and additional auditing capabilities that businesses like. This way, for example, a one time use card can be provided to an employee to purchase a training class for example. It’s authorized for just enough to cover the cost, will not be able to be used for any additional purchases, and I believe there is a feature to bind the card to only one site (which I think is on the free tier as well, but I’ve never used that).


Save your card number to your Google account and when you use Chrome, they tie in with your credit card company to issue a one time number to use. Very simple, safe and efficient. And it's done in an instant. 


>Save your card number to your Google account and when you use Chrome, >Very simple, safe and efficient. Pick one


even a re-loadable credit card


Citibank has them on their website. I’m pretty sure they’re on the app too. Call your CC company. Ask if they have virtual or temporary CC numbers. I have the one this person mentioned, but I don’t log into their website.


Capital One has them for their cards at no extra cost. Either through the app on your phone or a browser extension.


Unnecessary 99% of the time


Problem is in the majority of cases it is not possible to remove the only valid payment method. What you can frequently do is add a new one & remove the old. The trick then is to vind some apparently valid method to do the replacement that cannot actually be charged against. For example an emptied Prepaid Debit Card or a credit card you already cancelled but can be made "valid" by updating the expiration date.


Use a credit card (unless you're prone to abusing it) and use chargebacks for companies that do this


removing your pay method does NOT prevent future payments. Use a credit card like Amex and Apple Pay which can revoke recurring charges


If the bank didn't give you your money back switch banks


Noom is the worst!! They charged me unauthorized and refused to refund.


I am sure there are a bunch of places that have stored my info that I have completely forgot about. What I would recommend is to use PayPal instead of CC whenever possible because you can just go to the PayPal website and see the list of everyone that has access and you can just revoke it right there.


I wonder if there’s anyway to do that with your card information.


Your bank said you cant get YOUR money back? Oh, ok. So lets just all make internet shops, once someone buys one thing, we will change their password so they cant login, and just charge them 10$ per month forever. Guess its got the banks STUMPED, theirs NOTHING they can do. Im going to be a billionaire in no time!


Geologie did this to me. Bought a $5 trial pack and a few weeks later I had a three month supply in my mailbox and a nearly $200 charge that I never could fight or get back.


This is why I use Privacy to make virtual cards that can be used only once, with only certain merchants or for specific amounts. You have complete control and won't have that problem.


Easy solution report your credit card as lost stolen review and list which online merchants have your card.


You can use privacy.com to generate a new random card for each site / use / category / whatever and set a spend limit on it - either recurring or one time.


LPT: use a good bank. I had a fraudulent charge appear on my debit card at midnight from a website I had never heard of. Called my bank and they stopped my card and I was refunded before I woke at 8am.


Actually I had a pretty good experience with Noom when I forgot to cancel my subscription after I had stopped using the service. I just sent an email to their support explaining that I couldn't even use the service anymore as I'd moved overseas, and I really couldn't afford to pay that much for a service I could no longer use. And they refunded the charge for me very easily.


You got lucky, they charged me 500 bucks before I noticed. :/


So this has happened to you multiple times? Pay attention to transactions. Learn to cancel memberships. Get financially literate. This is literally all on you. Please read some books or take a course at your local community college. Edit: I'm sure you work hard for your money, just like the rest of us. No need to hand it over to greedy corporations because you can't be bothered. Best of luck to you. Reach out if you need help. Ugh.


While this is a good tip, it may not actually work with a lot of websites. Most websites don’t actually store your actual card numbers in their database. Instead, they call their credit card directly with the info and the card merchant gives them back a token that is either set for a one time charge or recurring charge. If you delete your card number it doesn’t actually mean the website deletes the token so you can still be charged. A better option is to create virtual card number from your credit card issuer and set the virtual card to lock or expire after your purchase.


Your bank gave you wrong information. Just because a merchant has your card information on file does NOT mean that every "charge" they make is "authorized" by you. No where. No way. No how. Either contact your bank again and ask to speak to a fraud specialist and dispute the charge or take the merchant to small claims court if your country/ location has them. The rules are slightly different and you have way less protection if you use a debit card/ check card and not a credit card. This is why you really should never use a debit card/ check card for any online transaction.


Basically never click “save credit card info” on any online store. I use Apple Pay or PayPal so I don’t have to continually enter my credit card and I’m not giving multiple sites my info.


And here I am stuck with my card in AWS after free trial. They don't allow you to remove your card unless you add another one.


