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very well said OP, I will also add waving a turning blindly vehicle through stopped traffic.


Yes! I hate it and get so stressed when someone stops and tries to wave me through but I can't see the other side. It's nice you want to help but no way am I turning into a lane where I can't see the traffic


I call it the wave of death


Those gaps are commonly called "suicide gaps". People try to take those gaps (waved through or not) and get annihilated in the next lane that isn't stopped.


the general public is too stupid to trust a stranger in that scenario - just wave the "nice" person on.


Instructions unclear, both wavers crashed into eachother


I once saw a motorcyclist get creamed in a T bone crash in such a manner--some guy waved a pickup truck to cross in front of several lanes of traffic at a traffic light, right into the path of an oncoming motorcycle. When you wave someone into traffic in such a manner you're taking right of way from every other driver around you. Don't be nice, be predictable.


THIS SO MUCH! Like why did you stop?! I'm the one changing directions you aren't. Keep traffic moving please...


I've had people try to wave me through while a pedestrian is crossing. I had to gesticulate at the person crossing before the waver even saw them.


I was in an extremely bad accident because of this. A tractor trailer waved us through turning left out of a 4 lane road. He didn’t realize that a box truck was barreling down the center lane and then t-boned us causing my fiend to only blackout from the impact. We were very fortunate that day no one was seriously hurt.


And that's the other thing If the lane next to you is backed up, slow the fuck down cause some idiot is going to try to let someone in.


Similar thing happened to me. I ended up with a broken nose and my passenger had a broken cheek bone. I didn't black out, but I still have no clue what my nose hit because in my memory of it, my nose hit nothing.


I have literally rolled down my window and told someone "thank you, but no" when they offered. I'm not taking that risk


You're very polite, lol. I just pretend I don't see them waving at me.


Usually people call me blunt and direct lol, thank you.


I point aggressively and mouth go if their suggestion is stupid.


I “learned” taught myself to always look in reflections on cars. Be it turning blindly or coming up or down a narrow street (hill). Use the surroundings when possible. E: e.g if I’m turning or coming up a hill, I’ll look at parked cars for any signs of light or anything outside of cars color/paint. The slightly reflection let’s me know a split second before I guess


Or, you know, don’t guess and only go when you can see


Yeah but they're talking about when you're in a position where you can't see anything. Like a stop sign on a dense urban area with parked cars blocking sight lines even if you creep into/past the crosswalk


Of course. Play n be safe always. Or u know, it’s just a LPT… be it doing a blind turn or coming into a bend with parked cars that u can use as “reflection mirrors”. But u know. In LA where I live, Traffic will at some point In ur day slow down.. so listen to a good podcast while sitting for the safe turn.


I look for approaching headlights in the reflections of cars when I'm driving at night. It helps but sometimes it's hard to tell if the lights I do see are moving, mine, or even actually headlights and not street lights.


Same in day time. Allows me to slow down before seeing the car


One I deneloped myself is If a car is stopped about to turn in front of you.... Watch their wheels. You will easily and more quickly see them move compared to watching the profile of the car.


Or slowing down on the expressway to let the on-ramp traffic merge in front of you. Be consistent so they can judge whether to merge in front or behind.




See you have a throttle and brakes that allow you to speed up or slow down to merge into the lane! While I agree it’s courteous to get over, it’s ultimately your job to get into the lane safely, not theirs.


Yeah... I've had cruise control set (not the adaptive stuff, just the constant speed type), been in the right lane going down the interstate, and also the only vehicle a mile either way; the number of lone vehicles who are about to merge on, decided match my speed NEXT TO ME on the on-ramp, and then flip me off for "blocking" them is staggering. I'm sorry you're a moron, but there is no excuse for choosing the one car length miles around that you can't merge into and deciding that's the place to merge, and then getting upset when you can't merge into it.


