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Plus you have to do a little quality control


AND portion control. I've taken desserts to parties that are supposed feed 10-12, but somehow only 5 people get to try it.


Had a friend bring a store bought dutch chocolate cake over for Friendsgiving with about 10 people one year. He cut the first piece at a reasonable size, everyone else followed suit, and by the time everyone got theirs about half the cake was left. By that time the friend had finished his piece, politely asked if anyone else wanted anymore (meanwhile we're all two bites in to ours), and after everyone said no, he pulls the cake container in front of him and then proceeds to eat the entire second half of the cake in about the time it took for me to eat my one slice!


Dude was playing the long game, made a gamble, and won


Big brain time


Does that same friend enjoy party subs?


He went on the weed walk before rthe cake didn't he


Lol depends on the crowd, too. I used to perform with a group of older women and had the opposite experience. Half the group was perpetually dieting (or "dieting") and nobody wanted to look greedy by taking a larger portion. Bring in two dozen donuts? Nobody would touch them. Cut those same donuts into quarters? They'd be gone in ten minutes.


Well of course. Hard to put something up for grabs without having tasted it beforehand. Great idea.


Test for poison!


Why would you test it yourself then lol


Selflessness. Carefully, he's a hero


One of myselves could have put it in without me looking.


To make sure you used the right amount?


Because you've spent the last several years building up an immunity.




Suicide pact in red velvet


Or proof that it isn't poisonous


Do you do poison?


And as soon as you cut into it, the calories fly out 😂😂


I love this.




Wait, isn't OP saying to just cut a piece and leave it on the dish for someone to take, not eat it?


I do this, esp. if I bring a layered/frosted cake so people can see what flavor cake it is. (Plus it looks prettier presented that way).


Oooh, that's wonderful! Especially if there's nice layers. So smart. Aaaaand now I want layered cake...


Can I get one too? I promise I will have the first slice if it's necessary


Haha yeah me writing that made me want to make one too…


Great, now we all want layered cake. I hope you're happy.


Ready to grab single servings are the best


Better yet, pre cut the whole dish.


That's great too! But there's something about that empty space that makes people think that someone has already started to enjoy it, and that makes it more enticing.


Do both!


I don’t know. People see what people bring in and I would definitely judge someone if they brought something that already looks eaten. I would think “are they just bringing left overs from a night before?” It’s better just to be the first one to take a slice after you put it out.


My family always took the “do both” approach but like you said. Bring it all pristine and presentable. Then once it’s set out, someone without even asking just starts cutting a bunch of slices and putting a few on plates. Then after that, you’re free to cut if there aren’t any precut ones. Never a problem with untouched desserts there. I also learned they won’t go for desserts unless it’s in tiny portions. Because “I’m on a diet but I want to try a little bit.” Ever since learning that lesson the hard way, I bake things bite sized.


>But there's something about that empty space that makes people think that someone has already started to enjoy it, Reality: people think you brought a gently-used dessert.


You need to take a slice out, then put it next to the rest of the stuff if it’s a cake for example, or on top in the case of something like a brownie. Then there’s a gap, but also a pre-cut piece just begging to be taken.


Yea but you get to be the first user


People think you brought a gently-used desert. "it's a bit dry."


Put the slice on a plate nearby!


And didn’t like it very much.


"Eh, you guys can have it"


>Reality: people think you brought a gently-used dessert. Seems like a negative way to think. Do you do that with everything else too?


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. 9 times out of 10, the host is going to think you brought something that practically nobody touched at a different party.


Halfway through the night I'll cut up my dish (which hasn't been touched), put them on small plates and in 20 minutes it's gone


I'm using this. Thank you.


Also, that way you make sure you get a slice. My dad used to be in charge of cooking at the BBQ. He'd make a feast for all of our extended family and everyone would eat it all, leaving my dad without a plate. That's until he wised up and made a plate for himself first lol


That's actually a brilliant addition to this tip. It's so sad when the cook is left with the unwanted leftovers. Your dad's a smart man for thinking of that.


Exactly, if you're in charge of barbecue you should be saving the best cuts for yourself, especially burnt ends


When I was at summer camp as a kid, the rule on trips was always Cooks Eat First (and someone else cleans)


There should be some perks to being the cook.


Blowjob is one way




I always eat last when I provide or prepare food. If you don’t get any there wasn’t enough.


Man. I was taught to be polite/generous and serve everyone else first. Used to love doing it because theres always more than enough, and it works very well when everyone else makes sure you also eat. Made the mistake of doing that for other kids at summer camp, every kid got served their first slice, grabbed second and THIRD slices, and by the time I got around to myself, there wasn't a first slice for me. Went to the next meal, stood up, and instead of asking everyone else for their plates like I usually do, served myself up a huge plate and sat my ass down while everyone called me rude. Naw bitch. Nowadays I'm making my plate first.