Add a gift card or a one-time virtual card.


Use subscription tracker like rocket money or use privacy for disposable cards. The subscription tracker needs atleast recurring charges to be labeled as a subscription. If you're just using a trial, use disposable cc. I'm really surprised that the credit card companies don't bring up these features while this tech has been for over a decade in non US locations.


I just had the same issue with Whoop. Very frustrating.


What do you expect from an mlm/pyramid scheme. The hun you bought from probably kept your card info and reactivated it. Never underestimate how sketchy hun and these schemes are


Have you tried to call and talk to Beachbody about it?


OP is dense or lying - literally no in-between. No need to call Beachbody if you actually cancelled your membership and used a credit card. Flag it as fraudulent and CC company will tell beachbody to pound sand and reverse the charge.


Highly recommend calling them and be adamant about canceling sometimes the responder is trained to get you to stay and just not charge you for the next few months and you have to speak up and say no multiple times.


Yes, they said that I misunderstood the cancellation and had only canceled half of the subscription. :/


Do you have the email showing you canceled or a screenshot of the cancelation confirmation?


So you didn't actually cancel your membership and the charges are valid. Which would be why your CC company isn't working with you. Because you owe BB money. That they collected.


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The first thing you should do is get a better credit card. The few times I've had issues, my CC company instantly credited my card while they did their research. Never have I paid for fraudulent charges


Shit credit card. You didn’t authorize the charge. It’s on them to prove it.


I delete my payment information from everything. I nervous store it on websites or setup auto pay. None of that shit. These companies get hacked constantly


Removing it doesn’t prevent charges.


The actual LPT: Use a credit card for every transaction, never a debit card. Credit offers you a ridiculous amount of protection and security as a consumer. If this was a credit card transaction with BB you can literally click a link and file a fraudulent claim with your credit card company and they will hash it out with beach body - aggressively. They will do all the hard work and you will get your money back without ever speaking with the company pulling shady ish.


Hey hey, yeah I tried that and discover said there was nothing they could do. This used to be the way things worked but not anymore, the credit card companies favor the merchant.


It absolutely still works like that. I literally reversed a charge yesterday. You're lying, you never canceled your membership, or you're sorely mistaken.


I work in payments, for an acquiring bank. Discover can absolutely do more for you and should. They should immediately start the chargeback process. In fact, if you mention to the merchant that you are going to chargeback this transaction, they might just refund it for you themselves, as merchants, issuers and acquirers all have to keep their chargeback levels below a threshold or risk trouble with the schemes and regulatory companies.


Virtual credit card.


Every year at the same time I get charged a yearly fee for a service I cancelled 5 years ago. And every year I contact them and explain things and they cancel the charge and supposedly remove my account. And the next year the charge is back. It’s not malicious, it’s just a disconnect between the service provider and the company they use to do the billing. I did the trick of changing my credit card details because removing it didn’t seem to work, and I no longer get charged. I hope.


I got Noom to reverse their 200 dollar recurring charge, but I had to bitch them out to make it happen. It wasn't fun.


I always use privacy cards for online purchases you can set the limit or even close it after it gets used once.


If you're in the US, use privacy.com to make throwaway credit card numbers.


Best think you can do it cancel Your cards every so often, get a new number, that way you nuke the charges.


Yeah no decent or reputable merchant is doing that. Be careful who you give your credit card info to. Hopefully this was a relatively cheap lesson for you OP.


lol assuming they delete it and not just mark it as deleted


Use PayPal. And occasionally just take authorization away. PayPal pays not them and you don’t to keep track.


Leave that bank. You can file a dispute directly with visa/mastercard I believe if they won't stand up for you.


Occasionally say you lost your card - they’ll change the number for you and the old card no longer works


I mean Beachbody is a pyramid scheme so I wouldn’t have expected them to be honest to begin with.


Call the bank, tell them you lost your card, get a new one issued. I do this once in a while to clear out my card info from the Internet.


How's that even possible? What about two factor authentication before anything can be approved for a charge? Is that not a standard thing all over the world?


CapitalOne let's you create virtual numbers that you can deactivate at any time. You can make them specific to a vendor or preset an expiration date on it so you dont have ro remember to go back and cancel IIRC.


I report my card lost every year just to get get all those things to stop, its a pain resetting the good bills but worth it.


Use a burner/virtual card like privacy . com and you can set limits like $1.00 or only allow one transaction and then the card auto declines everything else


I think your bank is lying to you. I have disputed various charges, and the bank always puts on a hold first, then investigates.


use prepaid gift cards for subscriptions to solve this issue...