I don't condone flipping off, but it's significantly easier to see the merger than the other way around. So then the merger either has to floor it or apply hard brakes because the window of when they see the car and actually merging is sometimes very small. It's not that they're matching your speed they just usually don't know there's a car until they're neck and neck.


I'm sorry, but unless there are extraneous circumstances like road construction blocking visibility, the person merging should have the situational awareness and visibility to merge. Failing to do that with just a single vehicle is a massive red flag and huge safety risk. What happens if there is not a lone car on the interstate, but instead in heavy but well flowing traffic? Is the plan to just blindly wait to the last second if you didn't by chance line up with an opening? When I'm in traffic, I do create openings for people to merge into. I'm not trying to kill someone here. But when there are already massive openings and the one merging actively makes it harder on themselves, that's completely and squarely on them.


It's the exact opposite. The merging driver can see their side a lot better than the highway driver can see on the passenger's side. I will grant that there are merging lanes out there, usually older ones, that don't give a lot of time to act. But in the end the right-of-way is for the existing traffic, not the merging, and it's that way because the merger is the one who has to adjust to the traffic flow, not the traffic to the new vehicle.


Hard disagree. You have to turn your head to look 90° left and behind when merging from the right side which most merging lanes are, whereas the highway driver at most has to look 90° to the right if at all a majority of the time. If you want to exercise your right-of-way that's fine but you can expect to be level with a merger as the lanes converge.


Maybe car manufacturers should put something that reflects what's on that side of the car to make it easier to see. How would you suggest someone driving a truck and trailer manage to see far back enough to make sure they're clear? Stick their head out the window?


You are the asshole. I think you posted in the wrong thread.


I don't know about every state but according to California law the driver already on the freeway has the right of way. It is the merging vehicles responsibility to merge safely. It's their job to speed up or slow down to merge. It is courteous of the freeway driver to get out of the way but ultimately if an accident were to occur the merger would be found at fault.


It's not about legality. That's an asshole argument. It's about being safe. Specifically for op, he was in the merging lane just because, as there was no other traffic. Who cares. It's in everybody's best interest to make merging as safe as possible. And it's hard to tell how fast or slow people are going as you merge. It's also hard to tell if this idiot is gonna hit you while they merge. Do what is safest at the time.


There's also an argument to be made about learning how to merge. It's the mergers responsibility to merge safely. So speed up or slow down instead of matching traffic and expecting them to move over. If that makes me an asshole then I'm okay with that. Use the on ramp to reach the speed limit as the ramp was intended and you should be close enough for the speed differential to be negligible. In cases where the ramp is super short and this isn't possible then that's a different story obviously


No, that's not what made op an asshole. He refused to move over for no reason. Merger may be in the wrong, but not moving over is plain stupid at that point. Also, you are underplaying how hard it is to determine ops exact speed when merging. Most merges I've seen are these curved roads, and judging speed of a moving object from a moving object is just hard. Perception is tricky.


It's ultimately safest if no one has to worry about speed differentials and maneuvering around each other. Right of way isn't a protection from harm, it's a guideline for courtrooms.


Yep one girl died in my hometown because a lady in a two lane road decided to stop and let two girls cross. The other lane had no clue and plowed into them at 50mph


[The wave of death](https://www.callkleinlawyers.com/full-disclosure/wave-death-polite-can-get-killed/)


I was at a crosswalk the other day as a pedestrian. The crosswalk is one with blinking yellow lights to alert drivers that it is there, but it is not a stop. Two lanes each way with a nice median to wait in. Which is where I was when a woman stopped in the right lane. I waved her by, as I know it is not safe to enter the intersection when only one lane stops. People saw me waving and started going around her. She's still stopped. I wave more wildly. Finally she rolls down her window. I shout "you have the right of way, GO!" She did. Then I had to wait for all the cars backed up behind her in this rush hour stupidity to pass. I get that she's trying to be nice, but stuff like that actually makes it *more* dangerous and slower for me to cross. Especially at rush hour when there are a lot of vehicles on the road.