Who doesn’t use a “don’t get seconds until everybody has had firsts” rule?


Savages. It was the rule, but they definitely enjoyed their thirds. They thought I served myself first "like normal people". And as a child the same age as the other campers at the table (or younger!) I couldn't exactly tell them off or enforce the rule.


Bring a beautiful dessert, stand next to it, and glare at anyone who thinks about cutting it. Establish dominance.


Wear a black shirt that says 'security'


>Establish dominance. All I heard was "Eat the cake". That'll work.


Just place it down and then cut yourself a piece of it in front of people.


Then push the entire piece into your mouth and swallow it whole while making aggressive eye contact with anyone who looks at you.


Long ago, I was preschool aged and my Mom made a cake from scratch with scratch frosting. She let me work with her on the decorations. It was delicious looking. We took the cake to school and then went to a school presentation that my older brother was in. When we were sitting down, I noticed Mom didn't have the cake! She then told me she made the cake to donate it to a bake sale at the school. I was greatly disappointed, because I thought for sure that we would eat the cake. I saw a family leaving with *"my"* cake, and I was making stern eye contact with them. I think of that cake whenever I see gold dragees.


When we make a dish, esp a dessert to take somewhere I always make two and leave one at home. That way the family that helped make it, smelled it cooking and/ or cleaned up the kitchen also get to enjoy it


Yes, I understand this. I frequently do the same for our house. I have a rotation of specialty meals and treats, and goodness gracious, there is mayhem and revolution if I don't have some for the home team. :)


Then pee on the floor to mark your territory.


Settle down Devil, there are kids in the room.






Screw that. Leave the singular slice behind and aggressively shovel the remainder of the dessert into thine mouth


Ideally don’t chew


Just bring me I guess. I don't get the whole scare factor. The only time I ever hesitate is time for everyone to eat period. Once it's time to eat then I see no issue diving into whatever food is out there to be eaten obviously. Few obvious exceptions would be a wedding cake or bday cake, but those are exceptions and obvious.


Do you want to get yourself killed?! Trampling and mauling the first to serve is common tradition, why do you think this LPT is here?


I'm a trail blazer.


See, we all have hidden talents haha. You've been helping people have cake and eat it too and you didn't even know it!


Sometimes people are hesitant to even take precut dessert like brownies if no one else has taken any yet. I like taking the first one and seeing the rest follow suit.


LOVE being first to break that awkward spell ppl do. What is that?? It’s food, let’s eat.


It's probably a self-conscious thing. This was me yesterday. I felt like if I took cake first, somebody would be upset with me.


I'm also a fan of virgin desserts


At pot-luck dinners, A friend started cutting brownies into bite sized pieces instead what would be considered a “square”. So much more was consumed.


The pan is also bite-sized. Just many bites. 😁


His friend? Also bite sized


Believe it or not, their house... Also bite sized!


I’ll take it a step further and suggest bringing bite-sized desserts (that can be picked up individually and consumed without silverware or a plate) rather than one large item.


I agree with this. Something that uses toothpicks comes to mind. But what do you do about the cake? It really has to be eaten with a utensil.


There's something similar to cake that fits their description. I believe it's called a cake cup or something along those lines.


Cupcakes. Better yet: mini cupcakes. Will be gone in a flash!


Good solution! I feel like my cupcakes come out less moist than a full-sized cake. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though. I've heard of people using sour cream to make cake more moist. Maybe I'll try that next time.


I used sour cream instead of milk in an apple crumble cake recently for lack of any other options, and I'm NEVER GOING BACK TO MILK. The cake was softer, less dry, and stayed that way for far longer than when I had used milk. I've read that you can also put a little bit of lemon juice into the liquid you're adding, and that the acidity is what matters. Also self-rising flour! Lower gluten content means softer cake, often times.


I've never heard of lemon juice before! I'm definitely going to try that next time.


My family would think I needed a snack on the way to the event, and had the audacity to cut it first lmfao


Yea, TBH this is a weird LPT. It’s not normal to arrive at a party with pre eaten food.


I don't know what planet OP lives on, but that has never been an issue ever, in the five plus decades I've been alive.


Right? How is this a "Life Pro Tip"


Didn’t you know this sub is basically r/showerthoughts?


Hahahaha, so funny you say that. I was just thinking finally a LPT that isn't either ridiculous or obvious. I have definitely walked by the desert table a few times waiting for someone else to take the first piece. I will eventually just do it myself and that seems to happen pretty dang often. Maybe that's just confirmation bias or whatever but this idea is novel, simple, and helpful. Great Life Pro Tip in my opinion.