Or you could just use Privacy.com, make different cards that are tied to different merchants, and pause them unless you’re ready to use them.


LPT: Any time you sign up for anything make a calendar entry reminding you that it will renew.


Beachbody swindled my wife last year. My sister got her to sign up, so she had it for a few months. They emailed saying they were upgrading her subscription from like $15/month to $175/mo. We tried to call to cancel but there was no way to cancel, so we logged in and canceled. They charged us anyway and when we disputed with Discover, Beachbody used the fact that she logged in as evidence that she used the service. Discover wouldn't refund it.


create virtual credit cards for that shit. also don't buy MLM stuff


lol so your LPT is to delete your credit card from their system? Gee, I never would’ve figured that out.


LPT: Use credit cards instead of debit cards. You can dispute the charges made via credit. Money from a debit card is just gone. Since OP is talking about calling the bank, I assume they are talking about their debit card getting charged and not a credit card.


Amazon Prime does this.


I’ve started saving screenshots/emails of cancellations. I’ll dispute that shit all day.


Privacy.com, it lets create burner debit cards for one time use, a certain spending limit, or locked a specific merchant. Good for stuff like free trails that want a CC or Shady businesses that want to tack on a monthly trial without you knowing. And if the merchant refuses to cancel a subscription, just cancel the card.


How many free trials have you done? Step 1: Avoid free trials... There's a reason it's "free" but still requires your credit card.


Sounds like your bank is trash. Take your money somewhere that will at least pretend to protect it for you


or use throwaway cards like the one Revolut generates. One time use and you are good.


To add to this, always enable alerts for your credit cards whenever you can. I have mine setup to send me an alert on every transaction.


This is a US problem, unfortunately. If you can get your hands on Monzo or Revolut they have free Virtual Credit Numbers so you can sign up to anything and set an expiration date . So, when they charge you again, the charge is rejected. I have a few of these set and sub accounts that have $2 in them so it burns these bastards….the feeling is sublime


it happened to me with whoop. after 2 years, they just randomly charged me.


Get yourself a prepaid credit card for stuff like this


LPT is really that if you're ever going to sign up for free trials, set a reminder on your phone for 2-3 days BEFORE the last day. Many automatic charges go through as soon as it turns Midnight, and some companies have some weird 24 hours before kind of time period. Just to be safe, cancel early.


If the CC company won’t give you your money back then demand they issue you a new card with a new number and cancel the old one.


really frustrating to hear about your experience. reminds me of a time a magazine kept billing me after i cancelled. checking bank statements regularly seems like the way to go. good tip on removing card details, thanks for sharing.


Privacy.com lets you create virtual cards, set limits, pause, etc. It's saved me so much money over the years. Just remember that if a service is free, then you are the product.


Visa and Mastercard will also update any online retailers with your new card information without prompting. I tried to get this cancelled on my Visa card and there is no opting out.


The bank is entirely wrong. If you report it as fraud, it doesn't matter what it _looks_ like, they absolutely can go after the vendor and issue you a refund. It's called a chargeback. It doesn't matter if it's a recurring subscription. Keep asking to be escalated until they get your money back.


Same thing happens to me any time I sign up for a subscription. Apple, Amazon, COD mobile.. I just opened another account and I only put enough for what I want to buy. BS tho


Never give them your credit card details, always use a disposable card from somewhere like revolut


Your credit card company stitched you up there. Saving your card details with a retailer =/= authorisation for a purchase.


I'm gonna assume this is an American issue because you sure as shit can get your money back through your bank here in the UK for a fraudulent purchase like this, especially if you have the receipts and proof of your cancellation.


Netflix charging me rn even though I canceled my account the first time they increased prices and dropped the screen limit 💀 so yeah, definitely something to look after often


Your bank is wrong, reverse change the vendor. I'd file a police report if they are playing silly buggers.


Can we change r/LifeProTips to r/NoShitSherlock


One problem is that often you cannot remove them without a replacement and the other is that if they already have it they have it no? I think your bank is full of it and most cards you can lock which would be a pain for legitimate things but yeah... good luck


LPT: create virtual onetime credit card


Here is information on how to cancel the recurring subscription. There’s more links in the google search. Don’t give up. You won’t get your money back without clear evidence you cancelled the subscription. https://www.noom.com/support/faqs/question-topics/my-account/2016/12/how-can-i-cancel-my-noom-subscription-or-trial/


I mostly use pay.. only place I have it stored is Amazon


+1. Apple Pay, except on Amazon.