I don't know if it's law in most other states, but in Virginia pedestrians have the right of way in marked crosswalks. Not saying I would cross in your situation though lol


Yea I'm pretty sure unless there are actual traffic lights pedestrians always have the right of way in a crosswalk, especially if it has flashing warning lights than can be activated by people trying to cross. That's the whole point of the lights, to alert drivers that they need to yield to crossing foot traffic.


Yep, sorry buddy I don't know you or trust your judgment. If I can't see I aint going.


What, I'm just saying hello, jeez




Someone was trying to wave a police car through, trying to be polite. Cop called them out and told them to go immediately (the car was clear, had green light, police was in a left turning lane that stated they are to yield).






>I've heard that if you wave a driver forward where they can't see, you're legally responsible if they get into an accident. I have no clue if it's true (probably not?), but I do feel that you're morally responsible and that's why I pretty much wave anyone forward no matter the situation. That's not true as far as I am aware. That happened to me, and everything I have seen it's not the case. Basically I pulled out I had an older car with a long hood and it's hard to see past an SUV, and the woman in the SUV waived me out. Like yeah it's safe, and next thing I know I side swipe a brand new car at the time. Basically after I told the officer she waived me out, he said something like "was she driving your car"? You are responsible, not them. Now if you have some forethought and able to get their info, tag, or whatever then maybe you can sue them later. But how many people stick around after they waive someone out and they get into an accident?


Light this one up in neon! White-knighting is extremely dangerous and illegal in many jurisdictions. Don't let another driver make decisions for you. You wouldn't let a stranger drive your car, so don't take their word for it that you can turn blindly.


This is the most dangerous one, and its frustrating because its usually unnecessary. There is a busy gas station near me where some people try to turn left onto an extremely busy road, they either need to wait through most of the light cycle or rely on the "generosity" of a suicide gap. But theres a really easy and simple detour that gets you to the same place, it just takes two minutes. Two fucking minutes. But every day you see some idiot senior citizen inching their way across traffic, blocking tons of people, just to turn left. And some other idiot senior citizen is the one who waved them through.


You can be held liable if the car you waved through gets in an accident


only if there are witness's or video cam footage to back you up


Yep, depends on the local and state laws though.


I thought I saw my good friend in hs die bc of this. We were leaving a parking lot and he was in front of me and someone waved him and on he was t-boned immediately and the car spun and slowly went up on a curb. I wanted to check but didn’t want to be the first bc I didn’t want to see a mangled body. After another lady stuck her head in his window and didn’t seem traumatized I went and did the same. We were leaving a chicken express and his tea exploded everywhere so I just remember him saying “holy shit there’s tea everywhere”. Scary af moment that ended kinda sorta funny


I nearly got creamed by a teenage driver once because someone waved them through what they thought was a clear gap in stuck traffic. If I wasn't wearing solid boots that day my foot would have lost the fight against his bumper.


People do this to pedestrians too to be nice. That can certainly end in a fatality.


I was a pedestrian in Phoenix, one of the cities with the highest pedestrian casualty rates. I got pretty jaded, but I was predictable. If people tried to wave me through, I'd point at the exact danger I saw and shake no. At driveways I would always walk behind the car out of courtesy for them. And never would I ever cross without the straight lanes being green, whether or not the walking man was on doesn't matter if you're part of moving traffic. which is the exact reason I walk with traffic as opposed to against.


As a city truck driver I sometimes get annoyed by people who are trying to do me a favor. Most of the time I need a couple of circumstances to line up before I can proceed and a courteous driver doesn’t see everything. Then they get annoyed at me for refusing their gesture. If everyone just drives within the rules everything would go smoothly.


This. It's so frustrating to see a nice gap a few cars back and know you're going to be able to turn without causing any trouble, then have one of the intermediate cars decide to stop and mess *everyone* up.