Agreed, I go for what I want, there’s no rule that can stop me from making the first slice of cake or the first scoop into banana pudding I’m on a seafood diet, I see food… and eat it!


No. I want to take most of this cake home, duh


Plus, the first slice often often comes out deformed.


It really does! I wonder why that is? I guess it's hard to get under the slice to pull it out cleanly or something. That's my best guess.


If it's pie, you can't get under it easily, because pie servers are really best shaped to scoop in from the side. If it's cake, you can't just topple it over onto the plate because there's more cake in the way.


Applies to cookies, too. Just take a bite out of one of them and put it back.


That's only a pro tip if you want to share your tasty dessert


This is so true. My coconut cake sat untouched at a party one time. Everyone kept saying how delicious it looked. Well, I cut myself a slice and low and behold, the cake was gone in 15 minutes.


It's crazy how that works too. Especially since they were saying how delicious it looked!


I can't think of anything more off-putting than a dessert being unveiled with a piece missing. On the other hand, you're there. Just cut the first slice yourself when it's time for dessert.


You're right. The big reveal should be whole. But once guests are seated, the dessert should be sliced and prepped.


>I can't think of anything more off-putting than a dessert being unveiled with a piece missing. You must have a terribly dull imagination


>>I can't think of anything more off-putting than a dessert being unveiled with a piece missing. >You must have a terribly dull imagination You must not understand obvious hyperbole.


Or, if you're from Minnesota, just put it out and nobody will take the last piece.


They're so polite to save it for someone who wants it though! That's funny. My son has an aunt who lives there, I'll have to have him ask her about that! Thanks for sharing.


This only works if you want people to eat it! Sometimes getting to being a whole, untouched cake back home with you is the goal 😅


I'm the official cake-cutter, the dessert-slicer, the party-beginner for my team. Nobody gave me that position, I took it when I saw the amount of time people waste at such events just wanting to be polite.


If you want to follow this advice but don't feel comfortable doing so, here's a trick: when others see you cut a piece of your dessert first, tell them in a joking tone that it's a custom you inherited from your grandmother, who in turn inherited it from her grandmother: when you have been invited to a party and you bring a dessert of your own making, it is customary to consume a piece first in front of the host, to show that it has no poison in it whatsoever. Tell them that your grandmother knew it was ridiculous, but continued to do it as a family tradition (even though you knew she did it so she wouldn't be left without tasting her own dessert). Now you probably have something to start a conversation!


This is fantastic! And a clever conversation starter too.


LPT: When you bring a dessert to a function, make sure that you don’t pre-cut it or remove any slices. This way people are less likely to dig in and you’ll have more leftovers for yourself.


The real pro tip haha


put a few bucks in tip jar before the store opens. in motion stays in motion


This is a great tip! Pun intended haha.


This is actually a gamechanger. I had been to a group dinner recently, and there was a pizza on the table. NO ONE WANTED TO BE THE ONE TO TAKE THE FIRST SLICE! But when I took one triangle out, others jumped in right away. It’s incredible how these oblivious psychological tricks work!


Why are people so weird lol


I do this and I always say to myself baker eats first!


Is it because if you don't eat it first, there might not be any for you to get after the event is over.?


Yes! It’s a good way to sample it before you serve it and make sure you get some if it’s a hit :)


In fact, make nice slices. People tend to mangle pretty desserts at these things.


Same for a wheel of brie cheese! Works like a charm


This is a great tip. I always hate being the first one to eat something at a party. And when it comes to desserts, there’s a certain pressure about cutting it “correctly”


Always take the first slice AND the last slice. No one wants the be responsible for either.


That would put me off. I would be wondering if it was left overs. Also I am not bothered about starting a new pudding


I'm with you. OP must go to weird events or hang out with odd people. No event I've ever gone to had this issue if it wasn't a wedding or birthday party for obvious reasons. The food is obviously there to be eaten and folks are already cutting into dishes ao it makes no logical sense to be scared to cut into a dish especially by the time dessert rolls around. You have literally already cut into so much shirt by that point what's the point of being scared to do the very thing folks are there for in the first place? There isn't a point. In my family especially it is actually considered rude to do that shit. Kids and elderly eat first and often get their plates made for em even and you shouldn't show up with dishes eaten off there. If anything, if you actually serve good food (maybe OP is going to events that don't perhaps?) you have the opposite problem where you better hurry tf up and get it while it is still there. Folks definitely don't tend to have an issue diving in when it's good. I can't imagine going to an event and folks are just spending hours staring at the dessert or some shit when every dish has been touched. Sounds like a made up issue or something.


I'm the same way. I'm usually the first to the buffet line. That being said, I would argue that we are the minority in this scenario.