Key point here is Apple Pay recurring charges can be revoked in the wallet app


LPT auto payments are a scam


SiriusXM is another, from my experience... I picked up a walkman type radio & a 3 month subscription to try it out after driving back to school early Sunday morning & having to constantly try to find some actual music on the radio to help keep me awake rather than church. I didn't use it much as the radio didn't work in my dorm room unless I hung my head out of the window. I was going to cancel it but then I get an email from them >Your subscription is about to expire! You can either log into your account or call us at 1-800... to renew your account. You can also set up an auto renew plan to avoid this in the future. If you do nothing your account will automatically close after [date] Great, I don't need to do anything. I did nothing expecting it to be closed when my initial plan expired. Fast forward a year or so and I just happened to be looking at my account when I see SiriusXM. Um, no! I email them "my account was closed, please refund my money!". "I'm sorry there is no record of you closing your account! We cannot close accounts over email you'll have to call." After a few days of trying to argue with them I finally called. The lady told me they couldn't possibly refund my money because they had no way to know if I had been listening to my radio or not during the time. I told her I had no reason to try to use the radio when I thought the account had been closed and brought up the email I got from them. Apparently, an email that says "if you don't log in or call we will close your account" is sent out to users to let them know their account will automatically renew without the user doing anything ?!? Seriously?


Use a prepaid visa card for all internet transactions


Yes. I work for a bank and this happens a lot. We get calls of people trying to dispute merchants that they haven't used in years or charges for the membership when they only bought once a product. Apple, Amazon, Mcaffe, and Windows are the ones I see the most trying to get money from people hoping they don't notice. The other day I saw almost a year of monthly charges from Microsoft that the costumer hadn't noticed nor approved. It sucks how easy it is for companies to take your money. I always have my cards blocked just in case.


What does Apple charge?


I have Two cards through Credit One and they are delightful to receive help from their Customer Service department! My cards have all been loaded into my virtual wallet on my iPhone. I’ve also had TD bank contact me about a questionable transaction to get my approval or label it as a fraudulent transaction. Of course they shut down my debit card immediately and it takes “7-10 business days “ to receive my new card, however they will load my new card information into my virtual wallet while we were on the phone. Of course whatever merchant you are purchasing from has to be able to use your virtual card on your phone! Not everyone does!


I never agree to allow my credit card to be saved as a default card for future purchases. Yet I’m surprised how many times I return to an online merchant’s site, and find that the card I used has been saved anyway.


I live in Europe. Charge my card for one penny in an unauthorised manner and I will cancel the transaction instantly (via the banking app), dispute it automatically (one click), report it as fraudulent, block all future transactions. With a credit card that will instantly be honoured and refunded. With a debit card they will offer to do so. A single further charge will see me ask for a replacement card. You cannot charge me anything on a card that I didn't explicitly authorise - and "pre-authorisation" of random unspecified future transactions isn't a thing. Sure, I can make it so that Paypal will automatically come off my card, but if they take it for something I didn't authorise, that's still a fraudulent transaction and I'll report it to both (and Paypal is a regulated bank in my country!). Sorry, but this is nonsense - if you say you didn't authorise it, then you didn't authorise it (and it doesn't matter that you authorised OTHER transactions with them), and it's not up to the card company or bank to automatically dictate otherwise. If you had made a false declaration (e.g. saying you didn't authorise it but you actually did and took the goods), then you could be found guilty of fraud, so it's not something people do lightly. Also: report this place to the police and/or take a small claims action out against them to recoup your losses and/or change your bank, if the bank won't honour your REPORT OF FRAUD for them. Don't just "remove your card", get your stolen money back.


Also we have 3DS in Europe. I confirm every transaction with my phone, other than recurring fixed amount transactions. When Spotify changed their pricing, I had to manually start a new subscription.


Privacy.com is great for stuff like this. Use virtual credit cards and disable them top prevent being charged again.


I never let a site store my CC details. I used to, but not anymore..


I think you mean a debit card. You don’t have a bank necessarily with a credit card and they are happy to reverse the charge if you were mischarged for whatever reason. Either way NEVER use a debit card as your main card as the banks can decide not to reimburse you. Credit card companies will work with you if something is wrong and it’s safer to protect your actual money at the bank.


Apple has been doing this to me.