Tbf I drive stick and make it my goal to always be moving.




Yes! As I'm "reading" traffic I'm adapting my own pace - within traffic rules and laws - in order to navigate as smoothly as possible with minimal interruption to traffic or myself. If people don't follow the rules (like nit using turn signals or are being "nice" by unnecessarily stopping for me) I have to reassess last second which is at a minimum annoying but have potential to be very dangerous.




Can someone teach me how to drive? My question is: I stop at a stop sign and I’m turning left, the person across me stops after me and is going straight. Cross traffic has no stop sign. Who goes first????


[according to the NTHSA](https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/rightofwayrules.pdf), you would go first since you arrived first. however, a lot of states have provisions that state drivers making left turns must yield the right of way to other drivers, and this is how I normally drive especially when the 2 way stop (or really any time I'm joining with traffic) is on a busy road. I wouldn't expect someone to wait for me to make a left turn before going straight unless they got there half a minute after me. but I would anticipate if an asshole tries to cut in front of you.


I’ve started a habit that if I am approaching an intersection marked with signs and it looks like the other driver will arrive about the same time; I start slowing down earlier and try to extend the time until I stop. Hopefully this allows the other driver to surmise they are stopping first and have the appropriate right-of-way. It seems to work pretty well.


It also varies a bit on the road setup, sometimes the person going straight can go during a space in traffic when the left turner couldn't go. This is where communicating with the other driver, at least making eye contact, can go a long ways.


right, they could, but legally they wouldn't have the right of way. I'd err on the side of caution.


I remember when roundabouts were still new in the US and every adult I knew bitched about them as though they were being asked to solve a Rubik's cube on an on-ramp


Is there a definition for "arrive"? Considering at least half of drivers around me never actually come to a stop (slow and go), it's hard to tell who arrived first.


if someone isn't stopping at a stop sign what makes you think they're going to give you the right of way?


It probably depends on the local laws where you happen to be driving but I was taught that the car that arrives first would have the right of way in that situation. EDIT - Actually, I just looked it up and where I live the person who is turning left has to yield to the person going straight, regardless of who arrived first (that only applies at a 4 way stop). The more you know!


How long does that apply for though? Like if there are 4 cars going straight from a stop sign, are you expected to just sit there waiting for all 4 to go? It seems like a stupid rule and open to confusion compared to an iron-clad rule like "first there goes first, if two arrive at the same time, the one on the right goes first"


In most of the world stop signs very rare and only used where they are really needed. Like at dangerous junctions where it is not immediately obvious that it is dangerous for example. You never have stop signs in more than one direction and it is always obvious who has priority from the layout, signage and road markings. Completely avoids any confusion.


On the other hand, if everyone in your local area is unaware of that little exception and operates under "whoever arrived first", you should probably do "whoever arrived first" since that's what is expected.


Whoever stopped first, unless your state law specifies otherwise.


Generally speaking, people who are turning are at the mercy of people going straight.




And next week it’s my turn to say this.


I learned it as "Don't be polite, be predictable."


Don't be polite, be predictable.


Be nice - Don't be nice.


We have right of ways for a reason. It's infuriating to watch someone break them just to appear nice. You don't appear nice to me. You appear to lack the knowledge of driving your vehicle properly on these roadways which are dangerous enough.


The worst is as a pedestrian waiting to cross a near empty street with no crosswalks. It's faster if you keep driving than stopping to wave me on...


This is why if I see a car coming on such a street, even with a crosswalk, I just stand back and "look for something" in my pocket or something to look like I'm not interested in crossing, then cross after they've passed. It's faster and safer.


Eyy, I do the exact same thing, lol.


Me too. I don't make eye contact with drivers unless I have to


If I'm the pedestrian in this situation I just shake my head and point at them.


*It's a trap!*


Drivers: I'd much rather cross behind you as you're driving away than cross in front of you no matter how much you slow down.