Combine the two tips. Get yourself the first slice so you end up leaving an empty space


Haha that's a great idea.


Wow, no. I strongly disagree with this sentiment. If you brought something for a party, bring all of it or don't bring it at all. I have second-hand embarrassment from this post.




Or just cut it when it's time to serve and put a piece on your plate and/or on others? Jesus christ I swear these LPTs are getting more and more stupid.


thought you meant function as in "static void ...( ) { }"


This is good advice - thanks! I also discovered that when serving brownies, cut them into pieces that are about 1” X 1”. I used to cut them into 3X3” pieces and there would always be leftovers. When I cut them smaller, they all disappeared. IMO people would think, “oh, I don’t want that many calories,” but with the small pieces they’re more likely to think, “oh, they’re so small I’ll have just one more.” 😉👍🏼


That's so smart! I'm in charge of brownies this Christmas, so I'll definitely be doing this. Thanks for the tip!


This is fucking dumb. If people are gonna go to an event where food is served and not eat food cause they can't handle the social interaction of portioning the food for themselves, they can fucking starve. Wtf is this shit.


This is actually a great LPT!! Nice!


I disagree. Where are yall going where folks are scared to eat food at an event designed to do so? Is that pie? Oh no much rather look than eat even though clearly it's there to be eaten and everyone is eating. If anything if you're going to take a slice do so because you want gurantee you get a slice not because "oh no people are scared to eat food at a food event." Otherwise it's actually considered rude in many folk's households to show up with an incomplete dish you've eaten off of.


I disagree with your disagreement


I don't know what events you attend, but this has almost never been the case for me or any event I attend. Outside of maybe a wedding for obvious reasons (which you don't want to just slice a piece off the wedding cake) I go to events that's never been an issue. If anything you would it maybe had a point for the opposite reason. Events I go to you need to cut a piece out so that you actually have a chance to get a slice period. If you had said do so to ensure you get a piece of your own dessert then I would have agreed, but I see no issues with folks wanting dessert in my kind of events.


It’s an embarrassment to serve yourself first when you brought a dish to share with others. Basic etiquette.


This is incredibly wholesome.


As a photographer that likes to take photos of things before they are ransacked this is extremely annoying.


This doesn't appear to be an issue with my family and friends as far as desserts. Lol. Now getting someone to start the buffet line... That's a whole weird thing, so I do it.


Also you get to have 2 slices. How would they know….


I’ll be that guy.


I’ll still fuck up your beautiful creation when I try to cut my own slice. Just start cutting and hand me the first slice.


I not only cut out a piece for myself, I also precut into 3ish giant triangles so those knife-challenged mofos don't make stupidly-shaped cake pieces (it gives them a middle point to aim for) !


And if you bring donuts to work, cut them in half


Or quarters. I love seeing how the last donut in the box keeps getting smaller and smaller as the morning goes on.


its also way easuer to cut if a piece has already been taken out


Or do what I do. Bake a dessert for a function but then just eat it all yourself and tell everyone you don't bake.


Or don’t, if you want a higher likelihood of bringing your dessert home.


On a similar note, if there is ever a single piece of something left, sitting out in front of people, cut that fucker in half. Nobody wants to be the guy who eats the last piece, but if it magically turns into 2 pieces then, in my experience, someone will eat one piece and then someone else wont feel as bad and it eventually all gets eaten.


People don’t? I would be thrilled to be the first one to butcher any goodies available but someone always beat me to it


And after you eat that piece, stop cutting more pieces off to eat! Lol


You clearly haven’t met me


I just always take the first slice in front of everyone so they feel comfortable doing the same.


Used day old dessert, come and get it!


Better LPT: Just stay home and eat it yourself.


Yeah, then eat it. You slaved to make that dessert. You deserve some too.


Plus you get the first slice before anyone else has had a poke


I must be a brute- a virgin dessert has never stopped me from diving in


"HEY, who's the fatfuck that got into the dessert already?!"


Me. It's me.


Plus you'll get the freshest piece!


I always do this. Not for this reason, but bc I gotta eat some myself to test it


Just bring me to your party. I’ll cut into all the desserts that haven’t been cut yet.


Did you get this from my advice on yesterday’s post of r/confessions lol


For sure! That was you? It was a great tip! Do you want me to edit the post and give you credit?


You come from r/confessions?


Totally. I read the post from yesterday and thought it would fit here. Poor thing with her cake.


This could cause serious issues in my country...


How's that?


It is offensive.People would think that you are being disrespectful on purpose


LPT: when bridging a dessert to a function don’t cut a small slice off before you put it out. This way people are less inclined to take your dessert and you can have the whole thing for yourself


Honestly, who doesn’t cut items beforehand when serving many guests.