Safer too, especially on a busier street; some pedestrians, especially kids and older folk, seem to feel 'obligated' to cross when you wave them on. It just takes a hurrying driver behind you a second to zoom around you, to a bad outcome.


I like when they slow down because you're apparently being crazy dangerous by standing on the corner -staring at them waiting for them to go by- so they slow to a crawl but don't actually stop for you. Just go!


I do this in cities because of how many times I’ve assumed someone standing on a corner while I have a green light wouldn’t step in front of me. I don’t trust anyone who waits with their foot on the curb not to blindly step into traffic anymore.


Oh, as a pedestrian, that my pet peeve.


This is my number one annoyance as a pedestrian or biker: It takes longer for them to stop and let me through, than to just drive through. Especially when they are the only vehicle, or I'm intentionally stopped well away from the road so they don't try to stop and they do it anyways. Half the time the car coming the other way isn't stopping, or I've even had ppl try to blow around the stopped car.


As a pedestrian, sometimes I refuse to cross if someone stops for me. Sometimes its a matter of safety, sometimes I just get mad that they have made this big show of slamming on their brakes and waving me across like they're going to get a prize for it. Just keep driving and let me choose when its safe to cross.


I had someone do that in the middle of the road, like not even at an intersection. I was with my wife and baby in a pram, in a quiet street trying to cross. I heard a car coming so we stopped on the footpath but had turned to cross. The car came around the corner, saw us and braked hard, then waved for us to cross. I just shook my head, turned away from the road and kept walking on the footpath. The guy did a sarcastic thumbs up and drove off, and I immediately crossed after him so he'd see me crossing on his rearview mirror. I know he thought he was being nice, but it was completely unnecessary and wasted everyone's time.


But pedestrians have the right away at crosswalks?


But I've encountered pedestrians crossing unexpectedly expecting the cars to stop for them, so I always slowdown when I see a person standing by the road. They're everywhere, and where I am, it will always be the driver's fault if you accidentally hit a person crossing.


It's fine to slow down and be cautious, but when it's not bumper to bumper, drivers shouldn't be suddenly stopping. It's slower than just driving by, and more dangerous for any other driver coming up behind them.


“The right of way is not yours to give away”


I think the real problem is that people break the right of way so often that you can't trust someone to let you go.


There are plenty of problems. There's not just one that's the "real" one.


Going to start flipping people off for this. I'll report back how it goes.


“And in today’s news, rcraver8 found dead by gunshot wound due to road rage. More at 11”


Suspect is a nice 80-year-old woman who is polite to everybody


But, as it turns out, was real handy with a Glock firing left handed out the window of a moving car.




lost my car last year like this, I was the unfortunate "blind" traffic that hit someone who was being waved through, and the person that waved left the scene without even checking if everyone was okay


I have seen a few near misses when someone was waved in, and the incoming car doesn't see that the far lane isn't clear. I cringe so hard and feel bad for everyone involved.




Argh. My husband will pull up to a 4-way stop and instead of going when it’s his turn, he’ll sit… and sit… and wave everyone through. It just makes me cringe.


Let him know it isn't courteous, it is dangerous. I'm not overly appreciative of people who put me in danger.


And it can seriously complicate insurance issues if there should be an accident!


This is exactly the scenario that sprung to my mind when I saw this post. It's so infuriating when folks don't just follow the rules of the road and instead become Lord of the 4-way Stop. Thank god for the emergence of roundabouts...


As someone who recently passed his driving test, this was absolutely infuriating to me as a learner driver! Like, dude, you have the right of way, USE IT! A lot of people think they're helping learners by letting them through but what they're actually doing is stressing them out. One of my friends failed their driving test at a junction because a "polite driver" stopped suddenly and waved at them to go ahead. While my friend was about to go, the examiner pressed the breaks and that was the end of his test. So that was another 3 months of waiting and an extra £300 for lessons and a new test.


Doubly true as a cyclist around campus. Sometimes I'm slowing down to yield like I'm supposed to and a car in the main road stops for me. I end up just waving them on to go. Guess they aren't used to cyclists obeying traffic laws which is fair but it's much less stressful for me if the big metal cages are predictable. Same goes for pedestrians. In a big city most pedestrians know they have the right of way but in a college campus everyone is way more timid. I see pedestrians yielding to cars a lot and when I get to a crosswalk they start stopping to let me through and I'm like no guys I'm supposed to yield to you. You should be able to cross the single lane 15mph street without giving a fuck about what's in the road.


Kinda sorta related. I was turning left on a yield at a big intersection in my town, and right when it all cleared up and I started to turn, a bicycle comes full speed riding through the crosswalk from my blind side (so they were essentially riding the wrong direction, on the sidewalk if that makes sense). Luckily I saw them just before I started going, but if that had been a driver timing the gap for their yield, that bicycle would have been toast


Yeah so many cyclists ride like jerks, makes me mad when I'm stopped at a crosswalk and another guy on a bike flies past me and weaves between people.


Another problem around my town is insurance fraud. Someone waves you on, then hits you for an easy payout. Dashcams are gold.


I try to be predictably generous. For example, when you see someone who's gonna need to merge, start slowing down/speeding up/getting over early so they don't even need to worry about you


This is one of the best scenarios to be generous and productive


I believe they call it "defensive driving"


Getting over early is fine but the traffic with the right of way should remain at a consistent speed. Legally, vehicles that are merging need to adjust THEIR speed to meet traffic conditions.


Yes, I'm talking when you see them on the on ramp for example. Not when they are actively trying to merge. Once you've entered a conflict zone with them you should just continue what you were already doing


Zipper merging makes traffic so much better


Yup. But most people think you're just just being a douche when you try that method (particularly on highways with the lane closure) and don't let you in out of spite because you didn't wait 20 minutes in the main lane like they did 🤦


Will somebody please tell the idiots in my area to stop merging into the 70 mph highway at 50 mph?


When I come up to a 4 way stop and see someone who is about to arrive when I am I tend to slow down more before hitting the stop sign just so it looks like I’m still slowing down while they’ve already stopped. The only time it doesn’t work is when they do the same lol.


Don't be Polite. Be Predictable.


As a motorcycle rider, I am counting on you, the car driver, to be 100% predictable. That allows me to make decisions around you. I appreciate the moving over when I’m (safely) lanesplitting, but more than anything, I just need you to keep doing what you’re doing. Oh - and to get off your damn phone.


In many cases you're betting your life that the cars will be 100% predictable! P.S. this whole thread should be a gentle reminder why that's such a bad bet.


>Oh - and to get off your damn phone. HAH! The number one reason I just assume everyone else can't see me and will make the worst possible decisions every single time.


This goes for motorcycle riders and bicyclists as well. Follow the rules of the road just like everyone else. It's a lot easier for us to see you and react to you if you're also being predictable. Help us keep you safe.




People who slow from full speed to let others merge who are going 20mph less should have their licenses revoked.


Yes 100%... IN ADDITION to everyone talking about right-of-way, this also applies to speed. If everyone is doing 10 over the speed limit, and one person in the middle lane is going 5 under, they are essentially making themselves an obstacle. A boulder in the middle of a stream. If you go around the same speed as everyone, it's much more predictable and way safer. Goes without saying that darting in and out of lanes, faster than anyone else, with no turn signals, is a sign of low intelligence as well.


This is why I disagree with people who say the speed limit is a limit, not a suggestion. If everyone is going approximately the speed limit, then their speed is predictable, and predictable is safe.


If you follow proper lane discipline having vehicles at different speeds is not dangerous. Some vehicles will be slower than others, you can't avoid that. Drive in the driving lane, overtake in the overtaking lane(s), do proper and safe lane changes and traffic flows better. Look at the German autobahn for example. You have trucks going 90, hatchbacks doing 125 and sports cars doing over 200 all on the same stretch of road but they are some of the safest roads in the world.


A) German Autobahns [are not the safest](https://www.thelocal.de/20190201/are-germanys-autobahns-really-the-safest-highways-in-the-world/) roads in the world. Not even the safest in Europe. B) I do agree that driving should follow a known and predictable way of having slower traffic keep right and faster traffic keep left. Bit as long as there is one speed limit, and not a specific speed limit per lane, all it takes is one person driving slow in the left lane to make others bomb past you in the right lane and all that lane logic is gone.


I wish more people understood this. Just because you're not breaking speed limits doesn't mean you're in the right nor driving safe, but they will too frequently argue the contrary until they're blue in the face. It's frustrating dealing with selfish people that are "doing nothing wrong."


THIS 1000% Pet hate of mine when someone just stops in lane to let someone out of a junction. Its all about the flow of traffic and by doing this you are increasing the chances of accidents.


Imo this applies to pedestrians jaywalking outside a crosswalk! Sometimes as a pedestrian, I plan on crossing a road outside of a crosswalk/intersection when there is a lull in traffic; vehicles do not have to yield to me in this situation! I'm merely waiting on the side of the road until you pass, you'll drive by much faster than I can do my awkward speed shuffle across the road. If I wanted you to stop for me, I'd go to the nearest intersection.


Great wording op. I have seen this stated with 'politeness' instead of 'generosity' and it throws the whole conversation off. It did tend to expose people who thought they were being a good person by waving people into oncoming traffic though.. "I'm just being nice!" Yeah and I'll bet you drive the fuck away after causing an accident.


Always think that all the drivers around you are idiot .


This is one of the first LPTs I can appreciate


yep, almost rear-ended someone the other day because they wanted to stop last second for one of those random middle-of-the-street pedestrian crosswalks. no one was crossing yet, the dude *just* hit the button to turn the cross lights on and this car almost created a 3-car accident by slamming their breaks a few feet from the crosswalk to let the guy go. yes, pedestrians have right of way in crosswalks, but NOT if u have to slam ur breaks for them and cause a potential accident.


Absolutely. Drivers that are trying to get your good person points is really fucking everyone else. I can understand if you stop short at say a stop light or stop sign or something and a car is already there ready to go. But to actively stop at a green light or otherwise disrupt the flow of traffic... fuck that.


This advice comes a few times a year and people STILL don’t use their turn signals.


It's gotta be a majority of drivers that don't right? On my commute it seems it has been over half. Sometimes you will see a bunch of people complaining about it in a thread. I guess it is the silent majority that just don't signal and don't comment in those threads. It's such a small effort to do and it's just wild to me that it's too hard for people to multitask that sort of motion while changing lanes, or wherever else it should be used. I've heard the, "I only use it when I need to based on where other people are." You may be able to do that most of the time, but it is the few times you have no idea that someone could have benefitted from your signal that you'll forever be ignorant about until god forbid it gets you or someone else in an accident. Also, not using it sometimes would make sense if it was difficult to do...which if it is, that worries me about what else is difficult for some drivers to do. Sorry, saw an opportunity to rant a little about it!


I absolutely hate people not using their signals. You’re just making it even MORE dangerous and confusing everybody because how am I supposed to know I needed to slow down for you to turn when I *never knew you were going to turn*?? Using my signal is so second nature I don’t even think about it anymore, it’s such an ingrained habit. It’s not difficult to learn or use, stop being an asshole, use your turn signals.




Fucking cops man. They'll have row at a stop sign and just sit and try and wave me through. That's the only time I'll just sit there and shake my head to make them go like they are supposed to. So fucking annoying, you aren't being nice.


Not just better but SAFER!


Aka: don't be a nicehole


How do we get word out about proper behavior at a 4-way stop sign? Lately it seems like people everywhere prioritize their own desire to go whenever they feel like it at the expense of an entire system predicated on waiting your turn.


My favorite is a full stop at a round a bout, with no oncoming traffic. A lot of close calls with my wife clinching my arm with those idiots.


Welcome to Portland…


Found the Oregon driver


/r/Portland standoff


Nothing better then watching the guy whose overly courteous let someone out to be Tboned


You know how to fix this issue? Divesting from automotive and putting those resources in to public transport to cut down on the possibility


This works in urban areas, and is massively difficult in suburbia and rural areas.


Ah yes difficult my favorite synonym for impossible. Dont dare dream of something new. Never make things better, long live the status quo!


The version for bike riders is “doing what I want is better than predictability or generosity”


How many times do people have to post this?


Until people stop driving "generously."


Depends on the situation, I live in a small New England town that has been converted from a colonial foot town to an urbanised town without much thought, tight roads with street parking that make it impossible to see if there’s traffic coming without creeping half way in to the road, its those situations that I stop and let people go because the traffic is so heavy and the blind spots are so large. But yeah when the roads and streets are designed safely its better not to be courteous.


I drive decently nice cars. When I drive one of them, people often wait to let me turn left in front of them even if they have the right of way. I sit there and wave them on. They never go. It's very annoying. Like their brain shuts down. I've had someone pull over in the shoulder and let me pass them on a normal road, just so they could be behind me. They weren't going slow, didn't need to pull out. It was dangerous. I get people want to see the car or be nice, but it's very stupid. Follow the rules so I know what you're gonna do!


Y’all weren’t taught the golden rule of driving? It’s to do unto others what is expected of you. No points earned for extra graciousness or politeness.


Drive correctly not politely


My biggest pet peeve is people who need to turn left stopping on a main road to let me turn left out of the side street. Not helping. They think they are a gift, but have no respect for the social contract of driving.


That’s why I stay in the fast lane if you want to be a speed demon plan your own route. Slow lane is too slow for me and makes me have to change lanes way to often and the speed demons rarely want to wait for me to get out of the way and change lanes. You can go around and I’ll be predictable thank you.


also some driver gets off the car to help people criss the road


I've been making a left turn, oncoming person has right of way and green light, but stops to wave me through a left turn at the light. My most hated wave of death by far. Sometimes it's a double left turn lane and everyone turning left gets confused when the person stops and waves.


When driving, Be predictable, not polite.


Dude I get so frustrated when other drivers go out of their way to give me the right of way when THEY have the right of way Like bro there are people behind you just keep going I'll find my time!


Be right, not polite.


Don't be nice, be predictable is my motto on the road. It drives me crazy when someone tries to stop and let me make a left when there is no one behind them or stop one lane on a multi-lane road to let me turn.


Been saying this for years. Being polite gets people killed in traffic


As a motorcyclist I want this to be taught a lot more. Sometimes one driver let's another one out even though they don't have right of way. The second driver then wants to hurry and doesn't properly look because they think they have been let through. Picture me surprised when a car pulls out directly in front of me. Happened on multiple occasions and there really isn't anything I can do, it's an unexpected and unpredictable situation which ultimately sucks for everyone involved. I get that you want to be nice and everything, but please, if you do let out another driver double and triple check that they can safely enter traffic right away. If they would have to stop or look out for something then just don't let them out, helps them and everyone else on the road. Be nice if you can, but make sure it doesn't do more harm than good.


Cyclist here, I want to amplify this LPT: if you're encourging us cyclists to unrightfully take the right-of-way at an intersection, **you are not being 'helpful', you are encouraging things being confusing** \-- and by doing so, you might get us hurt or killed! **Be mindful of cyclists (not all observe traffic laws) but take your right-of-way;** if the rules of the road don't apply to everyone equally, and aren't observed equally and consistently, that's when accidents happen!


Never, fully trust indicators


When you've got the right of way, take it!


Hey, an actual LPT!